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Legacy of the Valkyrie

Page 24

by Archibald Bradford

  “Get to cover, all of you! And wrap your faces!” She barked.

  She spent the next several hours propping the wagon up in the face of the storm while the rest of them huddled in the leeward side of it. They had soaked rags from their canteens and covered their mouths with them to keep the dust out of their lungs while they endured the desert’s wrath.

  But Nina was the mountain, and she scoffed at the weakness of the desert.

  They all heard her more than once, taunting the storm that had engulfed them even as the wind howled.

  “Go eat a dick! I’ve punched avalanches into submission you dusty bitch! You think a little sand in my ass-crack is gunna slow me down?”

  The desert, perhaps sensing that it could never conquer the tiny mountain, gave up in the early afternoon and they spent an exhausting hour salvaging what they could from their scattered supplies before they retreated under shade to rest again.

  They were all bleary eyed by nightfall but set out as the moon rose; the coolness of the air once more causing them to put on extra layers.

  As they walked ever deeper into the endless dunes, Nameless sidled up to Nina and reached out absently to take her hand; she turned to him but said nothing.

  “Thank you, for always protecting us.” He whispered finally, leaning down slightly.

  “No big.” She sniffed.

  “I love you.”

  She blushed in the moonlight, heat at her center. Erica smiled privately, her ears tilted towards them.

  “I love you too.” Nina murmured, looking at her feet.

  Nameless smiled and squeezed her hand.

  “What was your home like? I saw it a bit in your mind, but it was hazy. You lived in a mountain right?”

  “Yeah, I had a nice big cavern, lots of echoes.” She gave him a curious look; “Why?”

  “I want to get to know you better. Sometimes it feels like we’ve been together for years, but it’s really only been a few weeks. And even after the nights we’ve spent together, I realized that what I don’t know about you far outweighs what I do.”

  “I suppose.”

  “You said you wanted a forge right?”

  “Yeah, I miss making things other than corpses with my hands.”

  He grimaced slightly at the memory of her killing the men who assaulted him and Ophelia. Then spoke with some hesitation, afraid she was going to call him an idiot again.

  “Could we maybe build one? At the cottage I mean.”

  She stopped walking and turned to him, eyes wide.

  “You’re not just saying that ‘cause I keep sucking you off are you?”

  “What!? No! Of course not!”

  “Because I’ll suck your dick every day and every night if you give me a forge again.”

  “That’s not what I- Nina!” He was blushing as he tried to regain his composure.

  Erica stifled a laugh.

  “Oh! You could bend me over my anvil!”

  Nina’s eyes drifted into the distance as her imagination got the better of her.


  Erica’s laughed out loud, unable to hold it in.

  “What’s so funny?” Milly asked.

  “Master is going to build Nina a forge. She’s happy about it.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” The Minotaur said with a wan smile.

  Nina’s fantasy ended and she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him down for a deep kiss.

  “Once we get out of this desert I am going to break you, tiny man.”

  Her heated promise made his knees shake a bit. Before he could stammer out a response though, their conversation was abruptly cut short as the ground around his feet exploded upwards and he was blinded by the spray of sand as he felt himself wrenched high in the air.

  “MASTER!!” The others screamed.

  The other girls watched in horror as a giant serpentine form swallowed him whole before diving back below the sand.


  When he came to his senses the first thing Nameless noticed was that he was naked save for his bracer. Naked and very wet. The next was a dull whooshing roar that seemed to be coming from all around him.

  He was in some sort of fleshy cave, illuminated by a soft pinkish light that emanated from everywhere at once.

  A woman’s voice was humming happily from nearby. He groaned and tried to sit up on the strange fleshy floor, his eyes adjusting to the odd coloured light.

  “Oh! You’re awake! I’m so glad! I thought you might have hit your head when I introduced myself!” Her feminine form drifted near him and spoke over the strange rustling noise.

  He was having trouble getting upright, and he realized that the entire room was shifting about as she talked with him, his stomach roiled a bit at the constant motion.

  “Sorry! Let me stop moving and then we can get to know each other!”

  A few seconds later the room was still, the strange roar had stopped, and Nameless was able to take a good look at his captor.

  Her hair was shockingly pink, long and slick with moisture. She was as naked as he was, her perky breasts coated in some sort of thick slimy substance. Her skin was whitish pink and his eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw that her lower body terminated in a large fleshy mass that disappeared into the darkness behind her.

  She hovered nearer, licking her lips as he tried to slide backwards on the moist floor.

  “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. I’m going to take care of you!”

  “N-no thank you!”

  “Aw…” She pouted; “Don’t be like that! We can do so many things together, you’ll love it...”

  Her eyes focused on him as she stuck out her tongue and ran it up his ankle as the floor flexed upwards, moving him closer to her.

  “Please stop that!”

  She shuddered in ecstasy at the taste of him.

  “Mmm… sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m Jubby, what’s your name?”


  “Really? That’s so sad! Well I’m going to call you cutie!”

  She licked his leg again, this time not stopping as she drew her tongue from his ankle all the way up to his groin.

  His hands shot down to cover himself.

  “Stop that! And where are we?”

  She giggled at his shyness.

  “Sweet cutie, you’re inside me of course!”

  His jaw dropped as she drew her length against him, her naked flesh coming fully in contact with his torso.

  Her pink eyes were hooded with desire as she gazed into his.

  “Wh-where are my friends?”

  “Mmm…” She licked his chest; “What friends cutie?”

  He flinched as she planted a sucking kiss on his nipple.

  “Th-the ones I was travelling with!”

  “Oh! I don’t know… I heard you talking through the sand and knew that I just had to meet you. I didn’t really pay much attention to anybody else…”

  Clearly the girl was hot for him, but Nameless wouldn’t be deterred.

  “Please, let me go, they must be so worried about me!”

  Her lower lip jutted out in a pout.

  “I’m worried too you know? You’ve been inside me for a while and you haven’t even cum once!”

  “I can’t!”

  “Sure you can, I’ll help.”

  The feel of her naked flesh against his was unbelievable; the viscous fluid that coated them had a very mild, sweet taste to it and his tongue and lips were buzzing a bit from where it had gotten into his mouth.

  His protests faltered at the intense feeling as her body enveloped him tighter, his grip loosened on his junk.

  She moaned against him.

  “That’s it, oh cutie, you taste so good. Please cum all over me, let me taste all of you!”

  He felt a sudden stab of anxiety from the stone around his neck.

  His eyes snapped open and he struggled against her.


  Somehow he man
aged to extricate himself from her lithe body as her pout returned with a vengeance.

  “Who is Milly?”

  “She’s my bond-mate and she’s so afraid right now, they all are!”

  Focusing now on his mates, he could sense their worry, except for Nina…

  She was… annoyed.

  He could sense that she was close too, all of the practice trying to track down Volka made it easy to pick up on the fact that Nina was much closer than the others.

  Jubby’s eyes widened and wet tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “You’re bonded?”

  Mutely he nodded.

  “I-I am so sorry, I didn’t know!” She wailed.

  “That’s alright, can you please let me go now?”

  But her wail turned into a desperate sob.

  “I want a bond-mate! I’ve been looking for so long, it’s not fair! I finally have a man inside me and he’s… he’s taken!”

  Nameless tried to shift himself nearer to comfort her but the strange cave they were in suddenly pitched sideways and Jubby gave a pained scream.

  “Ow, OW! Stop that! OW! That really hurts!”

  They were tumbling rapidly now and the now terrified girl clung to him.

  “Cutie! OWIE!! Cutie, please save me!! It’s biting me!”

  He heard the strange dusty wooshing roar from all around them and suddenly it felt like gravity had given up its hold on them. Both of them screamed and grasped at each other. His stomach rose into his throat, his vision locked on the terrified girl clinging to him, they hung in the air for a few seconds.

  Suddenly it was over, gravity returned with a whumph and the girl cried again in fear and pain as both of their weights settled on the fleshy floor.

  Several moments later light spilled into the cave, its brightness contrasting with the pink light that Jubby exuded as it fell on the dazed pair inside. Nameless was further disoriented when he realized that dawn must have broken while he was unconscious.

  “Okay bitch, give me back my weakling!” Nina’s voice came from towards the light.

  Shaking his head to recover from the vertigo, he saw her silhouette at the entrance to the strange tunnel-like cave. She was holding the opening wide with one arm, her other clutching her hammer.


  She was covered from head to toe in dust and dirt, even worse than when she had weathered the sandstorm for them.

  “Pinky I’m not gunna say it again, release him or die.” She said with her hammer now leveled at Jubby.

  The poor girl only gripped him tighter in stark terror.

  “Die it is then.”


  She paused, hammer raised and head tilted to one side at his sudden shout.

  “You’re scaring her!”

  Her tiny mouth opened and her head shifted backwards on her neck, incredulous.

  “I’m scaring her?! She ate you! This giant worm thing burst out of the ground and swallowed you! I only barely managed to grab onto the ass end of it. I thought you were going to die!”

  “Um, well I’m not so please calm down?” His words came out plaintively.

  Nina gave a great huff.

  “Right, well whatever, both of you get out of there now.”

  Jubby sobbed at her words, still clinging to him.

  “Look Pinky, either you come out or I come in and drag you out.”

  The menace in her tone was painfully clear.

  “Please no… I didn’t know, I’m sorry! Please don’t rip my tongue out!”

  Jubby gripped at him, pawing him in desperation and Nameless couldn’t help but wrap one hand around her, his other covering his genitals again.

  “Nina! Please stop, can’t you see how scared she is?”

  “Bu-but she tried to eat you!”

  “No! I wasn’t, I swear I didn’t! I just wanted to have sex with him!”

  Nina’s jaw dropped again then worked for several seconds as Nameless and Jubby huddled together.

  With the light from outside he had an obvious realization.

  This whole thing is her MOUTH!

  At last he managed to get to his knees and crawl his way towards the entrance in the narrow passage, Jubby softly crying as she hovered beside him, his arm held tight in hers.

  The entrance widened, four triangular segments breaking away from each other as the monster girl’s larger mouth opened wide.

  Nina grabbed him as soon as he was close enough, all but ripping him from Jubby’s grasp and wrapping him in a tight embrace, her cheek smooshed against his penis as he stood to his full height on the sand.

  “Ugh you’re all slimy, and where the hell are your clothes?” She murfled into his flaccid cock.

  He placed a hand on Nina’s head and stroked her hair, his other draped over her back returning her hug.

  “I dunno, I woke up like this.”

  He could see the others running towards them in the distance, stumbling through the sand in desperation to reach them.

  “I-I have them, they’re right here.” Jubby ended with a squeak at Nina’s glare.

  From the pink darkness within her, the muscles along the floor worked a tight bundle towards them. Jubby stooped and picked it up then brought the bundle to him in both hands.

  SHE is the TONGUE of this thing!

  Wordlessly Nameless accepted his clothes back from the girl, trying not to make a face at their sopping state.

  “You better get dressed, otherwise Jan will make fun of your penis and I’ll have to kill her.”

  Jubby squeaked again and drifted back a bit.

  Nina helped to steady him in the shifting sand while he pulled his pants on.

  He could hear the others shouting in the distance now, fully clothed and sopping wet he took a few steps towards them.

  Jubby followed, hovering at the edge of her mouth with a forlorn look on her face.

  He turned back and got a good look at her exterior body for the first time.

  She was a massive dusty brown serpentine creature. Nearly forty feet long, her body was splayed out over the sand. In the growing morning light he noticed a series of nasty purple bruises against her carapaced flank and realized that Nina must have been hitting her in her attempt to save him.

  “Jubby, what are you?” He gasped out.

  “Lonely.” She sobbed out simply.

  Nina crossed her arms over her chest.

  “How come I came out of this looking like the bad guy?”

  The others arrived and took in the bizarre scene, and no sooner had Nameless turned to greet them then Milly wrapped him in her arms and crushed him to her breasts, lowing desperately.

  “…the dust cleared and you were both gone!” Erica was saying between frantic licks to what she could reach of his hair through the other girl’s arms.

  Milly was so upset she wasn’t able to do more than hold him and lick at his face and Ophelia wasn’t much better off, her arms wrapped around them while her wings fluttered behind her, lifting herself to match the Minotaur’s height.

  It took several minutes and a whole lot of hugging before the girls were satisfied that he was alright.

  All the while Jubby watched longingly from inside her mouth, wringing her hands.

  For her part Nina was sulking until Milly released Nameless and lifted the girl off her feet and into her cleavage. She had to release her hammer into the sand to accommodate the Minotaur’s fierce embrace.

  “Milly wh-” Was all she got out before Milly pressed her lips to hers, her muscular tongue forcing itself into the Gigas’s tiny mouth.

  Her eyelids fluttered from the pleasure as her tongue wrestled with Milly’s in a frantic kiss.

  Several moments later Milly was holding her cheek to cheek and whispering into her ear.

  “Thank you for being alright and for saving our master. I love you so much!”

  Nina squeaked as Milly drew her tongue over her dirty face from chin to forehead several times.

sp; “Not to ruin the moment but what the hell?”

  Miranda gestured at Jubby, her eyes were wide.

  “This is Jubby, she didn’t mean any harm I think. She was looking for a bond-mate.”

  “Well then why didn’t she eat my mistress, she’s way better than you!” Jezebel said rudely.

  The frog had been increasingly bitchy during the daylight hours, the punishing sun hitting her the hardest.

  “Oh, do you have a penis?” Jubby asked Miranda, suddenly interested in the austere woman as she gave up her hand wringing.

  Miranda gave her a level look while Jan sniggered and even Kala had to choke back a laugh.

  “What I do have is a need to get us out of this desert alive. Your antics just cost us most of our water.”

  Her voice was grim.

  “What?!” Nameless pulled free from Milly’s embrace as he looked for signs of their supplies.

  “She crushed the wagon when she grabbed you, most of the pitchers broke. We have enough water now for maybe two days.” Ophelia said quietly.

  They had been traveling into the desert for over a week.

  Jubby looked guilty again, but then brightened.

  “I can get you water! I know where to find some!” She said, her form bobbing in the air in excitement.

  “Really?” Hope was in his voice.

  “Yes! It’s the least I can do, and then when I get back the grey lady can show me her penis!”

  The speed with which she dove into the ground was jarring as her serpentine form burrowed into the sand beneath them.

  A silence fell over the group as the heat began to steadily rise in the morning air.

  “Erica, why are you staring at Miranda’s crotch?” Milly asked.

  The Katje shook her head as Miranda, Jezebel and Jan glared at her.

  “What? It would explain a few things.”

  Miranda sighed.

  “Well, now what?”

  Nameless closed his eyes and focused on Volka.

  “She is so much brighter now, I feel like I can practically reach out and touch her!”

  Despair was in his voice, if they had to turn back when they were this close…

  The Aegis operative gave him one of the longest looks of her life, measuring his words carefully.

  At last she sighed.


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