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Untamed Hearts

Page 26

by Colleen O'Connell

  Dennis heaved a sigh, leaning back in his chair, weighing their words in his mind.

  Taryn leaned forward. “Father, can’t you accept our marriage? We’re not asking you to approve of how we married, only accept we are married.”

  A long silence lingered before Dennis spoke. “I cannot approve of certain actions occurring between the two of you. However, I am not blind in seeing what’s before me. There’s no denying the two of you love each other. I’m not blind to the truth of what I see. I suppose if you’re both happy in your marriage, willing to confront whatever others may say against you, the least I can do is support it.” Dennis drilled Jared with a hard stare. “Did you kill Dean Breck?”

  Jared held Dennis Ashford’s gaze. “No.”

  Dennis nodded. “In my own interaction with you, you’ve proven yourself to be honorable, in spite of your profession. I’ll trust your word, Jared, but there is one thing I expect from you.”

  Jared masked his uneasiness. “Which is?”

  “I want to face off with you for another fencing match similar to what took place at the festival. But this time,” Dennis added, “I don’t want you to hold back so I can win. I may be twenty years your senior, but I’m not so old I don’t know when I’m being handed a match.”

  Jared released his pent-up tension, grinning. “I’m at your disposal, assuming the blade tips will be covered.”

  “Concerned I’ll run you through?”

  “The thought crossed my mind.”

  Taryn couldn’t remain silent. “Covered tips or not, I don’t think you should fence at all. You could both be hurt.”

  Jared glanced in Dennis’ direction while he addressed her concern. “We’ll make sure the match is held without your knowledge then.”

  Madeline noticed the developing camaraderie between the men, a smile on her face.


  On the carriage ride back to the hotel, Taryn leaned into Jared. “You’ve charmed both my parents. I’m very happy tonight.”

  “So am I.”

  “Now with my parents no longer angry with us, we can focus all our efforts on discovering who killed Dean Breck. The marshal is so free with his disparaging comments about you, we have to do something to counter it. I know you told Robert you didn’t want to talk with Andrew Donahue, but if you did…”


  He was leery of talking with any law official, particularly one who worked alongside Marcus Rhodes, but she wished he would change his mind. “Anita told me Andrew isn’t like the marshal at all. I know Luke suggested you speak with him as well.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Anita told me,” she replied matter-of-factly. “Jared, please consider it. Even if you gave Robert an interview for the paper…”


  She huffed in frustration, placing her reticule on the seat beside her. There was no point in pressing the issue any further now. He was not going to budge on those ideas. His mistrust of others made it more difficult to discover the truth. She would have to think of another way they could learn something more useful about the murder. Her mind was meticulously working in her desire to help prove his innocence.

  Jared reached for a copper curl refusing to remain pinned up, curling it around his finger. “You are going to burn a hole right through the carriage floor if you continue concentrating so hard.”

  “We have to think of something.”

  He lowered his head, his mouth touching hers for a feather-light kiss. “We will, sweetheart, but not tonight. Why don’t we try to concentrate on something else?” His mouth sought the softness of her neck. She angled her head exposing the sensitive flesh as he continued down the to the base of her throat.

  Her heart hammered in her chest. The now familiar tingling seared her entire body. All coherent thought fled her mind. His fingers kneaded the back of her neck, his touch sending heat coursing through her. Their carriage arrived at the hotel. The driver’s solicitous action of opening the door interrupted their passion.

  Hurrying to their suite of rooms, they were impatient in their pursuit. Jared already worked the fastenings of her gown. She was as eager as he to remove the garment. She unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his chest.

  He shrugged out of his shirt, releasing the last catch holding up her gown. It slid off her body to the floor.

  She walked to the bed, sitting on its edge to remove her stockings. Jared removed his clothes then joined her on the edge of the bed.

  Having discarded her stockings, Taryn reached for the ribbon of her chemise, but he dragged her across his lap, kissing her with growing passion. The chemise forgotten, she reached up to encircle his neck. His mouth moved to her cheek, his fingers brushing across her breast. He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I want you, Taryn.”

  Leaning back, he undid the lacings of the sheer garment, removing it from her. He reached under her knees, sliding off the bed with her to the large carpet covering the wood floor. Laying her down upon it, he propped himself over her, kissing her mouth in need.

  She could feel the softness of the carpet’s material against her back and buttocks. Everything he did felt seductive in nature. His tongue tempted her breasts with its swirling, his mouth pulling at their peaks. Her fingers entwined in his hair, wetting her lips in rising desire. His hand slid down over her stomach. She opened herself to him, awaiting the enticing allure of his caresses. She bit her lower lip. Short pants changed to moans of ecstasy. Her breath caught in her throat before it expelled in a sigh. Rolling to her side, she kissed him with the passion she felt. She slid her hands over his chest, trailing a path of warm kisses across its expanse down to his stomach.

  His stomach muscles tightened in reaction to the course she was taking. His hands rested on her shoulders, his lower body responding in eager anticipation. Her warm mouth heightened his pleasure causing him to promptly harden. When her caresses became more intent, he soared to a place where nothing matters but feeling. At the peak of arousal, a throaty outcry passed his lips. Regaining his breath, Jared pulled her up across his body. Deepening his kiss, he positioned her body to straddle him.

  She felt him enter her, their new positions surprising her as much as it did excite. He held her hips while she braced her palms on his chest. Their rhythmic movement started gradually then spiraled into a wild, frantic pace until they reached the pinnacle of satisfaction.

  He rolled her onto her back covering her mouth with his. His tongue plunged into her mouth. He denied her nothing, using all his knowledge to bring them both to the fullest heights of passion. Jared threaded his fingers with hers then pressed his mouth to her breast. Her back arched up in answer to his soft caresses, his mouth encompassing the peak as he suckled it to life. His hands grazed over her body finding every tender curve, each sensitive nerve. His fingers toyed and teased, cajoled, and demanded. He shifted his lower body, entering her, driving forward gently, slowly.

  Her pelvis jumped in instinctive reaction. He reached down, raising her buttocks closer to meet his thrusts. She felt her muscles tighten, enticing him farther in, molding her lower body to his. She reached her hands around his hips to press him onward.

  He pressed downward, deeper within her, burying himself in the soft folds of her. The blazing passion he felt in his loins reached higher and higher. Taryn’s moans intensified his pleasure. He pushed forward one last time, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her thighs where he held them.

  Taryn clutched his shoulders, crying out his name. His final thrust made her body shudder in ardor.

  He withdrew from her, laying on his back, drawing her close, even now needing her near.

  She didn’t have the will to move. Her head rested against his shoulder, her arm draped across his chest. Her parents accepted Jared and her marriage. She only wished they could discover who was responsible for Dean Breck’s murder.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jared woke the following morning. He turned on his side to gaze at Taryn w
hile she slept. He took a lock of her hair, wrapping it around his finger. If she were awake, she’d tell him he was staring again. Even in sleep, her face held his gaze. Her hair was strewn across the pillow in disarray as she lay on her side. A contented expression rested on her face.

  Since their marriage, he discovered he enjoyed waking with her beside him. He felt a strange inner sense of well-being by her presence that he never realized he’d been missing.

  He reached for his timepiece on the cherry wood stand next to the bed. He had an appointment to meet the solicitor he’d hired to present him with a list of possible homes in an hour. His wish was to provide Taryn a home, especially since she never experienced a traditional wedding or even a reception. Those things were important to a woman. A smile spread across his face as he mentally reviewed his plans. He rolled her over onto her back, kissing her awake.

  Taryn’s eyes fluttered open. She stretched in languid happiness.

  “Good morning.”

  Her brows drew together, a groggy gaze focused on his smiling face. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Because I find you very beautiful in the morning.” He kissed her again.

  Jared told her she was beautiful on a number of mornings, yet she couldn’t fathom the reason. She always looked her absolute worst in the mornings. Her hair tangled and wild, and her eyes feeling heavy-lidded, she couldn’t imagine what would cause such a remark. “Perhaps you could speak to Robert Michaels about obtaining a pair of spectacles similar to what he wears.”

  He laughed, rolling out of bed. “My eyesight is perfectly clear.”

  She lay on her back, her eyes closing again. She could hear the familiar sound of him rummaging about the room as he dressed. She enjoyed the morning routine. He always woke before her, either kissing her awake or tantalizing her body with caresses before allowing her to fall back asleep to wake again at a decent hour and begin her day.

  “Taryn, have you seen my boots?”

  “Not since I wore them last.” She burrowed farther under the blankets.

  He went to the bed, hauling Taryn to her knees before him, supporting her with his arms.

  She reluctantly opened her eyes for the second time too early in the day.

  Jared hid his grin “Are you angling for a fight?”

  “I don’t have the energy now. Remind me of it later. I’ll be ready then.”

  He pressed her close. “You almost tempt me to spark your temper, but I want you obedient tonight when we continue your lessons in lovemaking.” He kissed her ear instead.

  Her eyes flew open. “Obedient! You use the word as if…” Taryn stopped, making a face. “You’re teasing me.”

  “I wanted your attention.” A devilish grin crossed his face before his mouth swooped down over hers. He pulled away. He would be late for his meeting with the solicitor if he delayed much longer.

  She refused to unclasp her hands from around his neck. “Do we have to wait until tonight for the next lesson?”

  He groaned, his body starving for her touch from the invitation in her voice. “I can’t. I have some things to take care of.”

  Taryn leaned back. “Does it concern Dean Breck’s murder? Are you going to talk with Andrew Donahue now?”

  “No. I have some things I have to go over with Luke at your uncle’s ranch.” He didn’t want to lie to her, but he couldn’t tell her the truth or it would ruin the surprise. If he told her he planned to check further into the murder, she would want to go with him. “Why don’t you meet me at the ranch later this afternoon. We’ll do something with Luke and Anita.”

  Taryn felt dubious. “Will you and Luke be discussing ways to solve Dean Breck’s murder?”

  “Perhaps.” Imparting one last kiss, he released his hold of her.

  She sat back on her legs, a bothersome expression on her face. Jared could be so irritatingly elusive when he chose. He didn’t want her involvement in discovering who killed Dean Breck.

  He didn’t want her harmed if their probing into the matter caused the true murderer to turn on her. She appreciated his concern, but she could take care of herself. He taught her caution. She wasn’t as naive as she’d first been when they’d met on their train trip. In sudden decision, she bounded off the bed to dress, determination in her every move. Jared might not want to talk with Andrew Donahue, but she could. She would talk with Robert too.

  They could give her some useful information. She had a free afternoon until the time she would meet Jared on her uncle’s ranch. When she did, perhaps she would have something helpful to tell him in discovering the truth.

  Taryn walked into the marshal’s office, hoping to find Andrew alone. She didn’t know what reason she would give the marshal for the visit if he were at his desk. Her mouth broke into a smile when Andrew informed her the marshal was out.

  “What can I do for you today, Mrs. King?” Andrew gestured to a seat in front of his desk when she informed him she came to speak with him.

  Taryn didn’t know how to go about asking the sheriff for information. She didn’t know him well, but they spoke at various parties. She found him to be very nice. What if Jared had been right to be wary to ask Andrew anything about the murder? Andrew might believe Jared killed Dean Breck as Marcus Rhodes and others did. She sat across from Andrew Donahue’s desk, arranging her skirts around her to give her additional time to think. She decided to opt for honesty rather than use guile. “I’ve been following Robert Michaels’ articles concerning Dean Breck’s murder.” She darted a quick glance at Andrew. His expression remained inquisitive, encouraging her to continue. “I hoped there might be some new information to shed light on the person truly responsible.”

  Andrew gazed over at Taryn King. Anxious hope filled her eyes. “I’m sorry, we have nothing.”

  Her shoulders sagged. Andrew’s disappointment matched her own. She wasn’t sure if Andrew Donahue was unwilling to reveal any information to her or if there was no pertinent information to reveal. “I suppose I can’t expect you to give me information to jeopardize your investigation. My hope is…”

  Andrew came around the side of the desk, sitting on the corner of it. “I understand your eagerness for the truth, Mrs. King, but we honestly have nothing to indicate what happened.”

  She was afraid to ask her next question. “Do you believe Jared is still responsible?” If Andrew responded in the affirmative, Jared would have been right in not seeking the man’s help. It would prove the sheriff’s views were the same as the marshal’s. If not, then perhaps…

  “When we found your husband’s timepiece, I believed it, but since then I’ve changed my views.”

  “Because of my confession?”

  “In addition to other things making me question my original belief.”

  “What other things?”

  “My own instincts give me pause. Something doesn’t feel right. If I were Jared King who murdered someone, I would have left town knowing the marshal waited for me to do something wrong. Instead, Jared was right at your uncle’s ranch when we came to arrest him as if it were simply another day.” Andrew shrugged in frustration. “Then I heard you two dined with your parents at Breck’s.”

  Taryn stared at the sheriff wondering how he could know.

  “The news spreads through town like a fever,” Andrew explained, reading her expression. “In any case, it didn’t seem the action of someone guilty of killing there. There’s something about the murder bothering me, aside from the frustration of it being unsolved. I feel as though I’ve already stumbled across something but haven’t figured it out yet.”

  “Has the marshal changed his view as well?”

  “No. I don’t suppose it surprises anyone who knows his hatred for your husband. I’m sorry, Mrs. King. I wish I could give you more encouraging information.”

  Taryn stood, realizing there was nothing more to be said. “Your belief in Jared’s innocence is encouragement enough.”

  “The marshal may still be hoping for something to
prove Jared’s guilt, but I assure you I am directing my efforts to finding the truth.”

  Leaving Andrew, Taryn headed for the newspaper office at the far end of the street. Entering the office, she requested to speak with Robert Michaels.

  “Well, this is a pleasure.” Robert escorted her over to a set of green suede wing-backed chairs.

  “Are you sure I’m not interrupting your work?”

  “Not at all. I’ve been working on a story concerning the feuding between the cattlemen and sheepherders. I’m happy for any diversion.”

  She took a seat in one of the two chairs. “I came from speaking with Andrew Donahue. I hoped he would have more information to help Jared, but he doesn’t.”

  “The lack of information is very frustrating,” Robert agreed.

  “If only we knew who would have a reason to kill Dean Breck.”

  “I did my own research to attempt discovery,” Robert told her, “but found nothing. Dean was very well liked here. He has…had no enemies.”

  “There must have been at least one enemy otherwise he wouldn’t be dead.”

  “Too true,” Robert mused. “The longer the case goes unsolved, the less likely we will be able to determine why the person did it.”

  “More reason to find out who did it as soon as possible.”

  “I don’t know how I can help, but if there’s a way I will,” Robert offered.

  “Thank you, Robert. Andrew was very kind in his understanding as well. I wish I could get Jared to talk to Andrew.”

  “Doesn’t he know you’ve spoken to Andrew about this?”

  “Not yet.” There might be a slight confrontation with Jared over her defying his wish not to confide in the sheriff. She glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner. “I should be going. I’m meeting Jared at my uncle’s.”


  Hours after walking through the best homes available, Jared believed he’d never find the appropriate house. Each home his solicitor presented didn’t meet his specifications. The last estate the solicitor showed him, he made his decision. This was going to be their home. Set a distance away from the road, the estate maintained privacy secured by large black iron gates opening onto a winding road leading to the house. The interior with its six bedrooms, two parlors, a library, music room, and ballroom matched the criteria for which he’d been searching. Acres of land and rolling hills surrounded the three-story red-bricked home with large stables, and corrals for horses. He signed the necessary papers then headed to the Dalton ranch.


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