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Untamed Hearts

Page 27

by Colleen O'Connell

  Luke finished cleaning up after the long day, sitting down to relax when a loud banging on the front door prevented it.

  Jared rushed in. “You’ve got to see this house!”

  “What house?” Luke closed the door.

  “Where’s Anita?”

  “I’m right here, Jared.” Anita came out of the dining room to investigate the commotion.

  “Good, you’ve got to come too.” He took her hand, walking to the door.

  “Come where?” Anita looked from Jared to Luke in confusion.

  Luke grinned over his brother’s excitement. “Jared, did you buy a house, by chance?”

  “Yes. You’ve got to see it before the sun goes down.” He urged them out the doorway toward the stables for their mounts.

  Laughing at his excitement, Luke and Anita followed his lead away from the ranch. When the three of them arrived at the estate, the sun cast a beautiful burnt orange aura over the property.

  Anita stood in awe. “Jared, it’s beautiful.”

  Jared got down from his stallion. “Wait until you see the interior.”

  While Luke and Jared discussed the benefits of the purchase, Anita took more interest in the details of the home. They stood in the parlor. The large room boasted a focal point of a Rococo chimneypiece bordered by pilasters and pediments around the doorway. The room’s abundant windows overlooked a terrace. Jared escorted them on a tour of the remainder of the house. The dining and living rooms were no less impressive with arched doorways with cornice work and inlays above the doorways and mantled fireplace. The library was down the hall, secluded behind double doors with an interior of wall-to-wall bookcases. The large open foyer led to the long spiral staircase leading to the two upper floors. The ballroom on the second floor revealed a stunning room with numerous floor-to-ceiling windows, and white and black marble floor. Centered in the middle of the high carved ceiling hung a beautiful crystal chandelier Anita couldn’t help comment on. A smaller music room was off the ballroom with enough room for a piano and various other musical instruments. A second parlor, smaller in scale to the one on the first floor, but similar in design was across from the music room. The third floor consisted of six bedrooms dominated by the spacious master bedroom with an adjoining sitting room.

  When they finished the tour of the estate, Anita sighed in pleasure. “Has Taryn seen it already?”

  “No, I don’t want her to see it yet. I want it to be a surprise for Christmas. I’ll need your help in keeping my secret.”

  Anita couldn’t contain her excitement. “Taryn will love it. What a splendid surprise for you to give her.”

  “I need to oversee a few matters here,” Jared said, turning to Luke. “I’ve already spoken with Jonathan. I’ve informed him I’ll be unable to continue working on the ranch. From now until Christmas, I’ll be concentrating on readying the place.”

  “Whatever we can do to help, you need only ask,” Luke offered.

  He turned to Anita. “What I need help with right now is an invitation list for a reception I want here. I’ve spoken with Gwen and Madeline, but I hoped you might help them with it, Anita.”

  Anita readily assured him of their cooperation. “Don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll deal with all the arrangements. What type of reception did you want?”

  “A wedding reception,” he clarified. “Taryn can’t know anything about it. Here’s what I have in mind…”


  Taryn arrived at the ranch finding her aunt the only one around. She worked out in the lower gardens removing the dead leaves from a floral plant. Greeting her aunt with a kiss, she glanced around. “Where is everyone?”

  “I believe Jared is with Luke, your mother and father are out walking on the grounds, and your uncle is upstairs washing up.” Gwen plucked another dried leaf from the plant, setting it aside. “I spoke with Jared earlier. He seems very happy in spite of all the talk. You’re doing well?”

  “We’re very happy. I wish we could put all the gossip behind us by discovering who murdered Dean Breck. The marshal isn’t helping matters by fueling the gossip.” She removed one of the withered leaves from the plant herself, crushing it in her hand.

  “Marcus has been acting very odd.” Gwen added more dirt to the plant base. “I believe his hatred of Jared has affected him.”

  Taryn nodded. “Because he killed the marshal’s brother. What do you know of the incident?”

  Gwen sighed, letting her memory take her back. “In my opinion, he acted in self-defense. There were witnesses saying Matt Rhodes already pulled his gun when Jared shot him. Matt Rhodes was a hotheaded young man. He always caused trouble. I’ve no doubt Jared would have been killed himself if he hadn’t taken action. Jonathan and I were discussing the whole thing right after Marcus reminded us of the incident. When he came to the ranch after your arrival, I recognized something familiar about him. I’m amazed neither Jonathan nor I remembered him from five years ago. But he changed so much I suppose it wasn’t so surprising. We’d never met him back then, but we’d seen him. He left me with the impression of a man who enjoyed life. When I met him on the steps of our porch, I saw a man hardened by it.”

  “His lifestyle isn’t easy.” She wondered if they would ever have a normal life. Would they forever be looking over their shoulders for his past to appear? She couldn’t help the question springing to mind. “You said Jared is working with Luke? Are they at Luke and Anita’s house?”

  “Most likely.”

  “I’m going to ride over to see what they’re doing,” Perhaps they discovered something to help them solve the mystery of the Breck murder.”

  Taking her favorite route to Luke and Anita’s home, Taryn directed her horse through one of the more scenic trails. Reaching the top of a ridge overlooking the lake, she slowed her mare to wind around the curving path. Voices from below carried upward. She glanced down to see a couple in the water. Believing the couple to be Luke and Anita, Taryn raised her hand to wave, opening her mouth to call out to them. Her words were trapped in her throat.

  She stared at the two people below in surprise. Her parents? Her mother didn’t swim. Taryn blinked to try and clear her befuddled sight. Her mother didn’t do anything so carefree, or so she always thought. She stared at them, her presence unknown. These two frolicking people were her parents? They were acting like a young couple in love. A genuine smile replaced her dumbfounded gaping. She urged her horse forward allowing her parents their privacy.

  Luke, Jared, and Anita returned by the time Taryn reached the house.

  While she and Anita talked, Luke pulled Jared aside. “Have you discovered anything more about Dean Breck’s murder?”

  “Not anything I can prove. The more I think of it, the more I feel Rhodes to be involved. Who else would benefit by the murder? What I can’t figure out is if Rhodes murdered Breck so he could blame me, what proof would he have used if not for my timepiece?”

  “Your timepiece did make it easy,” Luke agreed. “If he found it, then it would be more questionable, but Andrew was the one who brought it to Marcus’ attention.”

  “I still say you should talk to Andrew,” Taryn said, as she and Anita came up alongside of them. “If you told him how you feel about Marcus, I’m sure he’d help.”

  “Help me right into Marcus’ next scheme to put me behind bars.”

  Taryn persisted. “No, he wouldn’t. Andrew told me he doesn’t believe you are responsible for Dean Breck’s murder.”

  “When did he tell you?”

  “This afternoon when I spoke with him. He…” She froze at the severity of Jared’s gaze. Her words slipped out. She hadn’t meant to tell him about her visit yet knowing he didn’t want the sheriff’s involvement. The moment felt uncomfortable.

  “Will you excuse us for a minute.” He took her elbow, walking out of the room and into Luke’s study.

  Propelled through the entrance of the study, Taryn jumped at the sound of the door slamming. She rubbed her elbow e
ven though his touch had been gentle. She chanced a peek in his direction as he stood at the door. He was standing with his hands on his hips, glowering.

  “Did I or did I not say I didn’t want Andrew Donahue involved?”

  His voice remained calm, but his words were very measured, warning her of his displeasure. “Yes, you did, but I simply spoke with him. Besides, as the sheriff, he is involved.”

  Jared sighed in exasperation. “You know what I meant.”

  “Yes, but Andrew’s not like the marshal. He wants to learn the truth as much as we do. If you worked together, perhaps you’d be able to uncover it sooner. Robert offered his help as well.” Taryn bit her lip. She wished she could bite back her last statement.

  “You spoke with Robert about all this as well?”

  “He might have heard or been told something we hadn’t. He hasn’t, but there’s no saying he won’t. In addition to their help, you have my family’s support. Walt Adams also is on our side. We should talk to him, especially since he now manages Breck’s Casino.” She chided herself for not thinking of it earlier when she could have spoken with him.

  Jared already spoke with the employee who’d found Breck’s body, Walt Adams, and others. “Taryn, I don’t want you mixed up in this, do you understand? We can’t rush ahead with this as much as we may want to.”

  “But you told Luke you were sure Marcus Rhodes was involved. Why delay?”

  “Because if, as I suspect, Rhodes is involved with Dean Breck’s murder, and he discovers we’re watching him, there’ll be less of a chance for him to make a mistake.”

  “But what mistakes could he make if the deed is already done?”

  “If he’s involved directly or knows who did the shooting, he could let something slip either in conversation or his actions. If the marshal knows he’s being monitored, he’ll be cautious. Now, please Taryn, don’t talk to anyone about our search for clues.”

  “But Andrew could help.”

  “Did you consider he might have been telling you what you wanted to hear, and then confided the conversation to the marshal?”

  “I believe him. He’s on our side.”

  “All right. I’ll trust your judgment. When I think it’s necessary, I’ll confide in him. You’re going to have to trust me to know what I’m doing. If the marshal’s involved, it’ll come out.”

  “If there is proof. Do you think there might be something in his office? Maybe…” Her words were cut off by his kiss.

  “You’re thinking too much about this.”

  “How can you not?”

  “I do, but you can’t let your curious thinking rule your actions. It will get you into the worst trouble. Now, we’d better rejoin Luke and Anita before they think I’m tanning your backside for your willfulness.”

  “As if I’d allow it,” Taryn mumbled in rebuke as she walked ahead of him to the double doors. He acknowledged her remark with a sound thwack to her posterior. She spun around to see his grinning countenance.


  Early the following morning, Jared entered Marie’s dress shop, grateful for the fact Taryn slept late so she would be unaware of his visit to the clothing shop on her behalf. A few women were browsing through the store, gazing at him from behind bolts of fabric. He nodded to them with a smile knowing the moment they left they would be off to gossip with Agatha Masters and the other busybodies in town. As the women passed him on their way out, he couldn’t resist a comment. “I hope my presence isn’t pushing you ladies out?”

  “Why no,” they echoed each other in response. “We were about to leave when you came in.”

  “I’m glad you haven’t been misled by the gossip circulating about my wife and me.”

  “Certainly not. We never listen to gossip,” one added staunchly, tossing her head back.

  He smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. Good day, ladies. Give my best to Agatha Masters.” The two women paled at his remark and made a hasty retreat.

  Marie stood aside, enjoying the comeuppance of the two women by him. She waited for the ladies to depart before speaking. “Good afternoon, Mr. King.”

  “I’d like to order a cream-colored gown, something very formal, for my wife.”

  “Perhaps if you told me the occasion I could get a better idea…”

  “A wedding reception.”

  Marie’s face lit up with a smile. “Yours?” Jared nodded his response. “I do have a cream gown made for your wife,” Marie supplied. “If you’ll wait one moment I’ll get it.” She returned holding up the gown for his inspection.

  He gazed at the gown. The gown had to be the wedding dress made for Taryn’s marriage to Thompson. The craftsmanship could not be faulted, but the gown was not to his liking. The connection to Thompson alone made it unacceptable. “No, I want something a little more elaborate in design.” He didn’t want to insult the dressmaker’s work.

  “Of course, I understand.” Marie put the gown aside. He described the garment he wanted, assuring the dressmaker cost was not a factor. “Will there be anything else?” she inquired after they’d finished discussing the one ball gown.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “Your wife stopped in several weeks ago, expressing interest in this material.” Marie pulled out the bolt of royal blue satin. “We discussed a certain pattern suiting her form.”

  “If you think you can have both ready by Christmas. I’ll leave the design of the second gown to your discretion.”

  “I’ll personally see to both gowns. You’ll have them in the scheduled time.” When he provided her fee in advance, including a smart bonus, Marie grasped the nearby table for support to prevent herself from fainting.

  Jared walked out of the dress shop feeling exceptionally optimistic. He only needed to conquer the mystery of Dean Breck’s murder. Once resolved, he and Taryn could begin their life together.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  In the ensuing days, Taryn became more impatient for any new information purporting Jared’s suspicion of Marcus Rhodes involvement with Dean Breck’s murder. Jared had scrutinized the marshal, patiently waiting for the man to show his true hand. Rhodes would eventually slip up. She strived for patience as well but found she lacked the ability when it concerned murder. While Christmas shopping with Anita, she spied both the marshal and Andrew leaving their office. Pausing in her stride, she considered the opportunity at hand. She waited for them to reach the other side of the street before she walked toward the office.

  “Taryn, where are you going?” Anita picked up her own step to keep abreast of her. “I thought you wanted to go through the shops on the next street?”

  “I do, but I have to see something else first.”


  “If the marshal’s office is unlocked…”

  Anita shook her head in warning. “Taryn. Didn’t Jared tell you not to get too involved?”

  “I’m not getting involved. I’m going to see if the office is open and see what I find.”

  They reached the marshal’s office. Taryn tried the doorknob. The knob turned in her hand. “It’s open.”

  “Which must mean the marshal and Andrew don’t intend to be gone long. Taryn, are you listening to me? We’re going to get caught snooping around.”

  Taryn opened the door. “You keep watch.”

  Anita grabbed her arm. “What if they come back? Why don’t you wait until Andrew is alone in the office?”

  Taryn shook her head. “I wouldn’t want to take advantage of his kindness by asking him. If they come back, give me enough of a warning so I can get out of the office before I’m seen.” Taryn slipped inside the office.

  “But…” Anita’s additional warning as to the foolhardiness of her prying went unheeded as she closed the door.

  Once inside the marshall’s office, Taryn darted over to his desk, yanking open a drawer searching for something, anything to help them. She shuffled through the drawer among the loose pieces of paper, pausing long enough to scan the writing
on them, yet careful not to disturb the contents of the drawer.

  Opening a bottom file drawer, she skimmed the contents of the files, frustrated at coming up empty-handed. Inspecting the interior of the drawer for a possible hidden piece of paper, her fingers touched upon a latch in the back of the drawer. Sitting in the marshal’s chair, she pushed the files aside to release the catch. Behind the thin panel she felt a single file. She withdrew the file, placing it on the desk. Inside, there were articles, notes, and general information about Jared’s career. Reading a portion of one article, she jumped in guilty fear as the door opened, her heart in her throat.

  “Taryn, the marshal’s on his way.” Anita shifted her gaze to the sidewalk. “You’ve got to come now.”

  “I need another few seconds. I’ve got to see what’s in the rest of this file before putting it away. See if you can detain him.”

  “What? How?”

  “You’ll think of something.”

  Anita closed the exterior door. Taryn flipped through the remaining articles, her gaze shifting to the window to see if the marshal was coming. Then she came upon a telegram addressed to the marshal. After reading the short message and the sender’s name, she dropped it back into the file.

  Realizing her time ran short, she shoved the file back in its compartment then slammed the drawer shut. She saw the marshal pass the window. Terror gripped her. She couldn’t be caught pilfering through his office. There was no point in attempting to get out the front door since the marshal was too near it. She would have to hide. Dashing into the back room, she didn’t see a hiding spot then noticed the exterior door.

  Relief flooded through her. She ran to the door and twisted the knob. Locked. She yanked again at the knob in frustration. She didn’t have time to search for a key, and there was no place to hide. She peered around the door to the front office area. There was no option open for her to flee the office without the marshal knowing her real reason for being there. She needed to be creative.


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