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Untamed Hearts

Page 32

by Colleen O'Connell


  From the moment Taryn left the hotel, Jared began pacing the living room. Where was she? Twenty minutes passed. A knock on the door sent him rushing over, assuming it was Taryn returning. Preoccupied with his thoughts, he didn’t consider she wouldn’t knock when she carried a key.

  “Taryn…” Jared said, yanking the door open.

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” Marcus Rhodes said, standing in the doorway, gun in hand. He chuckled at the apprehension in King’s eyes. “Not expecting me back so soon, King?” Marcus questioned. “Did you think I wasn’t aware you’d be planning something?” he goaded. Marcus gestured with his gun for King to step out into the hallway. “After you. There’s someone waiting for you at my office. I know he’s anxious to reunite you with your friends in Mexico.”

  Walking down the stairs at gunpoint, Jared wondered what options to use at his disposal. If he ran, the marshal would not hesitate in shooting him in the back. He could wrestle the gun from the marshal, then escape, but he didn’t know where Taryn was at the moment. For all Jared knew, Ramirez could be holding her as security. As much as he didn’t want to face Ramirez, he needed to wait until he reached the marshal’s office to see if she was there.

  “You’ve obtained your wish,” Jared commented to Rhodes as they reached the lobby.

  “A long time in coming,” Marcus said, his victory evident in his confident stride.

  “You should be commended for your efforts, Marshal,” Jared said conversationally. “Killing Breck yourself then trying to blame it on me was ingenious.”

  “You can never prove I was involved in any way,” Marcus told King. “If your wife hadn’t come forward, I’d have been able to hang you for it,” Marcus spat.

  “So, you decided to attempt a different method of revenge by trying to kill my brother?”

  “Fitting, wouldn’t you say? I overheard Gwen Dalton and Anita Morrell talking of it,” Marcus informed him. “Your brother for mine,” Marcus said. “He shouldn’t have lived,” Marcus said, unable to hide his bitterness. Controlling himself, he smiled. “A fate easily remedied.”

  Jonathan walked into the back room with Andrew wondering what madness consumed the man to drag him away when he was about to tell the bounty hunter of how Jared disappeared from town. “Andrew, what the hell…” Jonathan stopped, seeing Taryn, knowing something wasn’t right.

  “He knows,” Andrew informed Jonathan. “The marshal’s back and is on his way here with Jared. We don’t have a lot of time, but Taryn has an idea.”

  Taryn remained hidden in the back room when Andrew and Jonathan returned to the front office area.

  “I apologize, Mr. Ramirez,” Jonathan said. “As I was saying, Mr. King…”

  “Why don’t we drop the pretense?” Miguel said. “I know you’re not the marshal. In fact, I’ve spoken with the marshal, and he should be returning shortly with Mr. King.”

  “I don’t know who you’ve been talking to or what you’ve been told,” Jonathan said, nonplussed, “but you better get your stories straight. Where did you meet this person claiming to be me?” he demanded.

  “Rose’s Saloon,” Miguel said.

  “Rose’s Saloon,” Jonathan chortled. “I suppose the proprietor assured you the marshal waited your convenience in one of the upper meeting rooms?”

  “Yes,” Miguel said.

  “The proprietor of Rose’s Saloon can be bought for a very nominal price to tell anyone anything,” Jonathan said, driving his point home. He proceeded to describe the marshal’s features. “Does the description fit him?”

  “I believe you’ve described him,” Miguel agreed.

  “I hate to be the one to tell another lawman he’s been fooled, but I’m afraid you were talking with Jared King himself.” Jonathan laughed. “King has used the ploy before. If he returned to the hotel as you say, he went to pack his things and leave. If I might suggest, you would be wise to…”

  Miguel Ramirez was already out the door. Jonathan and Andrew took a collective sigh, each hoping nothing else would go wrong. Andrew headed for the door to wrap up his part of their alternative plan.

  Jared saw Ramirez racing toward the hotel before Marcus, who stood behind him at the bottom of the verandah steps. He didn’t move, fearing Ramirez recognized him. By Ramirez’s expression, he wasn’t going to wait to return him to Mexico but, instead, kill him.

  Marcus noticed the bounty hunter. Without thinking, he moved forward to King’s side wondering why the man rushed to the hotel when they were to meet at his office.

  Bracing himself for Ramirez, Jared staggered back when the bounty hunter barreled into the marshal instead. He knocked him to the ground, yanking the gun from Rhodes’ fingers. Having no idea what was happening, Jared took advantage of the moment, ducking around a pillar before his identity was exposed.

  Grabbing Rhodes forcefully by the arm, Miguel threw his weapon aside, retrieved his own gun, sticking it under Marcus’ chin.

  “What are you doing?” Marcus demanded trying to pull away from Miguel Ramirez but not able to with the man’s hold on him, cautious of the gun below his chin.

  “You almost succeeded,” Miguel snarled. “You knew I wouldn’t recognize you by face, taking advantage of it by impersonating a marshal. Well, King, the game is finished.” Miguel removed the handcuffs from the man’s belt, locking his prisoner’s hands in front of him.

  “Impersonating… I am the marshal!” Marcus roared.

  “You can tell your story to the Mexican police. I’m sure they’ll be more willing to listen to you than I.” Miguel jerked him up. He would not wait another moment to begin his journey back to Mexico with King.

  Marcus spluttered his outrage. “You’re mad.” Andrew Donahue walked down the street toward them. Marcus called out to the sheriff. Andrew walked up to them. “Thank God,” Marcus breathed. “Andrew, tell this man who I am.”

  Andrew’s gaze shifted from Marcus Rhodes to Miguel Ramirez. “His name is Jared King,” Andrew said without hesitation.

  “Sheriff,” Miguel said, “I need to get a second horse. If you could guard him for a moment…”

  “Of course,” Andrew said, pulling his own weapon on Marcus.

  When Miguel left them, Marcus erupted. “Take these damn cuffs off me, you idiot,” he finished. “What do you think you’re doing by this stunt?”

  “I believe it is called justice, Marcus,” Andrew said. “Something you haven’t practiced in some time. It all culminated with you killing Dean Breck, then the attempt on Luke Morrell. Jared King was innocent of any wrongdoing concerning your brother, you know it as well as I. But you were so blinded by your determination to avenge your brother’s life you chose to even things up. So obsessed with King, you were willing to do anything, even murder. Well, now you can take your obsession one step farther and become him.”

  Miguel Ramirez returned leading a horse behind him. At gunpoint, Miguel forced Rhodes to get on the back of the horse then tied his wrists still handcuffed to the saddle horn.

  “I’m telling you my name’s Marcus Rhodes. I’m the marshal for God’s sake!” Marcus screeched in desperation, attempting to convince the bounty hunter. “They’re all in on this together. You’ve got to listen to me!” Marcus shouted to Miguel Ramirez.

  Miguel mounted his own horse, steered the horse around to come up alongside of his prisoner’s, then backhanded the man across his face. “I don’t have to listen to anything,” he snapped. “If you open your mouth again, I’ll put a bullet in it to close it. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to the police when we reach Mexico.” Taking up the reins of his prisoner’s horse, Miguel spurred his own animal onward.

  Joining Jared where he stood, Andrew regarded the direction Miguel Ramirez took with the marshal. “What do you think will happen to the marshal when they reach Mexico?”

  “The Mexican police will realize the mistake made. Unlike Ramirez, they do know what I look like. After questioning Rhodes, they’ll release him.”r />
  “Then he’ll return for you,” Andrew remarked.

  “I doubt it. If Rhodes returns here, he’ll have his own trial to face for the murder of Breck, and the attempt on Luke’s life,” Jared said.

  “And Ramirez?” Luke asked.

  “If I know the Mexican police, Ramirez will be too busy trying to explain away his failure to them to be bothered with me anytime soon. “Besides,” Jared added, “he still doesn’t know my face.”

  “Everything seems to have resolved itself,” Andrew commented. “All except for the marshal’s position being vacant now,” he added.

  “What about you?” Jared asked Andrew.

  “I have no desire for the position,” Andrew replied. “I know my limitations. The ideal person for the position would be someone whose reputation alone could hinder those inclined to break the law,” he finished, and then raised an eyebrow to Jared.

  “There is a sense of irony to it,” Jared remarked.

  “I could recommend you for the position to those responsible for making the final decision,” Andrew offered. “I believe we’d work well together,” he added.

  Jared nodded, shaking Andrew’s hand.

  Taryn ran to the hotel into Jared’s arms, her body still shaking from the whole episode. Uncle Jonathan came up behind her.

  “I have to thank you all,” Jared said. “If it hadn’t been for your quick thinking, I’d be on my way to Mexico.”

  “Taryn came up with the idea,” Jonathan said.

  Jared’s eyes crinkled at the corners belying the stern gaze he bestowed on her.

  “I found it necessary to break my promise,” she said, accompanied by a slight lift of her shoulders.

  “You saved my life,” he returned in appreciation.

  She smiled, relief flooding her knowing he was safe. It was over. “I’m glad I could rescue you for a change,” she commented.

  Jared hugged her. His life was his own again.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Christmas Day arrived with much to celebrate aside from the religious aspects and the tradition of gift-giving. Luke survived a near fatal shot, her parents accepted Jared wholeheartedly, and he was free of Marcus Rhodes’ revenge and Miguel Ramirez’s pursuit.

  The Dalton home glittered with Christmas decorations within. Neighbors stopped by all morning to wish everyone a merry tiding and enjoy a cup of eggnog and good cheer.

  Anita and Taryn sat on a cushioned sofa next to the Christmas tree adorning the Great Hall exchanging presents of their own. They were attired in their finery, not one detail or accessory omitted.

  After they exchanged gifts, Anita turned to Taryn. “What did Jared give you?”

  “We didn’t want to rush through our gifts to each other this morning before we came here so we decided to wait. Have you and Luke exchanged your gifts yet?” Taryn asked.

  Anita grinned. “I couldn’t wait, so at midnight I woke Luke up and we opened them. He gave me this,” she said displaying the diamond necklace she wore.

  “It’s beautiful,” Taryn said.

  “Have you any idea what Jared is going to give you?” Anita asked. “I’d be insane with curiosity,” she added.

  “I’m not sure,” she said, her own curiosity peaked. “Whatever it is, he seems eager to give it to me.”

  “What did you get Jared?” Anita inquired.

  Taryn smiled, relishing her secret. “I arranged through my uncle to purchase two thoroughbreds to breed.”

  “How were you able to purchase the horses?” Anita asked. The cost of thoroughbred horses was not inconsequential.

  “I sold Brad’s engagement ring,” she responded without shame. “I felt it appropriate. Brad hated horses.”

  The two burst out laughing.

  “This is one of the best Christmases I can remember,” Anita announced.

  “I agree,” Taryn enthused, hugging her friend. “So many wonderful things are beginning to happen. Jared’s even given Robert Michaels the interview he wanted.”

  “Your mother told me they plan on moving to Sacramento,” Anita said, seeing Madeline Ashford enter the room.

  Taryn nodded. “My parents stunned me when they revealed their plans,” she admitted. “My mother suggested they stay. My mother! My father swears she’s been corrupted by Aunt Gwen. They are very excited. The bank in Chicago where my father works has a large number of its investors who put their money on beef. My father suggested he act as their contact here. His bank agreed.”

  Madeline walked over to Taryn and Anita. “Taryn, your uncle is about to make a Christmas toast. Everyone is gathering in the dining room.”

  “I better go find Luke,” Anita said hurrying out of the room.

  Madeline gazed upon her daughter’s face. “I’ve never seen you happier,” she commented.

  Taryn returned her mother’s smile with a brilliant one of her own. “I am happy.”

  “Jared’s a fine man,” Madeline offered.

  “Do you mean what you say, Mother?” Taryn asked, placing her hand on her mother’s arm.

  Madeline nodded, her smile brightening across her face. She hugged Taryn. They held hands at arm’s length, each with tears glistening in their eyes.

  “Well,” Madeline said, taking a moment to regain her composure, “we’d better join the others.” She linked her arm with her daughter’s, and they walked into the dining room.

  The room held a circle of friends and family surrounding the large table. Anita stood with Luke, while Taryn slipped in beside Jared who pressed her close to his side. Madeline and Dennis Ashford stood on her other side with Etta Briggs, Robert Michaels, and Andrew Donahue. They all turned their attention to Jonathan and Gwen Dalton.

  Raising his glass, Jonathan cleared his throat. “First of all, I’d like to thank you all for making us a part of your Christmas celebration. For Gwen and I, this is a special Christmas. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to spend this day with family,” he said, his view encompassing Madeline, Dennis, and Taryn. Then he shifted his gaze to Luke and Anita. “We are surrounded by old and dear friends,” he continued. “As well as new ones,” he added, his gaze falling upon Jared, Etta, and Robert. “In addition, we have our health. May we always be so fortunate,” he finished.

  All raised their glasses in exuberance. Gwen kissed Jonathan’s cheek, squeezing his arm with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Taryn pulled Jared into the Great Hall near the Christmas tree. She found her package under the tree where she’d placed it then held it out. “I can’t wait any longer for you to open the gifts I brought for you here.”

  He untied the ribbon removing the wrapping. The box contained two white cambric shirts. Lying on top of the shirts, a small spool of thread and a needle. Jared glanced at Taryn.

  “The morning following our wedding, I was angry with you because you told me I could mend your shirts to amuse myself. I wanted to replace the shirt I ripped apart,” she explained. “The thread is to show you I’m willing to mend more than your shirts should the need arise.”

  A smile spread across his face in understanding of her gesture.

  “Before I tell you of your other gift, I need to know if you meant it when you told me you once hoped to breed horses.”

  “I meant it.” He believed he’d be good at horse breeding before the incident with Matt Rhodes changed the course of his life. “One day, I’ll try my hand at it,” he commented.

  Taryn grinned in anticipation, hurrying Jared out of the house to the stables. At the stables, she presented her other gift. “You are now the owner of these thoroughbred horses,” she proclaimed.

  He examined the sleek steeds overwhelmed by her gift. “Thank you, Taryn. He raised her chin, kissing her on the mouth, expressing the depth of the love he felt.

  “Uncle Jonathan said you can keep the horses here until we decide what we’re going to do.”

  He nodded. There would be no need to keep the steeds there too long. By the end of the next day, they co
uld bring them to their own property after he presented his gift to Taryn. “I hope I have time for both horse breeding and my other job,” he remarked.

  Her gaze held question. “But you aren’t working for Uncle Jonathan any longer.” He couldn’t be talking about his profession as a gunfighter. He’d cleared his name.

  “Open this,” Jared said in answer, extracting a small package from his pocket.

  Taryn felt the radiant affect of his gaze as she opened the package. She stared at the silver star-shaped badge in confusion. She raised her gaze to his. “This looks like Marshal Rhodes’ badge.” Marcus Rhodes’ return was highly doubtful. Yet, it still didn’t explain why Jared gave her the badge.

  “It is a marshal’s badge, but Marcus Rhodes is not its owner.”

  “Then who?”

  “Your husband,” he clarified.

  She stared at his face before his statement registered. “You’ve been made marshal?” she asked, still bewildered.

  Jared nodded. “I guess we’ll have to settle here.”

  Taryn felt like crying in joy. She threw her arms around him with a squeal of happiness.

  He lifted her off the ground, swinging her around in his own happiness.

  They returned to the house telling the others the news.

  “This is delightful!” Etta exclaimed wiping tears from her eyes. “This whole day, delightful.”

  After a sumptuous supper, following cheerful conversation, the festivities came to a close. Jonathan and Gwen stood on the porch, the evening twilight hours descending with the sun low in the sky. Arm-in-arm with Jonathan, Gwen watched the couples disperse. Her gaze fell on Etta stepping into her carriage alone. Samuel Hennessey, also alone, mounted his horse turning in the direction of his own home.

  “We must invite Sam Hennessey over more. We so rarely see him, and he’s such a charming older man,” Gwen commented.

  “He’s been to any of a number of your parties, Gwen,” Jonathan countered.

  “Yes, but there are so many people it’s sometimes difficult for guests to talk,” Gwen added. “Maddie,” Gwen said to her sister who sat behind them with Dennis on the porch swing, “what do you think of Doctor Hennessey and Etta?”


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