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Untamed Hearts

Page 33

by Colleen O'Connell

  “I think they’d be perfect together.”

  “Spring weddings are so pretty,” Gwen remarked.

  “The month of May would be ideal,” Madeline suggested. She left her husband’s side, taking Gwen by the arm to go inside. “Then there’s always Andrew Donahue and Robert Michaels to consider.”

  “You’re so right, Maddie,” Gwen said. “I’m glad you’ll be here to help.”

  “Gwen…” Jonathan cautioned in mild agony of his wife’s desire to prevent others from going through life alone.

  “Maddie,” Dennis called out, “don’t get caught up in this.”

  They ignored the men while continuing their talk on the way into the house. Dennis turned to Jonathan. “Why do I feel like I’m on the verge of losing the power I have to influence Maddie?”

  Jonathan quirked his brow at Dennis. “When did you ever think you had it?”

  Dennis considered his question, laughing, knowing there wasn’t a time he possessed control, and there never would be.


  Taryn and Jared arrived back at the hotel late. Jared was distracted, but she couldn’t tell what caused it. Perhaps he anticipated her opening his gift. She anxiously awaited opening her gift having no idea what he might have gotten her. “Before Christmas is over,” Taryn said, knowing midnight approached, “can I open your gift?”

  “Are you sure you’re not too tired? We could always wait until tomorrow,” he added.

  “Tomorrow! If I wait another minute, I’ll die of curiosity,” she insisted.

  Jared grinned as he went to the closet of the sitting room. Unlocking the closet door, he removed her gift. He hooked the satin hanger over the door, gesturing for Taryn to remove the covering hiding the garment.

  She walked over toward her gift, a smile of anticipation on her face. He purchased her an item of clothing. He had excellent taste based on the beautiful blue satin gown she loved so much. Reaching for the voluminous amounts of tissue covering the item, Taryn began carefully tearing away at the paper. Completely removing the tissue, she stood back. The cream-colored gown glistened with seed pearls which covered the V-necked bodice, portions of the long sleeves, and trailing down the skirt all the way to the edges of the short train. She fingered the beaded sleeve in awe. “Jared, it’s exquisite,” she breathed, embracing him while still staring at the dress. She gave him a quick kiss before spinning around. “I have to try it on,” she decided.

  He obliged her by helping her out of her gown, unable to resist kissing her shoulder as he unbuttoned the back.

  Taryn felt the familiar shivers of excitement, but she tempered it, excited to see if the new gown fit. She wiggled away from him, removing her gown with brisk efficiency, letting it fall to the floor. She undid the tiny pearl buttons down the back of the dress, stepping into it. Pulling it up over her head, she once again asked him to help her fasten the buttons.

  Meticulous in his motions, he placed the matching loop around each button. Halfway up her back, he paused. “I believe I made a mistake,” he commented. “When I told Marie how I wanted the gown fashioned, I didn’t know these buttons would take so long to fasten.”

  “Once you get to a point where I can reach them, I’ll finish it,” she suggested, looking over her shoulder to see how far he’d gotten with the buttons.

  “I don’t mind,” he said, continuing to work the buttons up her back. “I’m wondering if it will likewise take as long to unfasten them.”

  Taryn laughed. “If it does, think of the anticipation it will create.”

  Finished, he stood back. “Now let me see you.”

  She faced him, waiting for his reaction.

  He stared, speechless. He couldn’t unearth words for the vision she presented.

  Taryn couldn’t decipher what Jared was thinking as he continued to stare. “Do I look all right in it?”

  “Come and see,” Jared managed. He took her hand, guiding her into the bedroom to the full-length mirror. Standing behind her, he absorbed her reaction.

  She stared at her reflection in the gown unable to believe she was the woman reflected in the glass. The form-fitted bodice, drop waist, and folds of the skirt flowed around her.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said seriously, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  She felt a familiar blush with pleasure, reaching up and resting her hands over his.

  “There’s only one thing missing,” he remarked. He went to the dresser and removed a black velvet box. Opening it up, he removed a pearl necklace, clasping the chain around her neck.

  She felt overwhelmed by his gifts. “Jared, this is too much.”

  “Nothing I can do for you will ever be too much.”

  “The gown is almost too beautiful to wear.”

  “I’d like you to wear it tomorrow,” Jared remarked.

  Taryn’s brow creased. “This gown should only be worn for a special occasion.”

  “Tomorrow is a special occasion,” he returned.

  “What’s happening tomorrow?” she asked. They didn’t have any other parties to attend. Most occurred prior to Christmas, and the New Year’s celebrations weren’t for another week.

  “We have some place to go.”


  “You’ll find out tomorrow,” he said, avoiding her gaze. “Now, let me help you out of this.”

  “You’re being very unfair, Jared,” she said, presenting her back so he could unfasten her. “I’ll be curious all night now.”

  “Maybe I can help.”

  She spun around. “You’ll tell me where we’re going?”

  “No,” he said, turning her back around so he could finish unfastening her gown. He enjoyed the knowledge of the surprise he held from her. “I meant,” he said, finishing with her buttons, “I could help you forget your curiosity about tomorrow, and make you curious about other things tonight.” His mouth sought her earlobe.

  She leaned into him, closing her eyes. “What things?”

  “Hang up the gown, and I’ll show you,” he remarked. While Taryn did so, he removed his jacket, unbuttoning his own shirt.

  After hanging the gown, she went to him, her arms reaching up around his neck. “Thank you, Jared. This is the happiest Christmas of my life.” She pulled his head down to meet her mouth, kissing him with rising passion.

  He wrapped his arms around her, losing himself in her kiss. He never imagined he could love someone so much. His life was hers for the taking.


  The following day, Taryn continued to question Jared for information concerning where he was taking her. He was being extremely evasive. Dressed once more in the stunning cream ball gown he gave her, she appreciated him as he positioned his white linen ascot at his neck. Her gaze feasted on the sight of him. Taryn had seen Jared as resplendent as a man could be at Luke and Anita’s engagement party or at Etta’s Christmas gathering, but she had never seen him more attractive than this moment. Dressed in a black tailcoat and pants with the linen shirt and ascot, his appearance was so far removed from the image of a gunman. She gazed at his profile, enjoying the unobserved view.

  Finished with his tie, he turned to see Taryn’s focus on him, a sweet smile on her face. “Now you’re staring at me,” he said with love in his eyes. “Are you ready to leave?”

  “I’ve been ready since last night,” she said, her gaze filled with excitement. “Are you sure we won’t be overdressed for wherever we’re going?”

  Jared grinned. “I’m sure.”

  He escorted her out of the hotel toward a beautiful black carriage with gold embossment.

  Taryn’s eyes widened at the impressive coach. “Where did you get this?”

  “We need transportation,” he replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “It arrived from New York a few days ago.”

  The interior of the coach was beautiful with plush white cushioned upholstery and red and gold trim on the wall panels. Two gold candle scones decorated the sides
of the panels.

  Helping Taryn into the carriage, he stepped up, sitting beside her.

  “Don’t you have to tell the driver where to go?” she asked hoping to overhear the instructions so it would give her an idea of what Jared planned.

  “He already knows,” he said, her disappointed smirk making him laugh. He hugged her to his side. He enjoyed the anticipation of his surprise as much as he was impatient for the commencement of the day’s events.

  The carriage ride took them a distance outside town. When the carriage came to a halt, she was impatient to discover where they were. When he helped her alight, Taryn stared at the beautiful structure. An impressive structure of red brick with white pillars. The estate sat back from the main road. The house was secluded off by a large gated entrance. She couldn’t imagine who lived here. Trees and other abundant foliage surrounded the large piece of property. “Jared,” she finally said, “whose home is this?”

  “Yours,” he replied.

  Her mouth fell open in astonishment, unable to utter a word.

  He slipped his arm around her. “Welcome home, Taryn,” he added, walking toward the stairs leading to the front door. Opening the door, he guided her to walk ahead of him.


  Taryn stumbled back upon sight of all the faces before her in the foyer. Her parents, Aunt Gwen and Uncle Jonathan, Anita and Luke, Robert Michaels, Marie Dubois, Andrew Donahue, and so many others. Confusion filled her expression.

  “I wanted to give you the wedding reception you never experienced,” he explained.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. He gifted her the dress, the necklace, their new home, and now, the reception. He planned it all. Taryn couldn’t hold back the tears of happiness, and she turned her face into his chest.

  Jared squeezed her close feeling as happy as he’d ever felt in his life. Pulling back, he placed his knuckles under her chin, raising her face to his and kissed her cheek.

  Their friends and family surrounded them ushering them up to the large ballroom where beautifully arranged tables awaited the guests. Taking their places at the various tables, numerous attendants poured champagne for the guests.

  Jared stood from his place at the head table, addressing the group. “Thank you all for your help in keeping this surprise from Taryn,” he began. “I think we succeeded.” He glanced at Taryn who nodded in stunned acknowledgement. “I hope you enjoy this day as much as I know I will.” The group raised their glasses in toast. Sitting back down, Jared touched his glass to Taryn’s, drinking to their life together.

  Dennis Ashford gazed between his daughter and Jared King. He reached over, taking Maddie’s hand in his. Madeline smiled in pleasure, her expression reflecting her husband’s thoughts. She patted his hand, unable to speak.

  The celebration continued following the feast with music and dancing. When the guests departed, Jared took her on a private tour of their home.

  They strolled through the rooms and about the grounds. They returned to the master bedroom. Standing in the open doorway leading out to the balcony, Taryn leaned back against him with a satisfied smile on her face.

  “I have a feeling we have a very bright future ahead of us,” Jared remarked.

  Taryn turned in his arms, clasping her hands behind his neck. “I know we do.”

  Jared bent his head capturing her mouth in a fervent kiss. Taryn felt all the power of his passion, responding with equal intensity, and cherishing the fortunes of Fate guiding them to an everlasting love.


  Robert Michaels sat in his office recalling Jared and Taryn’s wedding reception the previous evening. His thoughts turned to the conversations he’d shared with Jared concerning his gunfighting career beginning and ending in Sacramento. Jared was very helpful in giving him the necessary information to fill in the details for the story Robert intended to write.

  Robert felt an inner pride at the way things turned out, content in his own part of bringing Taryn and Jared together on the train. If not for informing Taryn of the wisdom to find another passenger aboard the train for the evening arrangement of sleeping, there was no telling if they would have ever wound up together. Robert felt decidedly pleased with the final outcome of their meeting.

  He stared once more at the blank page lying on his desk before him, debating how best to begin the story. He leaned on the desktop, his fountain pen poised over the paper. Then, with a decisive nod he wrote his opening sentence.

  Adrenaline pounded through Jared King’s heart with driving force as he commanded powerful running strides from his long legs to cover the distance between the jailhouse and the horse in sight…

  A word about the author…

  Colleen has been an avid reader her entire life and has a particular love of the historical romance genre. Having enjoyed reading romances early on, she began writing them herself when she wanted the stories to take a different turn and determined the only way to achieve it was to craft her own.

  She currently lives in Northern Kentucky and has a background in Human Resource Management.

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