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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

Page 21

by Livia Grant

  “Sweetheart, this is a promise. While you certainly will not enjoy this punishment, you’ll never receive anything even close to open wounds at my hands. Do you hear me?”


  “Do you believe me?”

  Bri takes a few seconds longer this time, but when she answers yes she really does mean it. She instinctually trusts Lukus.

  Feeling better, Bri turns to hug Tiffany. “I’m so sorry to have dragged you into this whole mess, Tiff. I really am selfishly happy you’re here, though. I don’t know what I’d do without you here helping me through this.”

  As Bri stands to follow Lukus, he changes his directions. “Master Derek, take Brianna down and get her situated. I’d like a word with Tiffany… alone. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “You got it boss. Come along, little girl.” Bri gives Tiff and Lukus one last glance before she leaves ahead of Master Derek. She sure hopes Tiff behaves herself and doesn’t test to see what happens at the count of three.


  Tiffany watches with trepidation as her best friend... her naked best friend, leaves with the huge hulk of a man. Even knowing Bri is going to be caned a dozen times, Tiff isn’t entirely sure she wouldn't prefer to trade places with her friend at this moment. The look Lukus is giving her seems more ominous than the cane.

  'Just keep your damn mouth shut, Tiffany. Stop trying to poke the bear.”

  Once they're alone, Lukus takes a seat on the bed, facing Tiff on the bed and acknowledges her small achievement of maintaining a full thirty-seconds of silence. "I see you've thought better of pushing me to three."

  His eyes are boring into her, testing her ability to remain quiet. She has to fight down her first urge to tell him to screw off because she instinctually knows he's not making an idle threat. She may not know exactly what will happen if he gets to three, but she's pretty sure she won't like it, whatever it is.

  Or will she? She hates to admit it, even to herself, but Bri had been right about her. While she may have only experienced parts of the BDSM lifestyle vicariously through books and Bri, that doesn't mean she isn't curious. Scratch that; she’s more than curious. There was a time she wanted to explore her submissive tendencies every bit as much as her best friend. Only watching the hell that Bri went through at the hands of Jake helped push her desire down. Since then, the closest she ever got to reality is a lame spanking at the hands of Jason. He had only done it to please her, but the spanking was so anti-climactic that she’d written the whole thing off as a complete failure.

  So why does she find herself biting her tongue to keep from pushing him to three? It would be so easy. Luckily, Lukus speaks before she can open her mouth again.

  "I see it in your eyes, Tiffany. You’re fighting it. You want me to get to three, don’t you? Well, just know I do realize you're neither my sub nor a club member, but you are a guest in my home. I therefore expect you to behave yourself accordingly. There are consequences, even for houseguests, for broken rules. Understood?"

  What she’s so tempted to say is, “Screw you, you big bully.” What comes out is, “Yes, Sir.” While her first instinct is self-loathing at once again caving, she’s instantly glad she chooses the submissive route when she’s rewarded with one of the sexiest smiles she’s ever seen. She can't help but acknowledge the warm glow of pleasure washing over her at Lukas’ obvious approval of her submission. The warmth flows through her, settling squarely at the apex of her pressed-together thighs. The submissive sensation is foreign, but somehow feels right.

  Their eyes lock as Lukus reaches out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. Before she can think of something clever to say, he’s on his feet and walking to the door. Only when he’s almost gone does Tiff know what she wants to say.


  Already half out the door, he turns back to give Tiff his attention. He waits patiently for her to spit it out. "Lukus. If you hurt her... I mean really hurt her... I'll never forgive you."

  Lukus slowly walks back to Tiffany who’s still sitting on her knees near the edge of his messed up bed. His face is a mask. She can't tell if he’s angry or not, but she knows it doesn't matter. She needed to say it. Still, the intensity of his gaze drives her to look down at her nervous hands, wringing in her lap.

  Tiff is startled when he reaches out to cup her cheek, pulling her face up, until she again meets his gaze. The tenderness in his eyes is surprising, and overwhelmingly comforting.

  “Baby. If I really hurt her… I’d never forgive myself."

  Tiff’s sharp intake of breath is her only response as Lukus drops his hand and quickly strides out of the room, leaving Tiffany with a racing heart and a completely overwhelmed mind.

  ‘I’m in so much trouble here. The man is freaking irresistible. I’m so screwed.’

  Chapter Sixteen

  By the time Brianna and Derek reach the dungeon, Brianna has worked herself into a near panic attack. The unwanted memories of her last caning at the hands of Jake are flooding in on her. As they pass through the backstage area, Bri begins to slow down, subconsciously trying to delay the inevitable. Eventually she comes to a dead stop in the wide doorway leading to the stage, causing Derek to walk into her back.

  “All right, naughty girl. Keep it moving. You earned this punishment so there’ll be no stalling.”

  When she remains frozen, blocking his path, Derek grasps her hips and propels her forward.

  She’s relieved to see the club is still dark. This punishment is going to be hard enough to get through without having a hoard of witnesses watching and getting turned on by her tears and screams.

  Rachel is already there. Like the good little submissive she is, she’s already naked and properly positioned, bent over the padded spanking bench with her arms and legs spread to the corners of the device, leaving her ass and the back of her legs completely vulnerable to her punishers. Rachel looks up at the sound of them approaching. Her eyes immediately seek out her husband’s as tears flood her beautiful eyes, quickly spilling over and down her cheeks.

  Derek reaches out and grabs Brianna’s upper arm, pulling her to a stop. “Wait here. I need to speak with my wife privately for a minute.”

  Bri doesn’t miss the disappointment in his voice and when she sneaks a quick peek up at his face, she finds a strange mix of anger and concern. She certainly doesn’t know Derek well, but it’s easy to see he’s not happy his sub has contributed to this day’s craziness.

  Brianna tries to look away to give them some degree of privacy, but since she’s only about six feet from where Rachel is awaiting her doom, there’s not much privacy to be had. She turns to the side, taking her eyes off them completely, but short of putting her hands over her ears, she can’t help but hear their exchange.

  Derek’s voice is stiff and controlled as he addresses is wife. “Stand up, little girl.”

  Bri can hear Rachel lifting off the spanking bench and she can only guess she’s avoiding her husband’s gaze because his next instructions are impatient.

  “Look at me right now, Rachel Lynn.”

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I really am.” Bri detects the quaver in her voice.

  “I just bet you are now that you were caught red-handed. Were my instructions unclear?”

  Brianna can tell Derek is trying to keep their conversation private because he’s speaking more softly than she thought possible for him. Still, they’re close enough that she can hear every word.

  “No, Sir.”

  “So, you just blatantly defied me because you were in the mood to have your ass lit up?”

  Bri can hear Rachel crying. “No, Sir. I really didn’t plan to disobey. I accidentally dropped a coffee mug in the kitchen and it woke her up. She was calling out for Master Lukus. I know I should’ve just ignored her calling, but I thought maybe something was wrong so I was peeking in, just to check on her, and she saw me.”

  “Enough. You know I don’t put up with excuses. The instructions were clear. You defied th
em. I told you there were very good reasons Lukus didn’t want you talking to her.”

  “I know, Sir, but I promise. I didn’t say anything about Master Markus other than what she already knew.”

  “And just what exactly was that?”

  “She already knew that Master Markus came here with Georgie.” Brianna can hear the panic in Rachel’s voice.

  “Rachel Lynn Parker, you aren’t going to sit on that beautiful little ass of yours for a week if I find out you told her anything about Master Markus and Georgie - and you know exactly what I mean.”

  Their voices are getting even softer and Brianna has to really strain now to hear the next part of the conversation, but considering they’re talking about her husband, she doesn’t feel the least bit guilty.

  “I swear to you, Daddy. I didn’t tell her anything about what happened the last night Master Markus was punishing Georgie on stage. I would never do that.”

  “You’d better not. That’s not our secret to tell. Markus is going to have to come clean on that one on his own. You just keep your pretty little nose out of it, do you hear me young lady?”

  “Yes, Sir. I promise.”

  ‘Oh, my God! What secret are they talking about? It has to be something juicy to have Derek that concerned about it coming out.’

  Bri doesn’t have nearly long enough to evaluate the possibilities before she’s surprised by the next question Derek directs to his wife. “How are you feeling? Are you okay or do we need to do this later?” That seems like a strangely gentle question for the hard-ass Dom to ask his naughty sub as she’s about to be punished.

  “No, Sir. I’m just getting a bit tired, but I’m feeling okay today.”

  “Well, remember what we discussed, little girl. I want you to safe word immediately if you want us to stop. There’ll be no getting out of your punishment completely, but we can break it up into several sessions if we need to. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  A few long seconds tick by before Brianna picks up the erotic sound of the couple passionately kissing behind her. She takes a chance and glances over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of Derek and Rachel’s embrace. All thoughts of fear temporarily evaporate to be replaced by immediate horniness as she watches Derek tightly holding Rachel against his muscular body. He’s so large compared to her petite frame and has one hand tightly grasping Rachel’s ass as she raises her leg to wrap it around his waist. His other hand has her long hair pulled back so hard that her creamy neck is exposed to her Dom. He’s sucking and kissing the most vulnerable spot where her shoulder meets her neck with his open mouth and Rachel is humping against his body. Both are moaning with pleasure.

  The amorous sounds are intoxicating. Brianna tries not to listen, not to think about how lucky her new friend is right now. Brianna has just brought her fingers up to stroke her own wet pussy when Lukus decides to join them on stage.

  “Brianna Lambert, stop touching yourself this very minute or I’ll be adding strokes.”

  Brianna’s realizes her face must be bright red with embarrassed at being caught masturbating. She wishes the ground would open up and swallow her whole rather than have to look at Lukus right this very minute.

  She wonders if anyone can blame her given the sexual tension that’s been ramping up all day.

  She’s spent the day buck naked while almost enjoying the fullness of the invading butt-plug stretching her wide, a constant reminder of her impending punishment. And as if all of that wasn’t bad enough, Lukus had belted her to near orgasm before leaving her to stew in her own juices, literally.

  ‘What does he expect? I dare him to live through that and not be as horny as hell.’

  Luckily, she’s able to avoid eye contact with Lukus, but she can’t help but notice the straining bulge in his jeans. He luckily ignores her as he walks straight to Derek and Rachel, who reluctantly tear themselves apart after Lukus clears his throat. Brianna is completely stunned when Lukus reaches out to pull Rachel into a big bear hug.

  “Derek told me the great news. I’m so happy for you, Rachel.”

  “Thank you, Master Lukus.” She smiles and looks down.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Brianna notices Rachel’s smile takes on a glow. “I’m fine, Sir. Really I am, but thank you for asking.”

  “Don’t you think for one minute your news is going to get you out of a punishment, but…” Lukus takes a short break to look up at Derek before continuing on. “I called James before I came down. Considering he’s both a doctor and a Dom, I wanted to consult with him on the proper way to handle Rachel’s punishments now. We’ll be making some modifications as a result of his recommendations on how he handled punishments with Mary… but…” Lukus turns his attention back to Rachel as he continues on with his scolding. “Don’t for one minute forget you’re still in big trouble, young lady. Still, no matter what, you have to promise me you’ll safe word if you need us to take a break. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. Master Derek just explained the same thing.”

  Brianna is confused with the exchange and begins feeling a bit persecuted. “Why does she get to safe word out of her punishment, but if I do I have to get divorced?”

  Lukus shoots her an annoyed look. “Not that we were talking to you, Miss Nosey, but I just found out Rachel is expecting a baby.”

  ‘Wow, I sure didn’t see that coming.’

  For a moment, Brianna forgets where she is as she rushes forward to hug Rachel. “Oh, what great news! Congratulations, Rachel.” Pulling out of the hug, the naked women look each other in the eye. “How far along are you?”

  “Only about three months.” Rachel’s voice is full of a shy excitement.

  “Well, that’s wonderful news. I’m so happy for you.” She turns to Derek. “Congratulations to you too, Derek. You look so happy.”

  Only then does it hit her that maybe she should’ve asked for permission to be so informal with the mammoth Dom. She quickly adds on a fast “Sir” hoping it will suffice to appease him in case he’s offended, but he’s not. It’s easy to see he’s thrilled at his wife’s condition, if not a tad bit uneasy at the attention it’s bringing him.

  “Thanks, Brianna. I’m scared shitless I’m going to screw the poor kid up, but with any luck, I’ll get the hang of the parenting thing before I actually do any lasting harm.”

  Brianna can’t stop grinning at his contagious excitement. “I’m sure you’ll do great, Sir.”

  Lukus drags their attention back to the task at hand, quickly dousing the joy Bri and Rachel had been feeling by reminding the women they are both in trouble. She hadn’t seen him leave, but when Bri looks over, she sees Lukus hauling a second spanking bench from backstage. He drags it directly opposite the already placed bench. She’s surprised when he moves them so close they are almost touching.

  “Okay, sweetheart. Get your soon-to-be-red ass over here.”

  Brianna’s pulse is notching up in anticipation of what’s to come.

  When she’s slow to move towards him, he reminds her to hurry. “I’d stop stalling if I were you or we’ll start adding strokes for tardiness.”

  Brianna crosses the few feet separating them quickly. As soon as she’s within reach, Lukus grabs her and rather roughly lines her up with the end of the long bench. He takes a minute to adjust the leather padded top so the end where her head is at a forty-five degree angle. Bri sees Derek is doing the same on Rachel’s bench.

  As the tops of the benches are facing each other, Brianna quickly realizes the men will be punishing both women at the same time while they are forced to watch the effects of the other’s punishment. Her eyes seek out Rachel’s. Bri sees a resigned look on the expectant mother’s face as she mentally prepares for her caning.

  When he has the bench set up, Lukus reaches back and takes Brianna’s hand to pull her toward the bench. She tries hard not to let him see her trembling. She’d love to blame her shivers on the club’s chill, but s
he can’t. It’s actually a comfortably warm temperature and she assumes that’s not an accident. Considering so many submissives, both men and women, come to the club with little to no clothes on, Brianna is sure Lukus keeps the temperature comfortable for them.

  As Brianna approaches the punishment bench, Lukus guides her to straddle the now angled top and kneel on the padded leg rests on either side. She leans forward, placing her weight on the cool leather, as she reaches for the handgrips on either side of the bench near her head.

  Brianna is uneasy when Lukus begins strapping her into place, tightly securing both her ankles and wrists to the bench. The position of her legs has her splayed wide and she’s sure Lukus will have a very nice view of her openly displayed wet pussy. She’s almost completely immobile when Lukus’ chest unexpectedly brushes her back as he reaches below her to grasp the wide leather waist restraint. He cinches it tightly, securing her waist to the bench and ensuring she won’t be able to yank her ass away from the upcoming blows, no matter how much she may want to.

  Brianna’s anxiety is escalating as she looks up and realizes she’s only about two feet away from Rachel’s face. Rachel’s expression is not much better as her husband secures her to her own bench in the exact same manner. It doesn’t bode well that such an experienced submissive is afraid of her upcoming discipline.

  Brianna is embarrassed to have Rachel there to witness her lose control, which she is surely going to do since Lukus has promised to keep her from escaping to her happy place and climaxing. Yet Bri is surprised the bigger part of her is actually comforted that she won’t be going through this punishment alone. She feels a budding sisterhood with the nearby submissive.

  An unwelcome memory of Jake invades as she hears Lukus standing behind her, swishing what sounds like a medium-weight cane through the open air, testing the feel of the punishment device. Just the sound of the swish is a frightening trigger, bringing back forgotten feelings.


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