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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 4

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - Let’s see if we can locate our solar system and find out exactly where we are! - He turned one hand and the star map shifted done this many times it took until Sam caught his eye.

  - There! Right there! - He pointed the finger and walked a few meters to where it was a yellow sun with several planets around, but as before were more than human science proposed.

  - Yes, I've seen! Do you have a great insight! - Did not tell him he could know the name and read Ondenbar, I had ever seen before and there were Aktanis in red followed by Rex orbiting Actuna toward the sun, Toris.

  - See Riley! It's us? - Again his experienced eye showed an apparently artificial object moving between Jupiter and Saturn.

  - Sam is quite possible, and if so, it's time to stop this thing ... - moved his hand so that the object representing the Mother Ship was within reach of his hand. He touched her, but nothing happened, but also no longer moved the map.

  - That's it? Type pulls a handbrake and this thing through? - Sam was intrigued that she had such ease as the whole mechanism around. He remembered a few hours ago did not know this place existed, much less that they could understand it.

  - I know as much about it as you! At least we have made progress on something ... - felt that his mood was bitterer with each passing minute and was beginning to have difficulty controlling it.

  - Do you think we can reverse the course Riley? - Sam cheered in knowing that at least one of them was succeeding where others certainly would fail and it warned that it was still the commander, decided he should let their guard down.

  - I do not know, but we can try! - He noted he did not feel hungry or thirsty even if their body would alert him falsely those were exhausting their cellular energy reserves. They had not fed since they reached the bell and this seemed to be no problem, just do not understand why.

  - Sam! Are you hungry or thirsty? - I needed to keep him around and busy with rational things.

  - Curious you ask, the worst is that I cannot answer! The brain says yes and the body not! - Shrugged not knowing the explanation for such behavior.

  - It may be the air we breathe? - Again externalized a theory that could kill her if he saw her as the enemy. She had too many answers for subjects who did not understand.

  - Can ... can ... yes - had already thought of that, the air would be nutritious enough that met all physiological needs through the pores and the air we breathe. It was not a new idea, scientists on Earth had already been experimenting in this direction, one would assume that an advanced civilization like that, traveling the stars and kidnapped entire planets, do not sit at the table to make meals. It made sense to her reasoning. Again she surprised.

  Samuel walked away without the perception of Riley who was still trying to decipher which were exactly the methods of communication between her and the Mother Ship, he had made much progress, but still had no idea how he could reverse course and return to Earth taking with him whole human cargo that had been subtracted from their home planet. Did not understand by what Sam reason had become so bitter in the last hours, after all always been on his side and now, at the time, were the only ones in consciousness that place and the best chance they could do it all on the planet back to normal.

  Surely no one in their right mind would forget two sixths of the missing population itself had already asked if their parents and Chris would be within those stationed there bells, or have been rescued from the Earth's orbit, of those who remained when all communication system between the objects has been disabled by the explosions in the control room. Did not regret having done so, he hoped, though his parents were safe, but also imagined that I had no idea how the survivors, their invisible, would do to land the bells. Within that huge spaceship I had the knowledge that this had not been done automatically when they lost the antigravity system that controlled the bells.

  - Sam! I cannot find a way to reverse course and I am afraid that moves very end putting the ship moving again and be cast out of our solar system! - He waits for an answer that did not come.

  - Sam? - He looked around and did not see him. A huge despair took hold of his body, was prepared to end the mission at any cost, but never do alone. That was not in his plans. He lowered his hands and everything went dark again. He went up the ramp leading to swim up and through which passed an even dim light guidance.

  - Samuel? You are here? - Again called him by his full name which was not usual and got no response. - Answer me please! - His voice was apprehensive and scared. That infinite vastness of the completely desolated. I knew I liked to be alone and often done that, but he understood that the first was a personal choice, but being completely alone did not depend on her will, but others do not want it around and at that moment I thought that was what Samuel wanted. Stay alone. Unless something else had happened ... I shuddered at the thought that he could lose it.

  - Here ... - he spoke quietly sitting on the floor and leaning against the metal wall.

  - What is it Sam? - She approached him and sat beside him embracing his arm to his chest. - I was afraid you had abandoned me! - Rested her head on his shoulder, needed that male security at his side and the certainty that he would never leave her.

  - Only yourself Riley! - He laughed heartily, this haughty his spirits - and where would I go? - She held her raising her face with her hand and even though he knew she would be expecting his kiss, he did not.

  Riley was not disappointed that he did not try to kiss her again knowing that you had every opportunity to voluntarily but was puzzled that he had not taken advantage of the moment. He felt something between his feelings had changed and did not know if he liked the change. Certainly preferred the bold and unexpected that Samuel had always known, hoped he did not become a stranger altogether thereafter. - "From then on ..." - thought and it made his senses stay more alert.

  - Sam! What do we do from now? - A little pulled away and crossed her legs, still sitting next to him. - We are standing, still here in space and our options are very limited. We cannot wake up these people and do not know even who wake up! - Recalled that the attempt they made in Sino where entered had been fruitless and most of the women and children were asleep, there was not the slightest chance of this happening there. People need to be prepared and know how to deal with the time and that seemed unlikely to happen in that situation.

  - Yes, this is not possible! The last thing we need is hysterical people trying to kill us! Are enough aliens! - He remembered how he had been mean to her moments before. - Look Riley, I went through a lot in recent days, feelings of love and hate relationship with everything and everyone. I hated my father for failing to save my mother and loved my mother for giving his life to save us, loved seeing you wrapped that towel and just before too, but hated knowing you had someone.

  Finally I love being with him and would not have anyone else beside me that was not you, on the other hand, do not know how we get out of this and I hate myself for it! Why not have an answer! - Said all he had caught in his throat since the world he knew had been hacked. - So once again I apologize for my behavior!

  Riley blushed to hear that their suspicions that he had seen her completely naked inside the house next to Lucan were confirmed, but the site of the darkness will not let him have this perception. It was flattered that so sneaky spy and sensual was a mixture of desire and curiosity about what she insisted on leaving latent within.

  - I know Sam and do not take this the wrong way so I know exactly how you feel about most of the things said and in time we'll find a way to resolve them! - This time she wanted to kiss him at length, but did not, maybe it was not the right time for this and could make things worse. The last thing they needed now was self-pity.

  - Changing the subject and making a new question! - Samuel paused a moment - those Aliens you find here in the control room, at least I think that's what this place is, how old do you think they would? - I was curious and wanted to know if she shared some palpable theory.

  - Good question! I cannot
answer, but that raises another question! - Encouraged in knowing that he had new challenges ahead and got up at once walking to close to the center where they had started the day before the explosions. - It is quite possible that this room where we've been down this was a secondary control center, but the answers may be right here with the damage we cause! - Began to spend their open hands low to the ground, but after a few minutes nothing happened.

  - If your theory is correct, we destroy our only chance to get back home! - That he already knew, but even so the decision had been both, there was nothing to reproach. He turned them into laughter.

  - Do not give up so easy Sam! - Said that while they approached the hands of the side wall and realized that this was beginning to "talk" with her again. Power was once more amazed interact with that technology.

  The dense dark green light made a slight pressure against the hand that was pushed seamlessly back, but at the same time without realizing Riley forced forward and had an unexpected surprise. From the ground where treading various chambers, it could count six rose leaving beneath it only voids in the form of objects which now levitated all at the same time, unlike any environment were white with clear glass, but totally inert, devoid of life. The only two people in the room, it was them, looked at each other dumbfounded.

  - What do you think this is Riley? - He had no idea what well or whether they would be useful for something.

  - Incredible as it may seem the answer to your question Sam! - She had a good idea of what it would be based on the format. - I think they're hibernation chambers for the crew of the Mother Ship, see the size of these "coffins" and the size of these humanoids! Beyond that amount is accurate! - There it was again assigning names I knew to totally unknowns, at least creativity did not talk to him that much was clear.

  - That means they need to stay in suspended animation in order to make the trip, both one-way and back, so they have a life cycle that we know estimate in years, could be tens, hundreds or thousands, but use these devices sure or not otherwise provided for in this complex! - Began to unravel secrets about the other invading race.

  - Yes Sam! And as we know our timing is based on the rotational motion that the earth is on its own axis, so we have 24 hours and the translation movement around the sun, in this case the years are made up of 365 days unless leap that It has 366 days and taking place every four years! - I was very excited with the explanations he gave did not even notice he smiled as a child until he heard clapping. - What was Sam? - She replied smiling.

  - I have not felt like this for years! - Still smiling vigorously -'m seeing with ten years and in the science classroom or something! Not only had such a beautiful teacher like you! But where you're going? - Bowed by hand.

  - Well, I tried to be as informative as possible! I do not know how far you attended classes ... - he smiled the way he just being reciprocated then deep down she knew perfectly well that men like him, athletic, beautiful and charming were more dedicated to sports than studies, in addition that were object of desire of classmates for sure. He felt a pang of jealousy for their thoughts and know that others have been in her arms as she. He shook his head to clear the thoughts that he did not like.

  - Are you okay Riley? - He became concerned when he saw her shake her head.

  - Yes, I'm well yes! - I was still jealous, but would not give him this taste. - But it gave me an idea too! - The "sarcophagus" as she called them remained levitated in the air and then immediately clapped.

  A multitude of lights and objects suggest everywhere coming from different directions, some were simply placed in front of the places he went out, others began to do small repairs in places that were damaged, including one in which everything had been destroyed deliberately. Riley liked to punch one floor with his two Glock pistols, which still made him company at the waist and stroked them to remember what had happened.

  - Well, well! This is really amazing! - This time it was Sam who was amazed by what he saw and how quickly things were repaired. - If they had this feature because they used it when we destroy the place? - I was curious about it.

  - I can only imagine that they had no time! - He remembered the incident. - I unloaded the combs of two guns on the floor, I made my speech, I pulled the pin with his teeth and spit away, you did the same thing and we played down there! After that you protected me ... - I circled the site that previously had given way ace explosions and was now being repaired by a kind of high-tech robots and autonomous. They knew very well what they were doing. He remembered last having enjoyed the feeling of being protected by him feeling the weight of his body against hers and the ground.

  - By the way! I loved his speech before all this happened! - She smiled approaching again, went back to see the seductive and captivating woman she was turning slowly.

  - You took from somewhere or already had in mind and was just waiting for an opportunity to use it? - She ran her hands through blond, silky hair allowing the fingers to penetrate enter them. Those bright blue eyes mesmerized him.

  - Neither one nor the other! My humanity was stronger and did not find reason why they did not know! - Told him the truth, the words had flowed you like all the great personalities of the story they wanted to be heard at that moment, she herself did not remember very well the speech, but at Sam seen not forgotten. - In any case, I think not died the impact of explosions as it does not show any signs of injury, beside them that we did ourselves in advance, so I can only assume that it was some kind of deadly gas to them, but at the same time was not for us! - That made her invisible and a hybrid race of course, were the last thoughts you had about it and did not expect to awaken him again the mistrust that had been moments before the lower room.

  - Let's hope they have done and try to reverse the direction of this thing! It may have a very good chance to return to Earth and return our people to their rightful place! - The possibilities were good and were in favor of them now.

  Repairs take almost a day, and took the opportunity to explore more obscure places of the ship. Felt they were nourished by the air they breathed, those invaders really had a wonderful technology and it was made good use of it on Earth could solve every problem that humanity faced since coming to set foot on the planet. Riley remembered a speech excerpt he had done; - "I have millions of years of wildlife in my blood and thousands of unrestrained wars inside me!" - Yes that was it and the more likely it is that possession of this technology on all governments to wear to make more wars that would be an impasse to consider.

  - Sam! Do not think I'll be able to make this thing work, I'm getting very tired! - Terrestrial timing that regulated their vital data begins to feel the effects of outer space and intergalactic journeys for which they were not accustomed. - We need alternatives so that we can survive, do not know if I can go on much longer ... - felt that faltered in the legs and throughout the body. That was very unexpected and feared the worst, that radiation could be doing them the same evil, but because they are human the effect was more delay.

  - Riley, what's going on? - He suffered from the same problem, but by having a more robust constitution thought would adapt at any time.

  - I think there's something wrong with us, perhaps the effect of being on board for longer than allowed, at least for us! - Looked at the "sarcophagus" that still levitated and had the distinct impression that he knew what to serve. - We have to go inside these chambers Sam, or die within hours or days! - Approached the one closest and touched it with his hand, the large capsule slipped the curved glass down following the contour and lit up completely. Small air jets came from the inner edges, apparently a kind of descontaminadores. - Lie Sam here, quick! - Stood with his hand on the capsule preventing it closed.

  Samuel was not far away and had learned to obey it without question approached the large suspended animation capsule and lay down on the smooth and comfortable surface, it was surprised it was so soft. Realized how small was inside, after all that had been developed for a species that was nearly twice its

  - What happens now Riley? - I look at her as he put the rifle on his chest.

  - Have sweet dreams my love ... - let your left hand still on what appeared to be the control panel and leaned letting her lips touched it with the passion and ardor. I did not know if I would see him again, but now needed to save them at all costs. He walked away realizing the surprise with which he had received his kiss and his last words. He withdrew the hand that remained on the panel and the glass will come back original position sealing completely suspended animation capsule. New air jets, this time more sparse eventually leave him completely still and asleep. It was her prince charming.

  Solar flares were still whipping more often the Mother Ship and radiation erupted throughout the interior by the lack of protection of antigravity systems charge to repel all external radiation when fired and formed a powerful magnetic shield. Attempting to stop the spaceship had also disabled all kinds of protections they needed to get inside safely, but they had no way of knowing that. There was no time to lose and Riley fought now so could you get another hibernation capsule, but me his last thoughts realized that this would bring another problem and would not have time to fix it, did not know how to program the time clock that they would unconscious and sleeping in deep sleep. They may never wake up.

  - Come on Riley ... Just a little ... - He put his hand on top of the capsule and the same as the one where Samuel Thorne now slept her enchanted sleep, vivid slid down following the circular outline of the object. The jets blew the surface where she lay down and without losing more time lay completely removing the hand then.


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