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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 5

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  While the glass closed even had time to look at Samuel asleep. His last thoughts as she felt the cold air jets the body were to "could love two men so different and so intensely at the same time ..." - failed to get an answer, for she was fast asleep when he finished the thought. They were alive, was what mattered to them, just not sure when they wake up, they could stay there sleeping side by side without even touch for eternity.

  Chapter III

  The Waiting

  On Earth the wait was long, after all the people left trapped in the bells were released and even then not all survived, some landed in the water and many of ecstasy cocoons had broken out of sequence and it did not allow it to come even those who unfreeze without assistance. In this process a few million people perished, were still considered casualties of war, a war that the human race had not chosen for himself and also had not had power of defense or combat.

  Governments no longer set brought so much value to the fact that many nations now recomposed and new frontiers stay alive, the planet was divided into four quadrants, the New Orders, as Chris had predicted in its few years of experience, distinct and well-defined by imaginary lines crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the intersection of the Azores; at the top considered part of the globe, one quarter also called the New Republic was composed of what's left of the old United States, Canada, Greenland and Japan, where ends other imaginary lines with opposite intersection about on the island of Okinawa-Jima.

  The second quadrant was entitled only earth, had chosen this name after the revolutions, only who considered themselves one people, one race and aggregated all the old Europe, much of Russia and the remains of some more eastern countries like China, which were cut by the imaginary line of latitude. The third quadrant at the bottom of the globe even if they have reversed the map of the world and decided that the remainder would be upside down, was a point of view to consider, were formed exclusively by Mexico and the countries that made up the ancient Americas Central and South America, his name; New Atlantis. Finally there was the Eden, the fourth quadrant which was composed of Africa, the Middle East and other countries, as well as Australia.

  And on the contrary to what one might assume, humanity did not unite against a common enemy, each New Order took upon itself the alien technology, but this was not a breakthrough. In the first year after landing the bells all walked for families to meet the best that could be done without the use of any type of technology, the Earth was still affected by the powerful magnetic pulses that had reached coming from the Mother Ship and which had put the entire human technology in the Stone Age.

  For this reason the following years were practically recycle everything that humanity had produced in the last two years and could contain some type of electrical components. That meant starting from absolute zero although the technological projects had been preserved, but with the absence of computers and other tools that would enable that projects were readjusted or to speed up production projects, everything was still in with a delay of almost a thousand years.

  Chris and his group were incorporated into the Wolf Pack Quadrant, Earth, and had not lost touch over the years. They were now on 5 May 2032 ten exact years had passed since the great invasion and Chris did a quick background on past memories and friends that had been forged by fire and sword.

  Robert and Sonia did not take the relationship much further by incompatibility of temper, but still very good friends and rarely had not spoken. Tommy still had a romantic relationship with Rebecca and as far as he knew did not have children and finally, Lionel were in the service of the second quadrant defense forces like him, Tommy had become captain of special operations, as was his natural talent and Lionel was his second in command under the help of the high-ranking friends which he, Chris, was a part.

  He paused to remember Samantha whom he loved like a daughter. The O'Connor rightly couple had decided to stay with the little princess, it not only gave them a reason to live after losing a daughter but also helped a lot in the years that followed. You could say that it has become a second Riley, acted and spoke exactly as it still and nobody imposed you any type of conditioning, on the contrary, and even if it was not necessary to remind friends lost their presence in our lives were constant she kept living full time.

  Maybe it was the influence of that pink room she loved so much and now his own, but a long time had ceased to be a little girl to become a mother and wife in their twenties. Her husband was none other than Bobby Flannagan twenty-three, who had never forgotten and it seemed it was not the only one. Just had their first child and gave him justifiably named Riley Thorne Flannagan O'Connor! And of what Chris and Anne who had remained at his side, were godfathers of baptism. He had left the house she was born in Seapark for the couple, and it was almost there in front of the adoptive parents and not bear to look at the light from the window be cleared ...

  He remembered Anne, learned to love her all the tenderness with which she treated him and the patience that had so he could forget Riley and so their lives continue. Both knew they would never forget, but that did not stop to marry and live one full of happiness in life than was possible after the world discovered they were not alone in the universe and that not all were friends.

  Had achieved the rank of colonel in London not only for the loans he had made to the country as well as the contribution to the Aliens studies which was an interested party and who headed one of the main offices, in their hearts still believed that one day it would be possible to strike back suffered by the Earth and perhaps to avenge the pain of love that had been stolen.

  Still, all the efforts he and Brian O'Connor had done to recognize and Sam Riley as war casualties were accepted but never felt at any time that this sixteen year old could have been responsible for the earth's salvation. They attributed this achievement to the malfunction of the alien system. As they said "A destination stroke of luck." But I knew the truth about it and only he and his believed.

  Only in the last three years had managed to regain some cutting-edge technology and it was not very rudimentary, already had various types of satellite communications, some close will Moon even with the sharpest interference of Earth's gravitational field, the transport system also He had improved and that facilitated him enough life. That night dinner with Anne, Samantha and Bobby who visited in London. It would be good to get out a little of the routine, I had made good friends in difficult times and it seemed would be for life. He closed the design office security door to alien affairs and went home.

  - You're early dear! Glad you're here! - Anne had discovered two years after being together that could not have children via in Samantha's daughter a new lease on life for herself. - Come Bobby is in the room waiting for you, Samantha was some sleep with the baby in the room above! - It took him until the living room to stay as long-time friend.

  - Commander! - Bobby opened his arms to embrace him almost taking the floor.

  - You do not lose the custom is not Bobby? - Was thrilled to see a familiar and he could trust face. With the world's division into four distinct parts, were not every day that had that opportunity. - How are you Bobby? News of the boys? - I wanted to know more about him and the rest of the Wolf Pack.

  - Tommy sent a hug and Robert says he's tired of being stopped, want some action! - Reported to the boss to the first time she met him - as Lionel, I could not contact in recent days, but we all want the same thing Chris, when you can put on your side! - Sat back in the chair in which he was when he arrived, the host sat on the other.

  - It does not depend only on me Bobby, are tough times! I figured that after all we've been through humanity would walk other way, but it did not, on the contrary, we are more divided than we ever were in the past! Will understand! - That the discouraged trying to convince government officials to adopt a plan to go after those who had been captured.

  - Still think the Plan Phoenix? - I wondered to where he still remembered the lost friends, even if they never doubted his loyalty to them. I had fail
ed to put into practice the plan was because they did not have enough resources for this.

  - I think about it every day, you do not have a single moment of my life when I did not think of them and the sad end that had! - Chris poured two glasses of whiskey with ice. He gave each friend.

  - Do you think they got Chris? - I want to believe that the missing friends were smarter and powerful than what fate had imposed.

  - Bobby ... Ten years is a long time not to have news ... - did not respond friend will answer as you like, but knew it would be enough.

  - Chris! - Samantha came near him with little Riley Thorne in her lap. - I was so miss my dear! - Let the baby were to his lap.

  - Watch Samantha! Bobby can be jealous! - Joked with friends. I loved having them around, but by imposition of work could not. They smiled like the old friends they were.

  - Dinner is served! - Anne had put the table and already waiting for them to be served. A special dinner of Irish food the Irish Stew or as it is known internationally had made Irish stew - it was made with goat meat, although it could be sheep, potatoes, cabbage-white, leek, carrots and celery. - Anne wanted everyone to feel at home and comfortable. Chris poured the wine, now all were already of legal age. He was twenty-seven years.

  - So Chris, tell me about your work! What are they doing now with those alien things? - Samantha who lived there room for this whole process, just took care of her husband and the house was interested to know if they had news of how to find his brother.

  - The same old thing, we put new satellites into orbit, already use the antigravity far as we can know the process by using reverse technology and can do little more than defend the borders of the world's remaining quadrant! - She took a sip of red wine, liked the taste.

  - I never thought that humanity was so petty in their ambitions! - Anne never accepted that the world had split instead of preparing for a common enemy.

  - Do you think aliens will come back? - Samantha was caring her daughter at her side as she asked him.

  - Do not know! But if it does it will be worse than it was ten years ago if they knew what happened ... - I was not sure how far the invaders knew or not your defenses as "invisible".

  - They were able to figure out why we were not caught? Bobby wanted to know more about this particular subject.

  - No! To date there is no explanation! - This was true - We have no comparative for the reason, moreover, the little that we can uncover about the support systems only allowed us to make some vehicles and satellites with this technology! - I thought it best to change the subject before it was to stop in a place he did not want. Certain information was still confidential.

  - And how is the O'Connor? - They've still wanted to know Anne that well with them, but they were the parents of Riley by Chris who was in love in the past and a link with the past that made sure to keep even from a distance.

  - They are fine! They love the little Riley's passion and more, live right in front, so me and Bobby can always go out and have some fun. They are great people and I'm happy to have grown up with them. I owe it to you - Samantha was grateful for all they had effect for her and Bobby had stayed in Malahide with her.

  - And Rex? - It was the turn of Anne learns more about the dog who accompanied them on the arduous journey they made and warmed on cold nights.

  - You old man ... I do not know if you have plenty of time yet ... - she said taking the baby in her arms again and making him a cuddle. He hated the idea that it was running out of his friend and companion of many years, he who had managed to get her to overcome the longing he felt his brother and was still part of the promise to Riley to care for it, so do not give up so earlier, it was also a way to believe that they would return one day.

  Evening Rest discoursed without any surprises until a loud knock on the door sounded throughout the apartment. There was silence inside to be sure that the call was for them and again the strong knocks sounded on wood, this time more insistently.

  - Wait, I'll be back! It must be a neighbor in need of something! - Chris smiled and got up from the table worried it was something more serious. The place where they lived had a very selective neighborhood and almost entirely composed of military. Something was not right. He took the gun that he always carried and put it around his waist at the back.

  It did not take that back to the table, all still sitting around waiting to join to the conversation stay more lively, but his face betrayed that something had changed from the moment we opened the door to be standing there in front of everyone.

  - Sorry ... I will not be able to stay! - Kissed Anne was beside her on the forehead and then in the mouth, Samantha rose to give him a kiss, not question their motives even more standing in his house as a guest, but was disappointed by not being able to finish dinner as a family they were. He came up to hug Bobby, but he had already left the table and picked up his raincoat.

  - Come on? - I was in lively gateway to his friend take him.

  - I do not know if I can Bobby! There are people down there waiting for me and apparently I go to the Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, only enter there who have higher level of security access to my! - I did not want to disappoint his friend, but he certainly would not enter the site - but if you want to follow me at least up to my office, you might expect there! What do you think? - Was their final offer

  - Done! For a moment I thought you were leaving me behind! - Bobby was delighted to be able to enjoy for another friend's company time.

  - But do not get excited! It should be just some more bureaucratic process as those who do regularly! - Certainly would not be the situation was serious to go pick it up at home at that hour of the night and tried at all costs whether he had violated any rule or policy. - "Well maybe it infringed one or two, maybe three ..." - hoped he had not been discovered.

  Court Martial

  Chris came to the monitoring of airspace that was directly subordinate to the Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, was precisely there that peered into space in search of alien life or traces of other unidentified objects that might be will drift throughout the universe, however he knew the search was limited to the existing technology, but at least once a month found a way of pointing space probes that were slightly above the orbit to other locations. This was all his betrayal, if it could be called that.

  If it were discovered could lose his rank and go to court martial, but was done and it seemed his military career was coming to an end. Bobby remained in his office which was in the eastern wing and made sure to pass before heading to the main building. The guards escort you out pick it left him no wiggle room for anything else that would not comply with the orders, yet was respected and how they could be made some concessions.

  - Do not move Bobby! - He told the friend jokingly. - That folder on the table may be of interest to you! Be sure to look at her! - There was no way he got out of that room without knowing. Bobby did not have the slightest chance to say anything, the door had been closed and locked.

  Walked by the military complex surveillance for about five minutes until the general's office of entry who commanded that unit, though there was no animosity between them, they were not best friends. They are respected as soldiers who were, above all as people, but nothing beyond that protocol demanded. The officer who had picked him home entered the room after being announced, was quick to leave.

  - The colonel must wait here until it received! - Made him a salute as on arrival in your home, but remained profiled by his side. Outside the escort was still waiting. The issue was more serious than he anticipated. He waited for twenty minutes.

  The door opened and a three-star general waited until he entered closing the door after them. He had been in that office before, it was nothing new, but never the twenty-three hours, the man ahead of him held out her hand.

  - Chris ... - sit down, please. She showed him the chair in front of the table.

  - Thomas ... - they are treated by patents when they were alone, but knew he was
as problems.

  - You must have at least a small idea of why was summoned to come here at this time, is not it? - General Thomas Reilly could be considered a friend, but would not risk his neck for him. At least I believed it to be so and generally not mistaken.

  - Unless you tell me, I cannot imagine what it is! - Do not put their own neck on the gallows if that was what he expected - a report spelling errors? - Reilly could not help but laugh.

  - Leave it to you to play at a time like this! - Rose to pick up two glasses and a bottle of Bourbon. - Come on, let's have a drink! - Put one glass in front of friends and filled.

  - Thank you Thomas, I need it! - It was actually a drink would be nice anytime we were called and charged to account for their "crimes".

  - Well, to tell you honestly have no idea why you are here! - He looked back at Chris - also took me home and the only thing I know is that there will be a meeting within an hour in the Security Council of the Second Quadrant! - Thomas Reilly had only been there once in his entire life.

  - And what do you think will happen? - The thing was more serious than he had anticipated. If they had lost any satellites because of you, it could still yield some good years in prison. He thought of Anne and how he loved her, could not bear to stay away from her.

  - I always defended you Chris, even made fun of the stories you told of having saved the world and stuff that goes without saying! - It took a good sip of bourbon, he was also in need. That whole complex was their responsibility and leaving Chris Raines loose inside it could cost you, dear. In fact the head of the two.

  - I always respected his command ... Thomas - would make a Mea Culpa if necessary, but do not regret anything.

  - Great! So if there's anything I should know before entering that room, tell me now or I cannot defend him at all! - Set the glass down on the table and sat down again. - Want to tell me what's going on? - He tried again.


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