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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 7

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - I did not tell you, but that night you said you would get it, should have known ... - he was silent and his head down.

  - Nothing changes between us Anne and the fact that I am telling you this here and now is more than enough evidence to believe me! - I needed her support if he were starting the Phoenix Plan. - I need you to trust me! - He kissed her lips.

  - I'm afraid Chris; I'm not like her facing problems as if his life depended on it! - Hugged him afraid of losing it. - Do not leave me! - Squeezed him harder, he returned.

  - I will not leave you my love; I do not know what we can find there and not even know if I will be included in the mission when the time comes and if you arrive! - There was no provision for an approach will Mothership in the coming years. - But we cannot forget that they are our friends there, maybe their parents, mine and so many others who do not even know for sure how much they are!

  - Yes I've thought about it a thousand times and as you also desire to return, just feel more fragile than usual! - She waited for him to kiss her, which he did without delay and then immediately needed above all trust him, had never disappointed.

  - I'll be fine I promise, only owe our friends a chance to have what we had! - Until that moment had not thinking about how they could be things on board that immense spaceship parked around a planet for ten years.

  - And when you want to tell others? - She wondered if the news would be extended to all.

  - At the right time, for now I can only tell you and hope to support me because they think things will get more complicated from now on! - The next day would be in the presence of Thomas once again had been summoned to something unknown.

  - Count me Chris, my love ... My eternal love! - Kissed with passion and tenderness, nothing at that moment could dissuade them of what they did.

  Thomas was waiting early and although he was not the urgency behind on who should handle the matter was evident for both. The general made sure no one entered the cabinet as they spoke, including banned onto and off the base until further notice and that opened the meeting locking the door from the inside and putting the key in his pocket.

  - I'm getting scared Thomas! - He smiled at his friend, after that fateful night had caught a friendship hitherto unprecedented.

  - All care is what I will tell you, so be attentive to everything I say! - He sat as he often did in front of him.

  - We have very important friends and sure many sympathize with you my friend! - Leaned back in his chair.

  - That's a good sign right? Or we're in trouble again? - I expected them to be good news, but there and then you never know, he thought.

  - Let's rescue the Mothership as we supposed! - Gave him first-hand information and will burn clothing. Chris felt his hopes were renewed. - And we were chosen to lead the project! - He pulled out a small box inside the drawer and handed in hand.

  Chris opened the box and was appalled. - What does it means? - He took what was inside her and was admiring.

  - Let me put on you! It will be a great honor Brigadier General! - Gave him the promotion with a big hug followed by a sincere handshake.

  - I did not expect ... I do not know what to say! - I was taken aback to receive a promotion for breaking the rules more respected. But at the same time be recognized as a possibility.

  - You cannot send a colonel to Saturn! They need someone with greater patent! - He smiled seeing his friend's face light up like the Eiffel Tower!

  - Are you serious? Go to the Mother Ship? - Smiled from every pore.

  - No! You go! - Again sat behind the desk. - I'll coordinate the entire project and will be his support on dry land! - I was happy with the decision he had taken. The Council as indicated for the mission, Chris would be included of course, but he had the right, the primacy of addressing that ship and on the other hand, would require ground support, it would be a nearly four-year journey just to get further the idea of getting away from the family did not like.

  - I cannot thank you Thomas! I know it must have stirred some pedestrians to make it happen and I will be forever grateful! - Almost cried while hugging his friend.

  - Chris! I mean Brigadier General! - Smiled at his friend - you and your staff have a story to end if half of what is in that book is true, do not let me! - He made a gesture saluted and held out his hand again to congratulate him once again, but this time made a different handshake, with fingers spread apart and slightly open hand. - Now get out of here and try to get a crew to match it, the team decision is yours, mine is the project! Hope to see you again in my office within a month exactly!

  Chris came out still radiating light wherever he went and surprised that Thomas had become a sympathizer of the Wolf Pack, that had been the goal of all his life and now would materialize, but time was against them and needed to speed up the whole process and never reach the ship Mother. The first thing to do would be to warn everyone in the group and this would have to be private at first, but everyone should move to London from that moment.

  Also in the military complex called the first to be contacted, Bobby. The line was safer. - Hello Bobby! - She waited to answer affirmatively on the other hand - read the dossier that led the last time? - Awaited to confirm the information - then it's time to put it into practice and must make an appointment with the entire group, it may be a week from now. The best place is in your house! - Heard a chuckle on the other end.

  - Your home Chris! My house! Our home! - They laughed for a while. I was done.

  - Anne! I arrived at home! - Again I had left earlier and wanted to give you the news first hand, but all he heard was silence. Crossed the corridor concerned, it was not to be silent unless something very serious happened.

  Arrived in the room and Anne was waiting with a sweet smile and warm beside her was a table set with two candles and a bottle of champagne. Surely there would be a celebration.

  - My husband is not Brigadier General Lord and if he catches us here alone do not know what can! - Came up and wrapped her arms need to stay on her toes to kiss him. - Congratulations my dear! If anyone deserves this promotion is you! - She kissed him again.

  - Very good! Who was the snitch? - Smiled at her as he kissed her gently.

  - I called Thomas, wanted to know from you and how he had given to promotion, saw no reason not to tell me! - He pulled him by the hand to the table. - Do not bother with him, did not mean it and, moreover, was very happy! - Handed the bottle of chilled champagne for him.

  - Open, please, so long ago that we have no reason to celebrate! - The last time was the birth of little Samantha Riley's daughter.

  Had a wonderful night as if for the first time in many years that toasted to life. Anne had chosen a transparent nightgown and favoring his body, his plans for the evening were just beginning and Chris had no idea how much would still have to prove that he loved her, but neither of them had problems with this and only when they were sweaty and exhausted on the bed is that resumed the conversation.

  - How long do you think it will take to get there? - She was no expert, but he knew he had no technological resources to do so.

  - Maybe four years ... - was not the kind of news they wanted to, did not even know if I could stay away from her so long.

  - And when we think? - It was included in his project, his wife was missing and so were his friends like it.

  - I did not think he wanted to go to the Mother Ship, can be dangerous and not return ... - told her in words socks trying to protect her, but knew it would be in vain.

  - I made a promise Chris and I intend to fulfill it until the end! He sat on the bed and let the sheet fall on his legs crossed. - Do not you dare leave me behind! Furthermore I have nothing here to arrest me but you! - She crossed her arms over her completely naked breasts.

  - You will not be back, do not worry! - He admired again her nakedness and how was sexy just sitting on the bed and half covered by the sheet. He pulled it back under the own body and heard a moan of pleasure. The flame between them was still i

  A week later and got the dispensation from London to go to Ireland, Chris and Anne finally went home ...

  The arrival at Seapark Malahide brought old memories not only for Chris and for Anne, had been very happy there before moving to London to work, anyway, everything remained as they had left, giving the impression that that particular place time stopped.

  Samantha received them, Bobby had gone to get Lionel and Rebecca, Tommy would come later, Robert and Sonia alone overnight, but all eventually meet.

  Chapter IV

  Project Vortex

  - You have the word Chris! - Robert told him sitting around the long, spacious desk which now housed the old group Wolf Pack.

  - I thank you all for coming! And it's not just because we are longing for you, but for that we will have the opportunity to finish what we started! - Thomas remembered the words of his superior and friend.

  - What do you mean by that? - Tommy chimed in, had been preparing in recent years for an armed confrontation face to face that never happened.

  - What am I going to tell you now is ultra-sensitive and cannot leave this room under any circumstances! - He looked at everyone who nodded affirmatively with his head. - They found the Mother Ship in orbit around Saturn, I think it's there since he left and this in my view can only mean one thing! - He looked back at all - Riley and Sam effected heavy casualties in those miserable! - Slammed his fist on the table. Little Riley who was in his mother's lap clapped, everyone laughed.

  - Is there any chance they have survived? - Samantha had hoped Brother news as those who wait for dawn every day.

  - That I cannot answer Samantha, but that's what we're here, making a rescue mission! - He took some photographs that have been assigned by Thomas who was now ahead of the ship's construction project that would take them to Saturn.

  - This is the Mother Ship! Here we can see some definition that the bells are still in the storage location. Apparently there is a kind of field that protects them, so one would assume that they are still intact! - Made some markings on the photos.

  - Yes, I agree that it may be the Mother Ship, but it took ten years not even know they had to survive in this thing! - Bobby was not an unbeliever, shared with him the desire to take revenge on the aliens.

  - All the more reason for us to know what happened! Moreover, we were ridiculed and discredited by everyone when we told them the truth of the facts! - Anne hated to doubt the whole story and also want all this to end even if it meant to go to Saturn.

  - So what's the plan? - Sonia wanted to know more, he was perplexed could participate, not like the idea of leaving the earth and going against will ship invasive. It was the oldest of that group and weighed things differently.

  - I asked the First Phase recruit supporters to the Wolf Pack and this is when it will need, I do not think we can take anyone else but us, most likely the government will send its own group of scientists and perhaps specialized military, but like everything will be done in secret, we have to have all the help! - I looked at each of them.

  - Who does not want to be part that manifests itself now ... - was the moment that would separate the wolves from lambs.

  - I will not be able to go Chris, I have to look after the baby ... - Samantha could not risk the little Riley to be alone in the world as had happened to her. - But I help with anything you need! - It was the first casualty, but predictable, he did not endanger-under any circumstances.

  - I do not think I'm fit for this trip; we're talking about how long to get there? - Sonia wanted more details on how the plan would result.

  - Yes you are right! We're talking about being busy for at least the next eight to ten years ... - was sincere in this regard, he was already thinking about it. Four years to build the ship and get maybe four or five years to come will ship. - Anyone else want to stay out? - I needed to solve the group would be trained to field. Rebecca raised her hand in assent.

  - Fine then we are combined! - Leaned back in his chair.

  - I forgot! Get ready to live in London in the coming years, courtesy of the Second Quadrant! The second phase is underway! - They toasted to the new union that did, other matters would be discussed later.

  The next day Chris and Anne took the opportunity to visit the O'Connor across the street and were greeted with much satisfaction. But he did not enter the house, he remained outside. I did not want to losses in your life. - Good to see you again! How long have not seen each other? - Nora had become kinder to the couple after Samantha had moved into your home, even better after drinking.

  - Some time of course, but the years have been kind to us all! - It was polite and courteous as usual.

  - What brings you here, Chris? - Brian liked the guy and he had helped to write the book after the Reconquista of the Earth, which although it has not done much success to have been made by hand to the method of the old presses and considered a work of fiction, at least achieved some fans.

  - Missing home and of course friends! - Discussed various matters and even if Chris wanted to tell them that they might have found Riley, would not say, he was not all that sure. It was Anne who invited them for dinner that night would only see his friends, nothing more. The following week he and the Wolf Pack, all members without exception would map a strategy to put into practice once and for all the Phoenix Plan.

  After nearly a month London was colder than usual for the time of year without too much trouble Chris Raines had managed to allocate their subordinates and friends in strategic parts of the Vortex Project. It was under this name that General Thomas Reilly put his plan even to address the Mother Ship.

  - What we need to concrete in order to develop this massive project, Thomas? - Chris I had no idea how the scientists of the second quadrant or were not privy to the alien technology since they had landed on Earth.

  - Let's go over what I have reliable information, but since I warn that the Vortex Project, which will name the manned spacecraft will be a joint effort from all sides! - This was the first information received so that he was leading the project. - We are talking about an unprecedented global unity since we have knowledge of the history of mankind! By this I mean that I am counting on you and not let me down!

  - Yes General! - Chris profiled in it, but with mocking aspect.

  - You do not change even ... but also change would not be worthy of respect! - Smiled for a long time.

  - I only ask your trust Chris; I risked my neck and everything for which I worked because of their follies, and fortunately everything turned out well! - Opened a series of dossiers on the table.

  - I never had a chance to properly thank you, but know that without you and your support would never have done it! - Started to read the secret documents. - What do we know anyway? - There began the Vortex project that would give life to the Phoenix Plan.

  - Well, what we know about the alien technology is as follows: the bells rested for loss of gravity, fortunately they descended gradually, otherwise the cryogenics system that kept people captured in suspended animation lost the properties at the same time, it is assumed that away from the connection with the Mother Ship whoever technological system fails to communicate and respond! - I read the report and a copy passed into the hands of Chris.

  - So we're suppose that our scientists failed to unlock the secrets of hibernation cocoons! Am I correct in thinking so? - That would be a big problem, had a four or five year journey ahead and would have to be living a "normal" life confined in a spaceship to reach their destination, then they would still have the same time to return to Earth.

  - Chris understand that we are considering all quadrants sent us what they had the best and reliable information so that the project will be a success! They are interested in as capturing the Mother Ship so we can study the reverse technology! - Gave him another folder full of papers. - Do not forget that this is a military operation! - Warned him finally.

  - Yes, I have no doubt about that, but while not limiting me or my men will be all
right! Otherwise this ship and this project will never leave the ground! - It was not a threat, but now suited to define the spaces between them. He was still the commander of the Wolf Pack.

  - Do you have carte blanche to everything you need on this project, the president of Urd Sockland Council made that clear, so I am above you and above me only President! - I had understood friend's condition and had no objections.

  - What about the antigravity systems that are in this folder? - Leafed through one by one the sheets with care and attention.

  - No significant results! - Thomas tossed the folder on the table, had already read a dozen times. - Sometimes I wonder if these "brilliant minds" who were studying all this technology over the last decade, knew what they were doing! - Little information was available, very technical and of little use.

  - They managed to make anti-gravity floating systems up to a maximum of six meters from the surface, it does not help us at all! Still need to build a ship in ancient technological formats ... - I was disappointed with the information received, perceived folder by folder that virtually no reverses technology had been tapped.

  - So this is a military operation and they know that possession of the Mother Ship all the answers to these questions we are doing now and that they themselves have made in recent years will be answered! - It had become clear from the meeting of the second quadrant of the Security Council on the night were defendants.

  - You know Thomas, I wonder if we are doing a good or a very great evil to mankind to suit this spaceship lost around Saturn! - The only reason that motivated him was Sam Riley and now, he deserved a chance to return to Earth and rediscover his sister. I expect as he and his groups were alive.

  - I thought I would not give up if you had the opportunity to rescue his friends ... - Thomas was testing his friend, was part of the job to know the limits of each one of his subordinates.

  - Nothing in this world or the next change me this mission that is about to happen, but we still have a long way to go ... - At some point they need to kick things off.


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