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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 6

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - I have no idea what can be! Put the glass next to it - We'll have to find out together! - The knock on the door warned them that they needed to go.

  - It's on time! We need to go now! - Rose at the same time.

  The Second Quadrant Security Council was twenty-minute drive from where they were and in the meantime talked about other things that were not of everyday life of each, perhaps the first time spoke openly with each other without official reserves or "fingers" as they say.

  Interestingly they discovered that they shared a lot of things they liked and hated others, in another situation could have been really great friends, but patents do not let that happen.

  The Security Council listed building was not high, unlike quite low, maybe two floors, but had another forty down, even if it was not a novelty in terms of construction and dated back to the times of the Cold War in the mid-twentieth century, those facilities were new and had been used materials against radiation and electromagnetic pulses. If there was a technologically advanced place on or under the earth and protected from the outside world, it was certainly that there were just entered.

  The security level for that complex was at least four points above the Thomas and three above him, it made him very far in the military hierarchy. It was still a mystery he was there to turn into a state secret. Only on those occasions the Council was convened, when there was a potential and imminent threat.

  They entered the large room where there was a U-shaped table, Chris could tell twenty-five chairs and all were occupied. In the center the Chairman looked at him over some reading glasses, Thomas stood beside him as his defense attorney. I would have to thank her for it at some point along with an apology for deceiving him and abused his trust.

  - General Reilly Approach the table, please! - Urd Sockland, the president made a gesture with his hand - Only the Lord General! - Did not rise to greet him, was a civilian head of state with the authority that had been delegated by another twenty-four who were present. Twelve on each side representing the various cities states Quadrant, Earth.

  - General Thomas Reilly presenting itself as commanded you! - Saluted at the man sitting ahead of him.

  - General Reilly of extraterrestrial life exploration of complex division of the second quadrant is your responsibility; I am I correct in my assertion? - I expect a short answer.

  - Yes Mr. President! - Remained at attention, it would be whipped for sure for something not done but would receive the punishment with the dignity his rank required it.

  - I'm sorry to see him in these circumstances! Then one would assume that whatever happens in these areas is your responsibility? - Again we waited a short and brief answer.

  - Yes Mr. President! I assume all responsibility for my actions and any man under my command ... - Did I know that Chris had done some shit. Now more than never sure.

  - Who is accompanying Colonel Chris Raines? - Pretended to read the Chris plug ahead of him, knew very well who he was.

  - Yes Mr. President it is the Raines Colonel! - In any case they were in this together, would defend it at any cost, just do not "die" with him if it were the case. - I must tell you that while Colonel Raines was under my command, was an exemplary soldier! - Remained profiled.

  - This is not the general court martial! Although some so wished! - He made a gesture with his hand. - Approach Colonel Raines! - He waited until the two men stay side by side.

  - Thank you Thomas ... - whispered softly. - You pay me Chris ... - Thomas returned the greeting in a low voice. In another setting would loose some laughs, but not there. And God only knew how to laugh needed for the work they were doing.

  - The colonel seems you've been playing with our satellites at your leisure! - The chairman of the staring maliciously. Thomas Reilly felt the urge to go to the bathroom at that moment, the shit was greater than he could have imagined. - Do you deny that this is a deliberate act on his part and I understand that was under the general's orders here present and to your side? - Urd Sockland know now to what extent were in this together.

  - Sorry Mr. President, but the general was not aware of the use of satellites to private affairs! - Chris was lost, but would not take Thomas with him, was a good man, deserved a chance to continue in office, though not pass away. General would be forever, or so ... He felt bad for his friend and higher.

  - Mr. President! - Thomas took the floor. - Not true sir! I ordered Colonel scan space for evidence of new invaders in his spare time! - Was a gesture of sympathy, Chris was under your command, do not let myself sink. Anyway arrange a way you hit the accounts as soon as possible.

  - I see ... So you assume that the two on their own and deliberately, without the express consent of Council erred military satellites to play in "Lost in Space"! - I looked at them now defiantly. I wonder if they were the same men who expected them to be...

  - If this is the understanding of Mr. President ... - Thomas had the highest ranking was the one who answered.

  - Tell me Colonel Raines, that fantastic book that I read about him and I'm sure others here also still read than admit, written by Brian O'Connor, reporting the following days after the fall of earth until point do you believe it? - Asked by changing the tone of voice, it seemed to be more receptive to the arguments to come ahead.

  - All of it Mr. President! Every word ... - felt his heart to remember how for years tried to rescue the memory of Riley and Sam not to forget Luke Torvalds. It was Brian who had the idea of writing and publishing the book Battlefield Earth, That was the name they gave to the book written by him and it is only fair, but was considered only a fiction book like many others that have launched soon after eerie event that befell the planet.

  - If the story were true and had a chance to confirm it which would make Colonel? - The question was direct, but no reason, no one believed the story that had been told years ago, and there was no reason to believe now unless they had found something he did not know.

  - I'd give my life to be able to prove that whatever happened to us was true and if I could bring my friends and my parents back, Mr. President! - That answer at least was always at his fingertips.

  - Well, maybe your colonel opportunity Raines! - Rose going around the table and approaching them, touched a remote control device in his hand, a ten square meters screen lit up completely and images of the solar system captured by the more distant satellites, those who were close the lunar orbit had sent fantastic and high resolution images of neighboring planets. - Apparently Colonel Raines, your hours of fun under the command of General Thomas ... was effective! - He looked at the latter knowing lie, but respected a man who risked by his soldiers and for what he believed.

  Gradually the Jupiter pictures were getting smaller and resulted in Saturn with its magnificent ring, the approach was gradual, but of very good quality and without being noticed one gigantic proportions object began to appear from behind the planet until it was completely visible.

  - Riley! - Were the only words that Chris managed to pronounce.

  - You think it's the Mother Ship Colonel? - The president wanted the opinion of those who had survived the alien Revelation and had almost led mankind to extinction and not a bunch of bureaucrats who did not know the reason yet lived.

  - Quite sure Mr. President! - Chris replied with the confidence that had always been that meet one day.

  - There's something that intrigues me Colonel, this immense spaceship that was supposed to be on the edge of the solar system, is apparently orbiting Saturn for some time. As we did not have the technology to get there until recently and the reasons do not explain, only now, this week and thanks to her persistence to find! But does not explain what it does stop there! - He paused and everyone went silent.

  - It could be another Mother Ship coming towards us to finish what they started, Mr. President? - It was Thomas who was shocked with what happened and in a way relieved those who wanted to know more about it, what now interested him enough.

  - Yeah! We raised this
hypothesis at first; needless to say that there was panic among the quadrants! We have our differences as a society, but when the threat is alien to our will the picture changes! - Added a little more film for them to see better. - These images we see now with the amount of bells we calculated there on board gives us an estimate that may exist about hundred and thirty thousand! In other words approximately two and a half billion people! - Had finished his explanation and hoped it was not regret it.

  - I have not heard a plausible explanation for the strange object does not continue trip! What do you think happened to him Colonel Raines? - I hoped that the answer was right, otherwise he would not be the man waiting for the service to follow.

  - If anyone could have stopped that ship Mr. President, they are Riley O'Connor and Sam Thorne! - He spoke to cracking voice, but loud enough for all to hear. What followed was an endless buzz of voices on the subject without reaching a consensus.

  The President of the Council approached him and told him quietly. - The next time it is "stealing" some military satellites do not use your credentials commander! - She gave him a slight squeeze on the shoulder and held out his hand. Chris was surprised to realize that he wore the fulfillment of the Wolf Pack. With absolute certainty was one of his supporters won in recent years, just did not know if he was the thirteenth man that group. He walked away then.

  - The matter is confidential! Are exempt - went back to the chair he presided over the table and that from that moment would have to make some decisions as to what should be done, but he was certain that Chris Raines was the man for the job. Arrange a way to include Thomas Reilly who had turned out in favor of the founder of the Wolf Pack, even without knowing its real importance in this whole process.

  Thomas and Chris came out even escorted out of the maximum security building and only when entered again in the general's office who managed to send a few words.

  - I have always believed in his story Chris! - Thomas was quick to give credit to their accounts even if his momentary statement seemed unlikely. Again he took the bottle of bourbon that was on the table and filled the two glasses.

  - Thank you for having risked for me ... - thanked toasting with glass and listening to the tinkling of glass hitting.

  - I do not know yet whether it was a good idea! Do not even know what they will do with us! - He took another sip and fills them again.

  - "Well, maybe your colonel opportunity Raines," were the words of President Urd Sockland, Thomas, they will send a mission there and I have to be in it! - Chris it was not very close to alcoholic beverages sipped that liquid like water.

  - Yes, I had not thought of that, but it's quite possible that it is this very thing! Very perceptive of you! - Thomas drank socially but decided to make company to his friend. Was ten years older than him, the world was changed and the younger men were those who were more active. With the shock of the abduction a large portion of the population, which was older, he decided he should live more and work less, that way was very common that almost all the military and civilian effective operational across the globe were quite young. - Why he called commander? - I was curious about that Urd Sockland knew distinguish patents and also had the notion that Chris Raines was Colonel.

  - I cannot imagine why, must have been mistaken! - Evaded, there was no atmosphere to other confidences and the Wolf Pack was a secret paramilitary society to be driven in extreme situations. - Think you can get there? I cannot even go to the moon is near here! - Drank with desire, needed that precious liquid down her throat, clouding his thoughts. A more remote possibility of finding Riley made him ecstatic.

  - Existing technology that spaceship should be fabulous! Will not let escape our eyes! - He drained the liquid from the bottle last on glasses and drank to the last sip. It was time to go home; Chris needed to get Bobby yet.

  He went into his office with the help of one of the escort guards, was visibly intoxicated. - Bobby! Bobby! Wake up! - Bobby Flanngan slept on the couch in front of the table where he worked. He shook his friend again.

  - What is it Chris? - Rose with some difficulty. - Are you alright? - He noticed that his friend was not in his normal state. - What have you done with him? - He asked the guard who accompanied them toward the car.

  - Meeting on the Security Council, Lord! - Was the response I got.

  - Well, next time I'm going too! If all is well can always ask me! - Into the car on the way home Chris Raines and where they had dined hours before.

  It was Anne who opened the door for them; Chris was being carried by Bobby. - Where you were to return this sorry state? - Anne was annoyed to find her husband totally out of his mind and without saying a word.

  - I did not go! Not a single glass of water if I want to know! - Bobby would not be blamed for something he did not do even if I wanted too. - It Looks like it was a meeting of the Security Council, and things did not go well...

  - Well, let's throw it and tomorrow we will know better! - Anne and Bobby went up to the master bedroom where they laid him on the bed next was the room to where Samantha slept with the little Riley Thorne and Bobby was soon to join them, but first had to go to the kitchen to drink water, He felt the taste of Bourbon in the mouth without even having drunk, so was Chris's drunken state.

  - I huh! - Were the last words he said and went back into the arms of his beloved.

  Anne lying beside Chris did not fail to be worried knowing he was not drinking, especially away from home and would be the first time she saw him in that state. I was almost asleep when she heard him whisper.

  - I'll get you ... Riley - She turned aside and wept quietly, he was certain that even ten years after the fact he had not yet forgotten, never to forget. I never belong to him.

  Aboard the Mothership that sounded like a great ghost ship the time capsules where Riley and Sam remained dormant infinitely, just orbiting the large ring planet in the Solar System Ondenbar, still keeping its occupants in endless hibernation. Now, however, it was no longer just a distant point and unknown in the universe, were discovered and their approach would soon.

  At that very moment millions of kilometers away, outside the Solar System Ondenbar a dark and inhospitable planet received a message alert and rescue one of his spaceship with the mission to capture and subjugate the human race Actuna orbiting around Toris, yellow sun. The mission had been compromised and spaceship was now in the hands of the enemy! Soon others were coming and prepared for a long time and this time would not have unpleasant surprises. At least believed it.

  The Ghost Ship

  Bobby and Samantha went away two days after they arrived and Chris have been presented to the Second Quadrant Security Council, miss them, especially with the change in behavior that Chris had adopted after that fateful night.

  Bobby took with him the file that was inside the folder and calling itself Phoenix Plan and which counted all the action plans if there was the slightest possibility of a ransom. He had in his mind the last words I heard the captain. - "Decorate each point and each point that you are there, when the time comes I notice!" - Sincerely hoped that his friend was not mad with the fixed idea of redemption or that this was a compulsive thing that could get him will madness.

  Chris returned to the military complex where he worked and fought a hitherto unexpected friendship with his superior General Thomas Reilly. The conversations between them and revolved around the object in orbit around Saturn and the best way to get to approach it, but recognized that the technology involved was at least decades away for the reached.

  By imposition of state secrets to which they were subordinate he could not speak to his companions all these years there was a possibility, however remote, of being able to rescue friends. For him it meant he would see Riley again, felt that love blossomed again in without inner self, I wish I could tell her parents that maybe there was a little hope. Still would, but not now.

  He thought of his parents and many others who never came to Earth after captured, Bobby, Rebecca, Robert, So
nia, Tommy, Lionel would never find their loved ones and of course, Samantha, who always believed that it was possible! Could it be yes and he would work for this to materialize. He came home still with the fixed idea in mind that very soon everything would be resolved, but it might need a little more exposed the Wolf Pack and engage them fully in the process.

  - Hi my love! Came early ... - Anne was surprised by the sudden arrival, I was waiting for him for dinner it would be two hours later.

  - Yes I wanted to come home, needed to be with you...

  - he could never deceive her about the feelings and above all loved her. He learned to love it as it was and who she was. A fighter.

  - Sit here Anne, we need to talk! - He waited for her to sit beside him.

  - You're scaring me my love ... What's going on? - She had the distinct feeling that from that moment everything would change in their lives.

  - What am I going to tell you are ultra-sensitive, but you are my wife, companion, accomplice I cannot live a lie by your side! - She held both her hands in his.

  - What do I need to know that is so private and you, Chris Raines, you all just right, break the rules to tell me? - She smiled playfully knowing that it would be of the utmost seriousness, but I needed that relax or things could end very badly.

  - I think we Riley and Sam ... - He waited for Anne Ridley is recompose the shock he had just received. She in turn wished he had not asked that question, at least not now.

  - You sure about that Chris? - I wanted to know more about what possibly would change his life forever.

  - No, I'm not sure, but I believe it is the Mother Ship which is stopped in the orbit of Saturn! - He was quite sure what was that object, but also did not intend to raise false hopes in others and in her case, I knew what he saw as a loss, even if I wanted to find friends as much as he.

  - That you knew the day he arrived drunk? - She did so, but wanted to hear from him.

  - Yes, that day and I apologize for my behavior ... nothing sociable - meant it had exaggerated and she did not deserve this kind of treatment.


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