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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 11

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - What blood type you have Pierre? - Chris asked then.

  - A Positive! - He knew the theory of AB negative, but had never been proven before that moment.

  - And you Laura? - I wanted to know the factor of all who did not know and those two were the only ones who were not with them from the start.

  - B Negative ... - Laura starts throwing away all the things he had dismissed as being true and which gradually prove. Was in power panic accept that Riley O'Connor and Sam Thorne were characters from real life - You're not implying that the story is true is not it? He said looking at Chris defiantly.

  - Need not prove it, we know it's true! We were there! - Anne was still close to the rod left hand that landed on it completely and the center of that room a three-dimensional projection of the past did show up for wonder and all who were there. In very clear and different sized images, as if they were real and storms that followed nearly destroyed the house. Again the voice was heard, but this time it was one they knew well and had never forgotten.

  Riley and Sam appeared before them as if they were ghosts of the past, just as they remembered the last time she saw them. The hologram showed Riley still wearing the leather outfit which had been so well and both hands Glock pistols 380, one of which belonged to Chris Raines.

  Around them were some humanoid creatures that they were unaware. Or Pierre who was an expert in that area knew evaluate what could be or where they had come, but with absolute certainty were the enemy. The holographic projection created life.

  "- Sam! If any of them move one millimeter that is, do not waste the shot! - Riley yet low-head battle began his speech."

  "- I am Sun Tzu! Hannibal Barca! Alexander am in the best light, Leonidas defending Greece! I am Helen of Troy and Mary Magdalene! I have millions of years of wildlife in my blood and thousands of unrestrained wars inside me! - He sighed - I'm the animal that sniffs hunting and the hunter who is not fooled! I'm the very best of the human race and the worst of it! It may have been the first, but let me choose the end! - Sam looked at before pulling the safety pins of two grenades in his hand and spit them into the ground. - Today I am the best hope of my race and do not intend to disappoint them! "

  The recording that apparently was the last before the explosions, was shown in its entirety and the end Chris was on his knees, Anne came to his rescue. Bobby did not know what to say and Tommy cursed by the lack of opportunity to help your friends, now missing probably dead.

  - I think this answers to your question Laura! Never was a myth, has never been a fairy tale and we are here today is because we owe it to our friends wherever they are! - Anne still stroked her husband's face, never seen him so defeated. - We live the rest of our lives as if we were a hoax, a scam, but the truth will always triumph and that you just saw is proof of that!

  Laura was limited to lower his head, from that moment on would need to revise his views on everything and everyone, had before it a story that many have struggled to tell and that others had twice the work to be discredited. He felt betrayed by his peers. Pierre watched it all with wonder and curiosity, yet something was missing in that puzzle and he knew it.

  - If anyone could have done this spaceship stop on the way home, would they! No one else in this universe would be capable of such a feat! - Chris Raines rose with some difficulty and positioned himself in front of Anne. - This means that our people are still out there! They never let you take them! She did not give up until the end! - I was visibly moved and deeply hated those invaders. Now more than ever wanted to exterminate them.

  - Well, we are facing an irrefutable truth, I regret that the story has not been told how it really happened, but I think it cannot be just that! - Pierre who was very insightful looked around and realized that there was no damage to the ship as the three-dimensional projection shown. - There must be something more! - Bobby put his hand on that other rod on your left! - Gently asked him to engage another receiver.

  Again another three-dimensional holographic projection was present throughout the enclosure and the distinct impression they had was that everyone could interact with those souls of old, but it would never be possible, were only echoes of a distant past.

  "- What happens now Riley? - I look at her as he put the rifle on his chest. "

  "- Have sweet dreams my love ... - let your left hand still on what appeared to be the control panel and leaned letting her lips touched it with the passion and ardor."

  "- Come on Riley ... Just a little ... - He put his hand on top of the capsule and the same as the one where Samuel Thorne now slept her enchanted sleep, vivid slid down following the circular contour object. The jets blew the surface where she lay down and without losing time lay completely removing the hand then."

  The projection was repeated once or twice until Tommy asked sternly so that Bobby would stop what he was doing. Chris Raines was a shadow of the man who had once been and had sunk so proudly of the ship that led masterfully by Sun to Saturn system.

  - Enough Bobby! Stop this! - Still looking at Anne who was making a superhuman effort to support her husband.

  - Yet here we just need to know how to find these cryogenic capsules! - Pierre was elated with the possibility that these two mythical creatures could still be alive. - Do not you see? No damage to the second floor projection and these cryogenic capsules can have them kept alive at least for all this time are still safe somewhere in this room! - Shook hands vigorously.

  - Let's go back to Vortex! I think I've had enough for today! - Tommy his orders, the others just followed him.

  - If you are still here all this time, you can certainly wait another day! - Chris and Anne followed the last. The return took more than twice as long than expected. Tommy needed his friend was able to command the mission to the end; he had never failed to Chris and would not start now.

  What had just happened was a spectacular victory and Sam Riley and a monumental loss to Chris Raines.

  Chapter VI

  The Time Capsules

  Robert was upset by the revelation of what happened inside the Mothership, the whole story far outpaced the respect he always had the two friends lost in action, he knew that Riley was able and was astonished to learn that that inestimable loss to the invading race had been her work. Rejoiced fully with what happened. Chris and Anne had retired to chambers.

  - I could never imagine such bravery Tommy! - Robert still vibrated with the reports.

  - She was an extraordinary woman! - Bobby smiled profusely. - That Pierre think they are still there frozen! - He smiled the way he spoke and listened as the words themselves.

  - Is it possible that Robert? - Lionel also wanted to know more about the finding.

  - They have the technology Lionel ... At this point in time, anything is possible! - I believed so, but was not sure if this would be a beneficial thing for everyone. The way it was reported, something was not right with them at the time they entered the cryogenic chambers therefore could have suffered irreversible damage.

  - Chris was very upset, especially as Sam and Riley! - Tommy said the rest of it. - Apparently they had some kind of romantic relationship at the time when they were here! - Was the impression we had to see the projection and wondered who all had the same perception of it.

  - Yes, but before we assume anything we need to take into account that they were alone millions of kilometers from home and did not even know how long they were here! - Robert would not let raise false suspicions about Riley and Sam.

  - Certainly! I agree with you, no assumptions until we can clear everything! - Lionel who had nothing more to do there, hastened to return to your industry. Tommy and Bobby did the same. Robert took the bottle of whiskey that was half and was looking for Chris. I know where to find it.

  - Can I come in Anne? - I was already inside their rooms uninvited.

  - I think it is a good time Robert ... - looked at the bottle and the two glasses in his hand, he wondered where the hell that order to the universe he would have arrang
ed a bottle of Irish whiskey.

  - Let between Anne, not hurt to Robert's family and ... - Chris has the final say.

  - Can I ask you another favor Anne? - He looked at her friend of many years hoping it would not have to ask the question.

  - Alright Robert! I was just leaving you! I'll do some shopping ... - the message had understood only by his gaze, it would be a conversation between men and therefore, it would be better not listen. This would save many future scars for sure. Robert just smiled gratefully seeing it leaves the site.

  - I must confess one thing Chris and I hope you'll forgive me ... - made a serious and disconsolate face.

  - Spit it out! Nothing that I say leave my day or night, whatever, worse than it is now! - Chris was lying on a kind of sofa all quarters by default and had remained with his arm over his eyes, covering most of his face as if to protect from sunlight, which for them was too far away.

  - I was not totally truthful the other day, I lied to you about Whisky, and in fact I brought a box of six bottles and still have five full! - The unexpected response caused the two friends laugh for a long time. What Robert had proposed to do was having its effect. Filled the two glass cups and handed one to his friend ahead of him.

  - She loves Robert! - Sipped, but sparingly, it would excesses. - Riley clearly said he loves while Sam put that capsule and then kissed him ... - Chris put the glass down in front.

  - If so, and so we need to make sure, you must have had his reasons! His life followed Chris, she saved from an uncertain life and did it for love! Nothing would prove the feelings she had for you than to have given his life for you to be safe! - Drank the same extent as his friend had done.

  - But I would have gone to the ends of the universe! The depths of Hell! Just did not have the opportunity, I did not choose me! - He raised the glass to his lips again and drank the liquid end.

  - She gave him a gift you can never deny! Her life with Anne! - Chris knew he needed to get back to reality of the facts - besides, what do you expect two beautiful and attractive young alone in a place like this? Imagine for a moment she here alone at the mercy of these miserable and own destiny! - Defended the two friends she loved as brothers Sam and respected for always having been on their side.

  - You're right, Robert! I can no longer pretend that she will return to my arms and even Anne deserves that I despise as I did in the last hour! - He ran his hands through his hair and recovered to leave the chamber. - Thank you friend! You've always been a good friend and has been now more than ever! I will never know how to thank you! - Hugged his friend.

  - Simple! Not confiscate the Whisky! - generously laughed for a few minutes.

  Anne was on the bridge alone counting the hours and looking out the Vortex far as the eye could reach, he felt embraced from behind and the smell of it close to his face. I was not sure what would happen from then on, but there was nowhere to run and the best would be that faced the consequences of what came his way.

  - Excuse me Anne ... You do not deserve to go through all this ... - he apologized kissing her on the cheek. Was being as honest he could under the circumstances.

  - We have all been taken by surprise! We thought about dozens of cases until they could have become cannibals, but we were not so any prepared for what we saw! - The images of what he saw were still printed in your mind.

  - Did you see how she defeated only with willpower it had two guns in his hands? - Chris had deep admiration for Riley and now even more so.

  - And that speech! Where did you put them off? But it was beautiful! - Anne had loved what he had heard so eloquently and passion. - They took a nice kick in the pants was not Chris? - She smiled embraced him. Did not know what Robert had done, but had to give back her husband, Chris knew.

  - Yeah! Tomorrow we go again and give a way to find them and if they are still alive, the rescued! - This was his final decision. Rather see her alive even in the arms of another man than dead and forgotten in some dark place and remote universe. Finally he realized it had been selfish, but the reason would overlap the reasons of the heart.

  After returning everyone went to their own affairs, some slept then and others made plans for the next day, anyway, the decision on the away team and landing was in charge of Chris and nothing would change until it was deemed insane and nothing of this or another world seemed to point to this, so until further notice, the away team remained the same. In Ala Scientific dissatisfaction remains confined and non-participation of exploration extolled the souls of the more nervous. Tommy had been warned that that picture could change for the worse.

  After twelve hours the Earth time a new expedition was under way at the request of Lionel, Bobby had been in the Vortex to give military support and Robert in turn had a chance to move on to the spaceship command center where everything happened.

  - It was here that we saw projections when Anne and Bobby played those stems that are still there and apparently there are others that we can see on every side! - Chris showed the positions of those curious mechanisms.

  - I noticed that the capsules were emerging from the ground on which we are standing, and if we see well, there are still some traces of humanoids that perished during the battle! - Pierre who understood enough of the matter when it came to evidence pointed to some faded outlines on the floor, apart from that there was nothing more. Or clothing, bones or something that showed that some sort of creature had been there. Whatever these creatures were, dissolved over time to the point that remains absolutely nothing.

  - Any idea how to turn these things? - Robert who had not the power of touch wanted to know more.

  - One of you has to trigger the mechanism ... - Laura already accepted the blood marker as a palpable evidence had made the suggestion. She herself had played some of the objects, but to no avail. What made her jealous of anyone who could do it for a moment wanted to be one of the Invisible.

  For almost an hour did not obtain any result that could see as an indication that something amazing happen, those who had the power to "talk" to that technology have avoided touching the stems that had driven last time, did not want a repeat something that could touch on the general feelings again.

  Chris disappointed laid a hand on the next wall, but did not touch her, green and dense ray pushed his hand away and stayed away for as long as he remained there. I found it curious that he could not get to the end and pressed without much strength, a smooth, vibrant sound echoed throughout the room and six cameras opened the floor raising the gigantic cryogenic chambers. Only two were occupied and lighted. Everyone present looked at each other and held their breath; the search that much sought was over.

  Chris was the first to approach and see Riley O'Connor asleep as the day he had left, his face was serene and beautiful, worthy of a story of fairy tales, only lacked the wildflowers around to be perfect. A tear streaming down her face, she still looked like sixteen...

  - She's still a child ... Nothing has changed ... - looked it completely through the glass that protected and had kept for the last twenty years. Still wearing the leather outfit and you could see the two Glock pistols at the waist. It was simply fantastic.

  Across Robert and Tommy looked Samuel Thorne also asleep, the rifle across his chest like I was a good hunter and had a slight smile on his lips as if he knew that guarded his beloved wife at his side for all eternity. Anne could not help but cry to rediscover friends so dear and so long ago were lost, but they themselves did not have them left behind, even for a minute it was. It was his turn to repay the debt.

  - They are so beautiful ... Chris - Gives pain of having to wake them up ... - he wiped the tears that streamed down her face. Chris hugged her visibly moved, did not expect to find them so young.

  - We cannot just wake them they need to be transported urgently to the Vortex; we do not know what led them to being confined for so long in such suspended animation capsules! - Laura who was on duty biologist would have the final say in the matter. Everyone agreed.

p; - What do you propose? - Robert take care of the details, was accustomed to that part of the service.

  - We need something to transport them there, but more importantly will do emergency medical exams! - Laura looked at them still asleep and disbelief that he was living a story that until a few hours ago was just fantasy in your mind. How I hated those people who had deceived a lifetime. - But the most important thing is that we can isolate them from the rest of the researchers! - Knew there would be more animosity than it already happened at the moment with this discovery.

  - Tommy! Go to Vortex and will prepare a unique medical floor so you can get Riley and Sam, make sure you have at least five of his commands one floor below and five above. Bobby and Lionel security that will walk no more!

  - Robert had given the orders and Tommy accelerated step toward will Vortex.

  - How do we get them there? - Laura needed this answer as soon as possible.

  - Well, all we see this technology works by gravitational systems, it never hurts to push to see how far they can go ... - Pierre ventured a guess knowing that he could do nothing about it.

  Chris positioned himself behind Riley capsule and slowly pushed without difficulty, was pleased to see that the French had reason, from that moment would treat him with more respect than he had done so far.

  - Well matter resolved! Better if we as soon as possible! - Laura followed beside Sam capsule along with Robert and Pierre. Just behind Chris with Anne at her side with one hand guided the Riley no one protected them in the rear. But they would be prepared for any eventuality that was certain.

  - Are you okay sweetheart? - Anne wondered if his feelings had changed about him in the last hours.


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