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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 12

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - Yes I am! Just surprised to still find her so young and so grateful to have happened! - He looked at her again as if for the first time. - Maybe you and Sam still have a chance to live rather than both of us also had! - Felt it was time to leave the past behind, even as she was a teenager of sixteen and he a man of thirty-seven. - "Fate that brought us together also separated us definitely!" - Thought deeply.

  It took almost ten minutes to arrive will Vortex, everything had been prepared according to the orders received, but not so peacefully. Some scientists of the space program had clashed with the commands of the Wolf Pack, though still contained a threat. Chris would have to talk to them sooner or later.

  Laura settled the two capsules in separate rooms inside the ship on metal tables Vortex of the lower did not have the same property of the Mother Ship, but the rest remained intact. The next step would be open and try to find out what had happened, with a bit of luck there would be a simple explanation as hunger, thirst or something else of human physiology which forced them to remain in suspended animation, the failure may have been the indefinite time there They remained, but also had the luck saved another more nefarious.

  - Very good! Which of them want to open first? - Laura started the dialogue.

  - We will not raffle off our friends, we will open one doing the proper medical recommendation! - Chris was more severe than necessarily need, but somehow had been offended by the question.

  - So one of you have to do the honors! He reached for them - I do not have that power, or Pierre or Vargas, who also was there and very impressed with the recent events. In addition to the quantum physics I understood to spare, all the rest was for him a mystery all, but I wish I could observe the conduct of that near chapter.

  - I do ... - Anne approached the capsule where Riley slept deep sleep and touched the top under his head as he had seen in three-dimensional projection, she do where Sam was still asleep after passionate kiss that in no way passed unnoticed.

  The glass slid to the side and then immediately down the capsule remaining completely hidden, vapors dissipated and new air jets traveled throughout the body of the young and beautiful Riley O'Connor, who was still asleep, but it was not long the vital signs began to return to normal. Laura rightly assumed that the expelled jets after opening the lid that sealed the capsule were meant to revive her again.

  Gradually her facial movements were being understood and with some small movements difficulty as the arms and legs showed present. Chris, who stood beside him, ran his hand over her hair with the affection that had always had for her and with her love once so young and seductive that had united in a battle that was still unfinished.

  - Wake Riley ... Please wake up ... - wanted to call it love, but it did not seem appropriate, not only by the apparent age difference was that now, but also out of respect will another woman he loved and had been his companion over the last twenty years and that even at that time was still at his side. The first face she saw when I opened my eyes the eternal sleep he lived was his, knew very well who he was and knew him well enough.

  - Mr. Raines ... How did you get out of the cocoon? Out here it's not safe! - Was still blurred vision - Chris is safe! Anne promised to take care of him ... I trust her! - I was slowly becoming aware.

  - It's me Chris! - Not readily understand the mess she made, but now he knew that the devotion of Anne was more than love she felt for him, that extraordinary woman had been at his side for so long and yet he knew how much it was wonderful, never seen her like this.

  - No! My Chris is on Earth, in the arms of Anne ... She promised me ... - he fell asleep again.

  Anne was beside him and watching everything that could not stop crying and the tears flowed abundantly down his cheeks. I was shocked to have found them just like the last time I saw them, radiant and young as life it was sent. Sobbed several times until Chris came to his rescue, he could not stop crying to learn that Riley and Sam had been deprived of so many things that she and her husband had enjoyed.

  - What are we doing Chris? Playing God? - She still sobbed in his arms. - I do not know what else to do to not lose you my love ... Please help me ... - hugged him as hard as he could, but that would not be enough. Laura approached them.

  - She is confused and should take a few hours to restore!

  - He did not try to be so direct, but there was no other way to explain the problem. - She probably mistook him for his father Chris by the age you have today ... She does not suppose that has been dormant for so long ... - he walked away then knew they would have a lot to think about.

  - Yes ... I see ... I resolve outstanding and urgent matters that require my immediate attention, but keep me informed! - He left the medical wing that had been reserved for Riley and Sam knew Laura would make a multitude of tests and give their best. He thought of her words and confusion in Riley's mind, they would have much to explain to each other for sure.

  Down to the Scientific complex inside the Vortex eight command of the Wolf Pack stood guard over two floors, all scientific body had been confined to their quarters, had to come forward to discuss the latest developments and the complaints that led to the beginning of the recent riot.

  Later need to talk better with Anne, Riley’s words does not come out of his mind: - "No! My Chris is on Earth, in the arms of Anne ... She promised me ... "- the echo of those words would take years to get out of his memory and yet never drop altogether.

  - So gentlemen! What do we have here? - He sat in the presence of those people who mostly loathed for being in the mission only with the intention of extracting information about the great Mother Ship which he had appropriated and now rightfully his! It did not matter if the consortium of the four quadrants had financed that project, from that moment, he and his Wolf Pack were space pirates, corsairs of the XXI century, the buccaneers of the new era and not let a bunch of mediocre scientists to get in the way.

  The solar system was for him a "sea of possibilities" and with that thought began meeting under the escort of eight commands the Wolf Pack.

  Return to the Present

  - Hello! I'm Dr. Laura Phenergan and are on board the ship land Vortex! - Looked on with small flashlight blue topaz pupils with the newly agreed young. - You are Riley O'Connor is not it? - Wait for an answer with anxiety, her heart raced just by chance to be in front of that mythical being and their deeds.

  - Yes ... I'm Riley ... This ship is the Earth? - He looked curiously the surroundings.

  - Yes it's the Earth! We came from far away to rescue you! - Laura sat beside her, were alone and it was time to talk about more serious things. - Riley, his examination revealed that there is nothing wrong with you and we will proceed to unfreeze Samuel Thorne who is in the other room! - Read the medical records and stopped on the last page.

  - Sam okay? I did not have much time to close the sarcophagus! - I was worried about his friend, but he believed that if she had survived, he would also have.

  - Yes OK! - Laura came a little more. - I do not know whether it is aware ... But you're pregnant twelve weeks ... - looked at her for some time realizing that Riley had no idea who spoke to him. - What I'm saying to you is that you are expecting a son of Sam...

  - No! I cannot be expecting his child! - Riley sat up in bed even with the youthful aspect that I got into this Alien Spaceship and with the same physical and mental vigor of old, but until then did not know how long he had been asleep. - I belong to Chris! Samuel never touched me! - He took the lighted sign that was in the hands of Laura and resembled the tablets she knew, but more sophisticated and read the result made it clear that the doctor did not lie.

  - You never had more intimate relationships, even when they came here? - Laura was stunned and felt that things complicate.

  - No ... Never ... - Riley made an effort to remember the past events. - Are you a doctor and I can tell you ... - He made a brief account of his initiation and sexual life. - You're talking about Chris Raines? - As predicted, things would not be s
o simple. - Are you telling me that he is the father of this child who will be born? - She herself did not believe that was possible, but it was undeniable that could be a scientific possibility, the problem would equalize it twenty years later...

  - Yes ... It happened four days ago ... I had never been anyone before ... And there was no one else then! - Sam was referring to last. I did not know exactly how it happened, and even more with the diagnosis of twelve weeks of pregnancy, something was terribly wrong. - You said Chris Raines! You know where he is? He is fine? - I needed to get as much information about what that woman ahead of him knew about his beloved Chris.

  - He is the commander of this mission and the ship Vortex! - He paused when he saw that she had been surprised by the news.

  - I always knew he would come up and it was really fast!

  - I had no idea how he would have got a spaceship to rescue them, but if there was anyone on earth able to do that, it certainly was. He drew special material sheet that covered her and motioned to leave the bed where rested. Laura stopped her noticing how beautiful she was and delicate but decisive and daring. - I must see him! Please...

  - Wait ... There are things I need to tell you! - Laura laid her down again and laid it on the pillow, moved closer to his side so he could get completely across from her, began her stroking her hair gently while starting his narrative, at least as far as he knew, now with new data knowing all about her and the Wolf Pack they were true.

  It took nearly two hours so he could even answer the questions that Riley did you trying to learn more about the great changes on Earth, occasionally let a few tears drain her face, it was impossible not to be touched by the whole story of life of group that had begun two decades ago and there were reunited. Laura ended with a descriptive of how they saw the three-dimensional recordings and how they were able to know where she and Sam were at rest "saved".

  - And as you said, Anne Ridley is here with him too ... - he looked at Riley curled up in bed with her head on the soft pillow wet with its abundant tears, staring at the wall as if there were nothing beyond it. - I'll leave it alone for a while so you can better absorb all the information I passed you! - Laura was exhausted, dazed with every event and even more for being the bearer of news so disparate. Never in his wildest thoughts could have invented such a crazy story. In truth he was devastated.

  - Explain to me one thing, Laura ... - Riley did not turn to talk to her - if me and Chris had an intimate relationship there are so few days for my timing, how can I be pregnant six weeks? - Did not like the term "sex" on the other hand, did not know how that was possible and it would be the best person at the time to clear up this mystery. In her mind she relived the moments that had the room on the second floor of the Hotel Dublin.

  - I can only assume based on what I know about human biology, but it seems to suspended animation will which you have been subjected only slows the aging body effect and the cellular process, but not the "freeze" of infinite form! - Again ran her hands over her blond hair and her soft - in other words your body has aged more slowly! It can be said that the ratio of one month for every ten years ... Seconds his account of events! - Was an acceptable theory and the best we had at the time and there was no reason to doubt what she had said, besides proving the medical examinations that he spoke the truth. They were indisputable.

  - I need you to do me a favor ... - stood still staring at the wall and curled up with a finger to his lips as if to caress. - I know you cannot lie about pregnancy, but do not tell Chris that the child is his ... I could not bear to see him hurt again ... Not Anne ... - tossed her hair behind the ear with care and placed both hands on each other between your knees bent.

  - I ... I will do my best ... Riley - Laura was in pieces inside, looked at Riley who had rosy cheeks now more and nose red from crying keep the last few hours. Was a young teenager fantastic and admirable woman would become in the future if given the opportunity. Was in a quandary about what to do, Chris Raines was the commander of the ship and his superior, the mission was in charge of his command and hide a secret like that would not be prudent. Let Riley had the time he needed.

  - Tommy! Riley is awake but needs rest and do not think a good idea to be visited in the coming hours! This is a medical recommendation and extended to everyone, including the commander! - Risked, but had good reasons for this. - If anyone asks, tell him you are doctor's orders! - Moved away to the side room where Sam was still in suspended animation and had to wake him up again would have a great responsibility and did not like anything that had to do, but at least this time I knew how to proceed.

  Riley hugged the pillow and could not help the compulsive and imprisoned crying in his chest for countless years to come, it was his turn to let nature take its course and went beyond all the anguish contained within. Outside Tommy stood guard next to Bobby Flanngan and could not help but hear the sobs behind the walls that protected.

  - It's all right Tommy? - Bobby was startled to see that silent tears rolled down the faces friend. For the first time he realized that he had feelings like any of them. His friend he considered a superman crumbled like a sand castle in the waves of the sea.

  - Bobby Yeah ... It's okay ... - Tommy had the distinct sense that Laura had told the harsh reality of the events of the last twenty years and Riley and even if I wanted to comfort her friend, the doctor's orders prevented him and he was great at following orders.

  Chris closed the meeting that presided and mediate with the skill he had learned in the days that remained behind a desk, doing just bureaucratic and social development work in integrating extinct Quadrant countries, who called only Earth, was grateful for years of experience acquired on the other hand none of those wretched, including those who were on board that challenged his authority would put one foot was out of the Vortex, to explore the vast Alien Spaceship. The idea to inform them that the outdoor atmosphere was harmful to the human race had been effective and time would calm tempers, later in time, arrange another excuse and many others as are necessary until get tired.

  Turned in the corridor leading to the medical wing where Riley and Sam were now sure home, he was relieved to see Bobby and readiness Tommy still keeping that precious content reserved behind the doors. Tommy stood between him the door leading to where Riley was booked.

  - What is it Tommy? - It was surprised that he did not even hinted his Remington rifle that was crossed on his chest and resting on hands, but which prevented him from entering.

  - Medical Orden commander! Apparently no one can enter until the doctor releases the access! - I was nervous the first time in his life challenge Chris Raines at your command, but was it not you doctor who had invented the excuse that Riley had the time to recover, it was clear in his mind, but why should this Riley.

  - Best not to argue with Chris medical ... He's the other door with Sam ... Perhaps no danger if you go there ... - Bobby had to divert his attention before Tommy gave way somehow. If he did not want to let Chris go had his reasons for that and they were a team, always have been. That impasse lasted only as long as necessary, no more, no less.

  - Well ... I'll see what Laura has to say about it! - Walked away without haste, realizing that the two friends stood guard released quite deep sighs of relief. Something had happened in his absence that he could not explain, but Laura would tell him the truth.

  Chris realized that Sam was out of the capsule and out of consciousness also slowly he was awake for several hours, like Riley, took to understand the whole matter of the narrative long and time-consuming that Laura had undertaken to update you. Laura stopped what she was doing to realize the commander's presence behind him. Sam looked at him with some suspicion, recognized him, but he was twice as old the last time I had seen him running from the Hotel Dublin in his direction.

  - Hello Sam ... - approached the friend and took her hand still slightly cold by the effect of criogênese. - A long time ago my friend ... - he sat on the edge of the bed to make it closer.

- Chris? - Made an effort to sit leaning against the back of the bed, the pillow helped him maintain posture.

  - Yeah! The weather was more condescending to you than us ... - remembered again that he had not seen Riley. He smiled then.

  - Well, I do not know if this will be a reason for joy or sorrow ... - I knew Riley would have a clash with the events in relation to it, after all she always belonged to Chris Raines. In his mind a recent output memory of her lips echoed in his mind; - "Have sweet dreams my love ..." - did not know what that meant, but surely would soon find out.

  - We will have plenty of time to reviewing all happened, but for now, I'm glad you're all right! - Was sincere and there was no reason for it was not, he was responsible for keeping it alive and both had survived the unimaginable.

  - Samuel, you know for what reason entered in suspended animation capsules? - Laura them off and still had certain formality with him, after all did not know to wake him.

  - Call me Sam! - Opened a captivating and seductive smile for Laura who blushed when he realized he was its kind and man. - I suppose it was for what we did ... - paused a moment recalling the facts dictate. - Blow up the control room, then we ran far away and we were in there awhile, maybe one day, we returned to see the damage caused and realized that the humanoids, who apparently were the only crew Mothership, were dead, but we do not! - Straightened up a little more in bed letting the chest to rule forward, only the thin sheet covering his lower body. Laura that turns natural during the thawing process, lightly biting the top of the scorer he used to enter information in the medical record being lips. I listened to what he said while the naked thought.

  - Riley landed a way robots mend what we had done, but something went wrong and start to feel lousy, retching and stuff ... - was all he remembered before she put to sleep in that capsule.

  - I think I know why! - Laura suddenly awoke from his intimate rave at the end of his words advocated a theory about it. - Solar radiation! - He approached Sam to catch the pulse, not that he needed it, but because she wanted to. - It is quite possible that the outside of the Vortex even within the Mothership radiation is harmful to humans! We may be subject to the same problem! - Concluded the thesis waiting to be readily accepted.


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