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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

Page 13

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - Maybe, but it does not explain for what reason the humanoid did not suffer this problem! - Chris looked at with some suspicion, but soon realized that he had no reason to. - They are as you ... The Invisible ... - ran his hands over his face bringing them up to hair that played back through your fingers. Laura felt heat in the center of your body, blushed again because he felt so vulnerable before him.

  - What do you mean Sam? - Chris needed more answers than the one he had given her and not so vague.

  - The ship entire "conversation" with Riley! - He looked at Laura without ulterior motives, but realized how much was perfect and seductive. I hoped I had not one, though appeared to be older than he was a few years but the laws of physics he was older than she was at least ten years. Not least because he recognized that would not have a chance with Riley in the presence of Chris. He left that thought aside, at least for the moment.

  - You and them, humanoids, have something in common! So the bells not captured! - Sam was tired of sitting on the bed, pulled the next sheet and supported both feet on the ground, Laura made a small cry that became indefinite between the nudity he saw before his eyes and the concern that he could have a relapse of any kind. None of those present wanted to know the right answer. But Laura knew.

  - I'm going out now ... I can help you to dress commander! - Do not wait for an answer, he pressed the button and let out his breath as soon as the door closed behind him. - "My God! What's happening to me? "- Laura leaned against the metal and smooth wall, I thought it would be a long time in space and alone ...

  - It's okay Laura? - It was the turns of Tommy ask you.

  - Yeah! Is yes! - She still felt the sweat from the body. Chris came out soon after.

  - He does not need help, but I think you already know that! - Quietly smiled amusedly, Samuel still brought him problems even twenty years later. He could not help but have fun with that thought. He took a few steps forward toward where Riley O'Connor remained quarantine. Laura followed, could no longer protect her from lies with Chris.

  Riley was still in the room where had been confined for nearly a day on Earth timing, now wore the outfit for her would be a second skin. The leather pants snug, black blouse and patterned with the vest on top, the boot where he kept hunting knife acquired in Dublin International Airport, the hand and the two Glock 380 pistols, his inseparable companions, waist, dressed the jacket covering them completely and pulled the zipper until the half. Was ready, even if there were a mirror that showed full body, was again the Riley knew.

  Nothing in the universe would be able to stop it in fulfilling its mission, not even the love he felt for Chris Raines. He pressed the button that apparently would open one metal door that would couple the outside that room, was not familiar with that technology, and which had been enclosed since he woke up. He came out and felt her legs go weak when faced with the man who stood before him.

  It was Chris Raines, but older than he remembered, but undeniably their loved Chris ... By his side was Laura who climbed slightly on tiptoe to witness the entire matching scene. The target was strong among them there was no doubt about it, that fortuitous event proved that.

  Among friends

  - Riley! - Chris took two steps forward to hug her, Tommy and Bobby were each positioned on the sides standing guard opened wide smiles when he saw her.

  Riley that startled and instinctively put a hand will butt of his Glock, which was on the left side of the waist, still under the leather jacket, stepped back and held out her hand, thin and delicate.

  - Hello Chris ... - An eerie silence came between them. Chris Raines took her hand with surprise and held it between his keeping the distance it had imposed. She felt the heat of delicate hand and cannot help but notice that he loved her still like the first time he had seen her in Seapark, Malahide and all the days that followed as she waited in her bedroom window she put out the light of pink room in the house opposite.

  - I had no idea you were still so young and remained so beautiful ... - There was no praise to win her back, but because it was his most genuine feeling in recent years. It never passed through his mind that he was asleep at the ghost ship drifting in space and so tender and beautiful way, it came to be fragile so quiet inside that time capsule.

  - For you were twenty, for me only four days, maybe five, at worst ... But you're okay Chris ... - noticed other familiar faces around. - Tommy! - Hugged him strongly putting her head on his chest and was reciprocated, turned to Bobby oncoming leaving the rifle leaning against the wall. - Come here, Bobby! Give me a tight hug! - Chris Raines realized that among them there would be no closer contact in addition to the one that had started a few times, formally and overly respectful, but it would give you the time it took to that they fit between them. Everyone who stood by had noticed that distance forcibly imposed.

  - I was longing commander! - Bobby hugged her like a long-lost sister. - That's right around his waist is still what I'm thinking? - She smiled at her moving away a little feeling the pressure of the two butts against his belly that although it was not bulky, came first it anywhere.

  Riley made an opening movement of the zipper and let the two very powerful weapons if they were present for all to see. - For you it happened in the distant past Bobby, for me it was yesterday! - I could still feel the adrenaline running through her whole body by recent events. - I'm still in Bobby war and to me is far from over! - Again closed the jacket. Tommy was at his side stuck a hand in military pants pocket and pulled out wearing two combs already loaded within. Fully complete.

  - I think this is your captain! - He handed her hands in the clips of ammunition that was found and taken from the Mother Ship floor in the first exploratory foray outside the Vortex and possibly where she and Sam had stopped to rest at some point, after inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. At least his experience told him this and rarely was wrong about that.

  - Yes, yes, Tommy! Thank you, come in handy, I still need them very soon! - Chris that had been forgotten for a moment decided to join the conversation.

  - One is mine, Tommy! - I never had forgiven her for being subtracted from his pistol for personal use that hotel room on the second floor where the night before had made love thoroughly. - And besides, I'm still in charge! - Spoke sharply in the second statement. - I am sure Riley! - It was time to set the positions they occupy.

  - Yes to the first ... And also for the second ... - he lowered his head knowing he had been reprimanded as a child. Perhaps it was only a child in a man's world now. At that moment again, even if it did not do no idea of what was happening outside, Sam came to his rescue by opening the door and gain "freedom."

  - Sam! - Tommy was the first to greet him with a hug that was soon matched. He could not help but notice that Sam still had the Remington placed the strap over his shoulder. As Riley continued prepared! Bobby followed.

  - Give me a tight hug Sam! - He opened his arms to it - now we are relatives! - Sam hugged him did not understand what that meant, but did not have to wait long for it to be clarified.

  - Incredible as it may seem, Sam, Bobby married his sister Samantha and you are uncle of a beautiful girl named Riley Thorne Flannagan O'Connor! - Chris smiled to break the news that had gone unnoticed until then. He noted that Riley had been flattered Sam's niece, receiving his name, only by the gleam in his eyes, blue and shiny topaz that both knew. - Anne and I are godparents ... - he added.

  - And here too? In this ship? - Sam remained embraced Bobby as if one could feel Samantha through it.

  - No ... We found it best to remain on earth! - Chris still had the floor. The O'Connor, Riley's parents took it upon themselves to educate it as soon as the bells down, two days after you left ... - was interrupted by Sam.

  - Yeah! Two days ago! - Sam had not yet used to the temporal deviation which had undergone.

  - No Sam ... Twenty years ago ... - Laura struggled to get things started to fit in this space, but knew it would be very difficult immediately. He nodded.

  - And I must admit they did a great job of that, although Bobby! - She smiled finishing his explanation looking at the long-time friend who lowered his head in shyness he had. But the greatest intention had been to ensure Sam that they had complied with the agreement.

  - And how are my parents ... - Riley wanted news about them, but he knew he probably would not be the best past twenty years.

  - Passed Away Riley recently and I will not hide anything about it! - Chris sighed deeply before that would tell you then. - To my knowledge, through messages sent by Sonia and Rebecca, there was an armed confrontation and they were not spared ... - I would not tell you much because I do not know.

  - Those nasty invaders! - Put palms open on the jacket feeling the butts of two pistols, do not shed a tear as it was, his jaw tightened the teeth inside the mouth. - Yet I am able to defeat them, but now the earth Solaris is mine! - He looked all around that did not understand what was going on, except Chris Raines knew her very well, forever. There was Riley that everyone admired, latent, dormant, combative, but never extinguished!

  - There were the invaders Riley, it's over when you destroy this ship! - He breathed again. - The surviving humanity, the four billion people, some simply did not survive the thawing, they seem not to have learned the lesson and insist on power struggles and territories! - Finished his explanation.

  Riley realized immediately that every effort employed to save humanity might have been a mistake, but would not make snap judgments. Everyone was silent, her presence imposed a respect they had not forgotten and Chris thought it best to leave that place where they were standing talking and catching up by force of circumstances, and go to another location. Surely there were others who were hoping to review them, including Anne. Riley asked for more information about Sonia and Rebecca, who would know how they were and Tommy took care to tell what he knew.

  - Come on! I will show them the bridge and from where you have a wide view of the outside of the Vortex! - Moved away a bit so Riley and Sam take a stand beside her.

  Riley opened his jacket and pulled the Glock pistol that had his name and that was on the left side of the waist, was the weapon that protected his heart, so he had been in his mind since it had taken to each other sneaky way and a way to have it always at his side, but all this was now past. - "It was only four days ... Like everything may have changed? I still feel the smell of it in me ... I still inside me ... "- made an effort to again receive control over their emotions.

  Unlocked the gun causing the bullet that was the precursor to jump out and she caught on quickly in the air by hand - Take Chris, is yours! - She gave him the gun that had been his companion and protector even while asleep. Chris took her hands and weighed the weapon gently rocking her two or three times and returned.

  - I think we will be in better hands with you than anyone else that knows how to use! - The dexterity with which she maneuvered was indisputable, and moreover, well suited her pair will waist. She did not refuse. He in turn was sure that at some point, regardless of the age difference they had, would need to pass the command of the mission and the ship ... I was implied.

  - What is that thing of Earth Solaris you mentioned? - Chris had been interested in that other party and had no idea it could be. Riley did not have time to answer.

  - Commander! I need you to come with me ... - Laura looked at Riley and entered the room where she had left. I knew with absolute certainty what would happen there, but I also knew there was no way to avoid. Once again I trust someone who does not deeply familiar to guard his greatest secret.

  I waited a few minutes outside, Sam was still talking excitedly with old friends when the commander went out the way he had entered it did not take more than five minutes. Laura followed him, did not dare look at Riley realized that the contraction in Chris's face, her beloved Chris and father of her unborn child...

  - Come on! Others expect us! - Do not say a word it was for her, in his mind an overwhelming treason had been committed soon after they parted. He explained what he had seen in three-dimensional projection as encapsulated Sam. But it was now past and nothing would change that. I was done.

  Riley walked down the long corridor with the elegance that was inherent, his head high in the knowledge that he had done nothing wrong, even if others do not think so, just the sound of heels of his boots was heard in most everything was silence.

  - Robert! My dear Robert! - He received with open arms lifting her off the ground and forcing her legs bent backwards trying to maintain a balance of both. Certain things between them would not change for sure.

  - What girl miss! We have no idea of how we want this time! - I was delighted to have found and to not expect anything better than seeing it exactly as he remembers it. It had been a gift from the gods, at least he thought so.

  - I gave him your message as soon as I arrived! - She smiled at her still looking for Chris. - If he denied! You're lying! - She smiled still looking for that youthful and full of life face. He lamented that they had not spent years together, would have been better friends than they are today.

  - I'm sure you ... - Riley remembered the last words said to him and to hand over the case to leave Chris Bell, and at least it had happened. His heart was very small in the chest. I wanted to die at that time, but the mission had to end prevented from committing this folly.

  - Come here my "small" Lionel! - Riley had recognized once entered, of all was the least the age was penalized and waited anxiously as others to review it.

  - It is a pleasure to see her commander! - Received a less intimate embrace than Robert, but not least desired.

  Riley decided not fix it, did not want animosity between her and Chris. - Similarly Lionel! And I know that Rebecca and Sonia are also good! - looked around. - You were amazing; they stayed together for so many years.

  Never imagine that, even here so far from home come to our rescue! - Hugged him again. Finally and after so long I realized that ultimately could have a real chance of winning this war that was to start.

  - I have not seen Anne yet ... I know you're on board...

  - He looked at Chris for the first time since he received the news of her pregnancy at the mouth of Laura.

  - She will meet you later! You know how it is ... Reserved ... - was the best word I found to apologize for Anne not be present. But had expressed his interest that they meet alone at another time, but very soon.

  - Yeah! I see ... - So! Show me what this thing is done! - Riley changed the subject and turned to old comrades and they just receive it. Chris had no more use for the time left and went in search of Anne, surely would find the quarters they shared, it would be nice to find someone who truly loved him.

  - How is she my love? - Anne was curious and apprehensive, would never be among them.

  - Quite well for twenty years who was asleep! - Was visible the hurt and disappointment in his voice.

  - What worries Chris? What is so wrong that you cannot disguise? - She knew her husband as her palm.

  - Riley is going to have a baby ... you're pregnant with Sam! - He threw the clothes had to take away. He regretted that his disappointment was so visible, even before Anne. But he could not help. Had been taken by surprise and he had no children with his wife, and she would have a child with another man, he did not consider it to be fair. It was as if they had robbed him of his future.

  - You sure this is it Chris? - She was skeptical as to the incoming news. It looked like a surreal and impossible thing, but also understood that in extreme situations anything was possible.

  - Unless you have a pregnant Alien, is it yes! - Did not strengthen this argument, they had seen it designed in colors almost as if they were there at the time. - Remember the three-dimensional projection? - He looked at her with unnecessary severity. - How did she say: - "Have sweet dreams my love ..." Anne is not hate, only disappointment! - Prepared to lie beside her.

  - It is now past my love! We must no longer interfere in things between them and if fat
e wanted so, who are we to challenge him? - He kissed her man in the face and then lightly on the mouth. Only she was able to quell the anger in his heart.

  - You're right ... I'm being selfish and petty in my feelings! - I felt the anger faded and sighed more than once if acclaiming him then. - But there is one thing that is not explained Anne and I need you to tell me the truth! - Lay aside to see her better, he noticed that she was trembling slightly, was not afraid of him, but the question was coming and who would have no way to dodge. - What did she mean by "My Chris is on Earth, in the arms of Anne ... She promised me ..." - remembered every word that Riley had said before waking up completely. And I needed to know the whole truth, was fed up with lies.

  - Riley came to me a few days before disappearing with Sam in front of the Hotel Dublin, I had no assurance what would be the plan, but I knew you were not included! - Anne hidden for too long the truth about this matter and even if I could lose it, do not continue to live a farce from the distant past. - She knew I already loved him back then Chris and his love for you was so great that he would never allow his life to be jeopardized. That morning when he came down alone I knew I would never see her again, walked past me, said goodbye to everyone and I had delivered the two bottles that were with me and containing the Lucas Torvalds blood for Sonia, and Lionel Robert ... - she paused was relieved that he could finally tell her the truth. - The rest you already know.

  He lifted her chin gently and kissed her, he wanted to kiss her like never before remembered, like the first time again between them. - You are a surprisingly wonderful woman! - He kissed her again. - Never thanked him for all these years together and would never have done it without you! When I'm close to doing something stupid, please let me know! - Lay back on the bed for a short time. Anne was still at his side, not loses, was sure of it now.


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