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The Panther's Rival

Page 67

by Emilia Hartley

  A delicious shiver ran through her as his lips trailed down her jaw and neck. She leaned back as he traveled to her collarbone, sighing in complete bliss. “I’d love that,” she breathed.

  “Great,” Tom growled in pleasure, nipping lightly at her collarbone and making her gasp. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tom paced the garage impatiently, the tinny signal on the radio playing so that he didn’t have to listen to the repetitive tap of his boots on the concrete as he eagerly awaited Savannah’s return to the shop that night. Equal parts terror and excitement sang in his veins, as well as a bit of doubt that he refused to acknowledge. If he was going to, for himself, be sure of anything tonight, it was that there was no turning back.

  “We’re heading out for the night.”

  “Right” Tom mumbled as Nick put on a light jacket, “See ya.”

  “Ask him about Dan!” came Jo’s disembodied voice from the office area as she called the suggestion loud enough for both brothers to hear.

  Nick grinned. “She’s right, you know? I bet you didn’t include him in your dinner plans.”

  He hadn’t. “Damn it.”

  Nick barked a laugh. “Don’t worry about it. We were planning on taking him off your hands for the night anyway, giving him a feel for the rest of our territory and maybe swaying him to our side.”

  Tom nodded. “Yeah, yeah, that sounds perfect. Thanks.”

  “No problem,” Jo said, peeking into the garage with a knowing glint in her eye. Before Tom could rebut, she was already gone.

  He opted for glaring at Nick instead. “Don’t start.”

  Nick snorted. “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  Tom sighed heavily. “Not like you need to. I know what I’m feeling for Savannah is pretty obvious.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Nick agreed. “But I’m happy for you. Finding your mate is one of the best feelings in the world.”

  Little tingles of electric shocks washed across Tom’s skin at the mention of the word mate. “I don’t think we’re calling it anything just yet,” Tom said quickly, skirting around using the word himself.

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Then tell me, how do you feel when you accidentally touch?” To Tom’s surprise, Nick paused for the answer.

  Tom shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s… electric. Like touching a livewire. But in a good way.” Nick gave a satisfied snort, but he didn’t comment on the answer.

  “Okay. How does your bear feel when you think about her? How do you feel when you think about her?” He waved away Tom’s words before he’d spoken them. “Those you don’t have to answer out loud. They’ll likely not make much sense in words, but you’ll know what you’re saying is true if you just remain honest with yourself.”

  Tom nodded once, knowing that Nick was probably right. He’d been where Tom was before. He promised himself he’d think on it before Savannah got to the shop, even if he could already answer with complete certainty that both he and his bear were, at the very least, happy.

  “Got it,” Nick grinned. “Well, I’m gonna head out now. You two have some fun tonight!” he called, closing the garage door behind him before Tom could growl a warning at him—not that Tom knew what to say, even if he wanted to speak.

  He stared at the closed door in silence for a moment, letting the quiet and the conversation he’d just had waft around on the air, undisturbed. Was this how Nick had felt about Jo when he’d found out?


  Tom was relatively calm by the time Savannah stepped through the entrance of the shop. She held up a small bag in her hand as way of greeting. “I brought dessert.”

  The entire front office had filled with the aroma of the meal he’d cooked for them. He peeked his head out of the back room where he’d gotten some dishes to set out. “Perfect,” he replied, taking in the sight of her. She was wearing a heavier coat, a sign that the temperature had dropped again. Tom noticed that Savannah was more susceptible to the cold than most shifters. He hadn’t thought to ask why, but it was just one more thing that set her apart from everyone else. He didn’t mind in the slightest, but he did find himself fighting the slight urge to unzip her coat and remove it… quickly followed by everything else on her body.

  He coughed to clear his mind, setting the plates on the dining table. “I hope you like steak and potatoes. I made plenty.”

  “Who doesn’t like a good steak?” Savannah asked with the slightest lick of her lips. Tom couldn‘t help but wonder if she also felt the slightly building tension in the room.

  He shrugged. “Well, I’m just an okay cook. So I hope you’re fine with an okay steak.”

  Savannah giggled, and it made Tom’s heart palpitate. “I’m sure it will be great.” She unzipped her jacket, placing it on a hook by the entrance. “How are you tonight?”

  He let out his breath in a relieved gust of wind. “Better, now that you’re here.” He winced as the cheesy line left his mouth, and seeing Savannah bite back a soft laugh.

  “I’m glad I’m here too,” she smiled, looking slightly amused. Was he acting differently? He couldn’t tell. He felt happier though, and he knew it was because of her.

  He cleared his throat past the nerves building there. Food first, relationship stuff later. “Hungry?”

  She nodded. “Famished. Do you need me to help plate?”

  “Sure, if you want. Food’s in the back where Dan is—was. He’s at the Nick’s cabin tonight.”

  “Oh.” Savannah’s gaze slid slowly to the back room, a look in her eye that Tom couldn’t quite place, but it set off fireworks in his chest.

  He watched as a sly glint filled her eye, his breath catching in his throat when she turned that wicked gaze on him. “So are you going to kiss me or what?” she asked quietly.

  He grinned mischievously, setting down the last of the dishes at once. “Nope,” he replied, her mouth dropping open in surprise. “Not unless you catch me.”

  “What?” Savannah exclaimed as he burst into action. He was out of the door before she could even recuperate from his issued challenge. He tore off all his clothes as he swung open the office entrance. “But Tom, the food!” He could hear the laugher in her voice.

  “Then you better hurry up and catch me before it gets cold!” he called back just moments before the bear burst from his skin. With a roar of delight, he tore off into the woods. He raced past trees and fallen logs in tense silence wondering if she’d follow before he heard the jovial belt of Savannah’s bear sound behind him. With a joyful growl, he sprinted faster.

  His chase ended at the lake; it just seemed right. As he reached the bank, he could tell she was still a ways off from catching up. With a promise to let it run free soon, Tom folded back into his human form, launching himself into the lake as Savannah’s bear cleared the tree line.

  She watched him with honey amber eyes as he swam laps in the cool waters. “Are you going to come in?” he called to her. “The water’s lovely.” He saw the recognition signal in her eyes as he recited the words she’s used on him here at this very lake back to her.

  Tom watched as Savannah’s body snapped back into human form with alarming speed. She let out a small gasp in pain, as her hands and knees reoriented into her human shape. A wary look passed over her face before she resettled her gaze on Tom’s. Slowly, a smile washed over her face, cheeks flushing pink from the exertion of the run. She rose to her feet, standing tall and completely naked in the moonlight, and he couldn’t help give her entire body an appreciative glance. She was absolutely breathtaking, the very sight of her curves sent electric sizzles through his body, shorting out his brain.

  She watched him as he looked without an ounce of shyness on her face. The confidence in her eyes as he met her gaze astounded him. Before he could say or do anything, she launched herself into the water, a perfect replica of Tom the first night he’d swam with her in the lake.

  Unlike Savannah, Tom was much too enthralled to dodge the splash
es of water, spluttering for air as Savannah resurfaced, laughing.

  “You didn’t even try to dodge,” she exclaimed, happily.

  “Hey, before you laugh, do you realize I could have drowned?” He joked, spitting out a bit of lake water.

  “Highly unlikely,” she grinned.

  The moon shone off the surface of the water, highlighting the gleam in Savanna’s eyes as she laughed. Water held in the creases on the sides of her soft, smiling lips. Their eyes met once more and sparks flew, covering Tom’s wet body in goosebumps. Slowly Savannah’s mischievous expression melted away into something completely different.

  “Come here,” Tom growled, reaching for her.

  With a rush and a splash of water, Savannah threw herself backward and swam as fast as she could. He realized it was his turn to catch her.

  She made it close enough to the bank for her feet to touch the bottom before Tom caught up with her. He spun her around, making her slip on the lake floor, but he locked her securely in place before placing his lips on hers. His hand snaked around her waist, holding her flush against him, his skin igniting in a medley of sensations wherever they touched. His mouth was hot and urgent on hers, pushing her soaked hair back from her face so that he could see all of her as she panted and gasped for him. He needed her in a way he’d never needed anyone before, in every way he’d never even thought to need someone. Nick was right; this was something he’d never be able to explain in words, but in this moment, everything felt right.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Savannah tried to find her footing as she grasped for Tom, but her body only seemed interested in having as much of him on her as possible. He held them tightly to each other, as if they were one being that was never meant to be separated. For the most part, Savannah couldn’t agree more.

  As she eagerly ground her body against his, she could feel him hard and ready against her. It drew soft whimpers from her throat, anticipation building, and swelling deep within her as his lips locked onto hers once more. She’d wanted this, needed this for so long, and the night was finally here. She wondered absently if he thought she might run again, if a sliver of doubt remained that she might not be as ready as she finally was. As if he sensed something, he pulled back from their kiss, searching her eyes for something. Eagerly, Savannah pulled his lips back down to her own, showing exactly what she wanted when she wanted it. His lips tingled like she’d stuck a fork in a plug socket, and she groaned against him, using her body to beg for more

  Savannah’s body began to tighten like a coiled spring as Tom kissed her. His skin was smooth and soft, cool from the water as she pressed deep against him to feel the rock hard muscles underneath that flexed tight as they held her. He backed away slightly, trailing a line of hungry, biting kisses along her neck, and she used the extra space to run her fingers lightly over his solid chest and every bump of his washboard abs. she could hear her breath coming quickly with every bite, lick and kiss, but she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted more, faster.

  She cried out in surprise when he did exactly the opposite.

  Pulling away from her with one last teasing kiss, Tom stared down at her with wondrous eyes. At first, Savannah was frustrated, but the look he gave her was full of amazement and awe and something else that unraveled her down to something even more vulnerable than skin. She felt he knew everything that was important about her, and held it all in his gaze, promising that he’d keep all the most fragile parts of her safe and locked away for the rest of eternity. He felt like home.

  “I want to tell you something,” He whispered.

  “Anything,” she replied, immediately. Whatever he had to say she knew she’d cherish it for the rest of her life. Nothing, no one, could stop her from holding everything he did, was, and would be dear.

  Tom swallowed hard, Savannah feeling his heart quicken as a hint of nervousness crossed his eyes. “I—I think I’m falling in love with you.” He said softly, little more than a breath of air on the wind that washed over the lakes surface. “I mean, I don’t really know what it is, but if I had to give this a name, that’s what I’d call it.” He averted his gaze. “I know I said something similar earlier, but I wanted you to know. I’m conscious, I’m here, I’m saying it while knowing I’m saying it, and there’s no room for misinterpretation. I’m falling in love with you, Savannah.”

  Savannah sighed, tears flooding her eyes. Leaning forward, she rested her cheek against the hard plane of his chest, her fingers playing lightly with the water droplets on his chest as she basked happily in his scent and confession. “I feel the same way,” she whispered, voice watery with unshed tears.

  They remained like that for a while, just marinating themselves in the sheer weightlessness of their confessions that were finally out in the open with no doubt and little fear between them. This was what happiness felt like.

  S0on enough, that telltale sign of sexual tension began to build between them, never sated for long, and this time Savannah wasn’t keen to stop it. Breath quickening, she lifted her head, her eyes trailing along Tom’s strong chin and upwards to the soft lips that lay above. She ran her lips lightly across the curve of his jaw, reveling in his gasp. His body reacted to every nip, lick and kiss that she laid across his skin, building the pheromones between then until she could practically choke on Tom’s arousal.

  He growled low in his throat, his chest rattling under Savannah’s hands. His desire filled her nostrils as his eyes flashed with the need for more. She watched him intently as he threw his head back, gasping and panting as she licked her way across his collarbone. Slowly, she allowed her hands to twirl and slip lower down his torso, deep into the water.

  The moment her fingers brushed against the solid mass of his erection, his breath shuddered out in a ragged groan. It spilled heavily from his throat and shook his entire body, making Savannah glance upward to make sure he was okay. Their eyes met briefly, and his mouth worked to form words, but he wasn’t saying anything. Slowly, she slid her fingers down his shaft, and a louder, more ragged growl tore from his throat. That noise was definitely a good thing.

  Savannah bit the edge of her lip as she worked him, growing a bit more confident with each stroke as he whimpered and moaned his pleasure directly upward into the night sky. He tensed when she squeezed and quivered when she stroked, licking her lips ravenously as she changed speeds to keep him on his toes.

  Tom’s eyes shot open with a guttural roar, fixing Savannah with a fierce glare. His eyes were intense, gleaming brightly in the moonlight as they stared deeply into her. She felt like he could read her entire soul like tealeaves in the bottom of a cup. She was suddenly vulnerable, undone, shattering into a million pieces as he watched her fall still.

  “Savannah,” Tom whispered before pulling her close once more. His lips crushing against hers, and harder still she pressed back against him. His hands moved slowly and purposefully, over her shoulders and down her back as if he were carefully memorizing every part of her and never wanted to forget.

  “Please,” Savannah gasped as Tom began to feather kisses along the side of her jaw. “Please, Tom.” She didn’t even know what she was asking for, but that she wanted more. More of Tom. More of him. All of him.

  And that she never wanted him to stop.

  With only a low warning growl, Tom grabbed her hips, lifting her legs up and guiding them around his waist. He held her body tightly and strongly, moving in two small strides to press her firmly against the bank. Before she could react to the cold chill of the bank against her back, she hissed a gasp as he laid a gentle kiss on her nipple.

  He pulled away, letting her rest there still partially submerged in the water. He gazed lovingly downward at her, his eyes filled with a shadow of that awe he’d held earlier, and it made Savannah feel like butterflies fluttering in her stomach. He looked at her as if she were the most beautiful person on earth, trailing his hands lightly over her curves like one would touch a priceless artifact. He coaxed small moans from her
lips as he played over her nipples, gently cupping her breasts in anticipation of her reactions.

  He lowered his mouth to the soft top of Savannah’s breast once more, running his tongue over her nipple and shuddering against her as she cried out for him. His hands moved lower, caressing, pinching, and stroking every curve of her soft skin. As he plunged his fingers deep inside of her for the first time,

  Savannah felt as if stars had burst across her skin, igniting her entire body in a fireworks display of passion. She didn’t have time to be embarrassed by the sounds that Tom pulled from her. His hands, his lips, his tongue, they all were beckoning her to do something different, building up a slow sweetness within her that drove her insane. She arched her back into his strokes, tilting her chest closer to his tongue. She did everything she could to keep as much of him touching as much of her as possible without hindering the expert work of his fingers inside of her. It wouldn’t be long before she found release.

  She had a sudden urge to get out of the water, to see all of him pleasuring all of her beneath the shining moon, as she’d wanted to do from the moment she’d met him. Wrenching herself away, she pushed backward up and onto the bank, the soft grass tickling her skin. Water washed down her body, soaking into the creases of her skin as she sat up to beckon him forward.

  “What are you doing,” Tom growled, eyes hungry as he drank in her naked, soaking wet body.

  “Come here,” she panted, crooking a finger in a come hither motion. “Out of the water.” He didn’t need any further encouragement. Pulling himself free of the water in one smooth move, he crouched in the grass, water cascading from his body as he took in all of Savannah. She sat back with no shame, watching as his eyes darted feverishly over her skin.

  She took in the strong, bulging muscles of his tightly coiled body, a testament to just how strong a bear he truly was. A sizzle began deep in her belly, and suddenly she wanted… needed nothing more than his hands on her once more.


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