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The Panther's Rival

Page 68

by Emilia Hartley

  He must have seen something in her eyes as she watched him; something switched on in his gaze, and he began a slow creep toward her. Desire was written on every inch of his face, anticipation drawing every muscle in his stalking body taut with need. Watching him restrain himself from losing control made Savannah dizzy with passion.

  “Tom,” she whined and he stalked ever closer. “Please, Tom, I need you.”

  A shiver wracked his body, making him pause for a split moment before throwing caution to the wind. He was on top of her in a flash, their lips locking in a ravenous embrace as Savannah pressed eagerly against the hard length of his cock. Using a quick hand to guide him, they both cried out in unison as he finally sheathed himself deeply inside of her.

  Tom’s breath was ragged, his fingers digging deep into the soil beside Savannah’s head as he adjusted himself to the feel of her. She was tense beneath him still basking in the euphoria of his first thrust, nails already digging orgasmically into the flesh of Tom’s back. She floated down from the high of it, shuddering against his body and beckoning with her hips for him to continue.

  “You’re so beautiful, Savannah,” Tom gasped, his mouth pressing against the side of her throat as he pulled slowly out of her. He began to work his hips slowly, pushing himself in and out of her at a rhythm that they could both follow easily.

  Savannah couldn’t speak; she could barely breathe as he thrust in and out of her. Her mind was in a state of sensory overload as the feeling of him deep inside of her built up the heat of the hottest volcano, beckoning it to erupt within a moment’s notice. His hands worked expertly over her breasts, teasing her sensitive nipples to peaks as he trailed nibbles across her collarbone. He remained carefully gentle, making sure he slowed down when she cried out too loudly, or caressed her if he grabbed her too tightly. She couldn’t admit it in the moment, but the feeling of his gentle caresses on the raised skin or his rougher grabs created sensations she couldn’t even begin to describe. She knew she wanted more of it.

  Throughout all of his coaxing and coercing of moans, gasps, and whimpers from her lips, Savannah noticed that he never lost that look of wonder in his eyes. It hid just beneath the torrent of hunger and need that he’d obviously felt for her, but was lying in wait like the smallest part of him just couldn’t believe that this moment was finally here. His frenzied glares as he thrust into her were tinted with amazement; his eyes as he took in her body when it arced beneath him were glimmering with love. In a word, he made her feel beautiful.

  In a gasp of eagerness, Savannah thrust against Tom in ecstasy, beckoning for him to do more. She whimpered as he slowed down, pressing his hands against her gyrating hips until she stilled. Her gaze locked in a vice around his, holding his attention. “You don’t have to be gentle with me, Tom,” she breathed, eyes flashing with heat. “I need more. Please, don’t stop.”

  Tom rattled a dark grown. “I can’t promise I’ll be gentle,” he bit out, and she could almost feel the bear pressing against him. “I’ve been waiting for this for… a while,” he struggled apologetically.

  “I don’t want gentle!” Savannah declared boldly. “I want you. All of you until I can’t think of anything else.” She gazed deep into his eyes, watching the war raging within him, within them. He truly was afraid of hurting her. “Please, don’t hold back, Tom. Do everything you want to do to me. That’s what I need right now.” A sudden shift clicked in his gaze, and she could tell the bear had won.

  With a roar of heat, and need, and hunger, Tom bit deep into Savannah’s shoulder, pumping rapid-fire thrusts faster and faster into her as he held her hips into place on the bank. Starbursts of pleasure and pain exploded across the back of her eyelids as she clamped her eyes shut, crying and screaming her exhilaration into the night sky. Soon, she began feverishly rocking her own hips, eager to push him even deeper inside of her body. His fingers dug hard into the flesh of her buttocks, holding her close to him and branding her body with his white-hot embrace.

  “Tom, I’m close” Savannah barely gasped, clutching tightly to him as the volcano inside of her built up heat to the point of being nearly unbearable. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Her fingers curled in pure elation, every fiber of her body coiling tighter and tighter with each quick thrust of Tom’s hips. He sank into her over and over, nudging her close to the precipice each time.

  With a long, ragged cry, Savannah yanked Tom’s neck downward, biting hard into his shoulder as one last delicious thrust finally sent her careening over the sweet edge of release. That boiling volcano erupted deep within her, lighting her on fire from within. The sensations drowned her in molten lava, sparks flashing in her vision as she convulsed against him.

  Gritting his teeth, Tom watched eagerly as the last tremor shook Savannah’s body before he found his own liberation. She watched up at him as he rocked and shuddered against her. His face contorted in the rawest form of peace.

  Slowly, Tom slid lazily into the grass beside Savannah. He pulled her close and she snuggled instinctively against him, completely satiated.

  “I love you, Savannah,” Tom panted, breath ragged as he held her close. “I love you.”

  His words covered her like a salve, soothing against her flushed skin and refreshing like the coolest drink on the warmest night. “I love you too,” she whispered, cuddling closer to him. No longer was she a slave of the Northern Wind. She would never be Lucas’s. In his place, there was only Tom.

  Only love.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Savannah awoke exhausted, but happy. She didn’t know how many times they’d made love the night before, but she’d fallen asleep with no complaints. Her body ached in all the right ways, reminding her just how pleasurable Tom truly was. She remembered changing lazily so they could lope back to the mechanics. The food had been cold and, and the ice cream she’d brought, not surprisingly, had melted, but she was much too exhausted by then to care much about it. She’d fallen right into Tom’s bed, slipping off into a slumber in the warm embrace of his open arms.

  “Morning,” she heard a warm voice greet. Tom entered the room with a bright smile on his face, brandishing a tray that was topped with a mountain of breakfast.

  Savannah’s stomach announced itself almost immediately as she lifted her hands towards the tray with wiggling fingers. “Morning,” she murmured, eyes fixed on the tray.

  Tom bit back a chuckle as he took in the sight of her. “You are beautiful, do you know that?”

  “I’m also hungry,” she added, ignoring the nervous flip-flop her stomach made at his compliment. Those would take a while to get used to.

  He lowered the tray into her hands without further ado. “I figured you would be. No dinner and all that exercise on an empty stomach. You must be famished,” he said with a grin, winking when she looked up at him with pink-flushed cheeks.

  He leaned down and laid a gentle kiss on her lips. It was sweet with the taste of orange juice he must’ve drunk earlier in the morning. He went in for another kiss, this one deep and thorough, Savannah’s lips parting instinctively as he dipped his tongue into her mouth. It took her breath away. “Delicious,” he murmured, finally pulling away. “But if I start now, I won’t stop.” He ran a thumb across her bottom lip. “And you’d be late for work.”

  “Ah, then we better not.” She feigned worry. “I don’t want my boss to fire me,” she teased.

  Tom chuckled. “He’d never do that,” he assured, voice tender as he caressed her cheek. She leaned into his hands, relishing in the feeling of him. She couldn’t get enough after last night; it had been so perfect. She hadn’t wanted it to end.

  “You’ve got about an hour or so until Jo, Nick, and Dan arrive. No new clothes, but I managed to gather up the ones you came in. You only had those on for what, a couple of hours maybe?” He flashed a grin at her. She flushed yet again, hiding her face behind a bit of toast.

  His gaze turned soft. “Shower’s right around that corner and your clothes are alread
y in the bathroom. Help yourself to my toothbrush if you need one.” She wrinkled her nose instinctively at the thought and Tom laughed. “Hey, it’s your only option until you start slowly moving things in here like couples do when they start dating. Not that I’d mind,” he grinned.

  “I love you Savannah.”

  She would have replied, but she had a mouth full of pancakes. She really was famished. With something that passed as a smile, she settled for a thumbs up.

  Tom left with mirth on his lips, closing the door behind her so she could eat in peace.

  And eat, she did. It was a large breakfast, but one she appreciated. He might have been joking, but all the activity last night paired with the botched food they’d let ruin while they cavorted through the words, she truly was underfed.

  As expected, everything was delicious as it smelled. Savannah had to resist the urge to lick the syrup and butter off of the plates as she shoveled the last bit of the hash browns into her mouth. Now she was well rested, full, and in love. She didn’t think she could be any happier. Leaving the Northern Wind behind was the best decision of her life, she was sure of it.

  “But it’s not over yet,” she muttered to herself, setting the tray aside so she could stand. She arched her back into a full body stretch, reigniting all of the sore spots from the night before. It felt amazing on her skin and deep in her body.

  Reluctantly shaking the pleasure from her mind, she went right back to business. Moving forward with a life of peace was her number one priority now. Tom would always be there to refresh her on the finer points of pleasure.

  What was Dan’s plan for dealing with the Northern Wind? If two alphas were beginning to struggle against the sheer numbers of Lucas’s pack, what could two ex-members do to stop them? Savannah had no sway because she was new, had no friends or even acquaintances to call her own in the pack, and to top it off, she was fairly weak for a bear. Dan had been written off as dead, but ostracized regardless. Did he leave friends behind that he might be able to contact? Did he think some might hear him out simply for being the ex-second of the pack? She doubted any of that would work. If there was one thing she was certain of, it was that in Lucas’s pack, fear reigned. He had that in spades.

  She’d have to speak more about it with Dan when they had time alone, which probably wouldn’t be often, she lamented internally. Sneaking around would be difficult, which brought up an entirely different issue.

  What about Tom? Didn’t he deserve to know the truth? After the night they had shared. She felt unclean keeping things from him. The lies and half-truths would build up and she’d never be rid of them, even if she walked away from the Northern Wind and never saw them again. Her heart sped slightly at the guaranteed risk. Tom had spent so much time distrusting her, and just when she’d finally worked her way into his inner circle, she would have to tell him that he was right all along.

  Just the thought of that conversation set dread into her heart like a lead weight. She didn’t know if she could do it. “But I have to,” she muttered quietly to herself. He’d told her everything, even about Dan. She didn’t want to be the reason there was a shadow hanging over their relationship, even if it meant having no relationship at all because she’d ultimately chosen honesty over deceit. If she chose the latter, she’d be no better than Lucas and the Northern Wind.

  “I’ll do it after I speak to Lucas,” she proclaimed to herself, staring out over the toiletries in Tom’s bathroom before settling on his toothbrush. With a small grimace, she slid a bead of toothpaste on top and popped it in her mouth.


  “I think I’m going to try and shift today!” Dan exclaimed to no one in particular, sitting in the back corner of the office, just enjoying the fresh air and the sunlight that can through the propped open front door. It was another warm day, and Savannah welcomed the breeze even if it ruffled the receipts she was trying to sort and cooling the lo mein Tom had gotten her for lunch.

  “Really?” both Tom and Savannah asked in unison. Tom glanced at Savannah, a look of confusion on his face.

  Nick grinned. “Jo and I have never done that before,” he muttered to himself before continuing to leaf through a parts catalogue with a big black marker poised to snag a deal.

  “There’s no rush,” Tom continued, ignoring his brother’s quip.

  I know,” Dan replied. “But the closest I’ve been to nature was like a ten-minute pain fest of limping in a five foot circle around the parking lot.” He grimaced. “I was worried about wandering off alone while hurt since I don’t really know the area well.”

  “Really,” Tom asked, voice dripping with sarcasm. “You? Don’t know the area?”

  “Tom!” Nick chastised, but Dan was grinning.

  “Alright, wise guy I guess I walked into that one,” Dan chuckled. “But yeah, Lucas used to plan out these very strict paths that were always changing. It’s a lot different than just knowing your way around an area. I didn’t want to take the risk.”

  “Yeah, but aren’t you worried that your leg’s gonna get worse,” Tom continued.

  Dan shrugged. “Not really. I can kinda jump on it now. Though I wouldn’t do it for fun. If I can make it to bear form, I think I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s mostly just a giant sore muscle right now anyway; I honestly haven’t needed gauze for like, a week.”

  Tom scowled. “You should have told me that a week ago. Medical supplies don’t grow on trees.”

  “They actually cut into your bottom line since they aren’t tax deductible and you use company money to keep up the supplies,” Savannah added. All three men looked at her and she shrugged. “What? I’m the numbers person.”

  Nick chuckled. “It makes sense that he wants to get out and about, Tom. How do you think you’d feel after one whole month of holding of the change? Longer, actually, in Dan’s case.”

  “Yeah, I guess that would warrant at least a walk,” Tom agreed. Savannah couldn’t tell if he was pressing against it because of distrust or if Tom genuinely worried about Dan’s safety.

  “I’ll be out and back before you know it,” Dan reassured with a smile. “And hey, if you’re not feeling like your usually trustworthy, benefit-of-the-doubt giving self today, I’d be all in favor in taking an escort.”

  Savannah already knew he’d turn her way, preparing her face to hide the nerves she was already getting. She knew Dan had wanted to go face Lucas soon, but the very next day? He was still injured and they hadn’t even brainstormed a plan yet. She knew they couldn’t dawdle, but this didn’t seem like a much better plan in comparison.

  “So do you wanna come, Savannah?”

  Savannah’s eyes slid over Tom’s, not really asking permission but simply gauging his reaction of Dan’s request. “Go into the woods with you?” she asked, sure that that’s what they’d expect her to ask.

  Dan nodded once. “Yeah, just to escort me around a bit. Nick and Tom look to have a lot on their plates right now, so—”

  “So does Savannah,” Tom growled, his lip peeling back just a bit in in warning.

  Holding up one placating hand, Dan grinned a harmless smile. “Whoa there, hot shot, I’m not trying to steal your girl. She’s just the least busy of the three of you and Jo’s going to be in town for another few hours.” Dan shuddered. “Sitting in here cooped up all the time is making me… itchy.”

  “It won’t be a problem,” Savannah interrupted. “Tom trusts me. Right Tom?” Savannah challenged with a sweet smile. He only glared back at her, but there was no heat in it. “See? We’re good to go.”

  “Great!” Dan replied, not giving Tom the chance to protest. “After lunch?”

  “Sounds great,” Savannah said, raiding her fork as she nibbled on the last of her lo mein. “Just let me grab something in the back right quick.”


  Tom shook his head to himself, telling himself and the bear that they were both being ridiculous. He’d watched them as they slipped outside, hearing the distant sound of their change on
the wind as it wafted lazily into the office. Not once did the old feeling of unease and suspicion waver.

  “Something not right,” he growled, his entire body tense.

  “What are you talking about?” Nick asked, stifling a yawn. “Do you really think she’s running off to be with a guy she only met yesterday? Right in front of you?”

  Tom shook his head. “No, not that,” he corrected, not willing to go into the why of it when Nick grinned back at him. “It’s just… what if he’s, I don’t know, taking her back to Lucas or something?”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “I don’t know? Maybe he’s loyal to them? Maybe he thinks adding more people to Lucas’s pack would get him back in the pack’s good graces?” Tom shrugged, not really convinced with any of his options.

  Nick snorted. “You really should try trusting people more, Tom.” He shook his head at Tom before picking up his jacket. “Last night Dan told me and Jo everything he knows about the Northern Wind. If there’s one thing I could say with absolute certainly, it’s that even if we kicked him out on the street with nothing to his name, he’d still never go back to Lucas.” He shook his head. “Loyalty can only take you so far before you realize that it’s one-sided and stopped benefiting you from the moment you agreed to put it in control.”

  “You really should try trusting less people, Nick,” Tom rebutted. “It couldn’t hurt.”

  Nick sighed, standing to exit. “He won’t hurt her. Hell, he can’t. If he tried, I’m sure she could outrun a bear with a limp hind leg.”

  Tom shrugged. “Unless he’s not actually injured anymore and he’s just putting on a show for out benefit.”

  “You can’t possibly believe that,” Nick sighed.

  Tom paused before answering. “Not really, no.”

  Letting out a long, frustrated sigh, Nick gave Tom one last glare. “Look, Tom, if you want to go after them, then just go. But the consequences will be on your own head.”


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