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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

Page 6

by Isabel Micheals

  “Um. In our haste to escape, Cole had to set a couple of police cars on fire. After we took flight, he might have accidentally set the Eiffel Tower Restaurant on fire, but I quickly conjured up a spell to put it out. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. Then, we found her way here by following the Magic.”

  Once Zara had finished her story, everyone in the room had become eerily quiet. Even Zelda had taken a break from the feast of food that had been placed before her.

  No longer able to withstand the silence or the strange looks that were being thrown their way, Zara conceded and said, “Why is everyone looking at us like that?”

  “Um, sweetheart. You might want to sit down for this,” Fabio suggested in a gentle voice, as if she were fragile and could fall apart at any moment.

  “Aw hell, Fabio. There’s no easy way to say it. Hold on to your britches honey because this is going to hurt. You and Drago over there exposed Magic to the human realm. In order to restore the balance between both worlds, you’ll have to return to Vegas.”

  “Thanks for the heads up Aunt Hildy, but we don’t know how to restore the balance between both worlds. I’m assuming that’s why Claire, the Seer, told us to follow the Magic.” Pointing at Baba Yaga, Zara finally asked, “If she’s the all mighty powerful one, why can’t she restore the balance?”

  “Because she didn’t create this mess,” Baba Yaga replied in a clipped voice. “Listen up because I’m only going to say this once. You all will be accompanying Zara and Cole back to Vegas to resolve this matter. Since Magic has already been exposed and there are warlocks looking for them, not to mention the loan sharks Zara owes money to, you will use as little magic as possible.”

  “Then how will restore the balance,” Zoe asked.

  “All I can tell you that in time, everything will become clear. Moreover, since the men Zara has borrowed money from is now watching the airport, bus and train station, you won’t be able to fly. You’re also not allowed to use magic to teleport yourselves there.”

  “Then how the hell are we supposed to get there, Babalicious. Vegas is at least three hours from Tennessee,” Zelda snarled.

  “You’ll figure it out and stop calling me Babalicious. I’ll let it slide this time since your hormones seem to be all over the place, but don’t test my patience again, Zelda. Now, I have other matters to attend to,” she said before snapping her fingers and disappearing into thin air.

  The room erupted into utter chaos the moment Baba Yaga left.

  “What are we supposed to do now?” Zara asked.

  “It’s simple,” Fabio replied. “ROADTRIP”, he yelled at the top of his lungs. “Don’t worry about thing everyone. I’ve got this. All you need to do is pack your bags and meet me in front of Viola’s house in an hour. Zoe, will you take your sister and Cole with you? I’m sure they’d like to freshen up and get a bite to eat. See you guys in an hour. This is going to be AWESOME,” he said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

  “All I can say is be afraid. Be very, very afraid,” Zelda cautioned, as she grabbed another piece of fried chicken from the platter Mac was now holding and headed toward the bathroom.

  Chapter 9

  An hour later, Baba Yaga had rejoined the group just in time to witness Fabio pulling up in front of Viola’s house in a double decker bus that was a cross between one of the London tour buses and the one that was featured on the Partridge Family. On the outside, Fabio’s Love Machine was mixture of colors that included light blue, dark red, white, yellow and black in a semi-checkered pattern. To accentuate its ugliness, each rim was a different color that matched the body of the bus.

  Zelda was the first to speak. “Holy hell! I thought the whole point of this trip was to remain inconspicuous? You obviously missed the memo, Daddy O,” she said before popping several Goobers in her mouth.

  “That’s funny, Zelda. However, it’s not as funny as the stunned look on Baba Love’s face. Its obvious Fabadouche has been hiding his monstrosity of a love machine from his current squeeze. Oh, the stories this bus could probably tell. Hell, I’d bet money that you girls were conceived in this contraption.”

  “Then you’d lose, whale’s breath. Their mother wouldn’t step foot in my love machine, no matter how hard I tried.”

  “Oh, thank the Goddess,” the sisters said in unison before they burst into laughter.

  “Hey, don’t make fun of the only woman whose ever done right by me. I call her Chrissy because I used to have a mad crush on Suzanne Sommers.”

  “Used to?” Hildy asked. “Unless you removed all of her posters from your bedroom, I’d say your crush is still alive and well, brother dearest.”

  “Hildy, don’t make me borrow Zelda’s wire hangers and beat you’re as--.”

  Quickly interrupting, Baba Yaga said, “I think we get the idea you two. Given that you’ll be close quarters for the next three days, you might consider calling a truce.”

  “Not on your life,” they both quickly replied.

  “Maybe we should just load up,” Cole suggested, determined to be the voice of reason.

  “That’s the best idea I’ve heard since I pulled into the driveway,” Fabio said with a gleam in his eyes. It was obvious he was excited about showing off his baby to the people he loved the most.

  Once everyone was loaded, Fabio took a moment to give everyone the grand tour. They had to admit, he had pretty much thought of everything, including a 1970s disco ball that hung over the Murphy beds, which were located on the second deck. It also included a reading nook, a full size refrigerator that was fully stocked, a computer station and a flat screen television.

  On the first deck, there were comfortable, reclining chairs, a small dining table that flipped into a poker table, a coffee station and a large flat screen television. The windows were covered with nice curtains to block at the sun and to maintain privacy.

  “Um. Is that the soundtrack to the Partridge Family,” Cole asked.

  “Yes. Chrissy can only play eight-track tapes, but no worries, I’ve gathered some awesome music for our adventure.”

  The number of groans that echoed throughout the bus was evident, but Fabio chose to ignore them. He was happy to show off Chrissy to anyone who would listen.

  Once everyone was seated, he cleared his throat and said, “Welcome aboard Chrissy! I consider her one of my babies, so you’re to treat her with the utmost respect, or I’ll smite your ass. Understood?”

  When everyone nodded in agreement, Fabio told them to buckle up before taking his seat at the helm. As the bus pulled out of the station, I Think I love You by the Partridge Family was blaring through the speakers.

  * * * * * *

  Day One

  Two hours into their road trip and it became blatantly obvious that Fabio hadn’t thought of everything when Zelda yelled potty break. Zara was amazed that she had managed to hold off as long as she had, especially given the amount of food and water she was putting away. Granted, her sister was pregnant, but she had a sneaky suspicion that food was like the Holy Grail for her.

  “Dad, I said potty break,” Zelda yelled in a tone that brokered no argument.

  Ignoring her facial expression and the sense of urgency in her tone, Fabio’s replied in a soothing voice that belied his annoyance. “Sweetie, could you hold it for a couple of more miles?”

  “Hmm. Let’s think that through, Daddy O. Your eldest daughter has two small golf balls bearing down on her fucking bladder, who just happen to be your first grandchildren. She needs to use the ladies room to relieve the pressure, but instead of catering to her needs, you ask if she could hold it for a couple of more miles. What do you think my reply will be?”

  “Oh look! There’s a rest stop area at the next exit. It even has a McDonalds. Would you like to stop there as well, sweetie?”

  “Thank you, daddy. That would be very nice.”

  When they exited the bus, Zelda made a mad dash for the ladies room and the men stretched their legs, while Zara and Zoe
went inside to grab several tables. Zelda’s familiars, Fat Bastard, Boba Fett and Jango Fett, were currently on the bus napping.

  When Cole took a seat beside Zara, she could have sworn Stefano hissed at him. I wonder what the hell that was all about, she thought before leaning over and grabbing the fries off of Cole’s tray. He knew exactly what she liked when it came to food, so it was no surprise that he had ordered for the both of them.

  “How long have you and Cole known one another, little sis?” Zoe asked

  “Yes, do tell,” Stefano encouraged, as he slammed his tray down on the table.

  “Cole and I met when were sixteen years old and trying to survive on the streets,” Zara said nonchalantly.

  “What do you mean trying to survive on the streets? Where were your parents or guardian?” Zoe asked, somewhat shocked by this new revelation regarding her baby sister.

  “My adoptive parents passed away when I was fourteen,” Cole said. “A year later, I met Zara after her adoptive parents passed away and we were placed in the same foster home. Since most couples are looking for babies instead of teenagers, the likelihood of us getting adopted was slim and none, so we became our own family. When we both turned sixteen, we hit the streets and never looked back. We’ve been together ever since.”

  “I’m sorry, Zara. I didn’t know, or I would have been there for the both of you,” Fabio said in an anguished voice. He would never forgive Judith for all the pain she’d caused his daughters.

  “It’s okay, everybody. Cole and I had each other and we’ve done alright for ourselves. Please don’t pity us,” Zara pleaded, desperate to change the conversation. She was elated and grateful when Stefano caught her eye and winked before steering the conversation toward football.

  The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Fabio remained on the lookout for a bathroom, the music piping through the speakers was actually very good, especially when Fabio popped in the Double Dutch Bus and everyone started singing along. Zara was dying to play a few hands of poker, but was too chicken to ask given that was the reason they were in this mess. Cole and Fabio hit it off like gangbusters to the point, he agreed to let Cole take over at the helm. Their makeshift, dysfunctional family was shaping up and for the first time in her life, Zara felt like she actually belonged.

  * * * * * *

  Day Two

  On day two, things got a lot more interesting. Since Cole had taken over driving the bus, Fabio had seized the opportunity to slip into one of his Elvis costumes and surprise everyone with his rendition of Viva Las Vegas. He wore a white zipper front jumpsuit with elaborate red, blue and gold trim, stars on the collar, and an eagle design on the front and back. The lower pant legs flared and had a red inset.

  To complete the look, a wide decorative belt was fitted around his waist and a red scarf adorned his neck. His red hair was hidden under a black wig and his green eyes that were identical to her were hidden behind a pair of dark shades. Not only did Fabio look the part, but he could actually sing. The bus felt lighter and everyone had joined in the chorus by the time he finished his little performance.

  Needing some peace and quiet, Zara used her dad’s distraction as an opportunity to seek solace on the second deck. She was still trying to process that she had a dad, two sisters who were mirror images of her, an eccentric aunt and uncle who were ghosts, and a two brother-in-laws. It had been only Cole and her for such a long time, she wasn’t sure how to cope with it all. Not to mention the mountain of questions she had about her family, especially her mother.

  “Mind if I join you, or would you rather be alone?” Stefano asked, hesitantly.

  “No. Please, have a seat,” Zara said, trying to slow down the sudden surge of adrenaline she experienced every time Stefano entered the room. “I wanted to thank you for your kindness at the church, especially since Cole and I had crashed your brother’s wedding.”

  “I think since Zoe’s your sister and it was her wedding, as well, we’re even.”

  “Thanks! That’s good to know,” she countered with a nervous laugh.

  “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”


  “Sure, you mind, or sure, go ahead and ask,” Stefano inquired, drawing out another laugh from Zara.

  “I meant sure, fire away.”

  “Okay. Is there more to Cole and your relationship than friendship?”

  “Yes, but not the way you think. Not only is Cole my best friend, but we’re also family. He’s the only person who’s had my back since my adoptive parents died and vice versa. Although we tried dating in the earlier years of our friendship, he’s more like a brother to me. Why do you ask?”

  Stefano sighed in relief before saying, “Because I’ve had this overwhelming urge to kiss you since the day we met.”

  “What’s stopping you?”

  “I fear that once I start kissing those sweet lips of yours, I won’t be able to stop.”

  Zara stared at Stefano for the longest, mesmerized by his beautiful blue eyes and the way they darkened to a cerulean blue when he was aroused, which only encouraged her to lean closer and say, “Maybe you should embrace your fears.”

  No soon as the last word had left her lips, Stefano had wrapped her up in the warmth of his arms and taken her mouth in a sinful kiss that rocked her core. When she let out a soft moan, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. He tasted like chocolate, sunshine, and raw, unadulterated lust.

  When they finally came up for air, Stefano touched his forehead to hers and whispered, “We need to talk, little one.”

  “Okay, but do we have to do it right now,” Zara whispered back, as she stood up on her tip toes and slowly kissed a trail from his collarbone to his ear and back.”

  “You’re killing me, little one,” he said before taking her mouth in another scorching kiss that lit up every cell in both their bodies. If they weren’t on her father’s party bus amongst mixed company, he would have stripped her bare and ravished her body all night long.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Cole said as he cleared his throat. “I just came up to see if Z was okay.”

  Shielded by Stefano’s protective body, Zara quickly murmured, “I’m fine, Cole. Thanks for checking on me. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  Cole left the room as quietly as he had entered without saying a word. Zara could feel the tension rolling off of Stefano’s body. When she looked up to gage his reaction to being interrupted, his stormy eyes caught her off guard.

  “Why do you look so mad?”

  “I’m not,” he snapped.

  “Are you sure because you look like you want to punch a wall?”

  “Are you sure there’s nothing between you and Cole?”

  When Zara immediately stepped out of his arms, Stefano knew he had screwed up. The fire in her eyes would have set off a sensible man’s warning bells. Unfortunately, no one ever accused him of being sensible.

  “We’ve already had this discussion. I wasn’t lying to you then, and I’m not lying to you now. Cole and I are not, I repeat, not in a romantic relationship. However, I see by the expression on your face, you don’t believe me. Therefore, we have nothing further to discuss,” Zara stated before moving around him and stomping down the stairs.

  “Zara. Wait!” he yelled, but she was already gone. “Shit! Smooth move dumbass,” Stefano mumbled under his breath before descending the stairs.

  Chapter 10

  Day Three

  It was day three on the party bus and Zara needed some fresh air. She had managed to avoid Stefano for the rest of the day after their little tryst on the second deck, which was an amazing feat in and of itself given their close living quarters. She was anxiously awaiting Zelda’s next bathroom break because she needed some fresh air and space. The walls were beginning to close in on her and when that happened, only Cole would be able to pull her off the ledge.

  “Hey, anyone up for a game of poker?” Zara asked, excitement evident in her voice.

Hell yeah, good looking,” Fat Bastard immediately replied after licking his gonads for good measure.

  “Boba Fett and I are willing to take your money, little lady,” Jango Fett said around a mouth full of food.

  To say their personal habits were disgusting was an understatement. She completely understood her sister’s outrage at the church after spending a few days on a bus with these characters. However, it was also evident that her sister loved the band of misfits and would be devastated if something were to happen to them.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea, Z,” Cole murmured under his breath.

  “I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you,” Zara sharply replied.

  Knowing this wasn’t a battle, he was going to win, Cole threw his hands up in defeat and walked away. What Zara didn’t count on was Stefano stepping in to ruin her party.

  “Hey guys, maybe we could play later. I need to speak with Zara for a moment in private,” Stefano quickly interjected, before grabbing her hand and leading them upstairs.

  “Aw man! I was hoping to win a little money off of the hottie, so I could upgrade the hidden refrigerator in my room,” Boba Fett with remorse.

  “First, stop ogling my baby sister you ass-hats and show a little respect. Second, that refrigerator better be gone by the time we get home or I’m telling Mac. Third, quit licking your damn balls because all of the slurping is driving me crazy while I try to catch up on my episodes of Say Yes to the Dress,” Zelda screamed.

  “Sorry, Zelda! We promise to take care of it,” Boba Fett mumbled.

  “Told you it would work,” Fat Bastard gloated.

  “Zip it! All of you.”

  “Yes Zelda,” they all said in unison while cowering down in their chairs. Since motherhood had beckoned her doorstep, they never knew which directions her hormones were going to take off in, which meant it was better to agree with whatever she said and then run like hell.

  * * * * * *

  “What in the hell was that?” Zara yelled.

  “I told you yesterday that we needed to talk.”


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