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Magic and Mayhem: Witch 'N Fire (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 2)

Page 7

by Isabel Micheals

  “And I told you that our conversation was over. We have nothing left to discuss. What do you not understand about that, Stefano?”

  “You see, that’s where you’re wrong, little one.”

  “Stop calling me that. I don’t like it.”

  “Really? It didn’t seem to bother you yesterday when I called you that after having my tongue down your throat.”

  “Quit being so crass and lower your voice. I don’t want everyone on the damn bus to know our business.”

  “Not a problem. I sound proofed the room earlier with a spell. But just for the record, I don’t give a rat’s ass if they know we’re fighting. I’m more concerned with why you’ve been avoiding me like the plague.”

  “Do I need to give you a dollar, so you can get a clue?”

  “Quit being a smart ass and listen to me.”

  “Fine. Speak your peace so I can be on my merry way.”

  “Look! I know I was an asshole yesterday and I’m sorry. My only excuse for my shitty behavior is that you drive me crazy.”

  “Oh, so now it’s my fault?”

  “Shit! No, that’s not what I’m trying to say. Could we just sit down and talk, please?” Stefano begged.

  Zara silently nodded in agreement before stomping to the love seat in the corner. Although everything in his being wanted to pick her up and sit her in his lap while they talked, Stefano knew it would be better if he left a little distance between them. Well, that’s what his brain was telling him. His body and panther was screaming for him to claim his woman.

  Fuck it! Stefano thought as he threw caution to the wind and headed straight for Zara. The look on her face as he stalked toward her like a predator was almost comical. Before she could utter a sound of disapproval, he lifted her off of the love seat and took her mouth in a searing kiss that left them both hungry for more.

  “You’re killing me, little one. I can’t think straight when I’m around you,” he whispered softly in her ear.

  “Then don’t think. Just keep blowing my mind with those sensual kisses of yours.”

  “Although it’s tempting and I’ve definitely made a mental note for future arguments, we need to talk. Time is running out.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know, but you will. Let’s sit and I’ll explain,” Stefano crooned as he took Zara’s place on the love seat and helped her straddle his lap. While the position did nothing to ease the throbbing in his erection, it eased the physical ache that had been taking root in his heart over the last few hours.

  “I know you and Cole are new to the magical community, so this might sound strange at first, but I need you to hear me out. Promise me that you’ll stay and listen to what I have to say.”

  “I promise.”

  “Okay. Now, uncross whatever I can’t see and promise me again.”

  “Shit! You’ve been talking to Cole.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not,” Stefano smirked.

  “Fine, I’ll concede. Talk. I promise not to run.”

  “Just so we’re clear, I’d come after you,” Stefano countered, as he gave her a slow, sensual kiss. “Now, back to business. Although you and your sisters are witches, Nicolai and I are considered hybrids.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What are hybrids?”

  “Hybrids are a cross between a warlock and a Shifter. Our father is a Shifter and our mother is a witch. While our power isn’t as strong as yours and your sisters, Nicolai and I can handle our own in battle.”

  “What do you shift into?”

  “Nicolai and I are black panthers.”

  “Oh-kay! I’m not afraid of Shifters, Stefano. Have you forgotten that Cole can shift into a dragon?”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. I also haven’t forgotten that’s immortal and immune to Shifters and vampires,” Stefano said dryly.

  “Are you jealous?” Zara teased.

  “Honestly, a little. He’s known you longer while I’m struggling at every turn to know more about you. Yet, that’s not what worries me the most. What worries me the most is wondering whether or not you’re going to bolt after I tell you the rest?”

  “I think we’re on the right track in getting to know one another better. Yes, I have known Cole longer, but the love I have for him is more of a sisterly nature. Hell, I fully expect us to be like Aunt Hildy and dad as we grow older.”

  “You know that’s the first time you’ve called Fabio your dad.”

  “I won’t lie. This is more than a little overwhelming, but nothing in my life has ever been simple. Tell me why we’re running out of time, Stefano.”

  “In our world, Shifters mate for life. In addition, their special bond allows them to communicate with one another using mental telethapy.”

  “That’s not exactly true because Cole and I can mentally communicate with one another when he shifts into a dragon and we’re not mates.”

  “True, but he’s your familiar. Mates can communicate with one another in any form–human or animal. In addition, the surviving mate suffers until they’re reunited in their Next Adventure. If you don’t believe me, ask your Aunt Hildy.”

  “Okay, say I believe you. I still don’t understand exactly what all of this has to do with us.”

  “Zara, I was attracted to you the moment you entered the church and it wasn’t because you’re beautiful, smart, or feisty as hell. It also wasn’t because of love at first sight as they like to use in the human world. It’s because we’re soul mates.”

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the lust we feel for one another does not make us mates. It’s just physical chemistry.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. Like Zoe and Nicolai, or Zelda and Mac, we’re mates. You are and will always me my only true love, and vice versa.”

  “Who the hell said anything about love? Just because our bodies like one another doesn’t mean we’re in love. You need to slow the train down buddy. Besides, you and I have never communicated the way Cole and I do.”

  “Why are you so afraid of the feelings we have for one another?”

  “I’m not afraid. I just don’t trust them. Millions of people are physically attracted to one another every day, but that doesn’t mean they’re mates. Moreover, once they’ve scratched that itch, they go on their merry way. You and I will be no different.”

  “Look at me, little one. That’s not true and deep down you know it.”

  “No, I don’t. In my experience, people who pretend to love you always end up leaving at some point, whether they want to or not. It’s just the cycle of life. At the end of the day, everyone’s alone, Stefano.”

  “What about your relationship with Cole? Are you simply buying time until he leaves?”

  “No. My relationship with Cole is different. He’s the only one who’s ever kept his promise and stayed. No matter what.”

  “So, you don’t think we’ll ever love one another enough to stay for the long haul?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Zara finally said, “People get bored or distracted and eventually leave. It’s just a part of life.”

  “Zara. Look. At. Me,” Stefano commanded through their link. He knew she had heard him by the shocked look on her face.

  “How’d you do that?”

  “I told you. We’re mates,” he said telepathically.

  This can’t be happening, Zara thought.

  “It’s happening, whether you like it or not, little one.”

  “Holy hell. I need some air,” she said. In a matter of seconds, Zara had managed to remove herself from Stefano’s lap and was descending the stairs two at a time, ignoring his pleas for her to come back through their mental connection. Once downstairs, she avoided eye contact with everyone and walked straight to the front of the bus. “We need to stop now. I feel sick.”

  “Okay,” Cole said, sensing her distress.

  “Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Fabio asked in a soothing voice.

  “Nothing. I just need some damn air,” she snapped.<
br />
  When her outburst shocked everyone in the room into silence, Zara wanted to cry for the first time in years. She was confused, mortified by her behavior and scared as hell that everyone would see right through her and leave, even Cole.

  The screeching sound of the bus’s tires coming to a halt was the only thing that helped her maintain her sanity. Just a few more minutes and I’ll be able to lose my shit in private, she thought to herself.

  Unsure of what to do, everyone remained quiet as Zara bolted from the bus and made a bee-line for the empty park on the other side of the rest stop. When Stefano came bounding down the stairs to go after her, Zelda stopped him.

  “No. Zoe and I will go talk to her,” she said in a voice that brokered no arguments.

  Zoe was joined by her sisters on the swings a few minutes later. Neither of them knew what to say, so they simply swung in silence for a while. Eventually, Zelda broke the silence and said, “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “Okay, then I’ll talk. Growing up with our crazy ass mom, I used to beg the Goddess for other siblings, so I wouldn’t have to deal with her. She was and still is selfish, uncaring, and power hungry. Although you were both better off not knowing her, it doesn’t make what the Fates and those assholes on the Council of Witches did to us right.”

  “Where is our mother?” Zara finally asked.

  “She’s in the Pokey for witches, even though I stripped her of her powers after she killed Aunt Hildy and tried to kill me, dad, and everyone else I care about.”

  “Holy Hell!” Zara muttered.

  “I’m assuming the blow up between you and Stefano was about your mating,” Zelda continued as if Zara hadn’t spoken. She was so over her mother. The only thing she cared about now was her growing family, which included her confused baby sister.

  “How did you know?” Zara asked.

  “Because I fought Mac at every turn before we finally mated. In truth, the only reason I’m knocked up with two puppies now he because he literally withheld sex until I agreed to work through my mommy dearest issues with Roger Rabbit, our resident therapist who has a penchant for porn.”

  “Wait! You’re shitting me, right?”


  “What about you Zoe? How are you handling all of this?”

  “Fine now. However, in the beginning, I almost blew our house and everyone in it up. In addition to being a witch, I’m also an Empath. It’s taken me some time to deal with all of the emotions of the outside world. I initially fought it and almost destroyed myself, so we completely understand your fear, Zara.”

  “The more I try to wrap my head around all of this, the more convoluted the situation becomes. I went from being an orphan to having sisters who are mirror images of me, an eccentric father who enjoys dressing up in Elvis costumes and apparently leotards, an aunt and uncle who are ghosts, a best friend who’s a dragon, and a panther who claims to be my mate. It’s all overwhelming.”

  “We get it. We really do. What I’ve learned over the last couple of months is that it’s better to deal with one situation at a time and eventually, things will begin to fall in place,” Zoe encouraged.

  “If you say so.”

  “We do. I know things are crazy right now, and they probably will be as long as you’re a part of this dysfunctional family we’ve created, but know that we’ll always have your back. Things may look bleak right now, but they’ll get better. Hell, I’m living proof of that,” Zelda said.

  “What am I going to do about Stefano?” Zara asked.

  “What do you want to do?” Zoe countered.

  Sighing in defeat, Zara finally said, “Climb him like a tree trunk and jump his bones.” When her sisters started laughing, she couldn’t help but join in.

  “He is gorgeous,” Zoe said. “When I first saw him and Nicolai side-by-side, I knew immediately they were like catnip to all of the female shifters in their community,” which only caused another burst of laughter from the sisters.

  “The only thing better than the way they look, is the way they love and protect their women,” Zelda added. “Not to mention, the mating process is hot as hell,” she went on to say, which had Zoe nodding in agreement.

  “You two are incorrigible.”

  “True, but we’re all yours and you’re all ours. We’re in it for the long haul and so is your mate. Put the poor guy out of his misery and give him a chance. You might just like it,” Zelda said with a wink as she headed toward the bathroom. Once she was done, they linked arms and walked back to their dad’s ridiculous party bus.

  “Everything okay?” Fabio asked when they entered the bus.

  “Everything’s fine, dad. Thanks for the pit stop. Your grandbabies are wreaking havoc on my bladder,” Zelda replied, taking the focus off of Zara who had quietly made her way back upstairs with Stefano.

  Those two had a lot to work through, but she had no doubt they would make it.

  Chapter 11

  Two hours later, Zara and Cole were once again slowly cruising down the Strip. Only this time, they weren’t alone. Fabio’s plan to hide in plain sight was pure genius given that no one would have ever looked for them in his ridiculous love machine.

  "Have you come up with a spell to restore the balance of Magic?" Zelda asked.

  "Well, I've been thinking about that. Since we need to essentially wipe the humans' minds and restore the damage done in Vegas, I thought this might work," Zara said.

  Let the chaos in Sin City,

  Become but a dream,

  As the destruction of Cole's red dragon,

  Becomes Unseen

  "Hey, how is this all my damn fault?"

  "Well, it was your dragon that did the most destruction."

  "But it was your restlessness and penchant for gambling that got us in the mess to begin with. Not to mention, you blew out the back wall of the Bellagio before I ever set the Eiffel Tower on fire, which was in an effort save your ass might I add," Cole seethed.

  "Watch it!" Stefano hissed.

  “Enough! Either both of you retreat to your respective corners and play nice, or I’ll smite your sorry asses,” Zelda yelled. “I’m pregnant, hungry and need to use the damn bathroom, again. My hormones are all over the fucking place, so who knows how much damage I can do if given the right incentive, even to an immortal.

  Both men slowly backed away from the outraged, pregnant witch. They had witnessed her hormonal outbursts for three days and had no intention of getting in her way. They knew beyond a reasonable doubt that if pushed far enough, she’d turn the bus into a crime scene, hide the evidence for good measure, and grab a stack of chocolate chip pancakes on her way out of Sin City.

  “Now, where were we?” Zelda groused.

  “About to make a pit stop,” her sisters said as they slid the chocolate covered Oreos her direction.


  “I don’t mean to ruffle anyone’s feathers, but what’s the rest of the plan?” Zoe cautiously asked.

  “First, I need to claim my prize money so that I can’ pay off Skinny Mo. He’s getting antsy and that’s never a good sign,” Zara said.

  “Wait! How do you know Skinny Mo is getting antsy?” Zelda asked in a deadly voice that would have put the fear of Goddess in an atheist.

  “Um. Because he’s been blowing up my phone for the last three days.”

  “Why the hell are we just now hearing about this?” Stefano and Cole yelled, simultaneously.

  “I didn’t think it was worth mentioning, given everything else that’s been going on,” Zara yelled back.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? A mobster is blowing up your phone and you didn’t think it was important to let the rest of us know. What the hell, Z?” Cole screamed in frustration.

  “You’re not my father, Cole. I don’t have to answer to you,” Zara exclaimed.

  “No, but I am,” Fabio said in an eerily calm voice that silenced the room. “Would you all excuse us for a moment, please

  “Ooh! You’ve done it now, little sis,” Zelda said as she grabbed the packet of Oreos and headed upstairs with everyone else. The only people left on the first deck were Zara, Fabio and Mac because he was currently driving.

  Fabio raised his hand in silence as Zara tried to speak. “You’ve done enough talking. Now, you get to listen. Everyone on this bus is here because they want to help you and Cole clear up the mess you’ve created. This is about more than just your pride, paying off your debts, or getting your way. This is about preserving the Magic and the magical community. There are people depending on us; therefore, I need you to put aside whatever’s going on in that head of yours and let us help you. However, the only way we can do that is by knowing all the facts. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Zara mumbled, as she avoided eye contact with her father.

  “Look at me Zara so that I know we’re on the same page.”

  Stealing her spine, she lifted her head and said, “Yes, I understand.”

  “Thank you.”

  * * * * * *

  One potty break later, they were back at the table strategizing. It had been determined that Zara, Stefano, Cole, Zoe and Nicolai would return to the hotel, so that Zara could claim her prize money. Zelda, Mac, Fabio, Boba Fett, Jango Fett and Fat Bastard would remain on Fabio’s Love Machine while Hildy and Chuck remained on standby.

  Since Zara was in the most danger and her powers were wonky, it was agreed upon that Zoe would accompany Cole into the hotel. The moment their foot crossed the entrance, Cole knew Big Bertha had spotted them and groaned.

  “Yoo-hoo! Mr. & Mrs. McIlrath,” Big Bertha yelled from across the lobby.”

  “So much for being inconspicuous,” Cole groused.

  “Welcome back to our lovely establishment. You left in such a hurry last time that I thought we had offended you.”

  “No, you were very accommodating last time, Big Bertha. Unfortunately, we had a family emergency and had to cut our last visit short. Since my lovely wife was so understanding, I promised her we would return as soon as our schedules permitted. So, here we are. Isn’t that right, darling.”

  “That’s right. I’m so glad we were able to make it back so soon.”


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