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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Jenny May

  “Yes. Those, and you can also print them out from online. There’s all sorts of sites on the internet that cater to couponing.”

  As the bags were placed in the two carts, he couldn’t remember ever having bought so much at one time. The damn baskets were overflowing. Now, they’d have all sorts of things to eat. Or, as William liked to put it, snack on. His friend had been in heaven the whole time Austin was putting stuff in the baskets. He, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. All he could think was if this didn’t work, he was going to be wasting a shitload of money on twelve packs of chocolate pudding, and various other duplicate items.

  The stares as they headed to the entrance were hard to decipher. Scott couldn’t tell if everyone was staring at the steal they’d just gotten at the register, or the fact that a woman was accompanying them. Knowing everyone in this town, probably both.

  “You’ll come with us next time, won’t you?” William looked up at Austin as they went through the double doors and headed for Scott’s truck.

  “Sure. We can do this whenever you both want. I can clip the coupons.” She looked over at him. “Or me and Scott can. He might enjoy that. Then we can all come together and divide it when we get home. Oh, I owe you twelve dollars.”

  Both he and William shook their heads at the same time.

  “Absolutely not,” Scott rushed. “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even have this.”

  “Then next time I’ll pay.”

  “Ah…” Slowly, he shook his head, again. “I don’t know. Doesn’t feel right to let you when we’re getting everything at a steal because of you. I mean, you’re doing all the hard work by finding the deals.”

  The sound of the plastic as William began putting the bags into the back blended with the clanking of a couple walking past them.

  “But you’re going to be helping me so that doesn’t count.”

  “Fine. Next time you can pay a third. Third,” Scott stressed. “Because Will and I are two people. Not one.”

  “You’re lying.” William looked back at him and turned to Austin. “He won’t let you pay. He’s just saying that so you feel like you won, but really, he’s not going to take your money. Not when it’s because of you that we’re now saving money. You, my friend, just became his new best friend.”

  The way Austin laughed made his heart flutter. God, she was beautiful. Perfect, really. Her dark hair rested in a braid down her back, and although she was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, he thought she looked just as stunning as she did when she was dressed up in all that fancy clothing. Hell, she looked better this way. No makeup. Just pure, natural beauty.

  Scott didn’t argue. The money wasn’t even an issue concerning her. He grabbed the basket and pushed it into the barrier next to them that held the carts. He walked back over and jumped in his truck, starting it. As they headed out of the parking lot, the smell of her perfume filled the interior. It was so soothing. Relaxing. Not overpowering like some he’d smelt in the past.

  “So how long have you been doing this?”

  He glanced over, noticing how small she appeared between him and William. She couldn’t have been but a few inches over five feet, which was a pretty big difference to him and William’s tall frames. He was almost six feet four inches and William was an inch or so shorter than him.

  “Just a few months now. Not too long. I was looking at ways to save money before I left. I remembered watching a show on TV once and decided I would research how it was possible. I caught on quick. Never looked back since.”

  William made a sound that was in between a laugh and a snort. “Who even thought that was possible? I walked out of that store feeling like I was sticking my middle finger to the man. It was great.”

  “It is a very empowering feeling. And quite addicting at that. Nothing like getting free stuff.” Austin clasped her hands in her lap as they turned and headed down the highway that led to their home.

  Trying to focus on the road when all Scott wanted to do was stare at Austin was hard. He still couldn’t believe how she pulled off the savings. What else did she know? She seemed smart, and he was dying to delve into her mind. What lurked inside? What sort of person was she? Damn, he couldn’t wait to find out.

  “So what sort of things do you enjoy doing?”

  Austin glanced up at him. “I’m afraid I’m not a very exciting person. Most of my free time was spent reading and taking pictures. And of course, the couponing. The last few years have been…routine. I don’t think I’ve done much of anything worthwhile. Not since I was a secretary, and even then I wouldn’t say that was all too thrilling. That was over five years ago, though.” She grew quiet.

  Damn. Her mood was declining fast. Whatever it was about the routine definitely caused her to get upset. How had Austin’s marriage been? Had she just grown bored with her husband? Or tired of always being home? From the way she’d put it, he assumed it’d been five years since she last worked. That was a long time if someone enjoyed being out of the house. Was Austin one of those people? She had mentioned not wanting to be inside her new home, earlier. But she had moved here to Crush. That didn’t sound right if a person wanted to be social. She would have stayed in her own city.

  The rest of the drive was ridden in silence, and it wasn’t too uncomfortable. Austin seemed to be in some sort of zone, and William was staring out of the side window, eating chips from one of the large bags they’d gotten.

  As the engine died, both of them glanced over as if only realizing they were home. Scott tilted his head as he took the key out of the ignition and stared at William. The door flung open and Will had a tender expression on his face as he helped Austin from the truck. The moment was so intimate while they stared at each other, Scott almost wasn’t sure he was seeing things right.

  “Thank you for allowing me to join you both for dinner, and of course the trip to the store. I think I’m going to go ahead and call it a night. I’ll come by and pick up the stuff tomorrow if that’s all right.” She pulled out a sport’s drink from the bag and gave them a slight grin.

  The braid swayed against her back while she turned and headed for the rent house.

  “Wait.” Scott shut his door and jogged across the yard to the porch where she stood. A light flush colored her cheeks and for the first time, he wasn’t sure why it was there? He couldn’t read her, which was odd because he could read anyone. “I’m sorry if I upset you. I’ll stop asking questions. You just had me in awe of your skills and I was interested to know of anything else you might do.”

  “I’m fine, really. I’m just suddenly tired. It’s been a long day.”

  The crunch of William’s boots sounded behind him, but Scott didn’t break his attention from Austin. “It’s understandable. You try to get some sleep. If you need anything, be sure to come over and help yourself. We leave the door unlocked.”

  “Thank you.”

  William came to stand next to him. “We probably won’t be home most of the day tomorrow so, like Scott said, feel free to get whatever you need. Even if we’re not there.”

  Austin nodded. “I will. Thanks.” She opened the door and gave them a small wave. At the sound of the barrier closing, Scott heard himself sigh. Well, shit. That wasn’t a very good ending to their first night together. Maybe tomorrow would be better. He sure hoped so.

  * * * *

  For nearly five days Austin stayed held up in her home. She’d gotten the password for the internet and went on full job search mode. Coupons were scattered all over the table from this morning’s paper, and she tried everything to keep her mind on what she was going to do with her life now.

  The nest egg she had in the bank would last her awhile, but she didn’t want to push her luck. Plus, she figured although she was anxious to get back out into the real world, it was for the best.

  Ringing had her looking up from the laptop screen. Austin walked over and grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter.

  “Grady.” The happine
ss that surged through her had Austin smiling.

  “Hey, honey. How are things going out on the farm?”

  She laughed. “It’s a ranch. But it’s great. My neighbors are nice enough, and it’s very quiet here. I like it.”

  “Good. I just left the courthouse. Today was a killer.” The sound of the accelerator broke through the phone. “I was talking to Henry and we’re both free next weekend. I thought we’d head up to check out your new place. Is the timing good for you?”

  Was it good? He had to be joking. “That would be fantastic. I could use the company. I’ve missed you both so much.” She walked into the living area and began pacing the length of the room. “Any news on John?”

  Grady groaned. “I saw him this morning at the diner. He was with the deputies, drinking coffee. Got pissed the moment he saw me. Marched right up and started giving me shit about hiding you out somewhere. The guy’s getting out of control.”

  Nausea made Austin push her hand against her stomach. “That bad, huh?”

  “Oh, you have no idea. I wanted to come see you tomorrow, but I think I need to give it some more time. I probably shouldn’t even be coming as soon as I am. I just don’t feel right not being able to check out where you’re living and how things are, firsthand.”

  “I’m okay. Really. I showed you the pictures. The place is very nice.”

  “And your neighbors? Tell me about them.”

  Heat crept up Austin’s throat and rose to her face. “Scott and William are their names. They’re a few years older than me. Decent looking.” Yeah, right. They were gorgeous.

  “Two men? Are they a couple?”

  A smile came to her face. “No, they’re just friends. They help each other out on the ranch.”

  “I don’t like it.” Grady’s tone deepened. “It’s not ideal for you to be living in the middle of nowhere with two men. Two decent-looking ones at that. You need time to get on your feet. It won’t happen with two wolves at your door.”

  Austin tucked a curl behind her ear. “They’re not wolves in the manner you’re speaking of. They haven’t once tried to hit on me or take advantage. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “We’ll see.” Grady sighed. “I want you to come stay with me, but from what I saw today, I wouldn’t say that’s the best thing. You’re probably better off where you’re at. Those two men would do less damage than the psycho-sheriff you just divorced.”

  Hadn’t she already told him that? “You’re right. That’s why I’m here. Now, no more worries about me. I’ll be fine. And I’m glad you called. Tell me about you. How are things with Henry?”

  Knocking sounded at her door and she walked over, opening it. She waved Scott in as she headed back to the area the couch rested.

  “Everything is the same. Henry and I spend time together when we can. Our relationship couldn’t be more perfect.”

  “Good. That’s what I like to hear.”

  Tires squealed in the background and cursing filled the line. Austin’s hand mindlessly went out in front of her. “Grady? Grady, can you hear me?”

  Talking sounded through the phone and Austin had to strain to hear. “You son of a bitch. You hit me on purpose.”

  “Complete accident. I swear.” Austin felt herself become lightheaded as John’s voice and laughter broke through the line.

  “Accident, my ass. What the fuck are you doing, Sheriff? You were looking right at me when you blew that light and slammed into my car.”

  John grew louder as if he got closer to the phone. “Sorry, my mind was preoccupied with wondering where my Austin was held up. Tell me, Grady. How does it feel to fuck another man’s wife? That’s what you’re doing isn’t it? Fucking my Austin?”

  “You’ve lost your mind. First off, she’s not your wife. Not anymore. Second, our relationship isn’t like that. We’re friends. That’s it. Trust me, if I was with her, I’d tell you to your face. I’m not afraid of you, John.”

  “You should be.”

  Austin collapsed to the couch and Scott leaned over, concerned. “Are you okay? You don’t look so good. Would you like some water?”

  “Please.” Her throat felt like it was going to close at the fear she felt.

  “Get the hell away from my car so I can call this in.” After a few seconds Grady got back on the phone. “I’m going to have to call you back later. Did you hear that shit that just happened?”

  “I heard everything. Oh god, Grady. Are you okay?

  “I’m fine. Just a minor accident. He was already stopped at the light. I saw him sitting there as I approached the intersection and he just floored it and ran right into me. Fucking bastard.”

  “Oh shit. Grady, you have to be careful. Please.”

  Her friend took a deep breath. “No, he’s the one that needs to be careful. He doesn’t know how close he is to getting his ass thrown in jail. He thinks he can make me fear him, but he has another thing coming. No one pushes me around. And no one intentionally hits my fucking car and gets away with it.”

  “Just, please, watch yourself. He’s…” She paused as Scott slowly walked in the room. “Dangerous,” she said lowly, looking down.

  “I know. I’ve seen his handy work on you. I’ll watch my back. Now, I got to go.”

  Austin took the water from Scott, too afraid to meet his eyes. “Please call me tonight and let me know everything that happens.”

  “I will. Take care, sweetie.”

  “You, too.” Austin hung up. As she placed the phone on the table, her arm felt like it was made of lead. “I’m sorry. It was my friend, Grady.”

  Scott waved his hand through the air. “No biggie. Sounded like he was in trouble. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Minor traffic accident.” The water felt good as she chugged it down. Austin’s skin was turning clammy and she couldn’t stop the shaking in her hands. If John thought Grady was hiding her so they could be together, that only meant Grady would be the pure focus of John’s anger. And she knew the magnitude he held inside.

  “Didn’t sound very minor to me.” The softness of Scott’s voice had her lifting her gaze. “I can listen if you need to talk about anything. I’m good at that.”

  Pouring her problems out to a stranger was not something Austin felt comfortable doing, yet her mouth didn’t seem to agree with her mind.

  “My ex-husband is the one who hit him.” As he remained silent, Austin wasn’t sure why, but she kept talking. “They’re okay though. Grady’s upset about his car. As he should be since it wasn’t his fault.”

  “This ex-husband of yours did this on purpose?”

  Numbness ran through Austin’s fingertips as she clutched to the cushion of the sofa. “Yes. I’m afraid so.”

  “You’re here to be away from him, aren’t you?”

  Tears came to her eyes and she stood so Scott wouldn’t see them. “Yeah, you could say that. Sorry, I just don’t think I can talk about it anymore right now.”

  “I’m the one that’s sorry.” Scott stood and headed for the door. “We’re making dinner next door if you feel like coming over. William’s not the best cook, but he’s sure as hell is better than me. We’d enjoy your company if you’re up to it.”

  He gave her a grin and eased out, shutting the door behind him. Bile pushed against her throat and she rushed to the restroom. As she became ill, flashes of her past flooded her mind like a tidal wave. Each hit. The multiple concussions over the years from being slammed and thrown into things. Being in physical shock after each episode and not really remembering hours after the incident except for a big blur of crying and emotional ranting. Now her best friend was becoming John’s new target. Everything in her wanted to go back to make it stop, but that’s what her ex-husband wanted, and the decision was killing her on the inside.

  The linoleum floor was cool against her palms. Austin flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall. She looked up to see Scott resting his head against the door frame.

  For the longest ti
me they just stared at each other. After a few minutes, Scott walked forward and eased to the floor, resting against the cabinets below the sink. The profile of his face as he looked down to the floor was unreadable.

  Time passed and he sat in silence with her, not looking. Not judging. Just there. The small gesture of support meant more to her than she could begin to comprehend. Austin cleared her throat and drew her legs up tighter to her chest. “My ex-husband, he’s the sheriff of the town I lived in. Everyone loves him. He’s like the local hero.”

  Scott looked up to her for the first time.

  “But he’s not. He’s evil. He’s…” She looked down. “John wasn’t always like that. Not at the beginning.”

  “He hurt you?” Scott’s voice was quiet as he spoke. It brought Austin’s eyes back up. Still there was no judging, and for some reason that was what she was afraid to see the most.

  Slowly, she nodded. “Really bad, a couple of times. Mainly at the end. It’s how I knew I needed to leave. I was afraid I wouldn’t survive the next one. Accidents happen. Maybe I would have landed wrong, or gotten hit too hard, or something. I don’t know. I just knew it was time. That’s when I went to Grady. He’s a judge. He helped me and let me stay with him while I waited for the divorce to be final.”

  Scott licked his lips and turned his attention back to the floor. “I’m sorry that happened to you. Bastard doesn’t deserve to be alive right now. Anyone who puts their hands on a woman…” He shook his head. “They’re not men in my book. I’m glad your friend took you in and watched out for you. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.” He looked over. “And thank you for confiding in me. You didn’t have to do that. I just didn’t want you to be alone. I could tell you were upset. Didn’t sit well leaving you.”

  “I should be the one doing the thanking. It means a lot that you were here. I appreciate it more than you know.”

  He nodded and stood. “I’ll let you get cleaned up. William and I would really like it if you joined us.”

  The last thing she wanted to do was socialize, but it would be good to get her mind off of this. If even for a few hours. The night would be long. She knew that. Every night had been since she’d been here, but at least she could kill time until then.


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