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The Cowboys' Cure (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Jenny May

  “I’ll be right out.”

  The door closed behind Scott, and Austin grabbed her toothbrush. As she brushed her teeth she tried to block the uneasiness she felt, but the restlessness just wouldn’t go away. Now that she was out of John’s grasp, the numbness was practically gone, and her state of mind was off the charts in every direction there was. This couldn’t be right. What was happening to her?

  Curls were escaping the braid, and she reached up tucking one behind her ear for what she was sure was the millionth time. Aggravated, Austin reached back and pulled the rubber band free. As her fingers worked through her hair, she watched it span around her shoulders. It sure was getting long. The dark waves reached down to her mid back and stood out in contrast against the red sun dress.

  Austin pulled open the door and met Scott in the living room. After grabbing her phone, she followed him next door. William was all smiles upon seeing her.

  “Hey stranger.” The warm expression melted into worry as he took her in. “You okay? You look like you’ve been crying.” He turned down the fire from the burner and walked over.

  “I’m fine. Just a long day. So what’s for dinner?”

  Austin tried to ignore his concern while she headed for the stove. The aroma of fried chicken grew stronger as she neared. William came up beside her, stopping her progress. He grabbed her hand and led her to the table.

  “Why don’t you relax? I’ll make you something to drink. We have water, soda, and sweet tea.”

  “That would be great. Tea, please.” The scratchiness of her voice had Austin clearing her throat. She looked toward Scott while she sat down next to her. The reassuring grin he gave had her mirroring his action.

  “Tea, it is.” William poured her a glass and brought it over. “Dinner should be ready soon. I’m glad you decided to come.”

  Although Austin was upset, she couldn’t deny being in the men’s presence calmed her to an extent. “I’m glad, too. Sorry I’ve been so distant. I’ve been busy, and the last thing I want to do is impose.”

  “You? Impose? Nonsense.” William took his place back at the stove. “I asked you the day you got here if you liked to dance. Do you remember that?”

  “Yes.” Austin smiled. “You feel like dancing, William?”

  He faced her, beaming. “Yes. I love it. How would you feel about going into town and blowing off some steam?”

  Damn, she could use a drink, not to mention some fun. “You know, I think that sounds like a great idea. It’s been a while since I’ve been out anywhere. Maybe it would do me some good.”

  “That goes for all of us.” Scott leaned back in the chair. “We don’t go out all that often. Now we have you to join us. It’ll be different this time. Better, I’m sure.”

  Austin glanced at her dress. “I’m going to have to change. Maybe throw on some makeup.”

  William pulled a slice of chicken from the frying pan. “We still have a few hours. We’ll eat and then you can take your time getting ready. Doesn’t really get going until ten thirty or so.”

  “Great. Sounds good.” Austin’s phone rang and she grabbed it from the table, seeing Grady’s name on the caller ID. “Please excuse me.” As she walked outside at a fast pace, she felt her stomach tighten in knots. God, she hoped whatever he had to say was better than their last conversation. If it wasn’t, she wasn’t sure what she was going to do.

  Chapter 5

  William put on his boots and looked up from the couch at Scott, who was already dressed. Something was definitely going on with Austin, and he had no doubt his friend knew. The solemn look that washed over his face when their tenant returned inside after her phone call said it all. Not to mention Austin’s puffy red eyes had only appeared worse when she walked back through the door.

  “Spill it. I can’t stand either one of you looking like this.”

  Scott dropped his head to stare at the ground. “It’s not my story to tell.”

  “What?” William couldn’t believe his ears. “You’ve never hidden anything from me. You’d really not tell me?”

  “Doesn’t feel right. But I guess you really need to know in case something happens.” Scott took a deep breath. “Her ex-husband.” Anger emanated from him as he met William’s gaze. “I could kill that bastard and not have an ounce of remorse.”

  “That bad?”

  “The worst kind of man there is. Let me just say this. The sheriff position he holds has apparently given him some false sense of authority. The guy ran a red light just to hit her friend’s car. Thought the guy was hiding her from him.”

  William felt his eyes go big. “So that’s why she’s here. She’s scared.”

  “He used to hit her. Pretty bad from what I heard. God.” Scott pressed his lips together. “Will, she was physically ill at the thought of her friend having to deal with the ex. I sat in the restroom with her for a good twenty minutes before she opened up. I’m afraid she’s going to leave so he’ll stop. Maybe get back together with the asshole. I don’t know. If she returns to that, she may not make it out alive.”

  “Fuck.” William stood. “Well, we can’t let her go. We need to keep her distracted from thinking about him. Make her happy, and have Austin see that here is the safest place for her. I mean, we don’t know her that well, but she seems like a good person. And I really would like to get to know her better.”

  Scott nodded in agreement. “Let’s just go out tonight and show her a good time. She needs that.”

  “Agreed.” William grabbed his Stetson.

  “Time to go check if she’s ready. It’s a little after ten. I think she’s had plenty of time to get dressed. Plus, I don’t want her changing her mind. If you would have seen her the way I did.” Scott trailed his hand over the growth on his cheeks, over to his mouth. “She’s hurt inside. Breaks my heart to see anyone that closed off. And truthfully, I don’t think I can take much more of it.”

  William followed Scott to the entrance of the kitchen and they both paused at seeing Austin standing by the table. She was wearing a pair of black, tight-fitting jeans with a dark blue shirt that hung off one of her shoulders. The black loose curls were resting along her back, but barely even registered at the sadness on her beautiful face. She took a step back, shaking her head.

  “I’m sorry. I should have knocked.”

  “No.” William came up from behind Scott to stand next to him. “You never have to knock, Austin. We have nothing to hide from you.”

  She placed her hand on the table and used her other one to pull out the chair. “So I guess you both know now. I have to apologize. I didn’t mean to bring my problems into your lives. I was hoping the truth would stay hidden.”

  “Honesty is a good thing.” Scott moved to the table and Will joined them, placing himself on Austin’s other side. “Because if your ex-husband ever shows up,” Scott continued, “William and I will know what we’re dealing with. We’re not going to let him hurt you again. I promise you that.”

  “We won’t,” William assured her.

  A nod was her only response.

  “Look at me.” Scott placed his finger under her chin and gently eased her face up. “Trust us, Austin. You’re better here than back where you can get hurt. Your friend, Grady, he can take care of himself. And I guarantee you that if you go back because of him, and something happens, he’s not going to feel very good about that. You hear what I’m saying?”

  “Yes. I was giving it thought. I’m…still.” She took a deep breath. “I feel like my leaving is starting to cause all sort of problems. Henry’s been being followed. Grady wouldn’t tell me at first, but I finally got it out of him. You see, this is more than an annoyance for them. They’re a couple. Now they’re having to stay away from each other just to keep their secret hidden. I’m causing strain on their relationship, I just know it.”

  William reached for her hand. “If they love you, they’re not worried about any problems this may cause. They know what you’re up against, and I bet you
anything, your safety is what’s top priority on their minds. Don’t give in. This is what your ex-husband wants. If you go back, he wins. Don’t give him that satisfaction. Stay. Be happy. And start living, again. But for you. No one else.”

  Tears weld up in Austin’s eyes. “You’re right.”

  “Damn right he is.” Scott stood and held his hand out. “What do you say about starting right now? You ready to go have some fun?”

  A smile came to her face as she rose to stand before him. William noticed she was still holding the hand she’d slipped in his when he’d tried to comfort her. Her arm was extended behind her back, yet she still held on. He moved out of the chair and walked up closer. The grip increased as she glanced between both of them.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Then let’s go,” Scott said lowly.

  They all walked out to the truck, connected, and William could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This was what he’d been wanting for years now. But with Austin, there were complications. Not just her past, but her present. She needed to heal. To grow as a person. Any involvement between the three of them could set her back, and that was the last thing William wanted. All they could provide was friendship. If something came out of that someday, then great. If not, as long as she was on her feet and happy, that was all that mattered.

  Austin let go as Scott opened the door and she climbed in the middle. The moment they were all buckled in and began heading down the road William couldn’t help but notice how she kept her head lowered. She did that a lot. Cautiously, he reached out and grabbed her hand again.

  “Smile, sweetheart. Tonight is about you. I want to see who Austin really is.”

  The slight separation of her lips only lasted for a second. He could tell she was unsure, but she straightened her back, taller. More confident. “I guess we’ll both get to meet her. It’s been a while, but I have to say, I’m interested to see her myself.”

  Scott turned the music on and the fifteen minute drive went by quickly. Wildhorse Saloon’s parking lot was packed as they pulled in. As he and Scott led her inside, she held onto their hands tightly. A sense of pride swelled in William’s chest, and from the smile Scott sported, he knew he must have felt the same way.

  Neon lights rested against the walls, displaying different beer brands. To the right rested crowded pool tables, and to the left, a dance floor and stage where musicians often played live. Tunes poured from the jukebox, and couples already were in each other’s arms, spinning around to the fast beat of the country music. Austin never once let go as they made their way to their usual spot.

  “Well, now. Who do we have here?” Nick stood from the table, immediately gawking at Austin. The obvious way he raked his eyes up her body had William gritting his teeth.

  “This is Austin. Our new tenant.”

  Her and Scott’s connection broke as Austin shook hands with their friend.

  “I’m Nick. Great to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” Austin turned her attention to Walter, James, and Corey as they made their way over.

  While they made their introductions, William turned to Scott and lowered his voice. “Not so sure this was such a good idea. You’d think the men were just introduced to a juicy steak. Look at the way they’re drooling over her. It’s not that I’m not flattered we’re in such lovely company, I just don’t know if she’s ready for this.”

  “We’ll keep an eye on Austin. It’ll be okay. The guys may be drooling, but that’s all they’ll be doing.” The warning in Scott’s tone was evident. William was glad they were both on the same page about watching over her.

  Austin’s grip tightened and he noticed the men were offering for her to take a seat. She apparently wasn’t ready to let go of his hand, which was all right with him.

  “So what brings you to Crush?”

  “The scenery.” Her answer was clipped, but didn’t sway their friend. Nick pulled another table over and rested it against the one he, Scott, and Austin were sitting at. Scott moved in closer to her side while the other men took their seats.

  The music died off in the distance and a new song replaced the other. William tagged the waitress as she walked by. “Two Bud Lights.” He turned to Austin. “What do you feel like drinking?”

  “I’ll have the same as you and Scott.”

  He looked up at Jackie, the blonde haired waitress they’d come to know over the years. Her short hair rested a little passed her ears and flipped out toward the ends. “Make that three.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie.”

  Loud laughter rang out from the end of the table and James came over, pulling a chair to sit directly on the opposite side of the table from them. The dark blue shirt he wore was the same color as his eyes, and his light brown hair was covered by his cowboy hat. As his eyes narrowed and a large smile appeared, William let out a groan.

  “Don’t even start, James. She ain’t interested.”

  “Hey, I didn’t even say anything, yet.”

  William leaned forward, noticing Austin become distracted by something Scott was telling her. “How long have I known you? That look is great for scoring you pussy, but not tonight. And not with her.”

  “Damn, man.” James shook his head. “It wasn’t like that at all.”

  “Sure it wasn’t. Well, continue on then. Just keep in mind what I said. Not gonna happen. Might as well let you know, now. Austin leaves with us.”

  James lifted his hands. “Okay, no problem. She can still dance, though, can’t she? Or is that off-limits, too?” A slight smile came to his friend’s face, but William wasn’t sure how to take it. It almost looked like a smirk, but the grin was too vague to know for sure.

  The waitress sat the beers down and William turned to Austin. “James wants to know if you’re interested in dancing. What’d ya think?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” Austin took a big sip of her beer and stood. “Promise me that after we’re finished, you’ll dance with me. Then Scott.”

  William looked at his best friend and they nodded at each other. “Deal. Now go have some fun.” Without thought, he playfully slapped her ass. The action came so naturally that it wasn’t until her eyes got big and she burst out laughing that it hit him. Heat crept up his neck and William slowly turned to look down at the table. The nudge brought his eyes up to Scott’s. “Don’t ask. I have no idea.”

  “It was cute.” Scott laughed and brought the bottle to his mouth, taking a drink. “Very, very cute.”

  “Piss off. You’re just teasing me.”

  Scott leaned in. “Can you see yourself doing that to her while she’s fucking my cock? God, I can.”

  The shock of what Scott said had William replaying the words in his head. “You want her? Like that?”

  “Don’t say you haven’t imagined something along those lines. We both know you have.”

  Well, he had. It was as though he couldn’t get her off his mind, no matter how hard he tried. Still, he knew where the line was and crossing it wouldn’t be a very good idea. Hesitantly, William glanced toward the dance floor at James holding Austin tight. The song had slowed. Why hadn’t he realized that before? Her arms were around his neck and James’s hands were settled on her hips. Just seeing how close they were didn’t sit right with him. It had to be learning about her past. He was afraid of someone hurting her again. And not just physically, but emotionally as well.

  One glance at Scott watching her and James, and he knew his friend was still hurting from old wounds. He and James didn’t share the best of pasts, and Scott had a fondness for Austin. “Can’t happen.” William grabbed his beer. “You know that just as much as I do.”

  The pain that filled his face quickly disappeared. “Nothing wrong with imagining it, though.”

  The bottle touched William’s lips and he paused, looking over. “Suppose not. But we have to make an agreement. We help Austin, above all. Not take advantage of her.”

  The clink of Scott’s beer against his marked their agreement. T
hey both took big drinks and visions of Austin engulfed William’s mind. Those lips that drew him in every time he looked at her pressed against his lips. A kiss, something so sweet. Innocent. Was anything but in his fantasies. She’d have the power to take him over. He knew it as much as he knew he needed air or water. Why? Because he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anyone. Every look. Every touch of her hand against his made William’s blood turn to fire. For days he waited for her to come back, and when she hadn’t, his need for her had grown stronger. Tonight, he was dealing with the repercussions full force.

  “Song’s over.”

  Scott’s voice barely registered as he broke away from seeing his hand moving down Austin’s side. Their kissing had reached a fevered level and his cock ached for her. Well shit. How was he going to stand and go out there to dance now?

  “Better take this one. I’ll get the next.”

  Scott shook his head. “Nope. Sorry. You’re first.”

  A new song started and he watched James and Austin leave the wooden elevated floor and head in their direction. William tried his best to imagine anything but her. Work. Ranch. Work. Work. Perfect.

  William stood, knowing his cock was still semihard, but at least he wasn’t at his full length, anymore.

  A smile was genuinely on her face as she approached. James pulled up her hand and kissed the back. “We’re going to have to do that again. Save a spot for me.” With a nod, he turned and headed for the bar. William looked down at Austin. Her eyes followed James like he had a magnet attached to his back. Instantly, he felt his jaw tighten.

  “Mr. Teller offered me a job doing his billing. That was very nice of him.”

  “Did he now?” William met Scott’s stare. When did James start hiring? True, he had his own hardware store, but his mother handled the books and his employees. She ran everything. Had she quit? Was she thinking about it?

  Austin reached over and took a drink of her beer. “Yeah. He wants me to come in on Monday and see what I think.”


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