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Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)

Page 41

by L. A. Miller

  “Do you love him?”


  “Are you in love with him?” He asked and that was the question Beckett hadn’t asked.


  “Are you in love with Beckett?”


  “Beckett thinks you are in love with Matt doesn’t he?”



  “Because I didn’t tell him I wasn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Trent it’s better this way. We both know in two weeks when we take our vows that we need to stay away from each other.”


  “Because of the contract.” She said exasperated. He was beginning to remind her of Tristan with his constant questions.

  “The contract states you two can’t have sex, it doesn’t say you the two of you can’t be in love.”

  “How long will your brother want to stay with me if we are not having sex?”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit Bailey… think Beckett is only with you because of the sex?”

  “I know his history with women.”


  “Other than Macy his relationships only lasted a few weeks, his relationship with Macy was open which is why it lasted so long.”

  “Bailey…..did you ever stop to ask yourself why?”

  “I figured someone hurt him once, bad enough that he doesn’t want to commit to anyone.”

  “He never told you about Lachelle?”

  Bailey looked at him and shook her head. Was that her name, the one that had hurt him so badly he never wanted to risk his heart again? She saw the pain on Trent’s face and suddenly wondered about this woman who seemed to have been important to both Trent and Beckett.

  “Who is Lachelle?”

  She watched Trent’s face as he tried to decide what he should say. She could see he wanted to tell her but decided the story was best to come from Beckett.

  “You need to ask my brother.”

  Curious and frustrated she frowned. “Then why did you bring her up?”

  “Because I thought you knew….Bailey….Beckett loves you and I know you love him so I’m going to give you the same advice I gave him last night when I sent him home. What you two have is a gift; don’t throw it away over some stupid pride or fear of being hurt. What good is having a heart if you can’t let someone else experience it? Talk to Beckett, be honest with him about Matt and ask him about Lachelle.”

  Bailey thought about it before asking. “What good will it do? In two weeks we have to abide by the contract.”

  “And you don’t think your love could survive?”

  “I don’t know.” She said honestly.

  “Bailey love isn’t just sex.” He smiled. “Though that’s one of the best parts.” He said causing her to smile. “It’s caring for someone, sharing your life with them, counting on them and supporting them in return. It’s that feeling you have when you can’t wait to be with them when you’re apart. Having them hold you just because they want to. There are so many ways to express your love without having sex, hell sometimes the prelude can be better than the actual act…..ok that’s a lie” He laughed. “But it’s pretty damn close. You’re good for my brother. You have been the only woman to have reached through his defenses since he closed off his heart. Please, do this for him, do this for you, talk to him and be honest with him. You both deserve to be happy.”

  Bailey thought about his words and she wanted to believe and hope. She wanted the happiness she had experienced this past week. All she had to do was drop her defenses and expose her heart to Beckett. She knew if he rejected her there would be no coming back and she would never allow herself to risk her love again. She thought about the life she had before Beckett and the idea that would be her life in the future frightened her more than exposing herself to Beckett.

  “He’s taking Tristan and Alexis over to our house this morning. I’ll talk to him tonight after Matt takes us out to dinner.”

  “Why don’t I take the kids and leave him here. I was supposed to be the ride. It will give you two a chance to resolve this now. If you have dinner with Matt first his defenses will be up and you might not get the truth.”

  “Alright.” She agreed.

  “I’ll send him down to the stable, why don’t you get the groom to saddle two horses and you two go riding. Find a nice quiet spot and talk.”

  “What if he says no?””

  “He won’t, trust me.” He grinned as he leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  Chapter 48

  When Bailey had left the room he felt the air go with her and he needed to get away. Last night after they talked he had driven around thinking about the conversation. He had come to several conclusions. Bailey had told him she loved Matt but she hadn’t told him she was in love with him. Like a fool he hadn’t asked. Despite her speech he knew what he and Bailey had shared over the last week was more than just animal instinct. She had said those words to push him away and he had to ask himself why. She cared for him more than she wanted to admit and it scared her. She doubted their relationship would survive after they said their vows and again he hadn’t given her any reason to trust it would. Hadn’t he been the one who left when he saw her kissing Matt? Why would she think he would stick around when things got tough? He understood now what his father meant about abstaining from sex. The intimacy between them during sex brought them closer together. How could they duplicate that bond without sex? He knew he would find a way and he also knew he wasn’t going to give up. He had planned on giving her the day off from dealing with the kids so that mentally and emotionally she could recoup. Learning Matt was still around and planning on taking them to dinner didn’t set well with his plans but she had said he was returning to California. He would wait till Matt was gone before he began his offensive. He planned on breaking down her defenses and getting her to admit she was in love with him.

  When Trent told him he was needed in the stables he didn’t think to question him. Beckett had been helping the groom with one of the stallions who had taken ill and only Beckett seemed to be able to calm him. Leaving the kids with Trent he headed down towards the stable. Just before he reached the door he heard Trent’s car head down the drive and frowned wondering why he had left. He grabbed his phone to text him only to receive a message instead.

  “You’re welcome, don’t blow it.”

  Frowning as he read it he walked into the stables only to see Bailey standing there holding the reins as the groom saddled the second horse. She looked in his direction and when he saw the blush spread he understood Trent’s text.

  “I was hoping you would join me?” She asked timidly and he knew she was expecting him to refuse.

  Putting his phone in his pocket he smiled and walking over took one set of reins. “I would love too.”

  Bailey smiled but didn’t speak. With a simple nod she led her horse out of the stable and after double checking the groom’s work he followed. She was already mounted so he threw himself up on the back of his horse and let her lead the way. They rode in silence, each deep in thought as to how to bridge the gap between them. Beckett was about to speak when Bailey asked.

  “Who was Lachelle?”

  He felt the wind knocked out of his lungs as he looked at her. Lachelle was the one person he had never mentioned to her. How did she know? Suddenly Trent’s text made sense and silently he cursed him. This was one area he had kept to himself. By telling Bailey he would be totally exposed and vulnerable. He looked over at her and only saw her compassion. She had told him everything about herself, holding back nothing out of trust. He needed to do the same.

  “I was 16 and she was 14 when we first met. Her family had moved to town right after her mother’s death. She was probably the prettiest girl I had ever met and at first she was shy. I think it was because she felt lost with her mother gone.” He said and he knew Bailey could relate having lost both of her parents at a young age.
“We began dating and she became part of our family. My senior year we began to plan our future. I would go off to college while she finished high school. Once she graduated we would be married, I gave her a promise ring for Valentines my junior year. We were the perfect couple.” He smiled sadly. “The star quarterback and the cheerleader; the king and queen of prom, everyone said we had the perfect life. It was true. We knew each other so well that we sometimes completed each other’s sentences. We could spend hours together and never say a word but we knew each other’s thoughts. She was funny, quick witted and she could not only stand up to my brothers but she had them all wrapped around her finger. My mother took her in as if she was her own and Lachelle welcomed it. We all planned on the future together.”

  Beckett paused and he saw the hurt on Baileys face. He understood because it was the same pain he felt when he thought about Matt. He wasn’t surprised when she asked the question.

  “She was your first?”

  “We were each other’s first.” He admitted and saw the pain as she looked away. He was Baileys first but she would never be his. That was the gift he had given to another. “Lachelle began to bruise at the beginning of my senior year and at first we thought it was because of the cheerleading stunts they did. She was also tired a lot but again we thought it was due to her overloaded schedule. Finally her father took her in for a physical and on Christmas Eve she was diagnosed with leukemia.” Bailey turned to look at him the shock clearly written on her face. “She began to go downhill fast. Over the next few months she went through treatments but nothing stopped the disease from eating away at her body. Her father even took her away to try out experimental treatment but she came back looking worse than when she left. On the day of my graduation she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Instead of a party to celebrate I sat with my family in the lobby waiting to see if she would pull through. She came home a week later not because she was better but because she didn’t want to die in the hospital.” He paused remembering the heartache he felt knowing he was going to lose her and there was nothing he could do. “In the end I was there at her side holding her hand. Her father was unable to watch her and left for the local bar. Her brother was there with us and we all watched as she slipped away.” He knew there were tears in his eyes but he didn’t care as he continued. “We buried her a few days later. I sat there, numb, watching but not really seeing the people who spoke at her service. At her grave everyone’s face was a blur. All I saw was her, the first time I met her, our first kiss, our first dance, and the first time we made love. Then I saw the healthy vibrant girl I know slip away and her image was replaced by the shell that lay on her bed. I was angry. Angry at her doctors for not saving her, angry at God for taking her but most of all I was angry at her for giving up and leaving me. When everyone left to go back to her house I couldn’t. I just drove till I ran out of gas. My brothers came and got me. I went home and went on with my life. But it was empty; it was the life I was supposed to be sharing with her.” Beckett said looking at her. He didn’t know when they had stopped riding or when she had come up to his side to hold his hand. He had been so lost in his memories. He looked down at her hand for a moment then met her eyes. He saw the hurt she felt for him, the compassion she felt for him and he saw the love she denied for him. “I died inside the day we buried her. I went through the motions till the pain was just a numb feeling in my heart. I concentrated on first school then my work. I vowed never to let myself feel again. Women were there only for relief and then I met Macy. She was the same as me. No commitments, no promises, just mutual gratification. I hadn’t planned on you.” He said honestly and he noticed the way her eyes now watched him. “When I signed the contract with Regina it was strictly a business agreement. One year of my life to play a role. It would be easy I thought. Then I saw Jaspers hands on you and every protective bone in my body took over. When I looked into your eyes for the first time I felt the connection but denied it. The more I was with you the stronger it got and the more I fought it. Falling in love with you was never the plan. I vowed never to let anyone into my heart again and yet you slipped in. You made me want to love again; want to feel again. Every time you offered yourself to me I would push you away out of fear. Even when I knew I was in love with you I denied it. To admit it to myself, to you, would open me up to the pain that would come with it. I didn’t think I could do that again. When I saw you with Matt I realized it was too late. Even if I hadn’t said the words out loud I had given you my heart and it was breaking.” He saw her eyes well up and reached over to wipe away her tears. “I thought I had lost you then but last night….”

  “I said those words Beckett to push you away…..”

  “I know I figured that out after I left. That’s why I came back. I wanted to give you today because I knew how raw your emotions were. Bailey I’m in love with you and I have no intention of giving you up. Not for your grandmother’s contract and not to Matt.”

  “I love you too.” She cried.

  Beckett lifted her off her horse placing her on his lap as his lips found hers. It was a kiss of need and desire. She gripped his shoulders as his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. Her mouth opened to his welcoming his tongue as it toyed with hers. When he heard her moan in pleasure he felt his need grow. Pulling back he looked around till he spotted what he wanted. Holding her reigns with one hand and her body with the other he used his legs to direct his horse over to a patch of trees. It was difficult for him to concentrate as Bailey’s hands roamed his body and her kisses showered his neck. He slid off the horse with her still in his arms. Setting her down he tied up their horses then returned to her side. The grass was soft beneath them as he laid her down. He looked down into her eyes and saw not only the raw desire but the love she had for him. She was opening both her heart and body to him, trusting that he would not hurt her.

  “I love you Bailey and I want more than some arrangement with you. I want a lifetime with you, a home and children, I want a real marriage with you and if I have to wait a year I will. I have no intention of losing you now that I have found you.”

  He saw the happiness that filled her soul at his words and when she smiled back he felt his heart heal. He would always have a special place in his heart for Lachelle but he now realized what he felt for Bailey was so much more. She was the woman he was meant to be with, she was the one who made him complete.

  “I love you Beckett….I think I always have….you were the one I waited for, the one I knew would complete me…”

  Beckett’s lips descended on hers and as he kissed her he sealed their love. It was soft, teasing, each savoring the moment before slowly the heat began to build. Beckett’s hand slid down her body cupping her breasts as he deepened the kiss. When his thumb brushed over her nipple it stood up and she arched her back pressing herself into his hand. Her hands were now pulling on his shirt and he obliged her by sitting up and removing his shirt. Reaching down he removed hers then with the flip of his finger undid her bra. As his hands now moved to her jeans his mouth moved to her breasts. She moaned in pleasure as he sucked first one than the other nipple. He moved his mouth lower stopping at her bellybutton to tease her with his tongue. Her stomach flexed from the contact and her hands dug into his hair. He looked up smiling at the torture he saw on her face. He moved lower now as he slowly slid her jeans and panties off exposing the soft patch of fur between her legs. She had kicked her shoes off and in one swipe her jeans and panties joined her shirt and bra. She now lay before him on the bed of grass, the sun’s rays filtering against her skin through the trees. She was breathtaking and everything he ever desired in a woman. He lowered himself and spreading her legs kissed the folds between them. As his tongue slid over her nub his fingers slid inside feeling the glorious moisture that now coated his fingers. He let out a feral moan as he drove his fingers deeper savoring the flavor that was exclusively hers. Her hips rocked in motion with him and with each stroke he drove deeper inside. He felt the spasms
begin and continued his assault as her body bucked from her orgasm. He was amazed how well he knew her body and how easily he was able to drive her over the edge of pleasure. He lapped up her juices then as he watched her body come down from the heights of her pleasure he removed his shoes and jeans. He lay down at her side and taking the fingers he had pushed inside her he coated her lips with her juices. She grasped his hand and he slid his fingers inside while she licked them clean. The sensation traveled directly down his body and he sprung to attention as the blood surged to his organ. Bailey pulled him down to her kiss and when her tongue drove inside his mouth he tasted the blend of her juices mixed with her normal honey taste. She pushed him and he obligingly rolled to his back as her hand traveled down to grasp hold of him. She deepened the kiss as her hand stroked him and he fought to control his need. She pulled her lips back moving them now along his jaw line and down his neck to his shoulder. Her lips showered his body with feather kisses and when she reached his abs they flexed from the heated trail she left. He was fully erect when she took him into her mouth sliding her warm tongue along the length of his shaft. She reversed her position straddling his face as her mouth took control of his shaft. He duplicated her actions alternating between his tongue and his fingers as she moved over his shaft. As they moved in unison he fought for control wanting to drive her over the edge again and when he felt her near the edge he lifted her up and reversed her position so that she now straddled his waist. He lowered her hips down over him and we he was fully inside her he began to move. The pleasure he saw on her face added to his size and with his hands on her hips he lifted her up then drove her down again. Bailey quickly caught the rhythm and with her hands on his chest she moved her hips with him. Moving his hand now he found the sensitive spot between her legs and rubbed against its swollen nub till she cried out his name. He felt her juices drip over his shaft as her walls constricted inside. He didn’t stop to let her enjoy the moment instead her rolled her over on her back and lifting her hips he drove deeper within. He began to move faster now needing to find his release. Selfishly he held back wanted to once again push her to that height where he controlled her senses. When she cried out again he let go spilling himself within before collapsing on top of her. They were both covered in sweat and as their hearts raced they tried to regain their breath. Realizing he was probably crushing her he rolled to his back pulling her with him. They laid there in silence watching the sun filter through the leaves as the wind gently blew. As they laid there Beckett was at peace, he had found his home in the arms of this woman.


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