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Arrogant Coach : A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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by Cara Chance

  “Jordan, it’s a date. I’m not marrying the guy. You have no right to make threats where my dating life is concerned. I know you like to play the older brother card, but this overprotective guard dog act is getting old real fast.” I take a deep breath and continue. “You’re not even related to me so just knock it off. I don’t need a brother or a babysitter. I was here for three years before you were and I was just fine on my own and I still am. Besides I'll be in college soon and then you won't have any say.”

  I walk off with a huff of annoyance and fume all the way back to my room. What is his problem?

  Chapter Three

  Squeezing in a shower and studying for my history final before dinner was challenging. I didn’t have time to blow dry my hair or put on any makeup. This being a girl thing was hard. I just quickly arranged my thick blonde locks into a big messy bun on top of my head and threw on the first pair of shorts I could find. I slide my feet into my favorite pink flip flops and grab my lanyard with my student id and key to my room hanging on it.

  My best friend Maryellen is meeting me in the dining hall in five minutes. I need to hurry or I won’t make it on time. I wanted to get her her opinion on Oscar.

  The stairs are a better option than waiting for the elevator. This building is only five stories tall, but it might as well be forty with how long the elevator can take to arrive at the fourth floor where my dorm room is. My flip flops make a slapping sound on the cement stairs as I quickly jog down them. When I reach the bottom, I push through the door and step out into the humidity of the evening. Ugh, I hate the quality the air has when it’s like this. It makes it feel thicker than usual and it’s impossible for my abundant hair to dry completely.

  It’s a short walk to the Peyton Hall, where we eat all our meals. By the time, I get there my shirt is plastered to my front and my shorts keep riding up where they shouldn't be. I'm agravated by my run in with Jordan and I can't think straight.

  In Peyton Hall I survey the room in search for Maryellen. There are rows of long rectangular tables and bench seating on either side which are currently filled with students, but she is no where to be seen. The noise level is outrageous as I get in the serving line while I wait.

  The food here is pretty good and there are a lot of different choices to pick from. After the long run I had today I’m feeling the need for some protein and some carbs. I glance up at the whiteboard menus they write on each day and check out the different options.

  “Hey Brooklyn.” I hear the deep tone of Oscar’s voice behind me.

  Darn it looks like I won't get to talk to Maryellen first.

  I look over my shoulder and aim a smile his way. “Hi.”

  He steps forward, standing beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Woah. We haven’t even gone on a date yet and he’s getting touchy feely with me. Calm down Brooklyn. It’s an arm around your shoulders, not a hand in your undies.

  “I was hoping I’d see you here tonight. I wondered if you’d change your mind about having dinner with me.” His hand cups my shoulder, pulling me tighter to his side.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I have to eat anyway.”

  He laughs. “You’re bad for my ego.”

  I glance up at him. “I think I’m good for your ego. Maybe I can help you shrink it down to normal size.”

  He laughs. “There’s nothing normal sized about me.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

  Ugh, where is my friend when I need her?

  “Pftt.” I slap his chest with my hand and roll my eyes. “Speaking of your ego. I'm thinking it will take some intensive therapy to get it to a decent size.”

  Oscar puts food on my tray as I grab some pasta and garlic bread. We swipe our lanyards and head toward an empty table in the senior section. Oscar's arms never leave my body.

  "I'm willing to endure the intensive therapy if you want to be my therapist." He wiggles his eyebrows before he grabs his food.

  I give him a giggle just as I spot Maryellen coming my way. Her green eyes grow wide when she notices who is sitting next to me his arm still wrapped around me.

  "Hey, Oscar," Maryellen says as she slides across from us.

  "Hi, Maryellen," Oscar clears his throat and his eyes zoom past her shoulder.

  I understand. The first time I laid eyes on Maryellen I felt like a troll. She was gorgeous. Her shiny black hair fell to her waist and her olive complexion required no makeup. Maryellen didn't workout but you wouldn't know that by her curves. Where I was a complete nerd with boys, Maryellen was a master at getting what she wanted. We were an unlikely pair but somehow, we fit.

  "So, this is new," she says her finger wiggling back and forth between us.

  "Yeah, Brooklyn finally agreed to go out with me," Oscar says pulling me tighter to his side.

  "I just agreed to help him get his ego in check," I add feeling bolder with my best friend here.

  Maryellen chokes on her diet soda she was drinking. Her eyes are watering when she gets herself pulled together and stares at me like I'm an alien. "This is going to be interesting."

  "Yes, it is," Oscar says finishing his food.

  After dinner Maryellen leaves shooting me a wink before she leaves. Without Maryellen, across from me my confidence starts to fade. It was easy to be witty and funny with my best friend next to me to laugh along.

  "So, when do you want to go out?" Oscar asks as Maryellen's shiny hair disappears into the crowd.

  "I have to study for finals. So, I probably won't be able to go out with you this week."

  I frown afraid he is going to give up on me before I gave him a chance. It wasn't like I was trying to be difficult I just needed to get these finals done. My dream was to go off to college and make something of myself. When I had an important job, it wouldn't matter to me that my dad abandoned me and the memory of my mom for another woman.

  My grades, except for sixth grade, have always been straight A's and I wasn't going to mess that up for a pretty face. Well, unless it was Jordan's.

  Bad thoughts, go away!

  "We could have dinner together and study in the library."

  "That's ok with you?" I ask warily.

  I've watched Maryellen the four years that I've been here and studying at the library with dinner at the cafeteria was something she never did.

  "As long as I get to be with you."

  The bravado was back because of his words.

  "We could go out this weekend. We will deserve a night off from all the studying. Besides we have two more weeks."

  Oscar beams at me and I get lost in his fantastic blue eyes. A loud bang brings me back to reality. I jump and turn my head to see Jordan scowling at us.

  "Oh, hey man you scared me," Oscar says putting his fist out for a fist bump.

  Jordan looks at his hand and turns his eyes toward mine. "Don't you have finals to study for?"

  I glance nervously at Oscar before glaring at Jordan. Why does he have to be so beautiful? Why does he have to be such a butthole?

  He has no idea the torture he is putting me through. Here I am trying to get over him and put my time and attention on a man who pays attention to me, and here is the guy in front of me who I wish would look at me like something other than a sister. He won't even give me the decency to go away so I can pretent I'm more into Oscar than I am.


  Oscar grabs his phone and jumps up grabbing our shared tray. "I have somewhere to be. I'll see you tomorrow, Brooklyn. Don't get any ideas and ditch me. Later, Jordan."

  "See you tomorrow, Oscar." My voice is breathless as I continue to stare at Jordan.

  When Oscar mentioned seeing me tomorrow his eyes turned into slits. His face was like stone and I knew as soon as Oscar stepped away I was in for a lecture. At least I hoped he waited until Oscar was out of earshot before he turned into annoyingly protective brother.

  "I'll walk you to your dorm," Jordan says getting up and standing next to me.

  "I don't need you to walk me to my room, Jo
rdan. I know where it is."

  "Don't push me, Brooklyn. You disobeyed me when I told you not to hang around with him." His chin jerks in the direction that Jordan walked toward when he left.

  "You're not my real brother," I remind him as I stand.

  My stupid body obeyed his command against my will. Jordan walked next to me as we walked out into the open air. I suck in a deep breath thankful the air cooled down while I was eating.

  "You will stay away from, Oscar," Jordan says as we walk toward my dorm.

  I jerk my head toward him when I heard the venom in his voice.

  "Oscar is harmless."

  "He's a playboy. You can't be that stupid you haven't noticed he's dated most of the female population at this school. Hell, you are probably last on his list."

  I blink to make sure the tears don't fall. Jordan is still walking when I stop it takes him a couple feet to realize I'm no longer beside him. When he turns, I have my emotions put away just enough.

  "You know Jordan not everyone thinks I'm this hideous person. Some people want to date me. Some people wouldn't mind one bit seeing me naked."

  Jordan's large hands land on my shoulders stopping my tirade. "Nobody is going to see you naked. Stay the fuck away from Oscar and any other guy who asks you out.'

  "No," I whisper to him as the tears get closer to the surface.

  "You will listen to me, Brooklyn. If you don't I promise you won't graduate."

  My mouth falls open as he squeezes my shoulders before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward my dorm. I yank my hand out of his and run as fast as I can, not stopping until I reach my room and throw myself on my bed, crying out my frustration until I fall asleep.

  Chapter Four

  A knock startles me awake. In my panties and tank top I run to the door wondering what's wrong. Only bad things happen when someone knocks on your door so late.

  I gasp when I open the door to a discheveled Jordan. "What are you doing here?" I ask as he stalks into my room and shuts the door.

  My heart is hammering so fast I barely register the click of the lock.

  "Jordan, is everything ok?"


  "Is it my dad, your mom?" My voice is tight as panic laces it.

  "It's you."

  I give him a confused look. "What do you mean it's me?"

  Without responding his lips are burned into mine. I gasp as the electricty of his touch pulses through me. Jordan takes the oportunity to plunge his tongue into my mouth and I suck on it.

  He tastes better than I have imagined. "You're mine," he growls into my lips as he grabs my ass and pulls me to him.

  My breasts press against his rock-hard chest. The sensitive tips of my nipples are straining for a release only Jordan can give me.

  "I'm your sister. We shouldn't be doing this," I say to him as my legs wrap around him grinding into his rock-hard cock.

  "I don't care who you are. All I know is you're mine and nobody else is allowed to touch what's mine."

  He carries me to the bed and we both fall onto it our bodies never pulling away from each other.

  "Tell me you understand, Brooklyn." His mouth leaves mine as his brown eyes bore into me.

  "Alway." I tell him pushing my hips up so I can feel his hardness against my wet panties.

  "That's my girl." He smiles before ripping my panties off and throwing them to the floor.

  "Jordan what are you doing?" I ask when he lowers himself to my carpeted floor and drags my legs over the side.

  "Tasting what's mine," he responds before his lips fuse to my aching pussy.

  My hips shoot off the bed at the touch of his tongue licking up and down my heated slit. Nobody except myself has ever touched me there and I'm glad it's Jordan.

  His thumbs hook onto the side of my pussy exposing my wetness even more. "So, fucking beautiful," he murmurs as his tongue continues to explore me. His fingers push inside of me stretching me. Ensuring I'm ready for the next round. He pumps his fingers inside of me as his tongue circles my sensitve clit.

  A build up like I've never experienced even with my own fingers pushes through me. I grab onto Jordan's hair pushing him harder against my needy slit.

  His lips circle my clit and he sucks it into his mouth. When his tongue circles over the swollen nub my body explodes with a thousand pulses of light. I start to cry out but Jordan's mouth decends on mine swallowing my crys. His lips taste like my pleasure and I rock into him needing him more than my next breath.

  "Are you ready for me?" he asks.

  "Yes," I answer with confidence.

  Since the moment, I met Jordan I knew he was the one I wanted to take my virginity. He was the one I wanted to be with forever. Too bad he was my step brother. I refuse to dwell on that as I stare at him.

  His large hand strokes his thick shaft as he watches me. I swallow as I watch his movements. I've seen movies and porn from Maryellen, but I've never seen a dick as big as the one Jordan's sporting.

  He looks up and he must see the fear in my eyes. He winks at me as he leans down and kisses my nose. "Don't worry. I'll go slow."

  My fear is forgotten as we kiss our tongues exploring each other. His mouth pulls away from mine and I cry out in sadness.

  "I've got you," he says as he hunches and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth. "I want to taste these perky tits. They tease me daily when I watch you run. Now it's my turn to tease them."

  I bite his shoulder as his lips assault the sensitive peak. I've played with my breasts a couple times when I masterbated but they never felt the way they do with Jordan sucking on them.

  His calloused hand moves to my other breast. He squeezes it and circles the nipple with his thumb like he had just done with my clit. My body is on fire and I whimper out loud.

  Jordan's mouth moves to my other breast as I squirm under him. His cock is pressed in between us and I instinctively start to grind into it. My legs fall to the sides inviting him in.

  His finger skims over my belly until it reaches my soaked folds. He rubs up and down before pressing two digits inside of me. My back arches at the sensations he is giving me.

  "You're ready," he says pulling his fingers out and sticking them in his mouth.

  I watch as he licks his fingers clean before positioning the tip at my entrance. My hips move on their own thrusting closer to him. Needing to feel him inside of me.

  Jordan's eyes lock on mine as he starts to feed his cock to me.

  A persistant beeping becomes louder in my ear. It's from somewhere by my head but I can't see it when I turn my neck. I look up at Jordan and gasp. He is fading before me. I snap my eyes open and pull my drenched fingers out of my panties.

  Grabbing my phone I notice the time and jump out of bed. I'm late for morning practice with the track team. Jordan is going to kill me.

  Chapter Five

  I collapse on the lush grass as my lungs heave trying to supply my body with oxygen it has been deprived of.

  "Brooklyn, you need to cool down or you're going to cramp up."

  Jordan is lucky I'm too tired or my middle finger would be the only thing his eyes would see.

  "I mean it get up and do your cool down."

  Jordan's tone is filled with anger, which is his new norm. Ever since he warned me away from Oscar or anyother male for that matter, Jordan has turned into a real asshole.

  Yeah, yeah, believe me cussing is ok in this instance.

  I'm grateful it's Friday and I have the weekend off from Jordan's tyranny. One more week and I'll be rid of him and his punishments. After my sex dream, I have been trying to avoid Jordan. It seems he didn't get the memo because he is more up in my life than he has ever been.

  Strong hands wrap around my waist pulling me off the ground and making me yip from shock.

  "Come on Brooklyn. Cool down or I'll have you doing more laps next week."

  I scowl at his perfectly sculpted face as I start walking slowly around the track. Jordan sets his pace next to me not s
aying a word.

  He's doing it on purpose. He knows I know and he doesn't care at all. Jordan has always been a tough coach. This was the first time he wasn't being a fair one. For four days, he has been running me ragged. By the time practice is over I barely have enough energy to shower before collapsing in bed.

  I cancelled on Oscar two nights in a row. Oscar was a sweetheart and brought me food to my room, leaving when he saw I couldn't even keep my eyes open. The third night I was determined to make my study date with Oscar. He was so excited when I met him at the library or he was excited until I ended up drooling on my book.

  Tomorrow we were going to go on a picnic. Oscar has been so understanding and I'm excited about our date tomorrow. Jordan has done an excellent job pushing me toward Oscar.

  "One more week and then you won't have any hold over me," I whisper to him too tired to yell.

  "I'll always have a hold over you," Jordan responds without missing a beat.

  "You're such an."

  "Ah don't let your words discredit this fine establishment."

  "Inconciderate meany head," I finish lamely.

  Jordan laughs so hard he stops walking and puts his hands on his knees to keep from falling over. I stop my foot and go and sit on the grass. Screw him and his cool downs.

  Jordan gets his laughter under control and comes to sit next to me. "Meany head."

  "I'm tired. You’ve been making me run all over. You do realize this is the last week before finals? My senior finals."

  Jordan's lips turn down as he sits down on the grass and pulls one of my legs on his thighs.

  "What are you doing?" I shriek trying to take my leg back but Jordan's hands are clamped tight around it.

  My head flops on the grass as his fingers start working my calf.

  "You're a smart girl. Well some of the time."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask my voice in a purr as he continues working my leg into jello.

  "You are a straight A student. I'm sure you don't even need to study. I was just trying to keep you busy so you wouldn't make any stupid decisions."


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