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Arrogant Coach : A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 3

by Cara Chance

  I yank my leg away and Jordan lets me, but only so he can grab my other and work into the knotted tissue.

  "Stupid decisions such as Oscar?"

  "See you catch on quick."

  "I like Oscar. He's nice to me and he hasn't pushed me to do anything."

  Jordan's hands stop in the middle of my calf and he applies pressure. I lift my head to look at him and his face is stony.

  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asks in a growl.

  "Well, not that's it any of your business, but I was supposed to study with him this whole week but thanks to your."

  "Inconciderate meany head ways," he adds.

  "Yes, I have fallen asleep every night and haven't been able to hang out with him. Unlike you he understands."

  "Brooklyn, I'm going to tell you this one more time. You will stay away from, Oscar. You will stay away from all the boys. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Ugh, you are like a big brother. Annoying and sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. Stay out out of my business."

  "Your business, is my business"

  "I don't need you to protect me Jordan. I'm a big girl."

  "Then act like it. You keep saying you're a big girl, and you're nineteen. But then you keep making these stupid decisions that I have to clean up."

  "It's just a date. A guy likes me. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

  "He doesn't like you. He's using you. And if you're too stupid to figure out what he is using you for I can spell it out for you."

  "You are such a jerk." I stand up and my legs cry from being removed from Jordan's warm hands of wonder.

  "Call me whatever you want. Just stay away from him. It will only end badly."

  "Don't tell me what to do," I stomp my calf thightening almost to the point of cramping. I shake it off refusing to let him know he was right about cooling down.

  "I'll tell you what to do until you stop making dumb choices."

  "Goodnight, Jordan." I say over my shoulder as I walk away.

  "Stay away from him or I promise you won't be able to sit for a week."

  I flip him off but I'm far enough away I'm not sure if he sees it or not.

  After my shower, I grab my phone and call Oscar. I'm exhausted from the extra exercise Jordan has made me do, but I'm so mad all I want to do is defy him. How could I have ever thought he was so handsome?

  My mind brings up hundreds of images of Jordan. Jordan bending over, Jordan smiling, Jordan rubbing my legs and the answer becomes clear.

  "Hey, Brooklyn. Are you calling to break my heart again?" Oscar says when he answers his phone.

  "Actually, no. I was hoping we could go out. It's the start of the weekend and I want to hang out before our date tomorrow."

  I hear Oscar get up and close his door. "Brooklyn, I made plans with the guys."

  My heart hammers in my chest and I curl under my blankets as tears I have been holding in fall on my pillow.

  "Oh, ok. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "No, I can cancel with them."

  "It's ok. I'm tired. I'll catch up on my sleep so I don't drool over you tomorrow on our date."

  Oscar laughs and it brings a small smile to my face. "I can't wait for tomorrow," he says quietly in the phone.

  "Me too."

  After we hang up I pull my blanket over my head and wallow. I'm not normally a crier, and I blame my tears on Jordan. He has me working so hard I can't think straight.

  I push Jordan out of my head and think of Oscar as my eyelids get heavy. One plus of running so much is I'm too tired to have any thoughts let alone naughty ones of Jordan before I drift off to sleep.

  "Where have you been?" Maryellen says when I open my room door and she burst through.

  "Jordan," I mutter as I continue digging through my closet for something to wear on my date with Oscar in a couple hours.

  "You're brother?"

  "Step brother and yes. He's been making me run extra laps because he's mad at me."

  "Why is he mad at you," Maryellen asks plopping on my bed as she watches me through another outfit on the floor.

  The thing about being an athlete is you never really have to worry about what to wear. Track shorts a sports bra and and tank is all I need. I spend more time picking out shoes than I do any other article of clothing I wear, and now I'm at a disadvantage.

  "Why's he mad at you?"

  "He has some weird thing where he thinks he has to protect me. He saw Oscar ask me out and is trying to keep me too tired to see him. Ugh, he makes me so mad."

  "He's just trying to protect you."

  I whirl around with a cute blue summer dress in my hands as I glare at her. "Do not stick up for him. I'm lucky enough that Oscar understands and we're going out on a date."

  Maryellen sucks in her bottom lip as she eyes me with a strange look on her face. "Maybe Jordan's right. I don't know if you're ready for a player like Oscar."

  The dress in my hands falls to the ground. I can't believe my best friend is siding with my super hot enemy.

  "He's not right. Oscar is a great guy."

  "Listen, Brooklyn."

  I stop her before she starts. "I need to get ready for my date. I'll see you tomorrow or something."

  Maryellen rolls her eyes and jumps off my bed. "Just be careful," she tells me before closing my door.

  What is wrong with everyone? Did Jordan hand out jello shots with, Stop Brooklyn from dating messages on them?

  Chapter Six

  "You look beautiful," Oscar whistles as I open my door.

  I feel a blush hit my cheeks as he surveys me from top to bottom. I ended up retrieving the blue dress from the floor and pairing it with black flats.

  Jordan's relentless running schedule has made my already tone legs even better looking and I make a note to thank him.

  "You look pretty good yourself," I say taking in Oscar's tight black shirt and shorts.

  "If I would have known how sexy you were going to get I would have opted out of the picnic and just stayed in."

  My stomach curdles at his intentions. Peter and I only went so far as a few awkward kisses. In fact, for a while I thought there was something wrong with me in the lust department. I was afraid my mom’s death had ruined my sex drive. That worry went away the day I met my step brother.

  As much as I liked Oscar being alone with him in my room was out of the question. Even though we had talked every day I still didn't have enough connection with him to kiss him let alone go any further with him. Maybe there was something wrong with me as it only seemed my step brother was capable of turning me on.

  "I don't want to waist a perfectly good picnic basket," I tell him pointing to the basket in his hands. Nervously, I walk out of my room and shut the door, letting him know we aren't going to be going in there.

  Oscar smiles as he puts his free arm over my shoulder. "Let's get this date started."

  Oscar takes me to an excluded area around the lake. I was surprised by the amount of privacy we had. He spreads out the blanket and takes everything out.

  "You've thought of everything," I say settling down on the other side of the blanket.

  "I tried," he says handing me a plate so I could load up on crusty bread, cheese, and fruits.

  "This is amazing," I tell him biting into a juicy grape.

  "You are amazing."

  The blush I had just gotten a handle on floods back to my cheeks.

  "So, what are your plans for after school?" Oscar asks putting the food away and moving closer to me.

  My heart starts beating faster and I pray he doesn't try and make a move on me.

  I'm fully aware of how pathetic I am.

  "I start college in upstate New York this fall."

  A zing hits my spine. I have wanted to escape to college ever since my mom died. It was my chance at independence and freedom. It was the reason I worked so hard here in school. I wasn't going to mess up my chances.

  "Nice, I'm headed to Texas. What are y
ou doing this summer?"

  His hand lands on my knee and my eyes automatically go to the place of contact. Nothing, absolutely diddly squat

  His hand was right where Jordan's rested a week ago, and I had to stop the urge to push his hand off so he didn't taint the spot with his.

  "I'm going to stay in New York with a friend until school starts."

  "I'll be at my parents in New York until school starts maybe we can hang out over the summer."

  He flashes me an adorable smile and I give him one back. Why can't I like a guy like Oscar? Why can't I transfer the forbidden feelings I have for my brother to this guy? Stupid life.

  "That would be nice." My phone starts ringing before we can continue our converstation. I frown and go to ignore it when I see it's Jordan.

  "Do you need to get that?"

  "No, it's my brother."

  "It's ok. I'll go put the basket in the car."

  "What?" I hiss when Oscar is out of sight.

  "Where are you?"

  "None of your business."

  "How many times do I have to tell you? You are my business."

  "Jordan cut the over protective brother act. It's getting old."

  "Brooklyn, get your ass to your room right now. If you don't text me a picture of you in your room in ten minutes you will regret it."

  "Fine," I snap ending the call before he can keep threatening me.

  "Is everything ok?"

  "No, there’s a family thing going on and I need to get back."

  Oscar's smile fades but he sets it right back. "You are the hardest girl to get on a date."

  I bite my lip as I stand and help him fold the blanket. "I'm sorry."

  Oscar leans in when we walk to each other to meet in the middle and kisses me on the lips. I freeze when his lips meet mine. Oscar doesn't seem to notice as he continues to apply pressure to my mouth to get it to open. When he realizes, he isn't getting anywhere he pulls away.

  "You're worth the hassle," he says as he grabs my hand and we walk to his car.

  I'm an awful person because I should tell him I'm not worth the hassle at all. The only man to give me tingles is my brother and that kiss from one of the hottest guys on campus just proved it. Why else would I be jumping at Jordan's command to get home?

  The next week Jordan ran me even harder than before. The other girls on the team begged me to quit, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Besides the sick part of me needed to be near him for as long as I had time.

  I also didn't want to miss the rare smile Jordan would give me when I would drop to my knees after my legs gave out from giving it my all. In my head, I knew his smile was because he had beaten me once again, but my stupid heart wanted to decipher it a different way. My heart wanted me to think he just wanted me away from Oscar, which was stupid. When my body was depleted, Jordan would pick me up and carry me to the grass where I would pant wildly as his long fingers worked my leg muscles. Only when my panting calmed down would he help me up and let me lean on him as I stumbled to my room.

  Jordan was right about one thing my finals weren't as brutal as I thought they were going to be. It is sad when rigourous testing is your time to relax and not when you are doing a sport you love. Oh, how life likes to make jokes.

  Oscar has been so understanding. He has met me for lunch everyday this week, and holds my hand to my next class giving me a chaste kiss. Everytime he walks away I want to smack myself. Here I am with a gentleman that in no way is pushing me for anything more and all I can do is close my eyes and wish the kiss would be over. I still feel the tingle everytime I think about dream Jordan's lips on mine. I’m afraid Oscar or anyone else will never live up.

  I stumble out of the classroom after finishing my last final. Because I'm a senior my finals end on Thursday. I have all day Friday to pack and chill before graduation on Saturday. After that I'm free. Maryellen's parents have an apartment in New York where we’re going to hang out until school starts. Oscar and I already have plans for the summer too.

  I can't wait to get out of here. I tried to talk Maryellen into leaving right after finals. My dad and stepmom already called and said they weren't going to be able to make my graduation. My dad had an important meeting or something. Maryellen talked me into staying. She said I would regret missing my graduation. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact her parents would be here Saturday.

  I'm at a crossroads on whether I want to fall face first into bed or celebrate. I dig for my phone in my bag thinking about calling Oscar, but then I get a better idea.

  Oscar and I live in the same building separate gender sides of course. Being nineteen and a senior I have free range of the place. After changing into a pair of super tight shorts and convincing myself my buttcheeks hanging out is ok, and a real bra instead of my normal sports bra and a lacey black tank-top I tip-toe in my black flats to Oscar's room.

  The music is blaring. I guess Oscar was done with finals too. Surprisingly I go unnoticed walking through the crowd of people in the mainroom celebrating the last week of school. I lift my arm to knock on Oscar's door but in a bold move I turn the knob and let myself in.

  It takes me a moment to fit together what I'm seeing. Maryellen's hands are on Oscar's chest and one of Oscar's hands is around her neck while the other is firmly planted on her ass. Their lips are pressed together. I let out a wheezing noise that has them breaking apart.

  "Brooklyn," they both yell out together.

  I don't stop I run out of the room and across campus as fast as I can. I thank Jordan for all the extra practice because there’s no way they can catch me. When I reach Jordan's room there are tears streaming down my face as I beat on his door.

  Chapter Seven

  "Brooklyn, baby. What's the matter?" he asks pulling me into his room and locking the door.

  I'm so upset I didn't register that he called me baby. I push my face into his hard pecs and sob holding onto him like he is the only thing keeping me on this earth.

  "Are you hurt? Who do I need to kill?"

  The anger in his voice snaps me out of my crying. I'm not even sure why I'm crying. It's not like Oscar was the one. I'm more upset with Maryellen's betrayal than his.

  I pull away from Jordan and give him a watery smile. "You were right." I say pulling in a deep breath and going to his couch.

  Jordan follows me and sits right next to me his hand massaging my neck. "Care to elaborate?"

  "I just caught Oscar and Maryellen making-out. I was just another girl to him." I sniffle when I think of my best friend kissing the guy she knew I was sort of dating.

  "What do you mean another girl to him?" Jordan's hand tightens on my neck bringing me toward him.

  I fall into his angry brown eyes. The eyes I’ve loved since seeing them for the first time. "I was sneaking around with Oscar behind your back. I don't know why I didn't listen to you."

  "Brooklyn what did you do with him?" Jordan presses his forehead to mine so there’s no escape.

  "We kissed, but nothing more."

  He lets out a growl and then his lips are on mine. I groan as I lift to my knees and press further into him. His kiss is rough and I take all he gives me. He taste's better than I imagined. This is exactly what I wanted. The sparks zinging through my body are only around with Jordan. He's the one that wakes me up inside.

  His teeth bite into my bottom lip and I groan at the sensation. My hands tangle in the hair at the back of his neck as I try to press into him wanting him.

  Jordan takes his mouth from mine and kisses my neck. As he peppers my collarbone with light nibbles he talks. His voice is so harsh the rumble has me close to the edge. "Nobody touches this body. It's mine do you hear me? I'm so angry that you let another man kiss you I want to spank your ass until it's red."

  I suck in a sharp breath from his words. Is this another dream?"

  "Say you understand," he says pulling away and touching his forhead to mine again.

  "I don't," I tell him. Jordan grabs me a
nd kisses me his tongue punishing mine as it marks every inch of my mouth.

  "You will forget every other pair of lips that has been on you. I own you. You are mine."

  "I don't understand," I pant as his fingers unhook my shorts.

  "What's there to understand. You were mine since the moment I met you. I was waiting until you graduated before I staked my claim, but I refuse to let any other man sniff around what's mine." His hands make quick work of my shorts throwing them behind him. "And you won't wear anything like this again unless it's for me." His large hands push up my shirt and I lift my arms up letting him strip my tank top and bra off in one quick motion.

  "But you are my brother," I pant as his hands land on my breasts.

  "I'm your step brother, and I don't give a fuck. You were built for me." He dips down and sucks a nipple in his mouth making me buck at the sensation. "I know you want me."

  As if to prove himself his fingers dip inside my wet folds showing him just how turned on I am. "You're so wet for me. I'm going to fuck you now, Brooklyn. If you don't want it tell me now because once I let my dick free there’s no stopping it from taking what's his."

  "Please," I wimper letting one leg fall off the couch so I'm fully open to him. "Jordan you're all I've ever wanted."

  "That's right baby." His thick finger penetrates me as he kisses up my stomach taking his time on my sensitive breasts. "So perfect," he murmurs on my lips before adding another finger.

  I cry out as an orgasm so intense starts to build up inside of me.

  "Not yet. I want to taste your come on my tongue," Jordan dips down and I become self-conscious when he’s face to face with my slick folds.

  I try to close my legs but he presses his palms to my thighs keeping them open. "What's the matter, baby?" He cuddles the inside of my thigh bringing my orgasm closer to the surface as his fingers continue to work their magic.

  "I've never done this before. I mean I dreamed of you going down on me, but…"

  Jordan's nostrils flare when I mention my dreams of him. "Shit. Now I have to taste you. You know how many times I've jerked off to you wishing you were out of this place?"


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