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KW- The Krinar's Obsession

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by Melody Dawn

  The Krinar’s Obsession

  A Krinar World Novella


  Melody Dawn

  The Krinar’s Obsession

  Copyright © 2018 Melody Dawn

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

  Formatting: Brenda Wright, Formatting Done Wright

  Cover Photo: DepositPhotos

  The Author of this Book has been granted permission by Anna Zaires and Dima Zales to use the copyrighted characters and the world of The Krinar Chronicles created by Anna Zaires and Dima Zales in this Book; all copyright protection to the characters and the worlds of Anna Zaires and Dima Zales are retained by Anna Zaires and Dima Zales.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  To my husband, you inspire me every day. There’s a part of you in every one of my heroes.

  To Anna Zaires, I want to thank you so much for this opportunity as well as your friendship.

  To Hettie Ivers, although you may not know it, your kindness and humor have been a lifeline during a very dark year.

  To Judy Unterberger and Rebecca Norman, y’all are my sisters by heart.

  To all the Krinar authors, I’m honored to be writing with you. Thank you for all the advice and support.


  “Sir, Commander Jakar requests your presence in his office immediately.”

  Claran, the young cadet, breathlessly delivered the summons, obviously excited to be an emissary for Jakar, head of the Krinar’s protection service also known as the Guardians.

  “Do you have a message for me to take back to the Commander?”

  “No, that’s not necessary. I can speak with Jakar once I’m there.”

  “Yes, sir. Will that be all, sir?”

  Claran’s crestfallen demeanor did not escape Ralen’s attention, and while he was amused at his excitement, he made sure to acknowledge his enthusiasm.

  “That will be all, Claran. Thank you for finding me before I left for the day. I’m glad we ran into each other. I commend you on the battle skills you exhibited during the drills today. You’ll be ready for full Guardian status in no time.”

  The young man practically glowed, hearing his praise. “Thank you, sir! Please let me know if you need me. I’m always available.”

  Ralen nodded, watching as Claran walked away, his head held high.

  Suddenly, he felt very tired. How long had it been since he was that excited about his job? Not that he didn’t love being a Guardian, it was his entire life, yet he couldn’t help feeling like something was missing.

  Realizing, he hadn’t moved since Claran stopped him, Ralen told himself to get it together. No way was he showing up late, Jakar would hand him his ass.

  Walking down the path toward the Commander’s office, Ralen wondered why he had been sent for. While it wasn’t out of the ordinary, he couldn’t think of anything important enough to call a formal meeting nor could he remember committing any serious infractions, which might warrant a formal reprimand.

  Unable to pinpoint the issue, he tried to put it out of his mind, yet, an uncomfortable feeling stayed with him, making him uncharacteristically nervous.

  Stop worrying. Most likely, Jakar wants to discuss the new recruits’ progress.

  Certain he had solved the mystery, Ralen put aside his questions and decided a trip to the men’s cleaning room was necessary. His uniform was dirty from today’s lesson in battle techniques, and he didn’t want to appear before the Commander with mud and grass stains on his clothing.

  Taking a quick detour, he entered the facilities, letting the smart room cleanse him and his uniform.

  A short time later, feeling refreshed, Ralen entered the foreroom outside the Commander’s office, surprised to see his best friend and fellow Guardian, Tarek, waiting there as well.

  The two men grasped each other’s shoulder in the traditional Krinar greeting.

  “It’s good to see you, my friend. I didn’t know you were back from Earth.”.

  “I arrived on the morning transport and received a summons to come here as soon as possible. Now, I know why. Which of our transgressions has us appearing before the commander?” Tarek asked with mock concern.

  “None at all. Most likely Jakar wants to give us a commendation for our exemplary behavior.”

  Both men laughed at Ralen’s cocky comment until Tarek grew silent, his brow wrinkled in confusion. “I wonder why it’s only the two of us.”

  Before either man could give an opinion, an opening formed in the wall across from them, revealing an imposing figure.

  Instantly, Ralen and Tarek straightened their shoulders and saluted, maintaining their stance until Jakar, the commander of the Guardians, waved his hand in an imperious gesture.

  “Men, thank you for coming. Follow me.”

  Turning back, Jakar stepped through the opening with Ralen and Tarek following behind him where they entered a traditional Krinar room, complete with floating boards and soft ambient light.

  “Take a seat, we have much to discuss. I’ve called you here today concerning a personal mission for Councilor Korum. Apparently, his charl, Mia Stalis, was inadvertently involved in the resistance on Earth and her family requires protection until the remaining fighters are captured.”

  A wall-sized image appeared as Jakar spoke. “The Stalis family lives in the state of Florida and consists of her father, mother, sister, and her sister’s husband otherwise known as Mia’s brother-in-law. Korum’s charl is worried her family may be targeted, particularly her sister, Marisa, who is pregnant. In my opinion, the Resistance would most likely see Marisa as the weak link and use it to their benefit.”

  Ralen and Tarek studied the family, nodding in agreement with Jakar’s assessment.

  Moving on, the Commander waved his hand, and the picture of the Stalis family was replaced with the image of a young beautiful woman of Chinese descent.

  Feeling as if he had been struck by lightning, an electrical current moved through Ralen’s body at an immeasurable speed causing him to jerk forward. A flash of heat swept over him with every cell going on alert, something he could have explained away until he realized with every heartbeat, the word “mine” reverberated through
his blood as if it were the very force keeping him alive.

  Gritting his teeth, he battled back his response, keeping his features stoic, while he waged an internal war with himself. He knew he had to appear unfazed, keeping his face blank and breathing regulated although his clenched fists were a dead giveaway of his true feelings had anyone cared to look.

  As if pulled by an invisible tether, Ralen leaned forward, committing every nuance of her features to memory. The girl in question had an athletic yet curvy body, golden skin he wanted to lick, and long black hair just the perfect length to wrap around his fist as he positioned her where he wanted her…on her knees as she took him in her mouth.

  His cock hardened and Ralen closed his eyes as he imagined the pleasure he could derive from this little human girl.

  “This is Jessie Lin, Mia Stalis’s roommate.” Jakar’s voice boomed, much louder than it needed to be causing Ralen’s eyes to snap open. “They are both students at New York University also known as NYU. The Councilor is extending his protection to Ms. Lin due to her relationship with Ms. Stalis. Though it is unlikely, the Resistance fighters still at large might think she could lead them to Korum and his charl.”

  Still lost in a haze of lust, Ralen missed the next words uttered by Jakar. It wasn’t until he called Ralen’s name while delivering his directive that he heard the most important fact of his mission.

  “Ralen, you will be going to New York City to guard Ms. Lin, and Tarek, you will be going to Florida to watch over the Stalis family.”

  Hearing he would be the one protecting Jessie Lin felt like a puzzle piece snapping perfectly into place as if the reason he was alive came down to this very moment.

  The reason he was alive?

  What the hell was wrong with him? Here he was, waxing poetically over a female during a mission briefing!

  Realizing he had compromised his duty because of his cock was the metaphorical cold shower he needed.

  Exercising the lethal control, he was known for, he relegated Jessie Lin to that of mission status and turned his full attention back to Jakar as he was wrapping up their meeting.

  “The two of you were chosen by me based on your past performance and merits. I don’t have to tell you how important it is you succeed at all costs. Councilor Korum expects nothing less than the best, as do I. Failure is not an option.”

  Ralen and Taren replied in unison, “It will be done.”

  The Commander motioned for both men to stand, Ralen quickly followed the order, ready to put the meeting and all it entailed behind him. His reaction was a blip, an unexplained anomaly, and one he had no intention of thinking on again outside the parameters of his mission.

  Jakar continued, “You must prepare immediately for your journey from Krina to Earth. There is a transport leaving at 19:00, and it’s imperative you’re on board. Once you reach your place of assignment, you may contact Korum virtually for further instructions.”

  Ralen was caught off guard upon hearing they were leaving that night. What other important information had he missed?

  He glanced at Tarek who was studying him with a strange look. Hopefully, his friend would fill him in on anything he had missed while his mind was taken over by Jessie Lin.

  Why did he have such a visceral reaction to her?

  Ralen had never been attracted to any human, always choosing to go for the tall, beautiful Krinar women of which there was no shortage. This was a temporary loss of sanity; that’s all it could be.

  Once I see her for myself, I’ll realize she is nothing special.

  Realizing he was once again fixating on her, Ralen wanted to kick his own ass. He was a Guardian protector for the most advanced race of people, and no one, not even a gorgeous woman, was going to screw it up for him.

  Finally, the Guardians were given their leave, much to Ralen’s relief until Jakar turned to them with a strange light in his eyes. “There is one stipulation to this mission. You must have as little contact with your subjects as possible. Do not interfere with their daily lives unless they are in grave danger. Am I understood? Should you break this rule, there will be severe permanent repercussions.”

  Jakar’s edict had Ralen clenching his fists. He wanted to shout that Jessie Lin would be his and he would have as much contact with her as he desired. Instead of committing career suicide, Ralen gritted his teeth and nodded his acquiescence. It was in that moment, he knew he was fucked. No matter, he had just told himself she was nothing special. One command and he was ready to throw away his career. He might as well turn in his Guardian uniform right now.

  Finally, Ralen and Tarek were dismissed, and the two Guardians walked back to their barracks in silence, each thinking of their upcoming mission.

  No longer able to keep quiet, Tarek gazed at his friend with curiosity. “You seemed to be angry about having to protect the human girl, Jessie.”

  Ralen’s entire body jerked in response upon hearing his friend speak her name.

  He responded harshly, “The human has nothing to do with it. If anything, I was annoyed you get to go to warm sunny Florida while I must be subjected to New York City, a crowded, dirty cesspool. The behavior of humans toward their planet disgusts me, especially in New York.”

  Tarek’s eyebrow lifted at his friend’s impassioned speech.

  “Of course, I understand your feelings although for a moment I thought you were reacting to your charge’s beauty. I admit I have never been with a human, but with one look at Jessie Lin, I could be persuaded quite easily.”

  Ralen felt his blood simmer to a boil and without thinking he turned and grabbed Tarek by his collar. “You will have nothing to do with her; she is mine.”

  Hearing his own pronouncement, Ralen felt himself go into a state of shock. He swiftly let go of Tarek while trying to think of something to say; anything that could redeem his actions and words. Unfortunately, the damage was done; his words could not be unsaid, nor could his actions be taken back.

  Trying to calm himself, he pressed his palm to his forehead, willing himself to return to a calm state of being.

  Tarek straightened his uniform, looking completely unaffected by the assault. He placed his hand on Ralen’s shoulder and spoke in a low voice.

  “Be careful of your actions with the human girl. Do not overstep your bounds in this mission.”

  Seeing Ralen beginning to protest, Tarek shook his head firmly. “No, Ralen! Do not try to feed me a load of bullshit. I saw your reaction to her, and you can rest assured Commander Jakar saw it as well. He said minimal contact; do not risk your career over her.”

  Knowing Tarek was right, Ralen had no comeback. He simply nodded his head, said goodbye, and took off to his barracks hoping no one would stop him before he reached the peace of his rooms.


  Having such little time, Ralen hurried to take care of his personal matters on Krina, not knowing how long he would be gone on this mission.

  He paid a visit to his parents, letting them know he would be away and handed over his Guardian training duties to Kason with the warning, “Don’t screw up my men.”

  Keeping an eye on the clock, Ralen headed back to his barracks to pack. While he normally wore Krinar clothing, he needed to blend in on Earth. With that in mind, he packed the few items of clothing suitable for the twenty-first century. Anything else he might need in New York, he could create with his small fabricator or simply buy it.

  Having finished all his preparations, he had one more person to see before he departed.

  As Ralen approached her house, his distress from the meeting with Commander Jakar melted away. He and Nika enjoyed a casual sexual relationship when together on Krina. When he was sent elsewhere on missions, it was understood they could enjoy others without guilt. They had no emotional ties to each other besides being good friends who had a lot of sex, something he was hoping to take advantage of before boarding the transport to Earth.

  Walking down the path to her home, Ralen found Nika kneeling gracefu
lly in the midst of a beautiful garden full of flowers indigenous to Krina. He took a moment to admire her curves…long legs so often wrapped around his hips in ecstasy, beautiful breasts he couldn’t keep his hands or mouth away from, and full lips known to take him to paradise.

  His cock reacted, making him almost lightheaded with relief. “This is what I want, not some human girl who probably couldn’t take him, much less keep his interest.”


  Nika came toward him smiling widely.

  The lovers greeted each other in the Krinar fashion followed by Nika winding her arms around his waist and pressing her body close to his.

  “I’m so glad to see you.”

  Rather than answer, he dropped his mouth to hers in a hot kiss, needing to feel the usual passion between them, anything to drive away his earlier reaction to Jessie Lin.

  Ralen plunged his tongue into Nika’s mouth, her familiar taste soothing him. Intent on proving a point to himself, he anchored her to him, one hand on her gorgeous ass and the other cupping the back of her head.

  Sexy moans escaped as Nika kissed him back, grinding against his dick, a very nice sensation…




  Well, so much for goodbye sex or drive the human from his mind fucking.

  With regret, Ralen gentled their kiss, slowly pulling away.

  Nika examined him with knowing eyes, but stayed silent, waiting for him to speak.

  Still feeling off-kilter, he went with the easiest explanation. “I’m leaving shortly for a Guardian mission on Earth.”

  “Then I wish you a good journey and a safe mission.”

  Ignoring the sudden awkwardness between them, Nika again pressed herself to Ralen’s hard body. “Why don’t you come in and say goodbye?”

  “I’m sorry, Nika. I can’t. The transport leaves soon.”

  Ralen needed to go. While he and Nika had no claim on each other, he didn’t want to hurt her, nor could he be with her while thinking of a human girl he’d only seen once in a picture.


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