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Love's Dangerous Territory

Page 16

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  “Promise,” Wolf replied.

  Lando and Wolf conversed for the rest of the day and well into the night. It was very late when Lando finally climbed wearily into bed beside Christy and pulled her to himself snugly, wanting to feel her close. She had not been asleep, but waiting for him. She clung to him, sobbing. When they lay tucked together, Christy clutched his arms tightly around her. Her face buried into his chest, and he felt her quiver. Tenderly, he captured her face with his large, warm hand and pressed her to his hard chest.

  “Come back to me, please. I need to be with you,” Christy begged.

  “Sweetheart, if something happens to me...” Lando held her closer, feeling her body tremble in great trepidation from his words. She needed to know. “If I don't make it back I have given instructions to Wolf. He will make sure you arrive at a safe place. He will make sure no one knows you ever knew me or that you even exist, if he has to.”

  “I don't want to live without you, I love you so much,” Christy cried.

  “I love you, too,” Lando declared.

  Lando bowed his face into Christy's; he pressed his cheek onto her own, noses touching. He knew he loved her. He knew the foreign feeling in his gut was love. He had never known love before, that was why he was having trouble understanding the emotion. Lando had never in his entire life had another being love him, not a human, not a dog, nor a cat, not even a goldfish or gerbil to care for. He had also never in his life thought there would be anyone he would die for, until now. Lando knew in his heart he would come back to her or die trying. He also knew with deep resolve he would take anyone out who got in his way, promises be damned.

  Gently he cupped her chin, lifting her saddened, but soft, yearning, hopeful eyes, to search them thoroughly. He loved her. Christy's eyes closed as his mouth descended upon her own, their tongues entwining in a passionate dance. He kissed her shoulders, her neck, roaming lower, until his tongue licked at her hardened nipples, drawing one deeply within his mouth, taking as much of her in as he could.

  Carefully, Lando turned her in his arms, placing her atop himself. Christy's head fell back as she helped guide him into her heat. He hardened further, feeling engorged. She felt so fiery hot, so velvety soft and slick with moisture. He burned for her to take him inside.

  Lando groaned deep within his throat. She was so wet, so incredibly tight, but she accepted his entire length. He encircled her tiny waist with his powerful arm, drawing her down, down, as he moved within deeper. He raised up, then lowered, raised, then lowered, her body eagerly following, allowing him the control he demanded. He was on a wild ride, the most amazing, exhilarating ride of his life, and he would be her safety net. His hands closed to almost span her tiny waist as his thrusting continued.

  “Tell me, Christy,” he demanded.

  She didn't hesitate. “I love you, Lando, I love you!”

  He locked his arm around her middle, his other grasped high on her back, and in one gentle fluid motion he turned them both effortlessly, tucking her beneath him. Her legs tightened around him, capturing him. His body encompassed her own, becoming her very own security blanket of warmth and love. He realized then she wasn't just his, he was hers. The hard thrusts ceased slowly as they both found release. Their hearts beat as one as they closed heavy eyes. Both drifted happily with joined thoughts.

  So, this is love...

  Christy sobbed softly while standing at the bay window. Lando had left early. It was a tearful goodbye while Christy clung to him, not wanting to let go. Both were feeling a deep pain, and Lando had to disengage her small arms from him. She was trying not to plead with him to stay. But her eyes had spoken volumes. For one brief moment she knew Lando had almost relented and taken her with him. But then realization triumphed, and he once more insisted to her she would be safer here. No one knew of her existence out here. Staying away from her would keep her alive. Lando wanted more than anything for her to live.

  Christy could sense Wolf's close proximity. She knew he was watching her intently. She understood the moment of truth was now upon them. She was completely vulnerable; he could do what he wished with her and she was too defenseless to stop an assault. She would soon find out if he had been lying to both her and Lando. With resolve, she turned and faced him. Hopefully, if he meant to cause her demise he would not end her life the way she imagined Rick had wanted to.

  Wolf was only a foot away from her. Christy raised frightened eyes to look into his face. Again, he wore no expression. His eyes appeared devoid of emotion. She moved closer, seeking his intent, not wanting to delay the inevitable if he sought to harm her. She would not cower or beg this time. She realized if Wolf were to kill her, Lando was walking into a deathtrap.

  Wolf was gazing at her, thoughtfully studying her slightly shaking body; she clasped her hands together tightly while trying to calm her thundering heartbeat. She could not stop her chin from quivering. She was waiting for him to make the first move. To Christy's great surprise Wolf grinned...wolfishly.

  “I keep my promises, kitten,” he casually mentioned.

  Christy released the breath she had been holding. She thought she might fall to the ground in relief. Wolf casually walked away from her, entering the kitchen. It was not long before he was pulling things from the refrigerator and clanging pots together. Shortly, Christy detected the scent of sausages. She was soon seated at the kitchen table, where a plate of toast, a soft boiled egg, and two sausages were placed before her. Christy looked at the food thoughtfully. She was surprised when Wolf put a mug of hot chocolate in front of her. She detected the unmistakable scent of Kahlua wafting from it.

  When Christy still sat, not touching her food Wolf picked up her toast and took a healthy bite from it. So surprised, Christy almost grabbed it from him.

  “It's not poisoned, kitten,” Wolf casually mentioned and placed her food back on her plate.

  Grimacing, Christy had never even thought of that. “It's not that,” she said.

  “What then?” Wolf asked curiously around a large mouthful of food.

  “Both you and Lando seem so comfortable in the kitchen,” Christy said while blushing. She picked up the toast, dipped it in her egg, and took a cautious bite.

  “Even assassins need to eat, kitten,” Wolf replied, munching noisily on his own food.

  “Why do you call me kitten?” Christy asked curiously, taking another small bite.

  “In case we need to change your name, I won't slip and call you by your real name.”

  That made sense, she thought. Now she understood why he referred to himself as Wolf; the name definitely suited him.

  Christy ate slowly, missing Lando. He had told her to eat. Lando had told her if she loved him she would try to stay healthy for him. She loved him. When she finished what she could, she did up the dishes and hesitantly approached Wolf. He seemed in deep concentration as he inspected his arsenal of weapons. Christy shuddered softly. Why on earth would anyone carry around a hand grenade?

  “I need to soak in the bathtub. It helps with my aching. Lando ran out of Tylenol long ago and there isn't anything here I can use. He was too concerned to make a stop at a pharmacy,” Christy muttered to him. She fidgeted about, agitated. She didn't mention to him that Lando did not want to stop at the pharmacy because he was too fearful to repeat what had happened at the grocery store, not wanting it to occur again.

  Wolf gave her an assessing look, nodding. She was well aware he had seen the bruises. “Don't lock the door, and make sure you have a change of clothes right beside the tub. If I need to pull you out of there in a hurry I don't want to be carting you around nude. A naked woman would definitely draw attention.”

  Christy's eyebrows rose. She had absolutely no intension of ever being nude around him. She spun on her heels and headed for the bathroom, locking the door soundly behind her.

  “Don't lock it!” she heard Wolf bellow loudly. Her hair rose on end. Good God, he even howled like a wolf!

  Remembering her promise to
Lando, Christy slowly unlocked the door. As she sank gratefully into the hot water, she gave in to her hot tears and sobbed softly. She pulled her hands up over her eyes, trying to envision a safe place as Lando had taught her.

  “Lando?” she whimpered. She realized the safest place would be within his arms.

  Soon, sweetheart, I will be with you soon, she thought she heard a voice reply inside her head. Feeling comforted, Christy closed her eyes and settled back. She trusted him. Lando always kept his word. He would return to her and she would feel safe once more. They would begin new lives together and she would be happy forever. She allowed the soothing warmth of the water to envelope her tired, aching body and, closing her eyes, soon succumbed to her weariness.

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  * * *

  Chapter Sixteen

  * * * *

  Christy screamed, terrified, as she was picked up out of the tub. She struggled in Wolf's strong embrace for only a short time. Her body still remained too battered to offer up any real resistance. Wolf strode purposely with her to the bedroom. Christy whimpered, fearful of his intent. Images of Rick's enraged, contorted face flashed before her eyes. Wolf was as big as he had been, perhaps even bigger. The damage he could inflict upon her would be astronomical. Certainly Lando would not be coming to save her this time.

  Christy smothered another cry into Wolf's shoulder. She sobbed softly, refusing to again beg another's mercy when she knew none would be forthcoming. Wolf placed her onto the bed, not ungently, and wrapped the top comforter around her sodden form. Leaving her there, he strode off. Christy pulled the blanket more snugly around her, shaking violently.

  Wolf returned shortly. His face was no longer impassive; he was very clearly angry. Christy shrank away from him fearfully when he approached her. She again stifled terrified cries, one fist lodged against her mouth, waiting for him to do his worst, while her other hand splayed before her in a pleading gesture.

  Tears dripped steadily down her pale cheeks. She became confused when all he did was dump her clothes beside her. He then towered above her, his huge fisted hands balled like sledgehammers.

  “I understand you are injured. But if you are tired, sleep in the bed, not in a bathtub full of water. If you drown yourself, I don't get paid,” Wolf snapped menacingly. He then stormed from the room, slamming the door so hard behind him it cracked the hinges.

  Christy stared at the closed door open-mouthed. Slowly she dressed herself, her tears still falling steadily, but surprisingly after Wolf's tirade she felt somehow calmer. She realized he did not mean her any harm. He would not beat or assault her. Still, an angry Wolf was a very frightening Wolf. Absently she wondered what Lando was paying him. Giving her head a shake and climbing back under the covers, not wanting to face Wolf as of yet, she realized it must be a great deal of money. It was a good thing she was wealthy; they might just need it before Lando returned.

  “I'm sorry, Wolf,” Christy said apologetically.

  She stood before him in the living room with her head bowed in deference, her shoulders curled in and her arms hanging limply by her sides. She had napped well into the evening. Wolf knew she would emerge sooner or later; she would have to eat eventually. Though it had given him a great deal of time to reorganize his weapons and clean his gun, he was hopeful he wouldn't have to use it.

  Wolf studied her thoughtfully. He knew she had been terrified when he had lifted her from the tub. He had heard her pitiful whimpers as she pressed her face into his shoulder, trying not to make a sound. He knew what she thought he had intended to do to her, yet she never once begged for his mercy. She assumed, like the other man, he had none.

  Wolf had wondered why Christy had not emerged from the bath. She had been in there quite some time. He had crept in cautiously, not wanting to frighten her. He had gazed upon part of her nude form, more critically assessing her bruises from a short distance, assuming she was just resting her eyes.

  Wolf had listened while Lando had angrily explained what the man Rick had done to her. Wolf had been furious when he ventured closer and had looked into the bathtub and found Christy almost submerged, the water dangerously high upon her chin, her entire body covered. She was not resting her eyes; her even breathing told him she was sound asleep. In her weakened state she might have slipped beneath the water and have been too exhausted to pull herself up. He had promised to keep her safe. Wolf always kept his promises.

  “Don't do it again,” Wolf threatened.

  “I won't,” Christy agreed immediately.

  Wolf smirked as her eyes skipped to his heavy arsenal. With practiced ease, he hefted the hand grenade and turned it in his hands. “Go put your running shoes on. You need to be wearing them at all times as well while we're here.” He tossed the grenade into the air and captured it once more. Christy scurried away to her bedroom. Wolf watched her retreat smugly. He placed the grenade beside him.

  Christy peeked out her bedroom door. Once more she had been too fearful to emerge. Her tummy rumbled angrily, as it had been doing for some time now. She realized she could hide no longer. She could see from her position Wolf still remained on the couch. Thankfully, he had packed away his weapons.

  Once again Christy crept before him. “I'm hungry,” she muttered. She cast a hopeful glance in his direction.

  She could see him summing her up; for a brief moment he looked amused. “Lando mentioned you couldn't cook. Too rich to learn?” he asked. Christy turned crimson. She was annoyed Lando had shared part of her childhood with this man.

  Wolf arose easily, his body moving in one fluid motion. He went to the kitchen and pulled the steaks he had marinating from the fridge. As he sauntered away, Christy marveled again that two such powerful men could move without making a sound. Lando had emerged before her suddenly more than once, displaying his eerie prowess. She now watched as Wolf moved about the kitchen. Christy noted the barbecue had already been started. She moved casually into the kitchen, wondering if he wanted her help.

  “You can set the table,” Wolf told her.

  Christy looked at him, surprised; she hadn't even offered to help. Could he read minds?

  Wolf gave her a calculating glance.

  “Lando mentioned you were exceptionally good at placating,” Wolf said, and winked.

  If Christy hadn't known better she would have thought he was teasing her. Did assassins tease? Christy pulled china plates from a hutch and cutlery from one of the drawers. She added to the table ceramic mugs and removed sour cream and butter from the fridge. She watched as Wolf set a steaming bowl of asparagus in front of her. The T-bone was medium rare and tender, with a small baked potato on the side. Wolf replaced the ceramic mugs with wine goblets and poured Christy half a glass of white wine, then did the same for himself.

  Christy ate slowly. The food was wonderful. However, after a few mouthfuls her tummy surprisingly protested. Scowling, Christy sipped at her wine. After a few sips she was again hungry. After a few more mouthfuls her tummy, for a second time, grumbled as if annoyed.

  Once again Christy sipped at her wine. Wolf was watching her.

  “You seem agitated about something. Are you still frightened of me, kitten?” Wolf asked casually. After his angry tirade this afternoon she supposed she should be.

  “No,” Christy declared, and both of them were surprised she meant it.

  “You haven't eaten much,” Wolf said, stating the obvious.

  “It tastes very good, and then it doesn't. I guess I just miss Lando,” Christy said, and sighed. She put her fork down and gave a soft smile as Wolf enthusiastically polished off the rest of her meal. When he finished he went to the cupboard and returned, offering her two crackers. Christy took them and nibbled on them slowly. Once finished, she told Wolf she was tired and headed for the bedroom. She was not in the mood to engage in any conversation.

  She cried herself to sleep.

  Once again Christy woke, terrified as a large hand was placed securely over her mouth and a
strong body pinned her to the bed easily, though not painfully. Christy whimpered up into Wolf's face, wondering what was happening.

  “No noise,” Wolf cautioned with a soft breath. Christy stilled instantly, becoming docile and complacent. Her body quieted submissively under his. The moonlight bathed his intense features. Christy knew something was wrong.

  “We are leaving,” Wolf informed her. His mouth was pressed to her ear. “When I get up, you will make no sound and come with me.” Christy nodded her compliance.

  Wolf released her mouth and pulled her quietly from the bed. He locked a powerful arm around her midriff and practically carried her through the cabin, their shadows casting flickers across wooden paneling from the dying firelight. Christy remained completely silent. She heard the movements of ground crunching outside the cabin, though beyond the windows everything was black. They were not alone. Wolf exited the darkened back door carefully.

  “Freeze! This is the police!” a hard voice shouted. A brilliant floodlight flashed into Christy's face and her hands flew up protectively, covering her eyes while she cringed against Wolf. She knew there was about to be big trouble.

  Instead of standing still, Wolf moved more swiftly. He gripped Christy firmly to himself, leaped from the porch, and landed amidst the foliage. He was up and running swiftly in moments, taking her with him into the darkness. He was counting on the fact they thought Christy to be his hostage, and that they wouldn't risk shooting. He was right, they didn't. A command was yelled to hold their fire lest the girl be killed. Wolf had planned on leaving at first light. Lando had informed him with embarrassment he had gotten sloppy and to beware.

  If a description had been given, Wolf was certain he would match Lando's. Both were big, dark-haired, and dark-eyed. Wolf was relieved it was just the police he was dealing with. He stealthily wove his way quietly amidst the trees, escaping detection. He outmaneuvered their lights with ease. His grip on Christy was brutal as he clasped her closely to him, not wanting to risk losing her in the pitch blackness. Christy began whimpering softly.


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