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Love's Dangerous Territory

Page 17

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  “Silence!” Wolf snapped into her ear angrily.

  “I ache, you're hurting my ribs,” she whimpered back softly. Her body shook with great spasms. Wolf swore softly at her quiet sob.

  He placed her onto the ground behind a large tree. “Stay!” he commanded gruffly, then slipped into the forest silently, leaving her alone.

  Christy huddled tightly against the base of the tree, her arms wrapped protectively around her chest. She sobbed with concern; Wolf had left her all alone, was he abandoning her? She couldn't help the fact she hurt. But he had promised he would take care of her, he wouldn't leave her to the police. Lando would be in so much danger.

  She remained unmoving for a few moments filled with mounting apprehension, then watched, horrified, as suddenly all hell broke loose. Suddenly cars were exploding and men were running, screaming for their lives. Another explosion sounded near the cabin, felling a massive tree. Christy remained transfixed as brilliant lights repeatedly lit up the sky like fireworks. It became very apparent to her Wolf did not carry just one hand grenade. He was putting his arsenal of weapons and knowledge to good use, and Christy became all too aware Wolf was indeed an assassin.

  She covered her ears, horrified while names were desperately yelled as the police sought their partners through the fiasco. Sometimes only ragged screams replied, calling for help. Worse was when there was no response. It was then Christy realized how silence could be deafening.

  She sobbed brokenly, horror-stricken, knowing she was responsible for any deaths that might now be occurring. She could not take the pain. She clasped her hands tightly to her ears, but the explosions continued, and the screaming increased. Lando had not told her innocent people might be harmed to save her life. She began to stumble from behind the tree and found herself caught up in Wolf's powerful embrace.

  “I said stay!” Wolf snapped as he grabbed her up off the ground, angrily throwing her over his shoulder. “I do not like being disobeyed!”

  “Don't hurt them, Wolf, please,” Christy begged. “It's my fault, my fault,” she sobbed over and over as Wolf threw her into a nearby vehicle and sped away.

  The car bounced over the rough terrain, then spit gravel as it entered the other roadway. She heard the battering of voices from a radio and realized Wolf must have stolen an unmarked police car. Christy huddled in the far corner against the door, knowing she had angered him. She sensed there would be repercussions and she was once more fearful of him.

  They drove at a fast pace for a long while, changing direction at intervals and various time periods. After what seemed a quarter of an hour, Wolf snapped off the radio and slowed the car. When he finally stopped the vehicle, Christy tried to shy back, but he grabbed a fistful of her shirt. Viciously he yanked her to him, his face only inches from her own. The night was dark but the shining moon and starlight bathed his thunderous expression.

  “You disobeyed me,” he ferociously yelled.

  “It would have been my fault if you killed them.” Christy cringed from his intense rage. She cried, now fearful of his intent. She tried to pull at his wrist to dislodge his hand, but it was useless.

  “It would have been your fault if you had gotten killed. Death is death. They wouldn't have asked who you were before they shot you in the darkness. They wouldn't have waited to see if you were an innocent, with bombs exploding all around them and officers screaming. If you don't want my help then get the hell out of the car,” Wolf snarled. He thrust Christy physically from him. She hit the car door with a bang, crying out.

  Christy's body shuddered. She rubbed at her now aching shoulder. She wanted to live, but not at another's expense. Bowing her head, chest heaving, and whimpering softly, she slowly opened the car door, preparing to climb out into the dark, frightening night, alone once again. She would hide somewhere. She would go find Lando, she would... Wolf grabbed her by the arm, forcefully pulling her back into the vehicle. He leaned beyond her, slamming her door closed. Wolf ran a frustrated hand over his face.

  “So let me get this straight,” Wolf began raggedly. “You want to die?”

  “No, I don't want to be the cause of someone else's suffering. I have been on the receiving end of suffering. A great deal, in fact. I won't be the cause of another's distress,” Christy said with quiet conviction. Her tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

  Wolf had been glaring furiously at her. Now his eyebrows were raised incredulously. Her body shook with tremendous spasms, her teeth chattered in fear. She wondered what he would do. But he needed to know she meant what she said. Her eyes brimmed with the emotion she was feeling. No one would suffer because of her. She would not be the cause of cruelty. She may cower and be afraid, but she would not relent. If he was going to save her he would have to obey her terms or she would forfeit her life for the sake of another.

  “Damn you, Lando!” Wolf howled, slamming his hand against the dashboard viciously. Fine! He would protect her, but when this was over Lando was going to pay in interest! He was going to owe him more than just money; he was going to owe him in blood. The returned favor of saving a life would be honored by him, by God. If Wolf ever needed a protective place for someone he loved, Lando was going to honor it.

  Once more snarling in anger, Wolf drove the car at a slower pace. He again snapped on the radio to listen to the whereabouts of other police cruisers. Christy remained huddled in the corner, sobbing softly. Though fearful, she would remain true to her word. Grudgingly, Wolf respected her tenacity. He should have realized even kittens have claws. This little kitten's were embedded in compassion and humanity.

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  * * *

  Chapter Seventeen

  * * * *

  Christy woke when Wolf picked her up into his arms and headed for a soft light. They had driven for hours and hours, only stopping for gas. She could hear the quiet sounds of the city in the distance. A cat howled, a can of garbage crashed, a woman yelled obscenities at someone.

  Christy was exhausted, emotionally as well as physically. Wolf had not even allowed her to tend to personal needs alone. He had remained inside the restroom with her, only keeping his back turned, or he stopped on the side of the road when a dark place presented itself. By then Christy was too tired to do more than sob softly with embarrassment.

  Wolf had acquired three different cars in less than three hours. Christy offered a protest at the first one, yet Wolf swore he had injured no one. After awhile she was too tired to question him further.

  He seemed to be heading to a particular place. When Christy had questioned him, he remained silent, offering up no explanation. In fact, for most of their trip he had ignored her completely.

  “Wolf, please,” Christy pleaded softly. Her weariness overwhelmed her and she was done in. She was so tired she was ready to beg him to end her misery. Her poor body throbbed everywhere. She was too tired to lift her arms to hang onto him; they hung dangling limply from her side, her head resting on his shoulder.

  “Hang in there. I'll put you to bed,” Wolf promised.

  Wolf entered the small home. It was empty; he had already been through it. He had left her for a few brief moments, and Christy was beyond relieved at his return. He took Christy into a small bedroom and placed her on the bed. He carefully removed her shoes and socks and shifted her under the covers.

  “Lando,” she whimpered pitifully.

  “Say Wolf!” Wolf suddenly yelled into her face, grabbing cruelly at her hair.

  “Wolf, Wolf!” Christy cried out, clutching at his powerful grip, terrified. He was snarling at her angrily. She could feel his hot breath, his ferocious glare only inches from her.

  “It is too dangerous for you to call out his name. Do you understand me?” Wolf said, giving her head another sound shake.

  “Yes, Wolf, please, Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, please,” Christy cried out until he loosened his vicious grip, satisfied. His angry expression eased somewhat and he sauntered over to a nearby chair. He dropped heavily i
nto it as though he, too, were weary to the bone.

  Christy turned from him, sobbing softly, pulling herself into a tight ball, and shoving her fist against her mouth. She soon succumbed to her exhaustion. She knew the dreams would come again and she was terrified of calling out to Lando.

  During the night, Christy wept in her sleep. Her saddened voice called to Wolf instead of who she really needed. To his credit, Wolf came when she called, wanting her to continue to cry out for him instead. He knew if he did not heed her cries she would once again cry out for Lando.

  They were on shaky ground. When he had made his last phone call he realized he had some damage control to do. Things were heating up. Lando had really stirred up trouble when he had resurfaced. Once more the police were looking for Lando's ex-boss. Lines were being drawn and he did not want to be found suddenly behind the wrong lines. Angrily, he wondered if his informant could even be trusted.

  “Wolf,” Christy again whimpered. Running a ragged hand across his tired brow, Wolf rose to his feet and went to her again. This time he gave in to his own weariness. Instead of comforting her, then heading back to his chair, he pulled her into his arms and slept, holding her close. Thankfully, he noticed this worked better. When she shifted, all it took was a quiet, ‘Shh,’ and she once more calmed. Perhaps he would be able to attain some well deserved sleep tonight. He had not been assured this was a safe house, but it would do for a few hours until he could rest. He had been informed his whereabouts were being sought by another very interested party. A party he needed to avoid. They needed to be off at first light; Wolf would then acquire another car in the morning. He had been told one was already waiting, he hoped, at a secure drop-off point.

  Christy woke to raised voices. She resisted the urge to cry for Lando, instinctively knowing the result would be disastrous. Instead, she crept from the small room, heading in the direction of Wolf's strong voice. Emerging from the room, Christy stopped dead in her tracks.

  All three men turned to look at her. Standing to the side of Wolf were two men. One tall, lanky and blond; the other shorter, dark-haired man had an incredibly stocky build. You could land a plane on that man's chest, Christy thought incredulously.

  “Kitten,” Wolf demanded sharply. Knowing that tone of voice, Christy went to him immediately. She buried her face against his chest, her fingers gripping his shirt. To her surprise, Wolf clutched her possessively to himself.

  “Do as I say,” Wolf commanded softly and directly into her ear, when he leaned down to her, appearing to offer reassurance for the benefit of the other men.

  Christy shuddered, knowing they were in grave danger. She pulled herself against him closer still. Wolf tilted her head and kissed her mouth thoroughly. Christy did not respond, yet she knew better than to struggle or push at him. When Wolf broke contact, he once more secured her head against his chest. Christy could hear his heart pounding. She resisted the urge to pull away and run.

  “Well, lookit what Wolf's got,” the blond man drawled. “You gonna share your new toy?”

  Faster than Christy had ever seen anyone move, the blond man was slammed into a wall. Wolf's forearm lodged under the man's chin and he was lifted up off the ground. This time Christy did cry out, though her feet remained rooted to the floor. She had never seen such an enraged expression on Wolf's face.

  “I don't share what's mine,” Wolf snarled threateningly. He released the man, who slumped, grabbing at his throat, choking. Wolf then took Christy by the arm and once more pulled her to him possessively.

  “Well hell, Wolf, I was just playing,” the blond man declared when he regained his voice.

  “I don't play nice,” Wolf said, glaring at the man. His dark eyes fastened on the blond man dangerously.

  Christy watched the exchange. Obviously Wolf was familiar with these two men, and he seemed very worried. Although he once more wore the impassive face that so unnerved Christy, she could still feel his heart pounding. Nothing else gave any indication he was agitated.

  “We need to get moving,” said the dark-haired man.

  Christy saw his eyes flash to her, assessing her, having witnessed the exchange between the other two men. He seemed to be summing up Wolf's possessiveness towards her. His cunning eyes trailed over her bruises coyly, making her squirm with trepidation. She eyed him back fearfully.

  “He's right, Mitch,” the dark-haired man finally commented. “The great Wolf doesn't share and he doesn't play nice. The great Wolf stalks his prey quickly without any preamble,” he began in a mocking tone. “Just where did you acquire this female? Never knew you to beat a woman before.”

  “I didn't beat her. And it's none of your damned business where she came from,” Wolf ground out angrily between clenched teeth.

  Christy shrank back against Wolf as the two men glared at one another. Only a moment passed before the dark-haired man drew a deep intake of breath, as though calming his anger. Christy knew immediately Wolf had won this round.

  “Put the girl somewhere,” the dark-haired man commanded. “It's time to leave.”

  Wolf looked down at Christy and she could see his hesitation. She could see the flicker of realization come to his mind. There really was no other choice, he had promised. She was his responsibility until Lando died or came to collect her.

  “The girl comes with me,” Wolf declared as though in challenge. Once more he locked eyes on the dark-haired man. Christy felt his hand tighten with possessiveness; she, in turn, clutched him harder to herself.

  “The boss won't like it,” the blond-haired man declared.

  “Your boss won't like it,” Wolf said in emphasis, as if in reminder. Christy remembered Lando had expressed she was safe because Wolf was a loner; he owed allegiance to no one. He worked for himself or for whoever hired him out. Right now he was under contract with Lando.

  The dark-haired man looked at Wolf thoughtfully. “The girl must be important to you; you're not a stupid man. I understand no one commands you, and that you also respect our boss. I'm sure you wouldn't stir up trouble by being disobedient for nothing. Just remember there is safety in numbers. Unless one of those numbers turns on you,” the dark-haired man said in obvious warning.

  Christy closed her eyes tightly when the powerful man turned dark eyes on her. She cowered against Wolf, wishing she were small enough to fit into his pocket. She knew instinctively this was one of the men Lando referred to as a bottomless evil. No remorse, no pity, no mercy. Perhaps not even for a three-week-old baby girl. The thought popped into Christy's head and she almost screamed at the thought. No! These couldn't be Lando's people. Wolf wouldn't, he couldn't. Still, when Christy offered a quick glance up into Wolf's face, she could suddenly see why he was so apprehensive.

  “Get her shoes on her,” the dark-haired man commanded.

  Without hesitation, Christy was lifted off the ground. Wolf carried her to the bedroom.

  “Wolf,” Christy whimpered into his ear, clutching desperately at him.

  “Stay quiet, kitten, I will take care of you,” Wolf said soothingly. Then he looked over his shoulder, as though he had known the dark-haired man would follow. “She's been sick. She's frightened. We need to move cautiously around her,” Wolf explained.

  Christy looked past Wolf at the well built man. She had thought they would at least have a few minutes alone. Though Wolf's tone had been caring and gentle, Christy had heard the underlying threat. She would remain silent.

  “What happened to her?” the man questioned.

  “She fell,” Wolf answered almost wryly. Christy knew he wouldn't mention it had been in a plane.

  “Must have been some fall,” the blond man declared.

  Wolf ignored him and when once Christy again wore shoes and socks, Wolf lifted her to him. This time she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closely.

  “Can't she walk properly?” the dark-haired man questioned.

  “I want her as close to me as possible with you two dogs sniffing around,” Wo
lf casually mentioned and strode past them.

  The car ride had again been long and tedious. Wolf had demanded they stop and buy Christy something to eat. She only picked at her fast food, having no appetite for the greasy fare, that for some reason she insisted smelled rancid. Wolf had sniffed at the food, detecting no ominous odor. But he knew she wouldn't cause problems or unnecessary attention to herself.

  Once more when they stopped at a restroom, Wolf followed her in, much to the amusement of the other men. Surprisingly, this time she mentioned it was more of a comfort than an embarrassment to have him close while he stood guarding the door with the other men standing immediately outside.

  She slept occasionally, pressed tightly to Wolf's side, clutching at some part of him. Wolf knew Christy had come to the conclusion very early these men were more of a threat to her than he was. He was wondering if she comprehended he was the only one standing between her and death.

  At first Wolf had been worried Christy would sleep and cry out for Lando. He became relieved when the only one she wept for pitifully was himself. During those times Wolf was quick to offer his comforting support. He gathered her to him and whispered soft words to her. He attempted to soothe her fears and considered he did an admiral job, though he was feeling clumsy with his babbling endearments to a woman he barely knew.

  “Wolf, you usually never bother with a woman like this one, she doesn't seem your type,” the dark-haired man casually mentioned. Wolf knew he was fishing.

  “Apparently she is,” Wolf countered, but he could see the wheels of the man's mind turning. He wasn't through.

  “She's cute enough, all right,” the man replied while he rubbed at his jaw, still pondering.

  “She knocked up?” he asked suddenly, taking Wolf by surprise.

  Wolf narrowed his eyes at the man. It had been a thought he had also considered, but how the hell had this man figured it out so fast? Christy was injured, yes, but the sight of food and smells suddenly seemed overwhelming to her. She frequently needed to use the facilities. She cried often. She had every right to cry after what she had been through. He had held back her hair while she had vomited just that morning. Hopefully it was just terrible fear...


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