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Seductive Solutions

Page 5

by Brandy L Rivers

  Scotty laughed. “Bloody abyss, I’m not ready to go again yet.”

  Toryn grew more serious. “We okay, man?”

  “Even if you decided tonight was done now, yeah.”

  “Nope. Not done. I don’t think she’d appreciate breaking the bond only to see it replaced. Let her finish what she started. This was her idea.”

  Scotty’s brow arched. “You didn’t suggest it?”

  “Honestly, I wasn’t sure how to start that conversation. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have at least tried to refuse if we couldn’t solve the whole problem. I had a solution to your health, not the bond. Hadn’t figured out how to tackle the subject yet, but after seeing you this morning, I was going to. Isa got there first.”

  “You knew how to fix me?”

  “I told you. I knew how to drag you out of the downward spiral. She’s the one who came up with the permanent answer.”

  Scotty rolled to his back and stared up at the ceiling. “I can’t thank either of you enough.”

  “No need for thanks. That’s what friends are for.”

  “Not every man is confident enough in their relationship to do something like this.”

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. I couldn’t do this with just anyone.” Toryn climbed off the bed. “I’m going to clean her up before she wakes. You mentioned something about exploring her?” Toryn winked before leaving the room.

  Scotty looked to Isa still curled beside him. He turned back toward her and combed the black silken strands from her face. Emerald eyes fluttered open. A seductive smile spread across her lips.

  Her hand landed on his hip, pulling him against her. His cock sprang to attention, trapped between them. She pressed tighter. “Touch me. I want to feel you.”

  Like he could argue. He trailed his palm up her side. Toryn slid onto the bed and slipped a warm washcloth between her legs.

  “Mmm, damn,” she muttered, her hips moving toward Toryn as her breasts pressed into Scotty. “I should be numb by now.” She bit down on her lip as she unabashedly rubbed herself against the rag and Toryn’s hand. So fucking sexy.

  “You about done playing with her, Toryn?” Scotty asked.

  A smirk lifted one corner of his mouth. “You want to take over?”

  Licking his lips, he looked down at Isa. “Do you even have to ask?”

  Toryn moved to the edge of the bed, sitting where he could enjoy the view.

  Scotty grinned, pushing until she was flat on her back. “I can speed your recovery, and bring your sensations and desire back, again and again.” His lips landed on her jaw and trailed down her throat to her collarbone.

  She caressed his face, staring into his eyes. “Excellent. We fixed the root of the problem, now we need to prevent it from ever happening again.”

  He trusted her, but had to ask, “And how do you plan to do that?”

  Isa’s attention flicked to Toryn. He gave her a nod. Dazzling green eyes met his, then she rolled him to his back. “I focus on you for this next part. At least, until I wind the protecting spell tight. Then we can figure it out from there.”

  “And if I want to focus on you?” he challenged.

  “I’ll need to be coherent. Let me do this for you, then you can take over.”

  Toryn laughed. “Good thing none of us works early tomorrow. It’s going to be a long night.”

  Isa’s brow arched at Scotty. “You have a fast recovery, right?”

  He nodded. “Isa, what are you planning?”

  “To do exactly what I want after that too brief taste.”

  * * * *

  In order to concentrate, Isa figured a blowjob was the way to go. She hoped Toryn let her complete the spell before putting his hands on her.

  Licking her lips, she scooted down the bed. Scotty was built strong and rugged but not a trace of hair below his jaw. She dragged her fingernails down every muscle until she got to his V, and what a nice one he had, pointing to his thick, proud length.

  Simply gorgeous. She ran her tongue from his balls, up the vein, to his crown. “Oh fuck,” he groaned. His response was damned sexy.

  Feeling powerful, her mouth closed over his head as she stroked down his shaft and took what she could in. Sucking, she focused on swirling her tongue around his ridge every time she came back up, making sure to stroke him hard.

  His hips rocked, his body vibrating with pleasure. With a rhythm set, she focused on Scotty’s essence. She built the protection around his spirit, focusing her energy on keeping him free of forced bonds. However, she’d realized a true bond had a different origin, and so left room for his mate to slip inside and take root in his heart.

  After all the years of torment, Isa wanted Scotty happy. She’d seen enough of Scotty’s future to know he would find his heart’s companion. Isa wasn’t sure what she thought of the woman based on the little she’d gleaned from ancestral memories and Toryn’s confession, but she could always kill the bitch if she hurt Scotty.

  She felt her spell fuse as he neared his release.

  Scotty’s fingers delved into her hair, guiding her faster as she gave over to the demand, working him harder. She poured all her energy into bringing pleasure, stroking tighter, and playing her tongue over his ridge.

  “Isa, fuck, please.”

  His cock jerked and she moaned. Then hot seed spurted in her mouth and she swallowed him down. When he finally stilled, she moved up his body with a smile.

  “No one can bind you like Saressa did ever again.” Now, his true mate, that was another topic, but she wasn’t sure if he’d appreciate hearing about that now.

  Toryn moved behind her, and she leaned back, turning her head. His vibrant blue eyes delved into hers and a warm smile lifted his lips. His love rolled through her, and she relaxed into his embrace.

  “Mmm, you two make such a beautiful sight,” Scotty purred, rolling to his side. “I think you’ve done enough watching, Toryn. Give me a show.”

  Toryn groaned. “Shall we indulge?”

  She grinned, nodding slowly and tried to turn.

  He held her in place with a tsking sound. “Trust me, Princess, it’s not me he wants to watch. Relax, and let me take care of you.”

  “Very well.” Her man was incredibly creative and she knew he would leave her a puddle of goo.

  His hands caressed around her body, then up to cup her breasts. He gently rolled her tight peaks and her head fell back.

  “Such a magnificent sight.” Scotty purred. She opened her eyes and found him sitting up, watching her with a new hunger

  One of Toryn’s hands slid down her stomach and dipped into her heat.

  “Want to see you come,” Scotty groaned, his hand wrapping around his cock, pumping slow. Not fully erect, yet, but well on his way.

  Toryn brought her to the mattress and pulled her leg over his thigh to give Scotty a better view. His teasing exploration felt too good to be embarrassed, especially after where they’d already gone as a group.

  His deep finger strokes weren’t quite enough to get her there. She needed more and reached for her clit.

  Scotty shook his head. “Nope, let me.” He looked over at Toryn as he pinched her clit. That was all it took for her back to arch as release slammed into her.

  Toryn entered her core hard, from behind, his hips pumping. Scotty’s fingers rubbed her clit faster as his tongue circled her nipple. Isa’s hands landed on Scotty’s shoulders as both men pushed her toward sensation overload.

  Her eyes slammed shut as Toryn kissed her throat. Scotty moved up her body and kissed along her jaw, his throbbing cock rubbing against her abdomen.

  “Fucking-fuckity-fuck,” she cried.

  Scotty’s laugh rumbled against her. “That good?”

  In answer, she wrapped her hand around Scotty’s length and started to stroke in time with Toryn’s thrusts. His mouth was on her then. The kiss deep, his fingers working harder.

  Scotty groaned, his hips working in tandem with her hand. He came, spla
shing her stomach as Toryn brought her to climax with his release.

  Isa felt as if she floated on a cloud of warmth. She couldn’t even get her eyes open as the men held her tight. Then Scotty moved. She reached for him but wasn’t fast enough.

  His deep chuckle soothed her. “I’ll be right back. My turn to clean you up.”

  Her head flopped down.

  Toryn whispered against her ear. “Still think you’re walking tomorrow?”

  “Oh, is that the goal now?” Isa giggled, rolling toward him. His blue eyes captured hers. His hand trailed up her chest to cover her heart.

  “You know if you’re hurting, I’ll fix it, Princess.”

  “So will I,” Scotty said as he came back.

  “No towel?” Toryn asked.

  “Once I saw it, figured the tub would be better. Who the fuck has a tub that big for a cabin?” His brow arched.

  “I like soaking,” Isa answered sheepishly, looking back.

  Scotty lifted her from Toryn’s embrace and carried her to the bath.

  Chapter 9

  Scotty placed Isa in the tub, adjusted the temperature of the pour tap, and stood up. She stared at him with her head tilted, concern in those beautiful eyes.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Scotty sank onto the edge of the tub and tried to sort his thoughts. “Nothing’s wrong. My mind is reeling because I feel free for the first time in ages. All because you couldn’t see me suffer.”

  “You may have known Toryn longer, but I care for you too. I hate seeing you in pain. I had the ability and needed to fix this for you.”

  “You didn’t have to. Neither of you had to. That’s the thing. What you both are doing is selfless.”

  She shrugged, her eyes skating away. “I got to fulfill a couple hot fantasies and not feel guilty.”

  He chuckled. “Really? The way you have always watched Toryn, I can’t imagine that I was one of your fantasies?”

  “What can I say? You’ve got a body like a sex god, and clearly enjoy pleasing a woman.”

  He stared at her with wide eyes.

  She leaned closer. “I remember the first night I met you. The way you went after that blond, how you had her begging for you to take her home before you got through one dance. If I hadn’t been in love with Toryn already, I would have made a move that night.”

  “And Toryn would have handed my ass to me. I remember his warning.” His eyes shot to the door where Toryn stood with a smirk. “You told me if I did more than look, you would cut off every appendage that touched Isa.”

  Isa sat up, sloshing the rising water, to look at Toryn. “You warned him away?”

  “Lonny too. Every fae we know. At the time, you couldn’t know who or what you were. Remember what happened our first time? Your awakening?” Toryn shrugged. “My job has always been to keep you safe.”

  Scotty knew it went deeper than that. He’d feared Isa might bond with another. Once again, he realized how blessed he was to have friends like these.

  Turning off the water at about half-full, she announced, “There’s all this room in the tub. I need some company.” Isa batted her mile long lashes at Scotty.

  Scotty groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me if you keep that up.” He put one leg in the tub, then pivoted to slip behind Isa.

  Toryn climbed in but sat on the edge facing her, only his feet in the water. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as his gaze traced her wet body. “You know, Scotty, watching you with Isa is a gorgeous sight.”

  “You haven’t grown tired of sharing her yet?”

  “Honestly, no. Scotty, I trust you.”

  Scotty pushed her hair off her neck and kissed the exposed skin softly. “Isa, do you trust me?”

  “Isn’t that obvious?” she asked, her hand snaking between them to grab his rock-hard cock.

  After so long of not having a woman, he never imagined he would be having this epic night of sex with the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid eyes on in his long life. Surprisingly, having Toryn with them reinforced his hope for the future.

  Isa was never Scotty’s, he knew that from the beginning. She was temptation, always, but as a nymph, he saw the connection between Toryn and Isa long before they realized it.

  Not wanting to think about his possible soulmate, he pulled Isa against his chest to nibble on her neck. She moaned, tipping her head to the side to allow him better access.

  “Damn, Isa. Do you feel what you do to me?” Scotty groaned, shifting his hips to press his length against the crease of her ass.

  “Maybe a bath wasn’t the best idea.”

  “I don’t know. You get on your knees to suck Toryn off and I can take you from behind. You’ll be above water, and I’ll have you dripping before I slide into your sheath.”

  She moaned, “Toryn, you down with that?”

  “Of course,” Toryn murmured, moving his hands to the edge of the tub.

  She climbed to her knees and gave Scotty an excellent view of her ass.

  * * * *

  Toryn watched as Isa moved toward him. Her earlier worries had melted away, leaving her open to explore her fantasies. Isa was always willing to try anything with Toryn, but this was different. She not only welcomed Toryn’s suggestions, but Scotty’s as well.

  For one brief second, he hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed this was a one-time deal. Later, he would consider sharing with other people, but he loved having his princess to himself. Still, this night was pretty fucking spectacular and he didn’t regret it for a second.

  Water sluiced down Isa’s body as she sat up. She closed the distance to take his mouth in a heated kiss. Toryn’s fingers threaded into her hair as he held her there, taking her passion.

  Scotty came up behind her, gripping her hips as he rocked, threading his hard length between her legs, against her sex.

  A whimper escaped her lips. Her body tipped forward and Toryn caught her as her hands landed on his thighs. She tore her mouth away to bend, taking hold of his cock as her mouth wrapped around him.

  Scotty thrust into her, pushing her forward. Toryn hit the back of her throat. He almost told Scotty to stop, but she practically purred and he relaxed, letting Isa take him to new heights.

  Water splashed around Isa and Scotty’s thighs, the rhythmic slap of skin-on-skin filled the room. The sound aroused him further while Isa milked his cock. He locked gazes with Scotty who bit his lip as he rode Isa hard, driving her pace.

  Toryn had to hold onto the tub as Scotty reached around Isa, his hand disappearing into the water, out of sight. The sexiest groan vibrated up Toryn’s shaft, pushing him over the edge. Isa didn’t let up as her throat worked, devouring every last drop. Scotty held her hips, pressing deep as his eyes slammed shut on a groan.

  Before Isa could collapse, Toryn pulled her up to wrap Isa in his embrace.

  She smiled up at him with pleasure-drunk eyes. “Might die if we do any more. Feels like every cell is humming with pleasure and can’t take much more.”

  Below them, Scotty fell back against the opposite side of the tub. “I’m wiped out. I want to wrap my arms around Isa and sleep.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Toryn murmured.

  Chapter 10

  Scotty woke as the first rays of dawn caressed over his body. Isa lay curled in his arms, Toryn wrapped around her. Freedom called to him. It had been centuries since he last woke without feeling the need to go in search of Saressa.

  For the first time in as long as he could remember, hope for the future welcomed him. He caressed Isa’s face and placed a soft kiss to her lips, then gently squeezed Toryn’s shoulder.

  The night was over, and he’d had his fill of the woman he’d desired but never expected to enjoy. He wasn’t a glutton and having Isa again wouldn’t sit well with him. He wanted to find the one who completed his soul as wholly as Isa and Toryn did for each other, though he knew the search would take time.

  He slipped from the bed, and Isa turned to snuggle
tighter in Toryn’s embrace. They fit together as one. Toryn, the man who never hoped for love, finally found it. If he could, Scotty could too.

  He left the bedroom in search of his clothes. They were still damp, but he pulled them on anyway before leaving the cabin.

  Never again would he be bound to the woman who tore his world apart and tried to recreate him into the same monster she’d become. No more self-loathing, downward spiral of despair. He had nowhere to go but up. He cranked the music as he drove back to Seattle.

  Someday Saressa would realize their tie was broken. When that happened, he fully expected her to come for him. Isa had already taken away her pet dragon, and now Scotty. Eventually, Saressa would make a move against her own niece. He looked forward to standing beside Toryn and Isa to take Saressa down.

  Luckily, that was a worry for another day.

  * * * *

  Isa woke to Toryn’s mouth taking a tour down her body. She moaned low in her throat as she stretched. No aches or pains at all, no tenderness, her body was ready for more pleasure.

  She looked over to where Scotty had slept the night before and sighed. “He left without a word.”

  Toryn stopped his descent to look her in the eyes. “Don’t worry. He wants what we have, but not with you. Last night was the solution he’d never have asked for.”

  “The fix no one realized was available,” she replied. “Come here, talk to me for now.”

  He looked down at her body and pouted. “You don’t want me?”

  “I always want you, Toryn. First, I want to make sure nothing’s changed between us.”

  He moved beside her and delved into her soul, his palm covered her heart. “If it’s possible, I love you even more for doing what only you could do to help one of my closest friends.”


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