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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

Page 13

by T. C. Clark

  “The desperation she must have felt to willingly turn herself into a vampire touched something inside of me and I offered her our protection. During her time here she told me of her sister Taren and her relationship with Mina. As you know Mina and Dillon have created a drug that is slowly killing a large percentage of the supernatural population. We have decided to take the fight to them and we could use your help.”

  “Why should we help you?” Nadia asked looking around the old-fashioned mansion taking in the large oak fixtures and the gently used antiques.

  “Typical keeper only concerned for yourself, so wrapped up in the betterment of witches that you forget about everything else going on. You didn’t even notice one of your own struggling to walk in two worlds. Ashley tells me she is the keeper of reflection and extremely powerful, do you think she doesn’t have access to enough information to truly harm the coven? Obviously, she has given Mina just enough information to keep Ashley alive but not enough to really hurt your coven. How can you just cut her off like a dead limb that doesn’t deserve a second chance, better yet how can you ignore the suffering of people now?” Pearl snapped her eyes full of fire.

  “Look around at our city…really look at our people. We’ve ignored the devastation for too long and it’s time to act and we cannot wait another day, another moment to end this,” Nan said from the balcony. Nan was Pearl’s best friend and another protector of the sanctuary. Her dark brown skin looked magnificent against the African style dress she wore. She walked down the steps slowly taking in the crowd.

  “Is Taren really your enemy or is she just another witch your coven is choosing to ignore?” Pearl asked Ida.

  “Whatever Taren may or may not be is debatable, either way our responsibility lies with the keepers, and our mission was to bring Ashley in,” Nadia said simply ignoring the building tension in the room.

  “I wouldn’t try that Nadia. Ashley, she won’t go willingly nor will we just allow you to take her,” Pearl warned.

  “I never said it had to be willing,” Nadia responded with a nasty smile.

  “Okay this is enough…I’m of higher rank than you and I say we are going to help them, if you refuse to do so I release you from this mission you can go back and report to the others,” Ida said stepping between them.

  “You know I can’t just leave you here,” she said, hurt that Ida thought she would.

  “No, you won’t just leave me here just as I would never leave you. That’s the main difference in our covens we protect each other and they are trying to protect everyone. You forget I have visions of the future and the past and what Pearl says is true. It’s time for the keepers to step up once we finish this I’m sure Ashley will return with us.”

  When Nadia looked unconvinced Ida moved closer laying a hand on her stiff shoulder, “Everyone deserves a chance at redemption you, and I know that better than anyone. Let’s just do this, even if the end result is the same for Taren, let’s do this one thing for her.”

  “Fine, but if we do this you will stay away from the fight,” Nadia said her eyes going to Ida’s stomach.

  “Excuse me?” Ida said her temper flaring.

  “If you want us to help them, then I will act as the lead and you will be on the sidelines. I’m aware of your condition and I will not allow harm to come to you.”

  “How did you know? Did somebody out me on Facebook or something,” she said in an exasperated voice.

  “I’m the keeper of madness that means I can smell any imbalance in a person I knew the second you got close enough for me to read.”

  “Oh for fucks sake it’s 2020 just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t fight.”

  “As far as I’m concerned that’s exactly what it means to me, do you agree or not? I will not risk you for them.” Nadia snapped back, ignoring the happy smile on Balloch’s face.

  “Fine but I won’t forget this…I will pray every day that you get pregnant, everyday Nadia and I’m pretty lucky if you forget about the blindness.”

  “I hope you are as strong as you seem to think you are I don’t feel like carrying the team today,” Nadia said to Pearl ignoring Ida’s angry tirade. She would let Balloch deal with that she knew he appreciated her taking Ida out of the fight.

  Nan and Pearl looked at each other both secure in the potency of their powers. The keepers really needed to get out more if they thought they were unmatched. Their coven had spent years hiding in the shadows growing in power and character.

  “Don’t you worry about us, with or without you we will get this done… now if you all could follow me we have a lot to go over,” Pearl said her eyes icy. She hated having to work with the keepers, but she knew the more witches the better. Nadia was shocked when she felt the power flowing freely from Pearl it seemed the kid gloves were off and it was time to get to work.

  * * *

  Back at the hideaway…

  Anise paced back and forth her mind racing. Dom had dropped them off at his old hunting cabin in Louisiana. On the right day she would be roaming the nearby woods freely and loving every minute of it but now she could only wait and stay hidden.

  Her eyes shot to the vampire who sat watching her so intensely. His dark good looks and his complete assurance that she was his mate was awakening something deep inside of her.

  She needed to get her shit together. First she had to find out exactly what was happening with the coven. She turned and headed for the door only to be stopped by Nate.

  His massive body blocked the entry as effectively as an oak tree.

  “What are you doing?” He asked huskily every emotion he had for Anise laid out clearly on his face. It had taken all of his self discipline to keep his hands off of her.

  “I need to figure out what’s happening at home before I can figure out what to do next and I need a specific plant to do that,” she answered.

  “Tell me what you need and I will retrieve it.”

  “You don’t think I can handle searching for a simple herb?” She said angrily.

  “Did you hear me when I said you were my mate? Do you even understand what that means?” He asked instead of answering her ridiculous question.

  “Yes, but witches don’t believe in that,” she said stepping back.

  “Belief or not it doesn’t change the fact that you are mine…if anything happens to you, no one will be safe. So humor me and stay inside.” Nate said seriously.

  For just a moment Anise felt overwhelming defeat. How had her life taken such a drastic turn? Nate watched his mate battle with the events of the day. He knew that feeling when the world seemed to be caving in on you and he also understood what he needed to do to get her mind off of it.

  “We can only do one thing at a time, let’s focus on figuring on exactly what is happening and then we can make a plan.” He said handing her a pen and paper.


  “From this moment on you will always be known as a we. I’m not leaving you, not even for a moment. I know witches don’t believe in mates and I know you don’t trust me, but it doesn’t change how I feel.” He said softly running his hand through her curly hair.

  Anise looked into Nate’s eyes and found a promise in them that she’d never seen before. There was strength there and a heavy dose of possession. She looked down at the paper in front of her and wrote all of the information he needed to find the plant she needed for her spell. She even drew a small picture.

  “You don’t know me,” she felt compelled to add as she placed the pad back on the table.

  “But I will soon enough.”

  He leaned in and took her lips aggressively. Kissing her deeply over and over until her hands came up to wrap around his neck. His strong hands pulled her up from the chair into his arms. He could feel his fangs lengthen his need for her blood overriding everything else.

  He pulled back smiling at the confused look on her face. He squeezed her tightly to his body so strongly that she yelped.

  “You are everything to
me now; it’s as simple as that. I told myself long ago that if I was ever fortunate enough to find my mate nothing would ever take her from me. I get that this is a lot to wrap your head around but it is happening and you are mine,” he said arrogantly. He put her back in the chair and kissed her upturned lips once more as if he couldn’t stop himself grabbed the paper and walked out.

  Anise was quiet for a long while. Her fingers traced her swollen lips as she tried to forget the feelings Nate was forcing her to examine. First, she needed to lay down some ground rules. A distraction at this point was the last thing she needed.

  She stood and looked out the window her eyes following his massive back as he disappeared through the woods. Before he got to the clearing he turned and winked at her causing her to jump back. With her heart racing and small butterflies dancing in her stomach she turned and headed for the library. She’d been here a few times with Taren and found the familiarity comforting.

  She smiled as she entered the airy room; she loved the smell of old dusty books. One day she hoped to have a collection as big as Dom’s. Its massive walls were lined to the ceiling with different kinds of books.

  Her eyes roamed the room until they started to fill with tears. They had so many memories together, sisters bonded through time. The book of shadows they’d created together so long ago was here protected in Dom’s home.

  Taren had never told her what had really happened between them. Dom just stopped showing up and Taren had absolutely refused to talk about it. Even now Dom was helping them but he didn’t seem overly concerned about Taren.

  She was closer to her than anyone else if she turned out to be a traitor this would be the second time in less than a year that she would have the heart ripped out of her. She knew the rules of the coven and betrayal could cost a witch her life. The thought sobered her up more than anything else. She grabbed the book she needed and hurried to the table. She would do everything she could to help her. It seemed that even she could forgive just about anything when someone’s life was on the line.

  * * *

  “Ashley’s missing,” Dillon said to Mina’s back. She was busy reworking the venom drug yet again.

  “Yep, I heard,” Mina answered her mind completely on the task at hand. She handed Dillon one of the chemical compounds and pointed to the scale.

  “You know we have to kill her now, without Ashley as leverage…she could do us some real damage if she opens her mouth,” Dillon said his tone dry as he measured out the charnom root. He followed Mina closely trying to evaluate her mood. His mate required the slightest of touches when it came to reasoning.

  She was a beautiful woman with her shockingly red hair and pale skin. He’d known from the moment they’d met he would choose her over anyone else. He’d been lucky most warlocks mates ran from them, unfortunately, their reputations were the worst of the supernaturals sets when it came to mate-hood.

  Their inability to contain their rage and jealousy often ended in the mate being killed. Knowing all this he’d given up the hope of finding one so when she’d walked into a house party that he’d been hosting he’d been surprised.

  His obsession had begun immediately and he’d found it difficult to maintain his sanity with her around but she’d been more than willing to take him on. All she wanted in return was the world at her feet.

  She’d given him insurmountable pleasure and he’d systematically taken over his region her drug was being pushed on every corner and they were quickly building an army.

  He watched her as she worked quietly with the chemicals she was an amazing sorceress her powers befitting his. Her hatred for the witches and their inability to accept her type of craft had pushed her forward but now it was time to pull back.

  He’d always rode with the mad four and the others had no idea he was behind the venom drug. If they found out there would be hell to pay.

  “I know she is a loose end that can’t be left undone,” she said absently her mind focused on the chemical process. She looked up at Dillon through her thick lashes. He was a handsome man built like a titan with the power to match.

  His love for her would get her far. She’d never known love being raised by deprived drug addicts really changed a person. For instance, Taren and Ashley were her family by blood and yet she felt nothing for them. It was as if her humanity had been completely destroyed all those years before

  The only thing she truly needed was Dillon. He would always be hers, their bond had trapped him with her. He didn’t understand her need for justice but he catered to it.

  It was time to repay him in some way.

  “Send whoever you want, do whatever you want to Taren and Nate. But, I want Anise brought in alive her power interests me, such beautiful power wasted on a witch.” She said her eyes full of malice and hate. She hated their coven and everything they stood for where had they been when she’d been taken, probably hiding like some weak bitches.

  He felt his temper slip as he thought of the vampire who’d killed his right-hand man. He would personally see to him. He would send two men, one to kill Taren and one to bring Nate in; there was no way that vampire was going to leave this earth without him getting his vengeance.

  “Also, I think it’s time we stop hiding from your brothers,” Mina announced watching Dillon’s face closely.

  “What do you mean?” he said his mind still on Nate.

  “I think it’s time we showed everyone exactly what we are capable of.”


  “I’ll give up everything for you…I am giving up everything for you. Somewhere in the back of my mind I know I shouldn’t kill my nieces…I know it’s wrong and still, I just ignore it and focus on us and our future. I need this Dillon; I need them to know my name, know it, and fear it.”

  He looked into Mina’s eyes and found them overflowing with dark emotion. She was his heart, a perfect fit for him and she was right. At every turn, she’d chosen him and that alone had kept him sane over the years.

  Even her own family had been pawns in her plan. Sometimes in their darkest moments that frightened him…her inability to connect with the people around her. She wanted the world at her feet…well who was he to deny her. He stood leaning down to place a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  Her body vibrated with power as she worked. Sorcery was very different than witchcraft she hadn’t been born with her powers she’d taken them. A survivor through and through just like him.

  “Keep working I’ll handle everything and we can have this wrapped up in time for dinner.”

  * * *

  Back at Dom’s place…

  Nate walked back into the home thinking seriously about what to do about Taren; from what he’d seen Anise wanted to fix things not take her out. He smiled to himself he would have to protect the soft side of his mate. There was something special in her that he doubted she saw.

  He followed her scent until he found her with a book spread out on the large wooden table in the library of Dom’s home. He looked around taking in the splendor of the varnished oak book-lined shelves. The fairy really liked luxury. He frowned as he thought about his humble little space in the city.

  It wouldn’t do for his mate he thought with a frown. His life was going to be different now; all of his actions now affected someone else.

  He handed her the plant quietly unwilling to break the silence in the room, she was clearly concentrating on the spell in front of her. Her thick black curly hair flowed all around her like clouds of midnight.

  Her almond-colored skin was flushed with exertion. When she caught his eyes she brought her hand to her lips signaling for him to be quiet. Without thinking he reached for her small hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on her wrist.

  Before she could react he released her and walked across the room to sit on the ornate, golden bench. He watched as her eyes narrowed and said simply, “I can’t help it…I just need to be sure that you are real…that this moment is real…you have no idea
how long I’ve been alone.”

  She was very aware of what was happening between them. She had an idea about how mates worked particularly about vampire mates because of Ida. She knew this bond they had was something that wouldn’t be easy to walk away from.

  He was devilishly handsome, enough to turn any good girl bad with his sculpted muscles and dark Latin looks. He would be very easy to give into…especially after the year she’d had with the betrayals coming almost monthly.

  She sighed aloud when she realized what she was doing. A clear head and a steady heart were needed to make this spell work, so she needed to get her shit together and focus.

  Channeling from behind the veil was extremely difficult. Dom had a protective barrier around his home and it was powerful and required an immense amount of energy to breakthrough. She crushed the small plant Nate had collected and chanted, letting the words take over her body and flow through her soul.

  As she chanted a small portal appeared in front of her in the shape of a mirror. She filled it with her power calling out to Lorelei on the other side. The one thing she could count on was her sisters.

  “Anise is that you,” a voice spoke from the fragile cloud of darkness.

  “Yes, “she answered trying to keep her mind focused.

  “Oh my god, I’m so glad your okay,” Lorelei said.

  “There was news that there was an attack on you at an underground club.”

  “Yeah that happened they trapped us in there but Dom was able to get us out. Thanks for sending him by the way.”


  “I’m traveling with the missing vampire and before you say anything it’s not what you think.”


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