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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

Page 14

by T. C. Clark

  “I know, we all know that this was Taren’s doing some information has come out and it isn’t good…you need to come home, the price has been removed from your head.”

  “I can’t leave Nate…Taren is intent on killing him and I need to know why?”

  “Well, Opal and Alex have been looking for you as well. But they’ve gone curiously silent. They started tracking Ida when they couldn’t find you. I think something’s happening now.”

  “What’s going on at your end have you heard anything more about Taren?”Anise asked needing more information to go on.

  Lorelei paused as she considered what to say. This wasn’t her story to tell but with Taren under investigation should she still keep it to herself? She always followed her instinct when it came to patients and they were screaming at her right now. From what she’d heard from Opal there was more to Taren’s story than just betrayal. For now, she would keep quiet but she knew it was only a matter of time before Dom came looking for her.

  “No I haven’t heard anything else but I can keep looking into it. I’ll try to find out exactly where everyone is and get back to you as soon as I can, stay where you are and keep this portal open,” she said cutting the connection before Anise could ask more questions.

  “It sounds like we need to stay here and wait for her contact. Afterward, we will find Taren and figure out exactly what is going on,” he said standing stretching his back. He was an enormous man; even in this big airy room, he looked massive.

  “You’re worried too,” she asked knowing what his answer would be.

  “Your concerns are now my concerns so when you have a problem, I have a problem.”

  “She was there when you were tortured. Hell, she may have had a hand in torturing you. To be clear I want to save Taren, why would you help me with that?”

  “You are my mate,” he said, holding up a hand when Anise opened her mouth to deny it.

  “You are mine, even if you don’t believe it. I’ve lived so many years alone believing I was being punished for my past. I gave up the thought of ever finding someone of my own. So when you appeared in my cell two things were clear. One I will never let you go, no matter what happens…no matter the obstacles you are my own and two revenge cannot beat my feelings for you…As much as I would like to get my hands on Taren, I chose you and if you want the little traitor to live, then so be it.”

  Anise sat back deciphering his words. A warm feeling spreading through her body. She knew he meant what he said and believed in the emotion shown on his face. He walked over to her with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Oh, he was going to be difficult she just knew it.

  “But if she ever tries to harm you in my presence, I can’t guarantee I won’t kill her. I can control my plans but I can’t promise you I can control my reaction. So if she shows up you best subdue her quickly, because when I say I chose you I mean it…anyone who attempts to harm you in any way will not be safe from me and I mean anyone, Anise,” he said honestly wanting her to understand his position.

  “Now let’s find something to eat and settle in,” he said holding out a hand to her. She thought about what she should say, how she should stop this before it began, she tried to remember the pain of the divorce. But she couldn’t she only felt the beginnings of something new and dangerous forming between them and before she could stop herself she took it.

  * * *

  Hunters Den amidst the chaos…

  Taren checked her watch for the third time. Melvin and Will were still inside the room interrogating and/or torturing one of the security guys that worked there. She looked around the destroyed club warily. She had to get to Anise first and send her somewhere safe. The meeting with Dillon had not gone well and he seemed a little too interested in how Anise’s powers worked.

  She was also suspicious of the two warlocks sent with her, she was pretty sure something else was going on. But she needed to play along until she knew more. When the door opened, she stilled her face as the smell from the room wafted out.

  Will walked out, his emotionless eyes held no answers as he reported.

  “Apparently, they were attacked by different factions…the one thing that he knew for sure was that a fairy showed up, he thinks his name is Don or Dom and he time-shifted them out of there. One thing is for sure he doesn’t know where they went after that, trust me I cut off a lot of things on his body just to be sure,” he said nonchalantly. His empty eyes waited patiently for a response.

  Taren kept her face straight and tried to mask the revulsion she was feeling. Turning her back she closed her eyes and centered herself. She had to stay one step ahead of them in order to protect Ashley and in turn protect Anise, which meant she had to go to where she was.

  “I know this fairy named Dom and I’m pretty sure I know where they are, it’s actually not far from here,” she admitted looking back at him.

  “Okay just give me just a minute to finish the job.”

  “I said, I know the location you don’t have to continue the interrogation.”

  “You say that as if I’m not enjoying myself…we just need a few more minutes and then we can be on our way. Remember your little sister is relying on you,” he said disliking the expression on her face. He’d known her for a long time and she’d always acted as if she was better than them, he was going to enjoy playing with her before he extinguished her life.

  Taren closed her mouth choking down her anger and walked out of the room to wait, desperately trying to ignore the screaming going on inside the room.

  * * *

  Just outside of the sanctuary two dragons waited….

  “I think this is it,” Opal whispered her eyes on the large Victorian house that could only be described as enormously ugly. Her spell had led her here, after realizing she couldn’t track Anise’s exact location she’d turned her sights on Ida. She was the seer of the coven she would probably have the most up to date information on the situation after that she would contact Lorelei and they could build a plan.

  “How do you want to do this,” Alex asked his eyes on his mate. He hated being here in the surface world and the quicker they got this done, the quicker they could head home. The loud sounds and different smells of the city annoyed him.

  “We need to get Ida out of there, so we can figure out what’s happening with Anise. She would know, they have really, really strong protection spells in place,” she said surprised at the power.

  She tested the barrier sending her energy into it and exhaled as pain hit her. Alex moved closer to her sensing her discomfort. Absently he rubbed her back, he hated that he couldn’t help her with this.

  “I’m okay…this is just going to take longer than I thought,” Opal said smiling reassuringly.

  She closed her eyes focusing on the barrier itself…when she heard a voice filter through her brain she stopped as she felt its power.

  Who are you and what are you doing messing with my barrier?

  She moved quickly allowing her powers to hit the shield at full force following the thread that the voice had given her.

  Okay, you are pretty strong but the problem that you have is that there is only one of you….oh I take that back there is two of you…is that, is he a dragon. How the hell did you get a dragon?

  “The better question is what will we do if you don’t let us in?” Opal said looking at Alex. He knew from experience that she must be speaking with someone telepathically.

  “If you guys have done measuring your lady parts…I would like for you to join us inside,” Ida said peeking out from behind a bush.

  “Ida just the witch I was looking for, do you know these people?” She asked with a frown pointing towards the house. Whoever was in charge of securing their compound was good and she wanted a long chat with her before she left.

  “Yep and yes to your next question and no to your second one, me and Balloch don’t swing that way,” Ida said taking Balloch’s hand. She braced herself as her stomach rolled.

  “No one
here swings that way; I just want to know where I can find Anise.”

  “Right now Anise is safe but she won’t be for long. You arrived just in time to take part in a grand assault on the people who started this whole thing. Come with me and I will tell you everything.” Ida held out her arm to Opal and smiled brightly when she took it.

  As Ida and Pearl joined arms and headed inside. Alex pulled Balloch aside.

  “You sure she should be fighting?”Alex asked in a worried voice.

  “You think I can stop her?”

  “No but I think I have an idea about how you can keep her safe during, whatever this is,” he answered his eyes moving to the house. He sniffed the air and became nearly intoxicated with the power in the air.

  “OK, I’m listening but why help me?” Balloch asked. They barely knew each other.

  “Because I owe Ida she led me to the only thing that matters in my life. Opal will be protected in her dragon form but we may be too far away to help you with her so hopefully, my plan will work. Also, I’m realizing quickly that dealing with the Amant women takes extreme planning and some light manipulation.” Alex said seriously.

  Balloch laughed loudly shaking his head. The boy was quick on the uptake he would give him that.

  * * *

  Nate tossed and turned on the couch sleep eluding him. His fangs were sharp with need. A need he had to control. After dinner, they’d both washed up and went to bed sure that whatever happened tomorrow would require all of their energy.

  Dinner had been a stilted affair filled with tension as he’d barely been able to conceal his desire. He knew she felt it beating at her…demanding something in return. She’d found enough ingredients to make a vegetable soup and he’d hunted in the forest taking down two birds and in turn, the blessed woman had a small glass of blood waiting for him.

  That should be enough to sustain them for a little bit. He was unsure of the length of time they would be here and he didn’t want to do anything that could alert others that they were occupying Dom’s home.

  He’d only ever had one kind of woman. The ones who’d shared his bed knew exactly who he was and what he could give a lovely dinner, multiple orgasms, and a quick ride home. His upfront nature and simple courtesy had ensured he never dealt with scenes or emotions but now at this moment, he wished he knew something of them.

  Just beyond the door was his mate worried and alone. He needed to comfort her, hold her…taste her. His body reacted before his mind could override it. They were going to be together until the end it was time for him to show her what she was to him.

  He moved quickly through the darkened corridor and opened the door to the master bedroom. He saw her there huddled in a small ball on the bed.

  She sat up wiping her red eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked her voice hoarse and low. She couldn’t believe that her crying had wakened him. Everything had hit her as soon as she got in the bed and for once her famous optimism had not saved her.

  Her mind was a jumble of emotion and pain. She took a deep breath trying to steady her nerves to find some sort of peace with this. No matter what happened she was pretty sure she was going to lose a best friend and if she was guilty she’d probably lose her coven as well.

  They had been her only family for so long. But she knew the rules better than anyone hell she’d helped Opal write them. There was no going back if you broke a cardinal rule and today she’d broken three.

  She needed to feel something other than the fear of the overwhelming loss that awaited her. Her eyes found Nate in the darkness she’d felt his need for her in every glance he slid her way.

  He’d done his best to hide it but whenever she was near him it was like being in the room with a starving tiger. His eyes followed her lovingly, obsessively she’d run from it seeking the serenity of sleep but that wasn’t going to come for her.

  He stood there in the doorway waiting for something from her, some sign that it was okay for him to enter. His fingers dug into the door frame splintering it.

  “I can’t hear your tears and not come, I can’t Anise. We don’t have to… just let me just hold you tonight. Please Anise I don’t think I can walk away.”

  She held out her arms and he walked slowly to her trying to give her time to change her mind. Once he was there in that bed he would not leave her willingly.

  “You need to be sure this is what you want?” He said his voice husky. His shaft throbbed painfully. Even as he asked the question he slipped off his pants.

  “Nate, I don’t know what this will mean for me I want you but I’m not I don’t believe in mates. I don’t want to lie to you.”

  “It’s not your job to believe in them it’s my job to convince you…let me take it all away tonight after I’m done all you will feel is me.”

  She slipped the sheet back causing him to groan. Her action was the answer. She was only wearing her underwear. Her small hourglass body made his mouth water. Unlike him, she couldn’t see clearly in the darkness so when his hands slid around her waist she jumped.

  He pulled her close to his flesh allowing his full weight to pin her to the bed groaning as he encountered her soft legs. His fangs sharpened as lips traveled down her neck to her breasts. When her hands caressed the back of his head pulling at his hair he almost lost it. He pulled at her bra, ripping it, and revealing the treasure underneath.

  He looked down at her heaving chest at her flushed chest. He took one chocolate nipple into his mouth and pulled gently ignoring the thirst in his soul. Tonight he would be gentle even if it killed him. Everything inside of him screamed at him to take her hard to imprint himself on her very soul.

  He needed her to know what he was in every way. But he’d felt her pain as if it was his own, she needed comfort and softness in the midst of all of this betrayal and confusion.

  Only when she moaned and shifted under him did he increase the pressure using his other hand he massaged the other aching breast. Alternating until her body relaxed. He let his mouth trail lower using every sound she made as motivation.

  His hands shook as they encountered the silk barrier that hid his prize. He used his tongue to make a hot trail down her body. He took a deep breath and leaned his head against her stomach taking a moment to master himself. He groaned as he took in her smell, desire racking his body as her need hit him and demanded to be met.

  He ripped them off losing his control and before she could react he pushed her thighs wide and drank from her taking in all of the womanly dew he’d caused.

  She bucked against him her body spiraling tension mounting. He had to stop. When she pulled at his hair he increased the pressure using his tongue to delve as deeply as he could into her wetness. Starved for her taste he feasted on her. He felt her legs tighten around his head as her body bowed under the pressure of her orgasm.

  She was still convulsing when he moved quickly up her body and thrust into her fiery heat. He was big enough to make her stiffen. His large body pushed hers back into the mattress forcing her legs wide leaving her open to his invasion. He thrust as deep as he could go three times before he found the control to still. He needed to give her body time to adjust to his size.

  She was so snug around him that he could barely move. Her eyes revealed a vulnerability that women had felt for centuries. He was strong enough to hurt her in a way that could touch her soul.

  Sensing her fear, he laid his soul out before her.

  “You are mine from this point on,” he said holding his body still ignoring the monster just below the surface; she grew wetter and his cock swelled even more. He was buried in his mate after centuries he wanted to savor this moment. She moaned her hands moving gently on his chest. She could feel the strength in him, the power.

  “I can’t promise you anything more,” she whispered.

  “You kid yourself if you think a promise would bind us any more than we already are. You are my own I will take care of the rest.”

  “My sister bet
rayed me and my husband left me…how can you think I’m able to promise you forever?” She asked the pain still in her voice.

  “I will ensure that it does now that we understand each other I would like to show you what it will be like.”

  Nate leaned forward and kissed her deeply needing her to understand that she should never fear him. He began a rhythm as old as time, his body pushing brutal into hers controlled by her growing need.

  “From this night on we will face everything together.”

  He kissed her again, cementing his claim his hand through her hair, and anchored her to him, needing to be as deep as he could go.

  “Say it Anise…” Nate said as he began to move with short brutal thrusts. His eyes closed as

  “Nate,” she started to deny him again but she caught his eyes the naked vulnerability in them. He needed her with him that much she knew even as her body started tightening once again she felt his need beating at her, calling to her. He wanted more than she had to give, why couldn’t he just take tonight?

  His muscles bulged with restraint. But still, he held back every time she went over the edge, convulsed around him begging his body to join hers. He kept up his steady pace, his sweat mixing with her own.

  “On this night I am yours and only yours,” she whispered. She moaned loudly as he adjusted her legs wanting to be as closely fitted to her body as he could.

  “That will have to do for now.”

  He lost control his body pumping into hers over and over again; he felt his balls tightening from the building pressure. When she turned her head to the side bearing her neck.

  His fangs sunk deep as he emptied himself into her. His body forcibly shooting his seed deep, his fangs took her blood. His body convulsing with hers as he emptied himself into her. Her eyes closed tightly as she went over the edge, her body tightening into a vise as she milked him. He made a small gash across his chest and pulled her close. Her glazed eyes following the stream of blood as if it was hypnotizing her. She looked up into Nate’s eyes caught by what she saw in them and without hesitation, she drunk from him. He smiled because he knew the ritual was complete she’d felt the need as well.


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