I Walked With Her
Page 45
I yell at his continued sarcasm. "I heard that!"
"Your wife sir?"
"Ah no. My best friend actually. We are friends. Longtime friends. This is a special birthday, trying to brighten things up. Max is forty today. Big four, zero. Anyway. So when will breakfast, I mean brunch be ready? Max is going to jump in the shower. I am sorry I wasn't up to greet you both. We fell asleep watching old 80's movies. Just friends."
"Brunch will be ready in about an hour. We opened up the doors and set everything up outside as asked."
"Everything looks great and smells fantastic."
"We have a French press ready if you would like to bring coffee in to her?"
Just in case Nick questions to bring it back, I interject again in my loud tone. "Yes please!"
"Well that answers that."
I hear the click of two cups with saucers being placed on a tray. My mouth is water as I listen closely and hear the water being poured into the French press. Something else is going on the tray, I am not sure what, but Nick can’t come back soon enough.”
“Here you are. For your best friend.” I can’t tell who is James and who is Rick. I already like the tone of one of them. There is a hint of sarcasm. I like that.
"Thank you." I hear Nick. I can only imagine his facial expression right now.
"You're welcome. Feel free to come out and sit whenever you like. Or if you prefer maybe you both would like to watch another movie?"
I giggle to myself, now I absolutely know the expression on Nick’s face as I hear him reply. "I am paying and tipping you. Remember that. I will commend you on your wit. That was very good. Perhaps you increased your tip by an additional fifteen percent."
"Thank you, Mr. Gallo."
"Nick. Call me Nick please. I am not in the office." I can hear walking back. The smell of the ground beans getting closer is a great beginning to this day.
"No you are certainly not in the office. Nick." Ha! Who is this? James or Rick? Oh I can’t wait to meet whichever it is!
Nicks voice lowers, "I heard that James. Don’t overstep. You lost that additional fifteen percent now."
"Fuck!" Ah so it is James!
"And... you just got it back. Now stop talking and get back to cooking. If your food is as good as your wit this will be a very good day for us all."
Nick walks in slamming the door with his leg as he passes it. "Okay this should be an interesting morning. I take it you were listening?"
"Absolutely was. Old movies huh? Just friends? So we were just friends last night?"
Nick only raise his eyes toward me and I smirk back at him as he puts the tray down on my dresser. There is a timer, it begins ringing. He presses the water through the ground coffee.
"Hey Nick. You realize there isn't even a TV in here?"
"SSSSHHH. What? Stop raising your voice. They can hear you. What are you talking about you don't have a TV in your bedroom? What the fuck is wrong with you Moe? Everyone has a TV in their bedroom."
"I don't."
"Yes, I see that now."
"Well it isn't like they are going to come in here and look for one."
I hear laughter coming from the kitchen.
He looks back at me. His body looks even more appetizing in the morning light. "You enjoy embarrassing me don't you?"
"Yes. Yes, very much Nicholas."
Nick brings my coffee over to me. "Why is embarrassing me so much fun. I do business in these towns. People talk. You have no idea how people talk. God I am sure Ray has spilled half my shit across LA."
I take a sip of the coffee. Oh, my God it’s Kona! This is so good. "Believe me Nick. Ray would never say an ill thing about you. Except that you are a bit arrogant and controlling."
"Are you kidding me? Did Ray say that?"
"No! Of course he didn't. Ray is devoted to you! Though… he does hear a lot of your business sitting in the front of that big ole Mercedes. You better keep treating that man right."
"Fuck I never thought! Did he say that shit about me? Tell me?"
"No! Absolutely not! Stop I am joking with you! Get your coffee. It is heavenly. You have maybe about three minutes to drink it. Then I need to take a shower!" I yell loud enough to carry inside.
Nick walks away. "Jesus I seriously fucking hate you."
"Really that is not what you said last night?"
Nick turns around. "Put the coffee down Mackenzie."
Oh, shit this is going to get good again. Cheers to morning arousal. "Mackenzie? I am sorry there is no one here by that name." I quickly put my coffee on the nightstand.
Nick is coming at me quickly. He jumps on the bed and pins me down. I laugh hard. "You might want to find something to bite down on. Or else you will be the one embarrassed to walk out of here. I am going to make you scream so loud."
"Speaking of biting that could be why you got little bit of shit as you did out there."
"Right there. I sort of bit you last night when we were..."
"Holy Shit Moe! How did I not see this? You broke the skin!"
"Yeah in this light, kind of looks like I did. It’s a bit black and blue. Oooh I am sorry about that."
Nick falls back on the bed. Belly laughing. Deep belly laughing. It is contagious. I laugh harder as well. He grabs me by my stomach and has me flat on my back in one swift motion. I can't stop laughing.
Nick stops. "Who got who, now Moe?"
Nick moves immediately down on me. God he needs to teach other men oral sex. Fuck editing, publishing, writing all of it. Oral sex! No. He must write a book about this! He can do that. Oh God, whatever he wants. Whatever. Jesus don't stop. My head falls back on the bed. I grab the blankets and squeeze them. God damn him! I can’t help but scream. This is worse. No, that is not right. This is even better than last night. I grab a pillow and put it over my mouth with both hands. I am moaning so hard I can barely catch my breath. I can't hold. God I can always hold on! I can always hold out. Oh, god I can't! My body erupts. I am spinning again. It is intense. Climatic is an understatement. He is the best fucking oral sex I have ever had!
With my body still trembling, I move the pillow from my mouth. "I hate you! I honestly fucken hate you."
Nick sits up and wipes his face, as he licks his lips. He pulls my legs so weak and drained. I’m still quivering.
He smirks at me. “That didn’t take very long, did it?”
I throw the pillow at him.
It is then we hear a voice from outside the door. "Everything alright Mr. G? I mean Nick."
Together we raise our voices. "Quite.”
Nick pulls me again toward him as he stands backwards off the bed. "Can you stand?"
"Then we will do it this way." Nick kneels back on the bed with one leg. He picks me up.
"I honestly hate you."
"Yeah that isn't what you said last night. Do you feel a bit sore? I worked you over pretty well."
"Very much. Sore that is."
"Good. It will feel even better when you come again."
"Nicholas I can't. Even I have my limits. That was intense!"
Nick kisses me hard on the mouth as he turns us sideways through the bathroom door. Still holding me, he opens my shower door. He walks us in. He places us directly under the rainfall head and turns it on with his hand beneath me. Water washes over our sweat. It is warm enough, yet not hot. "By the way you really have a great ass now."
I tilt my head back out of the water's direct fall. "What is that supposed to mean? I didn't have a great ass before?"
"No, you had a great ass then too. Fuller, different but great. It is better now because it is in my hands."
"You are such a-”
Nick tilts his head and kisses me. Deep this time. I feel him hard and I can't believe how I am beginning to throb again. I can't I am so sore. I can't do it. Who taught him how to kiss? Seriously? I think he is better this morning that he was last night. What did he sneak out and practice? Nick moves back and sits
us down on the bench in the shower. He keeps me on him. I take this chance to turn to face him. He balances me as I turn placing one leg on each side of him.
"Seriously. I don't know Nick."
"Believe me you can and will." He raises me up and places his hand between us. Holding him still as I slide him into me.
"Fuck." I can’t help but say aloud. He is right.
Unison. I don't care if I am the fool now. I don't care how I look and I don't care who is in control. I am not holding out. He can fuck me as long as he wants or needs. I don't care. This time there is no doubt we are lustfully fucking. I am going to orgasm. Soon. God I can't even think. Everything is moving quickly. I know we are moving against one another yet we are completely together. Completely one again. It is that simple thought that is it for me. I let go.
It comes over me one after the other. This isn't multiple orgasms. This is one. One unbelievably intense, mind-blowing eruption! Nick digs his hands hard into my ass. He releases all of himself in me. My body does not stop. I am crying and I have no idea why! Oh God no! He made me orgasm cry! I don't do that! No! I hit him hard on the shoulder. "I hate you."
"Yes the feeling is mutual. I seem to have made you cry again. I am quite certain for a very different reason. Outstanding Max! This time I do not mind. First for you? I told you, no mundane." Nick hugs me tight.
He then lifts us both up as I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us both back under the water. Possibly washing away our sins, and the past we once shared. Washing away the time we have spent apart.
I am not certain what I am feeling. I know my head is swirling with so many thoughts. I fear this is desperation for a new life. A different existence. I loved him differently once before. I know I can again. He always returns. Will he leave or stay this time? Maybe there is a place for us to be more.
"Now. Good morning Moe."
"Good morning Nick. Now let me down!"
"Sure you can stand?"
"I have absolutely no fucking idea, actually. But I need to get away from you!"
Nick laughs as he moves my legs from behind him. I hold onto to his neck for dear life. "I am only two inches taller than you. You can put your feet down. You will touch the floor.”
"Yes, I am aware of that. I am giving myself a second. Get my strength." I let the weight of my body drop down to my feet. All the weight resting there. I can stand. I let go of Nick's neck and I step back. Putting my head back as I push my hair off my face. "God we are gross. We both really need to shower. Hand me the soap."
"Moe, really? Don't you have any other soap in here? Goddammit!"
"Oh God I am sorry. I honestly don't have anything else. I wasn’t exactly expecting company. Just use it. You will smell so sweet." I can't help but begin to laugh.
"Any antibacterial out there? Anything? All of my stuff is in the guest bath. Seriously Moe, do you have any other soap?"
"Nick, honestly I am not bullshitting you. I have no other soap. Oh, wait. I have vanilla. Seriously, that is better than smelling like lavender. Right? It is in the closet. Can you get us towels while you are out there? You forgot towels, rushing us in here like you did."
"Fuck you, Moe. Seriously, fuck you." Nick steps out of the shower.
"Don't slip. The floor can get very slippery."
Nick raises his middle finger to me. I really don't care. I am washing up and checking out his ass for the first time. Seeing it in the daylight is even better than feeling it in the dark. Way to go martial arts! I turn grabbing my shampoo. My hair feels stuck to me from last night, not from being under the water. I turn around and Nick is mumbling as he rubs vanilla all over himself. I know he realizes that vanilla is still better than, one; sex and two; lavender.
I turn back around. I do not want to laugh again in front of him. We are still naked and he has proven to be a far better player than I am. He rinses off. I turn on the showerhead beside him. I need the stronger jet to get all the soap out of my hair. Nick looks at me and shakes his head. I turn and place my head under. I move my fingers like a comb through my hair.
Nick opens the door to leave. "Well at least now I know when I am gone, you can't possibly miss me with that shower head around."
"You are such a dick."
Smiling he wraps a towel around his waist and leaves. I quick finish up, rinse off and shut the shower off. I grab my towel and make a beeline for my vanity. I have my rituals still. Lotions. There is a science still and the last thing I need is shit from him. Quickly, I begin. I am on my left leg when Nick walks back in. He is dressed with his coffee in hand.
"Wow. How did you manage to get your clothes? Nice by the way."
"My bag was in the guest bath. I snuck out. Grabbed it and snuck back in. What? I have jeans and a t-shirt on."
"I know. This look reminds me of the old days. Your jeans are even more worn. Are they ripped too? I can’t see that well; my glasses are still next to the bed."
"Yes, except I paid over $200 to have these jeans look worn and ripped. Back when you remember they were that way because I wore them for so many years."
"You look hot Nick. Well there goes the thought of putting on my ripped Levi’s. Bad enough Frick and Frack heard it all. You and I coming out looking like twins would really make their day. At least my vampire declaration is hidden from them now."
"I laid something out for you to wear."
I shove the lotion back in my drawer. I pull my hair to the side and begin a braid. "You did not? What am I saying? Of course you did. What did you find in there that I am wearing in my own house, to sit and eat in, on my birthday?"
"Nothing special. A simple dress I saw. It is Gap for God's sake. Relax. It has the tags on it. Do you even know any of the clothes you have in there? How many have the tags on them?"
"Of course I do- not!" I finish my braid and open my drawer grabbing a rubber band. I wrap the end. I turn to the mirror. I pull out mascara and put a thick coat on my lashes.
"You don't need make-up."
"Thank you, but I do. Many thanks to the sun these days, but I still do need some. Shit my contacts." I grab a pair from the drawer as Nick stands and watches. They are in, in a moment.
`"I have no idea how you can touch your eyes like that. It totally freaks me out."
"You can't be serious?"
"I am. I have my own idiosyncrasies. I cannot touch my eyes like that."
"How is it I am the one on medication?”
"I often wonder the same thing."
I get up, walk back to bedroom. Much to my surprise. I like what he has pulled out. No, I don't remember even buying this. Simple charcoal grey maxi dress with a with a racer back, but with a twist instead. I laugh aloud. Nick has a bra and a thong out also. I glance back over at him. He raises his cup to me. I am impressed he even found the right bra. Front closure. Racer back. I drop my towel and dress quickly.
“Reminds me of what I wore last night.”
“That is why I liked it so much. Nice envisioning last night in my mind. This is at least not white. Thank God.”
We both smile. I ask. "You ready?"
"Starving. You make a man work for his bed and breakfast."
I open the door to my bedroom. So many smells hit me. Nick gathers up the coffee. He is behind me in a moment. "Moe..."
I turn.
"Thank you for last night. This morning. I swear I never saw it coming. I will never forget this."
I step back down. I take the tray from Nick. "Let me explain something in case it isn’t clear. I almost completely forgot how to laugh before you got here. As great as everything else is and it is great. God, smiling feels so very good. It woke me back up. I could never hope for a better birthday gift. So it is I, who is thankful. You, my hope."
Chapter Eighty-One
I turn and walk into the kitchen. "Good morning gentleman! I am the birthday girl. Call me Max. So what is on the menu today?"
James immediately responds. His facial expressions and his very fla
mboyant mannerisms I already love him more than his wit earlier. "What is not on the menu is more like it! I was told breakfast is your favorite meal. Though from your kitchen it does not look like any meal is your favorite meal. Speaking of looking. May I say you are simply divine? Your eyes, how they jump out. Oh, the good Lord gave you those eyes as a birthday gift forty years ago! You had better be making men swoon with those gems! Oh, how I admire a fellow beauty like myself.”
“I do not know about all that, but you certainly know how to make a fellow beauty feel divine! You say that to all your clients?”
“Definitely not love. I will not comment any further on that. Would prefer not to lose any other clients!”
“Well, you are most certainly accurate that breakfast is my favorite meal. Now what is on the menu today? What do you have in store for me?”
“Lots of goodies, but nothing it seems that will compare to the gentleman running this all.” James whispers and I smile letting out a small giggle, unable not to laugh.
Nick is now right behind me. His hands on my hips I am certain he did not hear James’s comment. He places a kiss on my neck. I grab the back of his neck and kiss the top of his head.
"See Rick I told you! Damn. Why can't I have a "friend" like that? Nice Mr. G. My goodness, so tender. Oooh, do you have a “friend” for me? I like them tall with green eyes. A strong man. No queen. I am the queen in my relationships."
Nick squeezes my hips. “Too much information James. I am sure you find “friends” on your own with no problem at all.”
James has us both laughing. Rick however seems uptight with a look of disappointment. I am sure he is wondering what is really going through our heads.
"This is true.” He swings his head. “Right this way Max. Nick. If you will follow me, we have set you both up for a beautiful brunch out in the wonderful fresh air with this ocean breeze. Honestly, this all looks like a movie to me. Don’t you agree?"
My smile widens. A movie huh? Mr. Hughes would be proud. "You had them bring a table with an umbrella?"
"I love the sun. Though not partial to eating with it shining on my face. Besides I wanted everything perfect."
“There is no such thing as perfect.”