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The Librarian and Her Beast

Page 5

by Laura Ann


  “Alright, spill it.” Lucy spoke before she was even fully through the door.

  Piper looked up from the stack of books she was shelving. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said with false innocence.

  “Oh you better. I didn’t get written up by Old Grimm himself for you to know nothing.”

  “What?” She whirled around so fast she nearly lost her books. “What do you mean you got written up. What happened?”

  “I may or may not have thrown a brownie bomb at Miranda when she wouldn’t stop bad mouthing you and Nash after you guys left.” She studied the nails on her left hand, feigning nonchalance.

  Piper gasped.

  “In my defense, I didn’t know it was a brownie bomb.” She sighed. “What a waste of good chocolate.”

  Laughing, Piper said, “Okay, you have to tell me the full story now.”

  “Nope. Not till I get the goods, sista.”

  Piper looked around, making sure they were alone. School had let out 45 minutes ago and students had already filtered out. “Well, I took your suggestion and went out to practice yesterday. He came over and sat next to me after practice was over, then walked me to my car.” She could feel a big goofy smile pulling on the corner of her mouth but she fought it.

  “Thus it begins....” Lucy said ominously.

  “What do you mean?” Piper asked, her eyebrows furrowing together.

  “Your eyes have totally gone dreamy. I told you, you are in love with him!” She said triumphantly.

  “Pssht. I’m not in love with him.” She waved off the idea with her hand, like a pesky gnat. But she couldn’t stop her mind from thinking, yet.

  “Mm, hmm. That’s what they all say. Now finish the story. There has to be more. Neanderthal man totally ate you alive in that lunch room. Which was awesome, by the way. I didn’t know Miranda’s face could match her hair. And you nearly gave Charlotte a heart attack. “ She cackled as she waved on Piper to continue.

  “He didn’t eat me alive!” Piper argued.

  “Tomato, tomahto...”

  Rolling her eyes she said. “Anyway, I went ahead and made him brownies like you suggested—”

  “Because I’m a genius.”

  Piper paused and gave her a pointed look.


  She shook her head. “So this morning I arrived early to leave them in his classroom before he got here. Only I was too late. He was already here and Miranda was talking to him in his classroom.”

  “Scum!” Lucy declared.

  “Yeah, so anyways, I wasn’t sure what was going on. While I was trying to figure things out, she opened the door and hit me with it, causing me to smash the brownies against my chest.”

  Lucy doubled over. “So that’s why they were in a ball! Oh my gracious, that is hilarious!” She continued to laugh.

  “Are you quite done? I thought you wanted to hear the story?”

  “Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute. Ahhhh...” She wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

  “Glad I can be your entertainment.” Piper said sarcastically. “So, Miranda of course spoke to me and implied that she and Nash were a thing.”

  Lucy gasped.

  “Uh huh. My thought too. So after she left and Nash found me in the hallway, I was super frustrated and basically threw the plate at him before taking my leave.” She paused.

  “Then what? THEN WHAT?” Lucy was clasping her hands in excitement. “I can tell from your face that it’s good.”

  “Well, he grabbed me and then he smiled, as he pulled me to him and kissed me.” She sighed. “It was the best first kiss ever. That man has muscles like a rock.” She closed her eyes and reimagined the scene for the hundredth time.

  “Wow. I didn’t realize the dude had it in him.”

  “What? You mean to kiss me? Why is that so crazy?”

  “No. I mean to smile.”

  “Lucy!” She smacked her friend lightly on her arm with one of the books in her hands. “Be nice.”

  Lucy just laughed. “I’m super happy for you. You deserve to be happy and if strong and silent make you happy, then more power to ya.” She hugged her friend as best she could, while Piper was holding a bunch of books, then turned around and skipped out of the room.

  Piper watched her go, and shook her head. Just as the door closed, she realized Lucy hadn’t told her what happened in the lunchroom

  Leaping Legolas! I’ll have to beat it out of her tomorrow. She laughed to herself, then resumed putting the books away.


  Promptly at 6, Piper’s doorbell rang. Ooh, I love a man that’s punctual. Trying to control her smile, so it looked pleasant instead of insane, she swung open the door. Whoa.

  Apparently Nash had showered after practice. His hair was still wet, making it look darker, which only accented the darkness of his eyes. Mmmm, he smells so good. His aftershave enveloped her and sent her senses into overdrive.

  She sighed in contentment, leaning her head against the edge of the door. “Hi,” she said. Oh, you’re brilliant Piper. Absolutely brilliant. She mentally face palmed herself.

  Nash grinned before extending his hand to her.

  Doing her best to control the butterflies doing the polka in her stomach, she put her tiny hand in his and locked the door behind her. I’m soooo glad I wore jeans and boots instead of a skirt this time. She thought, as they approached his massive truck.

  Preparing herself to climb up, she gasped when Nash grabbed her around the waist and plopped her inside, just as he had done last time. She looked at him after he set her down, in a mock glare.

  “I was pretty excited I was going to be able to climb up all by myself this time.”

  He chuckled, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. After pulling back, he ran his finger down the same cheek and closed the door. After pulling himself in, he started the car and backed out of the parking spot.

  “So, where are we going?” Piper asked as they drove.

  Nash glanced over then back at the road. Piper could tell he was figuring out how to tell her without speaking. Oops. That won’t work. Uh...

  “Mexican?” She asked quickly.

  He looked her way again with a surprised look on her face. Then shook his head ‘no’.


  Again he shook his head, but it was his smile and his eyes that caught Piper’s attention. The smile lit his whole face, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was gratitude in his eyes. She felt a small prick at the back of her eyes, as she realized what a small thing it was to make him happy. I have GOT to do that more often.


  He wrinkled his nose as he shook his head.

  Piper laughed. “Ah, guess that answers that. Uh...Pho?”

  This time he looked completely confused.

  Piper laughed. “Well, I’m out of ideas. I guess it will just need to be a surprise.”

  The silence was comfortable for the next 5 minutes while they drove. Nash finally pulled into a small parking lot of a cafe.

  “I’ve never been here before.” She said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

  He held up a finger in a “wait” motion, before getting out and walking around. Opening her door, he reached in and grabbed her, then gently set her down.

  Her hands were resting on his forearms and she reluctantly let go when she reached the ground. “So...what kind of food do they have here?”

  After a few seconds of silence, she realized her repeated mistake and felt her cheeks blush. “Oh sorry. Umm.. let me try again. This looks like a soup and sandwich place. Is that what they have?”

  The same smile that appeared in the truck lit up his face before he answered with a nod.

  She smiled in return, “That sounds great. The weather has really been cooling off lately, huh?”

  Again he nodded, then grabbed her hand and started walking her to the building. Once inside t
he hostess led them to a small booth in the back corner.

  After making their selections, they handed back their menus and were left alone.

  Nash watched her from across the booth, before finally reaching out and grabbing one of her hands. He toyed with her fingers as they sat waiting.

  Piper cleared her throat before breaking the silence. “So have you always had an interest in football?”

  His head cocked to the side as he answered with his usual nod.

  “Did you just like to hit things? Or did you always plan to be a coach?”

  Nash held up two fingers.

  At first Piper was confused. Two fingers? What does he mean—oh! “Option two? Is that what you mean?”

  He smiled.

  “Okay, so you always wanted to be a coach. I’m actually a bit surprised. I would have thought you wanted to play professional. I mean, look at you! You’re—” She stopped when he looked down at himself and back up at her., a frown on his face. Piper laughed. “Sorry. I just meant, know... you’re well... uh...big?”

  Nash laughed. Like a full on belly laugh. It was rich and deep and sent a shiver through her spine. Oh my! That is sinful.

  As his laugh wound down he made eye contact with her, tilted his head in her direction, and then used his pointer and thumb finger to indicate “small.”

  Piper gasped in mock outrage. “Are you implying I’m little? How dare you!” She raised a hand to her chest, pulling out her best southern belle impersonation. “Women aren’t little. We’re dainty. But, seriously, I’m pretty sure everyone is small compared to you.”

  His shoulders shook with a silent chuckle.

  “Coaching, huh? Are you aiming higher than high school? Is this just a step on your way up the ladder?”

  Nash shook his head, then looked at the server who appeared with their food.

  “Thank you,” Piper said as her plate was set down. She watched Nash nod his gratitude for his own food. History quickly repeated itself as she found him diving into the meal, without another glance in her direction. Her temper gave a slight flare as she watch him devour his food like he hadn’t eaten in days, but she squelched it before it could gain momentum. His manners are impeccable when he handles me. But he eats like a caveman. He has a voice but refuses to use it. What is he hiding?

  She realized she was staring at him, when he caught her eye and stopped eating. He set his sandwich down and looked sheepishly at his plate.

  Piper found her heart softening toward the giant sitting across from her. “I’ll bet you’re hungry after all those hours on the football field, huh?”

  Nash looked up quickly in surprise and gave a small shrug.

  “Well, don’t wait on my account. Us dainty women have an image to maintain, so have at it.” Picking up her own sandwich, she took a larger bite than normal and watched him as she attempted to chew everything in her mouth.

  His lips twitched in amusement and then he joined her in finishing off their meal.

  “Thank you, Nash. I enjoyed dinner tonight,” Piper said as he walked her to her door. She pulled the keys out of her purse and found the one to her apartment.

  Stepping up close behind her, Nash pulled the keys out of her hands and unlocked the door for her. Then he turned the knob and gave a small push, opening it.

  Piper was frozen in place, not wanting to give up his warmth. Slowly he took her shoulders and turned her around, allowing his arms to encircle her.

  Her heart was pounding, and it took all her courage to look in his eyes. They were deep and dark, but as she lost herself to their depths, she recognized something. He was nervous. Seeing that insecurity in his eyes caused her heart to swell even more.

  Please kiss me. Please kiss me. She hoped her eyes would convey her permission just as his had shown his heart.

  Slowly, allowing her time to turn him down, he lowered his head. As their lips touched, Piper felt her knees weaken. She threw her arms around his neck to help hold herself up. Once again, he took the opportunity to pull her to his level.

  She giggled and pulled out of the kiss as her legs dangled. “So this is what it’s like way up here. I’ve always wondered if there was a difference in the weather at this altitude.”

  He grinned and started walking forward, her legs swaying with each step.

  Once inside, he set her down. Reaching behind him, she pushed the door shut. Then she looked up, ran her finger down his cheek, and brazenly said, “Please kiss me again.”

  Sometime later, she found herself curled up on his lap as he sat on her sofa. She was practically purring in contentment.

  Lifting his arm, Nash looked at his watch and back at her.

  Sighing, Piper stood. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s getting late and we both have work tomorrow. It’s time for you to go home.”

  Nash stood and followed her to the door.

  Twisting the knob, she paused a moment. “Thank you for tonight, Nash. I thought it was a lovely evening.” She looked at him from under her lashes.

  His face was smug as he reached out to lift up her chin. Looking at her with soft eyes, he ran his finger down her cheek, and slipped out the door.

  She leaned her forehead against the door for a few moments after he left. I just had the best date of my life with a man who spoke less than 5 words all evening. Hoppin’ Harry. I’m crazy.

  Giggling at herself, she took off down the hall to bed.


  Piper arrived at school with a spring in her step on Friday morning. The last couple of days had been the stuff of dreams. Nash would come in and “say” hello every morning before school got started. He also sat next to her in the teacher’s lounge during lunch and they often met for dinner. Today she carried an extra duffel bag with her. It had warmer clothes for her to wear to the football game tonight. She cracked a grin as she thought of her attempt to guess what Nash was asking last night. She was starting to get better at reading him, but their evenings often included a one-sided round of 20 questions.

  “Game.” Nash said as they finished up dinner.

  Piper wiped her mouth, then set her napkin in her lap. “Game? Uh... okay. Are we talking a specific game here?”

  He nodded.

  “Game, game, game. Did you want to play a game tonight?”

  His eyes twinkled with mischief, but he only shook his head.

  Piper felt her telltale blush hit as she realized how her words could have been construed. “Uh, thank you for letting that one go.” She cleared her throat. “I’m afraid I’m lost with the game thing.”

  Nash took a deep breath then seemed to concentrate hard before saying, “Football.”

  “Oh! You have a football game?”

  He nodded.

  “Is it tonight?”

  Head shake.

  “Soon? Oh wait, tomorrow is Friday. It must be tomorrow, right?”

  He smiled.

  “Well great. Was there something particular about this game?”

  His head nod was followed by a specific tilt towards her.

  “Me? I’m the something particular about this game?” She was confused before she finally realized what was going on. “Are you asking if I will come to the game?”

  Her efforts at translation were rewarded as he leaned across the table to give her a quick kiss.

  “Dancin’ Darcy. You promise me more of that and I’ll be at every game for the rest of the season.”

  He chuckled and caressed a finger down her cheek, followed by a quick nod of agreement.

  Piper was so caught up in the memory of last night that she didn’t see who was waiting for her at the doors to the library.

  “Oof!” Was followed by a thud as someone fell to the ground.

  “Ornery Obiwan! Mrs. Merryweather! Not again! How is it I never seem to see you until it’s too late? I’m so sorry!” She quickly dropped her bags and helped the woman to her feet.

  After patting her unmoving helmet of hair, and straightening her sh
irt, the secretary brushed off the apology. “Not to worry, my dear. Happens all the time.”

  “I’ll bet it does.” Piper muttered under her breathe.

  “What was that, dearie?”

  “Nothing, nothing. Was there something I can do for you this morning?”

  “Oh, I just came to check on things. Never can be too careful, you know.”

  “Oh? Check on what exactly?” Piper tilted her head to the side as she tried to figure out what Mrs. Merryweather was referring to.

  “Your hair.”

  “My hair?” Now she was really confused.

  “Yes. Did it work?”

  “Uh...I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Mrs. Merryweather. I haven’t done anything with my hair,” Piper explained.

  “Well, it’s not really about the hair, dear.”

  “But you just said—” Heavy footsteps sounded down the hall; Piper recognized their tread. Her heart rate picked up and she felt a smile begin to break out on her face. It dropped just as suddenly as it began, however, when she also recognized the clicking of high heels.

  Nash came around the corner with Miranda dogging his footsteps like an eager puppy. Okay, maybe not a puppy. That woman is way too....woman... to be compared to a puppy. But still...

  Nash’s eyes lit up when he saw Piper and he lengthened his stride, leaving Miranda behind.

  “Ah...I see you have overcome your hair just fine.”

  Piper looked over at the older woman, feeling guilty she had forgotten she was there. “Uh, sure.” What did I just agree to?

  When Nash reached her, he reached out and took all her bags. Nodding at Mrs. Merryweather, he then led Piper into the library. Miranda, however, was not deterred.

  “Aw, Nash. You are so sweet. Helping out those less fortunate than you. Why I—” She stopped suddenly when Nash dropped the bags on the desk and turned to look at her. She raised one eyebrow and puckered her lips alluringly as he started to walk back to her.

  Piper stood frozen, wondering what he was going to do. She could read him well enough now to know that he was not in a mood to put up with the woman’s antics.

  Nash continued right on past Miranda. Walking to the library door, he held it open and made a sweeping motion with his arm, as if inviting her to leave with him.


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