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The Librarian and Her Beast

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  The redhead began strutting like she was on a catwalk, knowing she had his full attention. Pausing at the door she said, “I knew you’d come to your senses. Why don’t you walk me to my classroom and we”

  After one more step, Nash sidestepped and let the library door close. A firm push appeared to have helped the door close extra fast.

  “Eeek!” Miranda screeched, as the door whacked her in the backside, causing her to skid in her heels.

  Piper put both hands over her mouth to contain her laughter. It was no use, however, as it proceeded to spill out between her fingers.

  The kindergarten teacher glared back through the glass door. Pointing her finger at the two of them, she yelled something, but it was garbled. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she stalked down the hallway and out of sight.

  Piper’s laughter was dying down as Nash finished reaching her side. With a soft smile, he bent and gave her a quick kiss.

  “Mmm...” Piper hummed. “Hello to you, too.” She said as she opened her eyes, getting swallowed in his dark ones.

  He broke the moment when he stood up and walked around her. Picking up her bags, he started around the reference desk to hide them in her usual spot on the shelves. He held up her extra duffle bag and gave her a questioning look.

  “It’s extra clothes. I wanted to change into something comfier and warmer for the game tonight.”

  His smile split across his face as he nodded and finished putting everything away for her.

  Walking back, he put his arms around her and gave her one more quick kiss. Straightening up, he slowly dragged one finger down her cheek.

  Piper closed her eyes to savor the sensation. That move had become her favorite show of affection. After his kisses, of course.

  He paused at the doorway and looked back at her.

  “Thank you, Nash. And I’ll see you at lunch.”

  He grinned, then opened the door and disappeared down the hall.

  Piper turned to head to her desk to get started for the day. Holy Heathcliff, I think I’m in love with that man.


  “Go Dragons!” Piper called from her spot on the bleachers. She wiggled around again, trying to bring feeling to her backside. Why in the world do they make these seats so uncomfortable? I’m sure they would get more people to come support the team if they actually had comfortable seating.

  “Ooooh!” The crowd groaned as one of the boys got hit hard. Play on the field stopped and Nash, along with the athletic trainer, took off onto the field. Kneeling next to the boy, the trainer did a few small tests before carefully removing the boy’s helmet and helping him sit up.

  After a few moments, Nash helped the boy to the sidelines and the audience clapped to show their support. When the game continued, Nash came over and checked in with the sports trainer who was examining the boy.

  Piper’s heart flipped. There really is a soft side hidden behind grunts and nods. How did I not see it? Shaking her head in wonder, she wrapped her hoodie tighter around herself and went back to watching the game.

  An hour later, Piper stood and clapped as the boys all filed off the field, excitement in their steps after barely squeaking out a win. She watched Nash’s stride and reveled in the smile he wore. Suddenly he turned over his shoulder and looked her straight in the eye.

  Amazingly, his smile grew even larger and he held up one finger in the universal “wait a minute” symbol. She nodded her answer and watched him disappear into the field house.

  Sitting back down on the bench, she sighed at her sore bum and told herself she could wait 10 more minutes. Pulling out her phone, she fiddled around until she heard footsteps on the bottom steps of the bleachers. Looking up, she smiled when her eyes found her favorite chocolate pools. Standing up, she started to fold the blanket she had been sitting on, but it was quickly snatched out of her hands.

  His large hands fumbled a bit, but he managed to fold the blanket and put it inside her duffel bag, before picking up the bag.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, reveling in his chivalrous attitude. She cleared her throat. “The game was great. Congratulations on your win!”

  His eyes twinkled and he nodded his “thank you.” Taking her gloved hand, he started walking her down the stairs. Once at the bottom, he paused. Hefting the bag higher on his shoulder he raised the hand he was holding. Using his other hand, he pulled off her glove, then reached over and tucked it in her jacket pocket.

  Piper watched him with curious eyes. He repositioned her hand by entwining their fingers and took off again. She felt her cheeks grow hot at the sweetness of the gesture.

  Her mind was still in melting mode when Nash broke the silence. “Food?” he asked.

  She blinked and forced herself to catch up to what he said. “Uh.. oh! I’m not really hungry, I ate nachos during the game. Are you hungry?”

  He grunted.

  She laughed. “Of course. You’re always hungry.” She had a sudden thought. “I’ve uh, I mean, I made meatloaf a couple nights ago. There are leftovers in the fridge.” Her cheeks burned and she felt like she was going to ignite any moment. “You, uh, you wouldn’t want to come to my apartment and eat there, would you?” She had never fed a guy at her apartment before, but Nash was different. He was quickly becoming an addiction and she wasn’t ready to say goodnight to him yet. “I mean, you don’t have to, don’t feel pressured. I just-”

  Nash stopped walking and gave her a short, sweet kiss, effectively ending her babbling. He straightened up and started walking towards her car again.

  Piper followed silently, not knowing if that was an answer, or if it was just a way to get her to shut up. Maybe I should babble more often...

  At her car, he waited until she was inside and settled, before striding to his own vehicle a few rows over. She watched him in her rearview mirror, admiring the view. When his headlights came on, she finally pulled out and headed home. When he followed her lead, her heart skipped a beat.

  HER HANDS WERE TREMBLING as she unlocked her apartment door. Nash’s warmth was right behind her and she struggled to get her body to act normally when his powerful presence was near. Finally, she heard the clicks and pushed open the door.

  Rumpled Rhett, what if I forgot to put something away? When did I last do laundry? Please tell me there isn’t underwear on the bathroom floor.

  She tried to surreptitiously glance in the bathroom door while she walked her bag to the bedroom.

  Nash was waiting in the front room for her. Hands in his pockets, he actually looked a little nervous. Seeing him acting like a teenage boy gave her a confidence boost. Because they were still in the first stages of their relationship, she was still discovering all the different sides to him and she loved seeing evidence that he was just as affected by her as she was by him.

  “Why don’t you grab a seat on the couch. Remote is on the coffee table, you can turn something on if you like while I grab you a plate.”

  He grunted, nodded, then sat down. She went to the fridge and pulled out a couple of tupperwares, loading a plate high before microwaving it.

  Grabbing utensils and napkins, she came over to the couch. “Here ya go. Would you like something to drink? I have milk, apple juice, and of course, water?” She set down the plate and fiddled with her hands.

  He took a deep breath and paused a moment before saying, “Milk.”

  She nodded and went to get a glass. He always seems to concentrate before he speaks. I know I said I would be patient, but this is killing me. She shook off her musings and chided herself before returning with a tall glass of milk. She sat next to him on the sofa, leaving a little space to give him room to eat. He had turned the tv to a sports channel and seemed to be catching up on game scores.

  In almost no time at all, he had downed the plate of food she had brought him. “Are you still hungry? I have a little more.” She asked as she took the plate.

  He shook his head.

  “Okay, let me just run these
to the sink.” When she returned from the kitchen, Nash had turned off the television and was looking at a stack of books she kept on a side table.

  He raised an eyebrow in question as she sat back down.

  “Hey! I’m a librarian! What did you expect to have hanging around my house?” She smiled as he thumbed through the titles.

  Stopping, he pulled one from the stack and looked it over.

  “I’ll admit that’s one of my favorites,” she said sheepishly.

  He tilted his head and she read a question in his eyes.

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong. I know fairy tales aren’t true, but I’m a sucker for happy endings. I love Cinderella. I love how she stays true to herself and her kindness despite how she’s treated. I love that she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I love that the prince can’t resist her, even searching the entire kingdom for her. He’s not afraid to show his hand. He also doesn’t care what anyone else thinks; he fell in love at first sight and it doesn’t matter what the kingdom or his father says. He’s not even sure she feels the same way, but he has to try. He has to find her. I just think it’s beautiful.” She felt a burn rise in her cheeks after her long confession.

  To her surprise, he looked captivated. Reaching out, he handed her the book. She took it, unsure of what he had in mind. Turning himself slightly sideways, he tucked one leg up on the couch and ensconced himself into the corner. Then he leaned forward and grabbed Piper around the waist. She squeaked when he lifted her and tucked her between his legs, her back to his chest. Oooh. This is actually quite nice. Mmm... She settled in and then looked over her shoulder to figure out what he wanted exactly.

  Nash nodded to the book.

  Piper looked at it. “The book?” she asked.

  Nash nodded.

  “ want me to...” She trailed off, unsure of what exactly he wanted.

  He covered her hands with his large, warm ones and opened the book to the beginning of the story.

  “You want me to read it? Aloud?” she asked.

  He grunted and nodded.

  Piper bit her lip to try and contain the smile that threatened to erupt on her face. Aaaaannndd there goes the rest of my heart.

  She swore to herself she would savor and remember every moment of this evening. “Once upon a time...” she began.

  ANOTHER MONTH PASSED in total bliss. Miranda had kept to herself and Piper found herself growing more and more attached to the handsome football coach.

  She sighed as she remembered his goodnight kiss from the night before. Now I understand the term “made my toes curl.” He made her feel so safe, warm, and precious. He had started eating dinner at her house almost nightly. After dinner they would curl up and she would read for awhile until he distracted her with other means of entertainment. I should make meatloaf tonight. That seems to be one of his favorites. Her mind sorted through recipe ingredients while she mindlessly sorted books in her return box.

  “Hey, chica! How’s it going?” Lucy bounded into the library.

  Piper smiled. “Good, how about you?” She continued sorting books.

  “Oooh, just fine.” She trailed her fingers along the spines of a stack of books.

  Piper watched her fidget and grinned. “Okay, what do you want?”

  “Hmm?” Lucy widened her eyes in false innocence.

  Piper stopped her work and stuck her hands on her hips. “Spill. It.”

  “Weeeelll, it’s nothing big really. We just, well, we justhappentobeplanningthehalloweenballandIknowyoudon’tlikedancesbutIwashopingyouwould helpoutattherefreshmentstand.” Her words were so fast that it took Piper a moment to figure out what she said.

  “Help out at the refreshment stand? Seriously, you want me to sit there all night and fight off high school boys trying to spike the punch?” She shook her head. She hated school dances. She always felt awkward and inelegant. It’s never like the books make it out to be. It’s just a night of watching hormonal teens try to get away with things they aren’t allowed to do at home.

  “Ahh, come on Pipe. It’s not that bad. You would be splitting the night with Principal Grimm so you don’t have to stand there all night. You could still enjoy the festivities for the second half of the dance.”

  “Oh sure, enjoy the festivities. Just what I always wanted, to be stuck in a dark gym with a bunch of emotional teens on the prowl. You know I hate these things, Luc. That’s why I’m not on the committee.” She started to walk away.

  “You could always bring a date. Like, I don’t know...a certain football coach?” Lucy tempted.

  Piper paused. Hmmm...that actually does sound intriguing. Could I get him to dress up? Maybe in a loincloth? She giggled at her imagination.

  “I don’t think you’re going to get him in something skimpy.” Lucy smirked.

  “How the heck did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I’ve obviously known you too long. Besides, your eyes give you away every time. You had a glazed look, which meant you were dreaming of his muscles.”

  “Sometimes, my friend, you are scary.” Piper pointed at Lucy.

  “Nah. Just good.” She shined her nails on her shirt. “So...whattya say? Willing to help out in order to have ole Prince Charming dressed up at your side?”

  “Mmmm... Prince Charming. That’s not a bad idea...” Piper’s mind was in brainstorm mode.

  “Right! I’ll put you down for sure then. Thanks!” Lucy sped through the door before Piper could change her mind.

  Piper’s cheeks heated as she let Nash in that evening. Can he tell I’ve been imagining him in a loincloth all afternoon?

  “H-how was practice?” She bit her lip, hoping the pain would bring back her focus and control.

  Gently, Nash reached out with his thumb and pulled her lip out. Then, keeping his fingers on her chin, he leaned in and kissed the abused lip. Pulling back, he looked at her with a question in his eyes.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Her limbs were gooey. Blinking several times, she shook her head and took a deep breath. “Sorry. I’m nervous because I have to ask you a question.”

  Nash stood up to his full height and crossed his arms. His head tilted to the side and his eyebrows raised, a clear sign he was listening.

  “Umm... Lucy signed me up to help out at the refreshment table at the Halloween dance. I usually don’t go to these things. I mean, really, they are just places for kids to...”She cut off her rambling and took a deep breath. “Okay, what I’m really getting at is, would you be willing to be my date for the night and not only help out at the table, but dress up with me as well?” Her eyes were downcast, too nervous to look at him. Her inner ramblings were cut off when he pulled her into a hug and lifted her off the ground.

  “Ahh!” She squealed as he swung her around.

  With a solid kiss, he put her down, his face beaming ear to ear.

  “Wow. You actually want to go?”

  He nodded.

  “Well...alrighty then! Well, that was unexpected.” She smiled widely and turned to get dinner for the two of them.

  “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE kidding me! No wonder you were so excited to go!” She smacked him hard on the arm, while he doubled over in laughter. She and Nash had cuddled up on the couch and were looking for couples dress up ideas on the Internet. His first pick had been a skimpily dressed nurse for her and a doctor for him. “Men,” she mumbled, but secretly she loved every minute of his teasing. “We are not, under any circumstances, and I mean none, dressing up with me in anything tiny and tight.”

  Pulling a face Piper had not seen yet, Nash pushed out his lower lip and pouted. Yes, actually pouted. Dashing Darcy, that is the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

  Unable to help it, she leaned forward and nibbled on his protruding lip. It took him no time at all to wrap his arms around her and take control of the situation.

  “So..”she whispered in between kisses, “You really want me to dress in something sexy, huh?”

p; His answer was to pull her closer and keep her mouth too busy to talk. When he finally pulled back enough to rain kisses on her cheek and neck, she made her move. “You’re okay with all your football players seeing me in something like that?”

  His movements stopped. With lightning speed, he spun her around, putting her back to his chest, and grabbed the computer again.

  Piper couldn’t contain her laughter as he pulled up pictures of nun costumes.


  “Oh my word! It’s gorgeous, Pipe!” Lucy gushed over the puffy dress.

  “You don’t think it’s too much?” A frown marred Piper’s features as she studied her reflection from every angle.

  “Not a chance! You guys decided on a princess and a prince, and this fits the bill to a ‘T’.” She flitted around, smoothing out the golden pleats and plucking imaginary pieces of lint.

  “Is the color too bold? I’m not sure about the gold tone. It’s almost yellow.” Secretly she loved it. The sweetheart neckline gave off the illusion of generous curves, the tight waist gave her an hourglass figure, and the large skirt floated with an elegant, feminine air. The tiny, iridescent jewels sewn into the skirt gave small flashes of light as she spun. It was by far the nicest thing she had ever worn.

  “I’ve never rented a costume for Halloween before. This dress probably costs a fortune,” Piper grumbled.

  “Don’t worry about it. Think of it this way, all those years you didn’t dress up, you were saving for this year.”

  “Yeah. Okay. You’re right.” Piper took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do it. Do you still have the one you decided on?”

  “Yep. Good old Tinkerbell is hanging over the chair over there.”

  Piper grinned. “Great. Let me change and then we’ll go pay.”

  Piper held the door open as they walked out. “Did you find a date?” she asked Lucy.


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