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George pulled Olivia from the depths, “Are you okay, Miss Marshall?” he asked over his shoulder.
She had been sitting like a cold, haunted statue in the back of the car staring vacantly at the emptiness. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I guess I should get moving, huh?” she answered morosely.
With reluctance, Olivia grabbed the handles of her weekend travel bag and exited through the rear door of the black sedan. The gravel cracked and popped under the tires taking the taillights and her hopes as they disappeared into the darkness beyond the ancient wooly trees. Branches rustled and danced in the night air as she steeled her resolve.
He would not break her. She was stronger than he was.
Was he in his office watching her right now? Deciding? Scheming? She slowly turned and saw a dim scattering of light escaping through the panes in his office window. She swallowed hard as a humid breeze chilled her. She inhaled deeply and exhaled, resigned to her fate as she forced herself up the steps, noting she would pay her penance in full…soon.
The sound of her bag dropping to the marble floor echoed in the grand entryway. She stood frozen. It felt as if her heart had relocated to her ears mid-thump. Where was Nick? She had assumed he would be waiting. Maybe he was going to call her into his office expecting a cringing recalcitrant child. He could take what was due him, but she would never give him what he really wanted.
The house was so chillingly quiet. Surely, he knew she was here. He had made the arrangements, must have heard the car and had to have heard her enter. She cautiously surveyed the area around her. The foyer looked murky, lit only by the collateral light peeking through the front door sidelights and the cloudy light creeping from his office down the front hall. Maybe he had decided to taunt her with her own fears. She felt her legs weaken and decided to take her bag upstairs.
As she readied to take her first step up, Olivia felt him slither out of the shadows and glide behind her as he snaked his arms over hers pinning her unmercifully against him. He bit her ear sharply and she cried out before regaining her composure. The smell of whiskey on his fiery breath burned her senses.
“Oh, Olivia.” He breathed in deeply. “My sweeeet little girl. What am I going to do with you?” he rasped and started giggling obscenely as he rubbed his face hard against hers. Olivia squeezed her eyes shut as one of his hands slid up her belly to the top of her shirt hooking it and forcefully ripping it. He dug his rough hand into the cup of her bra, squeezing and tugging harshly at her nipple as he ran his tongue along her jaw. “I have some ideas,” he grunted as he pressed his hardness against her backside. Before she even knew what happened, Olivia found herself swinging over his shoulder, doomed to her fate.
The room was quiet now and so was he. She had lain frozen for an interminable amount of time not wanting him to think she was awake. Surely, he was asleep now. Slowly reaching down, she pulled a cold sheet up to cover her nakedness. Nick hadn’t always been like this. He had started drinking increasingly more over the last year and he was morphing into someone else…something else.
Her servitude had begun when he used their shared loss and his heroics as a weapon against her, and in time, she had relented, trying to make him happy so that she wouldn’t lose him, too. After awhile, she had come to believe his corrupted reasoning and, for some inexplicable reason, a part of her still did.
There was a time when she had loved him, really loved him…like an older brother. Never like this. Nick had taken her love and twisted it until she no longer recognized it. She knew that she had to end this. After all, he had gotten his reparations. Just one weekend a month for the next few months or so, and then she would… His nipping at her shoulder and nuzzling her neck interrupted her train of thought and she froze solid.
“I know you’re awake, Olivia,” he crooned, “I can always hear you thinking.” He nestled and breathed softly against her ear, “Please forgive me for earlier. It won’t happen again, sunshine.” Nick spooned up against her and held her tightly. “I promise, Olivia,” he whispered contritely in her ear. “I drank way too much and I was so pissed off about you leaving.” He exhaled loudly. “You know, all I have to do is call the Trust Officer and you’d get in a helluva lot of trouble for forging my signature on those documents. Why did you do that?” he questioned sincerely.
Olivia rolled her eyes in the dark and sighed. Was he really that thick headed? “Would you have agreed to release funds from my trust for an out-of-state school, Nick?” They both knew his silence was the answer.
He released his hold on her and shifted up onto his elbow. “I don’t know why you feel it’s necessary to go to school at all, Olivia. It won’t be that long and all of the money in that trust will be yours anyway. You never have to work a day in your life.” He rolled onto his back, looked up at the ceiling in the dark, and exhaled slowly. “Then you can leave me forever, too,” he murmured grimly.
For no good reason, Olivia’s heart clenched and she rolled over placing her head and hand on his chest. There was a time when she had thought they would be together forever like family, sharing the same frame of reference, memories, holidays and watching each other’s families expand and grow. “It never had to be this way, Nick. You know that, don’t you?” Nick didn’t respond and kept quiet for a while. He brought his arm up around her shoulder and tenderly stroked her silky skin with his fingertips.
Then she heard a small voice in the darkness. “Did you ever love me, Olivia? Even a little?” She could hear the slow beat of his long ago broken heart.
“Yes,” she answered barely above a whisper, “just not the way you needed me to.” Neither of them had gotten what they needed from the other.
His free hand rubbed at his eyes and he spoke with a slight ripple in his voice. “I don’t think I can let you go, Olivia. I need you here with me.” He gently squeezed her to him. Olivia didn’t respond, instead letting the darkness swallow them both.
She already knew what she had to do for both of their sakes.
Relief came when she saw the starry lights of Hampton come into view and her plane touched down outside the city. She didn’t have a fear of flying, although, it wouldn’t be surprising if she did. She was just very relieved to be far away from Nick and Lake Abyss. They had barely survived the same tragedy long ago, and he had demonstrated over the years that what didn’t kill you, sometimes made you weaker.
She had begun to feel that he was slowly dragging her into the dark, and she was doing her best to scratch and claw for anything to prevent her creeping descent. That was why she had transferred from the local college in Lake Abyss to East Hampton University. She needed to breathe and think clearly, needed her feet firmly planted in the present. Fate had determined that she and Nick would bring out the worst in each other. Olivia couldn’t face the past and Nick couldn’t face the future.
He didn’t touch her the rest of the weekend. Although, he still expected her to share his bed as he had for so many years. They spent the rest of that late summer weekend traveling on his black Concours motorcycle. It was a road trip to nowhere and everywhere. They cruised on highways, toured city streets and wandered country roads stopping at fruit stands and farmers markets. They had window-shopped, watched a parade and shared a decadent, homemade peach cobbler at a local café far from Janus Lane.
For the first time in a very long time, she actually relaxed and freely wrapped her arms around him while riding the Concours. This is how it always should have been. For a short time, her Nick had rejoined her. The one she had loved so much in another time. He laughed and smiled as he had when he was younger. She noticed the beginnings of lines at the corners of his chocolate-drop eyes and just a hint of gray in his scruffy Van Dyke and dark brown hair. Life had aged him prematurely, Olivia realized. The past had beaten him down and she knew that he mistakenly believed that she was his salvation.
When she was younger, she had disconnected herself from the calamities in her life as a means
of self-preservation. Instead, she chose to live steadfastly in the present and to ignore the past. She didn’t look into life’s rearview mirror, which had made it difficult to develop or maintain lasting friendships. A price she had so far been willing to pay. However, she had begun to feel uneasy about an approaching reckoning. She knew that she needed to be far from Nick if that ever happened. All she wanted now was to move forward. She needed a fresh start. She needed to be someone else.
As her dorm room came into view from the hallway, she saw that the door was open and heard chatter and laughter spilling out from inside. Roxy must have some friends over, she figured. As Olivia entered the room and dropped her travel bag onto her bed, she noticed that all eyes fixed on her. They were beaming at her with fervent anticipation.
“What?” Olivia asked, wondering what big piece of gossip she had missed over the weekend.
Roxy stood to attention behind her desk. “Um, you have a note.” She began with feigned soberness. “Delivered by a delicious,” she cleared her throat for affect, “embodiment of the male gender.” The curly-haired redhead ceremoniously handed the envelope to Olivia as the other girls giggled and bobbed like cackling hens.
“Okay,” Olivia stuttered. What was going on here? She took the envelope knowing she was going to have to open it in front of her popeyed audience. She removed and unfolded the sheet of paper inside. It was an estimate for a car repair - $2,500! What the...and then she noticed the handwritten note at the bottom.
I know this is a lot of money.
I think we should meet to discuss it.
I’m sure we can work something out.
Jake McCloud
She smiled at the last sentence, which was exactly what she had said to him before walking away a few days ago. So, he wanted to play, she grinned to herself. Okay. For the next few months, he might be the distraction she needed. Game on.
A few days later…
Jake had left the gym and was heading home when his cell rang. He didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway. “Yeah, this is Jake.”
She didn’t bother with pleasantries. “You must be kidding with this ridiculous repair estimate for that itty bitty dent on your hood. Are you colluding with the owner of the shop or something?” she barked with feigned indignation.
Jake had an ear-splitting grin. The estimate was a fake, but she didn’t know that. “Well, hello to you too, Olivia Marshall,” he teased. “Actually, the estimate that I gave you was the least expensive of the bunch.”
“Oh, I doubt that,” she remarked. “I want to select some auto body repair shops myself and see what they come up with before I agree to anything.” From her tone, she seemed very pleased with herself.
Jake waited at a stop light. “Well, I’m not agreeing to anything unless we meet in person to discuss it. You can bring your list of preferred service providers then.” He was trying so hard not to laugh it almost hurt.
“Is that absolutely necessary?”
“Absolutely,” he smiled broadly, as traffic started creeping again.
He heard her huff into the phone. “And I suppose you have some neutral meeting place in mind for this absolutely necessary discussion.” Oh, she was really enjoying giving him the business.
He thought quickly. “The coffee shop at Vine and Amherst, say…three thirty tomorrow?” He could hardly wait for her response.
He heard her smack her lips. “I don’t drink coffee,” she retorted grumpily.
Jake accelerated through the intersection. She was feisty. He really liked that in a girl. “Then I’ll buy you a smoothie. Everybody likes those.” Wait for it, wait for it, he thought to himself.
“You’re going to buy it? Does that mean it’ll end up in the cost of the dent removal that I’m paying for?” She sounded as if she was almost giggling. This was too much fun. “No thank you, Mr. McCloud. I’ll just have water.” He heard a muffled noise and could picture her holding her hand over the phone so she could let loose an uncontrollable giggle.
As Jake turned onto Maple Street and headed toward the off-campus house he shared with a friend, he already regretted not asking her to meet him today.
“Well, water it is then, Miss Marshall. Three-thirty tomorrow?” He couldn’t wait.
“Fine,” she replied with mock irritation.
The coffee shop at Vine and Amherst was clearing out, and Jake was able to grab a spot by the window. He had arrived a little early so he could enjoy the view, he hoped, of Olivia walking up the street to the coffee shop. A few minutes later, he spotted her a block away across the street. She was waiting for the light to change, and she was perfect. Her hair, glimmering in the afternoon sun, was down this time in layers that fell in soft chestnut waves past her shoulders. She was wearing a purple t-shirt with cut-off jean shorts and flip-flops. Very nice legs, Miss Marshall, he nodded approvingly. He was beginning to notice a long forgotten sensation in his stomach. Christ, was he nervous? He hadn’t felt that way since the early years when everything was so unfamiliar and uncertain with girls. That had definitely changed in college he smiled smugly.
He suddenly realized she was getting ready to enter the coffee shop but had stopped when she saw him leering at her through the window. Jake was sure he had caught the corner of a smile as she turned her head the other way. She had caught him with his tongue out again. Man up, Jake McCloud, you’ve done this before, he chided himself. He picked up her cup of water and displayed it in the window for her as he gently shook it. She narrowed her eyes and nodded, trying not to smile.
As Olivia approached the table, Jake stood and gestured gallantly to the empty seat across from him. She sat down pushing away from the table with her arms crossed underneath her superb perky breasts. He wondered if she was wearing a bra. His mouth went dry as she held him in her gold-flecked emerald green gaze. Now he wished he had gotten himself some water.
Olivia took a passive drink while maintaining eye contact with Jake the entire time. Roxy was right. He was a delicious embodiment of the male gender. She found it difficult to look away from his striking blue eyes, sexy five-o-clock shadow and soft lips centered on his square jaw. She swooned a little on the inside - just a little.
She was ready to play. “So, where’s your coffee, Mr. McCloud?” She snorted in her head. Had this Lothario really expected her panties to go missing before he could even finish a cup of coffee? His expression suggested he was not expecting her to think on her feet. Only her back, she thought snidely.
He laughed nervously, “Oh, uh, I don’t like coffee either.” He cleared his throat as he absently scratched at his square jaw.
She hit him with her green eyes and long dark lashes. “Have something against smoothies and water, too?” she teased with an arched brow as she sipped her drink.
That mouth of hers! Jake had the nearly uncontrollable urge to throw her to the ground and tickle her senseless. Of course, if he had his way, the tickling would only be the beginning.
He looked away. “I’m not really thirsty.” Hell he was fucking parched right now, thanks to her. Jake brought his eyes back to hers. “Did you bring your list of preferred repair shops?” He had a smug look. There was no way she had gone to the trouble he told himself.
Olivia cocked her head and smiled sweetly as she arched her spine to pull something from her back pocket. Jake’s heart skipped as her perfect pert breasts strained unfettered against the thin material of her t-shirt. She was definitely not wearing a bra, he cheered in his head. His mouth was feeling increasingly scorched. Miss Marshall, you naughty, naughty girl, he mused as he shifted in his seat so that he could adjust the activity in his jeans. She knew exactly what she was doing to him.
He watched as Olivia unfolded and placed three pieces of paper in front of him…three repair shops, three estimates. Jake blinked a couple of times as he bent over to look closer at the papers. He
glanced up at her skeptically. “How could you possibly have gotten estimates without these people even looking at my car?” Noticing a gleam in her eyes, he wondered if these estimates were fakes. He bit back a smile.
She stared distractedly out the window at nothing in particular as she twirled a strand of hair. “I described the dent and they provided an estimate. Simple.” She looked back at him and smiled sweetly.
Lured by her enticing scent, he leaned further across the table. He shook his head to free himself. “Okay. Did you tell them that she’s a classic?” He knew that was impossible unless Olivia Marshall really was the perfect girl.
She shrugged and shook her head a little. “I said it was a smallish red car. What’s the difference?” Now she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye with an arched brow as she sipped her water. God! He seriously wanted to tickle this girl senseless!
Jake exhaled crossing his arms and pushed back on his chair to balance against the wall. He spent some time just memorizing her lovely face. Her smooth porcelain-like skin stretched across her well-defined features with a hint of summer sun that only intensified her green eyes and crimson lips. Oh, the things he could imagine those lips doing. He raked his hand through his dark waves and kept his face stoic. “Any ideas on how we should resolve this, Miss Marshall?” He eagerly awaited her response.
She sighed dramatically. “Well, I’m going to go out on a limb here.” Jake mentally rubbed his hands together furiously, because he knew this was going to be good.
“My hunch is that you reconditioned your classic,” she held his gaze for emphasis, “124 FIAT Spider yourself.” She continued in a dreamy tone, “I imagine you paid a great deal of attention to her body and finer points.” Her brow arched, eyes twinkling. “So that she’d purr like a kitten when you drove her.” Olivia cocked her head. “I’m guessing she’s a ’72?” She raised her brow and waited.