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Jake’s mouth had dropped open slightly and he had an ineffable expression on his face. He was no longer leaning against the wall but rather on the table in front of her. She seemed satisfied with his dazed reaction and, therefore, continued. “I’m sure she’s your baby and no one else can take care of her quite the way you do.” She grinned with slightly narrowed eyes. “And you wouldn’t want anyone else touching her.” She licked her lips and slowly smiled.
Jake suddenly felt confused. Was Olivia talking about herself or his car? He noticed his pants were feeling very cramped. He swallowed hard and continued watching her crimson mouth.
“That’s why I think that you are perfectly capable of repairing the dent yourself.” Check and Checkmate. She slanted into position on the table with her face just inches from his, her lids heavy and her mouth softly curled at one corner. Emerald green fixed on electric blue.
He felt a warm sensation like hot fudge gliding languidly down over his body, swallowing him whole.
Jake McCloud knew at that moment, he was in over his head.
Olivia had managed to keep Jake at arm’s length for a few weeks with phone calls and lunch dates. Dates might be an overstatement. They were more like flirtatious meet-and-greets filled with laughter, double entendres, heated glances and undeniable sizzling chemistry. She swore she could feel a charge between them if they got too close or brushed up against one another. It was exhilarating. In fact, he was starting to grow on her. Olivia was really beginning to like Jake McCloud even if she did think he was a player.
During their many conversations, she learned that Jake was a business major and was in the final year of completing his MBA. He had an uncle back home in Sterling with a chain of regional sporting goods stores. Jake worked every summer since he could remember in his uncle’s local store. Uncle Ian’s plan was to retire in a few years, and Jake would take over the business since Ian had no children of his own. He was like a second father Jake explained. Turning his uncle’s regional chain into a franchised chain was Jake’s mandate after graduation, and he was anxious to get started.
He had also told her about his younger brother, Jason, who was just a year older than Olivia was. Jason was pre-med and attending another university. It sounded as if they had a good relationship. Jason had followed Jake’s example, playing lacrosse, and had earned a sports scholarship where he was currently attending school. However, after his first year, Jason decided to hang it up.
From his tone, Olivia could tell that Jason’s decision to quit perturbed Jake. Probably because he was a star lacrosse player in high school himself securing a scholarship to play at EHU. Unfortunately, he was injured during a game his senior year followed by two knee surgeries. He had been unable to play competitive lacrosse after that. However, last year, Jake started coaching a Hampton boy’s lacrosse league in the fall. Being involved in the sport, in some way at least, helped with the sting of not being able to play.
Jake filled her in on his parent’s thirty-five year marriage. They had been high school sweethearts and actually still liked each other after all these years. His dad was a pediatrician and his mom a nurse in his father’s practice back home. She could tell by the way he talked about them that Jake admired his parents. They still lived on the lake where Jake and Jason had grown up with jet skis, boats, two dogs, family barbecues and what sounded like the ideal life to Olivia. She was a sponge and absorbed all of it wishing her story had turned out the same way, too.
Olivia, on the other hand, deftly managed to deflect questions and only disclosed current events to Jake. Initially, she entertained him with all of the exotic locations she had read about and hoped to see for herself someday. Her plan was to make a list and check off at least one or two each year.
She went on to tell him about the physical therapist at East Hampton Hospital she was working under in order to meet her degree requirements. So far, she was enjoying the experience. Then she invented distance and financial constraints as the reasons she had not attended EHU’s first-rate PT program from the beginning. Instead, she had attended a local college back home after graduating early from high school.
Olivia deliberately left out that academics had been a crucial means of survival, and she excelled in school with her determination to purge the past and Nick from her waking mind. To her dismay, however, she discovered later that Nick had thwarted offers from other universities and her scholarship attempts, insisting that she remain at home with him where she belonged. Where he could control her and the money paid out of her trust for her education. She only wished the fog of his mind control had lifted sooner and that her newly uncovered independence had risen earlier.
Once her financial situation changed, she told Jake, she transferred to EHU to complete her MPT degree, and when she passed the licensing exam, she wanted to work in a rehabilitation hospital. In the future, she thought that she might like to start a home healthcare agency that would provide therapy in clients’ homes.
She tossed out the cliché of wanting to help people as the motivation for her career choice. Which was true, but the truth was actually far more personal. However, she decided that Jake didn’t need to know about that either. Olivia wanted her past and present to remain not only separate, but not to even know of the other’s existence. She viewed her two lives like doppelgangers that must never meet.
The past few days, Jake had been trying to persuade her to come to the party he and his roommate were having Friday night at their off-campus house. If she agreed, she knew the expectations would be different from their previous lunch dates. After all, they would not be on neutral ground, and their mutual attraction had escalated from a very heated simmer to a sizzling boil. The party would be at his house with alcohol where Jake, undoubtedly, had an often-used bed in his room.
She was hesitant about going for other reasons, too. Nick might still summon her to Janus Lane. This left her feeling unsure how best to proceed. Unfortunately, Olivia understood all too well what men wanted, but she had never really dated. Nick had not allowed it. However, she had managed to work around his controlling nature during her early college years, and study groups had provided the cover she needed.
Hanging out with fellow students to study, chat and get acquainted had given her the opportunity to meet boys closer in age. She had even liked a couple of them and pilfered from Nick’s stash of condoms just in case an opportunity arose. She sneered at the memory. The fact that he still had condoms was her doing. She had refused other types of birth control claiming concern about side effects. At least she had some control over how he used her body, and she liked knowing there was some barrier from him, no matter how thin. Little did he know, thanks to Planned Parenthood, she’d had effective birth control for years. She would never risk furthering the depravity of her circumstances with a baby.
In time, a few of the study sessions did lead to encounters that ended with disappointing, clumsy, quick sex in dorm rooms, which only stifled her curiosity. She had mainly wanted to know what it would be like with someone other than Nick. However, she had found it all very disheartening, and didn’t understand how you could be so close physically to someone and not feel anything, at least some sort of bond that made it special and personal. She had decided that everything she read or heard from friends was hyperbole at best or lies at worst. On the other hand, however, she began to believe that she was probably just incapable of those kinds of emotions.
Anyway, Jake had been the one doing all the calling the past few weeks; he was persistent. Apparently, he was that into her. She smiled to herself. He really does seem like a nice Lothario, she giggled to herself. Olivia found herself smiling a lot when she thought about Jake. Besides the Adonis exterior, she just found him a lot of fun to be around. He oozed self-confidence and could be a bit of a braggart, but he was also self-deprecating with a great sense of humor. He was a sweet paradox wrapped in sexy-as-hell packaging.
She also noticed that he seemed to be
restraining himself and allowing her to set the pace. That had scored major points with her. Oh, why not call him, she decided. Instead of waiting for Jake to bring up the party again, Olivia would surprise him with a call of her own, and he would be surprised.
Jake answered his phone with a slightly bewildered tone, “Olivia?”
Yep, she caught him off guard. She loved doing that. “Well, duh, surely you have Caller ID? Or are you just not sure which Olivia is calling? You’d better add my last name in your contacts so you don’t embarrass yourself in the future.” She managed not to giggle in the phone.
“Oh, I don’t need to. I’m pretty sure you’re one of a kind, Olivia Marshall,” he replied huskily.
Oh, his gravelly voice made her tingle in all the right places when he said things like that. Focus, Olivia! “Is the invitation to your party tomorrow night still open?” She knew damn well it was.
Jake’s brow shot up. He was shocked and really didn’t think she would come. Make no mistake, he wanted her to, but thought she would continue with the I’m too busy routine awhile longer. This was a very nice surprise. “I think you know it is,” he taunted as his eyes narrowed in a smile. He fantasized about that lovely ass of hers and what it would feel like pressed up against him.
“Well, since I haven’t gotten any better offers, I thought I’d stop by for a little while,” she teased with an edge of nervousness in her voice.
No, that wasn’t good enough. He wanted to make sure she didn’t change her mind and decide not to stop by. “I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock.” He knew she would protest. For some reason she didn’t seem to want him to come to the dorm.
“That’s okay. I’ll just walk.”
Jake squeezed his forehead with his hand. God, she could be stubborn. “Olivia, I don’t want you walking over here by yourself especially later when it’ll be dark outside.” He could imagine her frowning.
“But I don’t want you to have to leave your party to take me home, Jake. And you shouldn’t drink and drive either.”
“Then I will walk you back to your dorm whenever you’re ready. I mean it, Olivia. It’s not a problem. You don’t have to stay any longer than you want to.” He knew she was concerned that he would use the party and her distance from the dorm to take advantage of her. What she couldn’t know is that he didn’t intend to do that. He wasn’t going to make a move on her until she gave him a signal that she wanted him to do just that. No, this time he was going to take things slowly. This was a new approach for Jake McCloud, but he had to admit he was enjoying it so far. Oh, he expected the same result in the end, but this time he wanted to relish getting there. He had the distinct feeling that she was worth the wait.
She sighed resignedly, “Okay, I’ll meet you out front at eight o’clock.”
Jake arrived at Schuster Hall a half hour early on purpose. He had decided it was time for a little quid pro quo with Miss Marshall. She clearly took delight in catching him off guard and now he was going to return the favor, and besides, he didn’t really want to wait until eight o’clock to see her.
As he got out of his Spider, he stopped and looked at the dorm. He was so glad that he had been able to live off campus since his junior year. He had lived in a dorm the first couple of years, but then he and his old high school buddy, Steve Wilson, had convinced both sets of parents that living off campus made more sense. They could get more studying done and there would be far less distractions if they didn’t have to live in a noisy diversion-filled dorm. Jake laughed to himself. He and Steve couldn’t believe it when their parents agreed to let them do it. Of course, they both knew at the first sign of grades slipping the plug would be pulled immediately.
Jake headed up to the third floor in the dorm, and as he turned the corner, he saw Olivia’s door down the hall slightly ajar. He swaggered down the corridor and waited against the wall at the side of her door with his hands hooked in his front pockets as some female students passed by, whispering and gawking at him. He winked and smiled. Their eyes popped open and they started giggling as they scurried away. He slowly poked his head around the corner to surprise Olivia. He saw her sitting at her desk with her forehead resting on her crossed arms. He sensed that something was wrong. Maybe she was having second thoughts about coming to the party.
Quietly he pushed the door open and stepped into her room. “Olivia? Is everything alright?” he asked gently.
She jolted and looked at her watch. “Oh my God, is it eight already?” She seemed dazed…and what…sad?
“Uh, no, I came by a little early. I’m sorry.” Jake suddenly felt bad about his decision. “I can wait outside, if you want?” He gestured with his thumb. What was going on here, he wondered? Then he saw a flash across Olivia’s face as she sat straighter, adjusted her t-shirt, and looked him in the eyes with a tilted face and challenging stare.
“Were you hoping to catch me in a state undress, Mr. McCloud?” she teased him with a sly smile and narrowed lids.
He rolled his eyes to the ceiling and gestured with his hands, “A guy can dream.”
She stood smoothly with an arched brow and said, “Well, keep dreaming.” She grinned as she walked by gently poking her finger against his firm chest.
God! Even when he caught her off guard, he didn’t really catch her off guard. Again, he had images of tickling her senseless…and other things. His eyes worshipped her perfectly delectable ass as she walked toward the door.
“I just need to run down the hall and make sure that Roxy has her key. I’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder.
Jake shook his head and smoothed his hand across his jaw. Olivia looked simply gorgeous. She wore very little makeup, if any. Her sexy, wavy chestnut hair fell just above her perfect breasts and she was wearing a pale yellow t-shirt with faded jeans. She didn’t overdue anything. She really didn’t seem to be aware of how naturally beautiful she was in just a t-shirt and jeans. It certainly hadn’t escaped him, though, and he was certain that she was aware of the affect she had on him. Although, not to the full extent.
This was only the second time that Jake had been in Olivia’s room. He had been here a few weeks ago hoping to see her, but had to leave the fake repair estimate and note with Roxy. He had been disappointed to find that Olivia was out of town and figured she wouldn’t bother to call him when she got back. He was more than pleased when she did.
When he came by unannounced the first time, he had hoped to find out if she had a boyfriend. While he was writing the note on the bogus estimate, he had scanned the room quickly and didn’t see any evidence of a boyfriend on her side, but what he noticed now was what he had missed the first time. Olivia didn’t have any pictures out anywhere on her side of the room. That struck Jake as odd. Roxy had pictures plastered all over her side of the room. Her dogs, a cat, various family vacation photos and prominently displayed pictures of a boyfriend.
Jake had noticed over the last few weeks that Olivia never talked about her family, friends or past and would always manage to redirect a conversation headed that way. She was very open about what she was doing currently and what she hoped to do in the future, but she told him nothing about her past or anyone in it. It was as if she hadn’t existed before he met her. His subconscious filed the doubts in the red flag drawer.
When Olivia returned, she saw Jake scanning around the room. Wow. Her heart skipped a few beats. He was so tall and handsome. His coal-black, wavy hair was finger combed back on his head except for the wave or two that always flopped down to highlight his killer electric blue eyes. He was wearing a black long-sleeved Henley, which highlighted his broad shoulders, chest and muscular arms. Standing with his hands loosely in the front pockets of his faded jeans, she noticed his nice backside too, and she exhaled. He was certainly easy on the eyes, she sighed to herself. Just then, she was startled out of her reverie by a humming sound and skittering noise across her desktop. Her cell phone! She saw Jake move toward it and she quickly cut
past him to retrieve it before he had a chance to see anything on the screen.
Olivia laughed nervously. “I’m ready if you are?” She switched the phone off and tossed it in the top drawer of her desk, but not before glimpsing the text.
*flight rescheduled.
check email.
get plenty of rest.*
A mild wave of nausea splashed over her. She was not going to have him constantly checking in on her tonight. Jake had a quizzical look on his face. What’s the matter with him, Olivia wondered?
“Sure you don’t want to take that with you in case you need to call for back up tonight?” he said with skepticism and squinted eyes.
Olivia raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Mr. McCloud.” Anything he threw her way would be a walk in the park compared to the shit storm that was her life. He had no idea who he was dealing with.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second,” Jake replied earnestly, and Olivia sensed he meant it.
As Jake parked across the street from the small house he shared with Steve, dusk had started to fall, and Olivia could see that people were beginning to trickle in around the well-lit cozy property. It was a classic Craftsman bungalow with a deep porch spanning the entire front. Old trees swayed gently in the late summer breeze painting the street with the golden rays radiating from the bungalow. Just looking at the place warmed her on the inside. She knew she wouldn’t feel this way tomorrow sitting outside the two-story Tudor on Janus Lane. Olivia shivered off the needling image. She was going to have fun tonight damn it, not too much fun, but fun nonetheless.