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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 394

by Jacqueline Druga

  From behind, Tigger was certain it looked as if he sulked but had his father seen his face, Mike would have seen Tigger grinning ear to ear.


  The evening was still early and there was still enough time to get some reading in before Dean turned in for the night. The temperature had dropped in Beginnings and for some reason the heat in his townhouse just didn’t want to kick in. Grateful that Danny’s newest teabag wasn’t all that bad, Dean brought some water to a boil and steeped the tea.

  It was done and after pouring it, he carried both cups with him though the living room. Just as he reached the steps, his door bell rang. He put down both cups of tea on the banister to the steps and turned to the door.

  “Dean,” Andrea spoke softly.

  “Andrea?” He asked surprised. “What … it’s late for you isn’t it?”

  “I couldn’t rest. May I come in?”

  Dean looked over his shoulder then after a breath, opened up the door. “Yeah. What’s up?”

  “Well, I thought we could talk.”

  “Now’s not a real good time. I have some reading to do.”

  “I won’t be long.” Andrea took off her coat. “Elliott phoned me this evening. We chatted.” She carried her coat to the stairwell. “He said some …” Lifting her coat over the railing Andrea spotted the two cups of tea. She touched the side of the cups and withdrew. “It’s fresh.”

  “Andrea, what was it …”

  “Either you’re psychic or someone is here.”

  Dean chuckled. “Andrea … shit!” He watched her fly up the stairs. “Andrea.” He pursued her. “This isn’t any …”

  “Sweet Jesus!” Andrea gasped as she stood before Dean’s bedroom door.

  “Of your business,” Dean finished his sentence.

  “Maybe we were off the mark with Misha being the reason for your prompt divorce from my daughter.” Andrea folded her arms. “Perfect little cover up, wasn’t it?”

  “In my defense, this isn’t any of your business.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ, Dr. Hayes. When your behavior affects my family, it is my business. This explains it all. Goodnight.”

  “Andrea …” Dean made an attempt and gave up when Andrea went down the steps. He turned to look in his bedroom.

  Margaret lay on his bed, covered with a blanket. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea.”

  Grumbling, Dean stepped in the bedroom. “It’s the best idea. You have to be in this bed. Humor me.”

  “But, Dean.”

  “This isn’t normal circumstances, Margaret.” Dean sat on the bed. “I just need to reassure myself and your rest is the best way to do that. The only way I can make sure you do no psychical activity is to keep you here.”

  “Bed rest.”

  Dean nodded. “Until we are in the clear.”

  “You do know what this looked like?”

  “Yes, I do,” Dean said. “I also know that if this takes, what Andrea said about the divorce will look even more true.”

  “The dates,” Margaret said.

  “The dates will coincide yes.”

  “Are you ready for that?” she asked.

  “Sacrifices have to be made. Besides, it’s all in the name of science, right?” He patted her leg. “I’ll go get that tea.”


  “I pretty much have to look at it like a new start,” Ellen whispered. She was huddled near Frank in a quiet dark corner of the cabin.

  “There’s no such thing, El.” Frank said.

  “I disagree. Dean … he has a new life. He told me it’s time to let me go. We’ll work on a professional level.”

  “You believe that?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Frank laughed.


  “El, come on. Dean’s never been out of the picture, ever.” He shook his head. “And he’s not out this time. But supposing he is … since you are a free woman, are you going to marry me?”

  Ellen smiled. “I’ll let you know.”

  Dramatically, Frank gasped and clutched his chest. “You’re killing me.”

  “You’re silly.” She cuddled closer. “It’s good to have Jimmy, isn’t it?”

  Frank shrugged. “It’s okay.”

  “Frank,” Ellen chuckled out his name.

  “No, it’s great,” Frank said. “He’s still boring though. He’s too reserved.”

  “I know. How about him claiming to be like you guys.”

  Frank snickered. “It would never happen.”

  There was silence.

  Frank broke it “I heard you telling him about Johnny.”

  Ellen nodded. “We started talking about Lodi and that brought up Johnny.”

  Frank stared down at his hands. “What’s the deal on that front?”

  “The first good weather, I’m going back to Lodi.”

  Frank quickly looked up. “Why?”

  “To check on Johnny’s progress or … regression and set an operation date. We’ll bring supplies there to do the surgery.”

  “So you guys are gonna have to do the surgery.”

  “If the tumor doesn’t show remarkable shrinkage … yes.”

  “Can you do it in Lodi?” Frank asked.

  “What choice do we have?”

  “El,” Frank whispered. “I think … I think I may go with you when you return.”

  This made Ellen sit up. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, yeah I am.”

  “What made you change your mind?”

  “Well, I don’t trust this Manis guy.”

  “That’s not it and you know it.”

  Frank stared seriously at her. “Can we say that’s it?”

  Ellen hesitated then nodded. “Yes we can. You’re really gonna go?”

  “Yep,” Frank said. “I’m going. That is as long as nothing bizarre is happening in Beginnings.”


  With Forrest and his nibbled on toes and a meteor flying toward earth, as acting head of Security, John already had a mind load of things. The last thing he needed was to be awakened to handle something only Frank could handle.

  The first thing that went through John’s mind was it was a Savage attack or a few SUTs, but as he was called to Sector Thirty-Two, his stomach knotted. Sector Thirty-Two meant one thing—killer babies.

  At least he thought so until he got there.

  Dan from Security had a Jeep parked and headed John’s way the moment John arrived. “Sorry to wake you John but I’m at a loss.”

  “Is there a breech?”

  “It depends on what you mean.”

  “Did one get in? Are we looking at a killer baby running around Beginnings?”

  “No, why would you think that?”

  “This is the killer baby region. You said this is something Frank would handle. I just assumed …”

  “It’s worse.”

  “Worse?” John was shocked. “Worse than killer babies?”

  “Okay, maybe not worse but pretty darned pathetic. Come this way.”

  John followed behind Dan and the more they moved the more they heard a nasal, pathetic moaning. “What the hell?”

  “At first she was in town, crying,” Dan explained. “I followed her but when we got here …” He shined the flashlight toward the fence. Josephine stood there.

  “What the fuck!” she yelled with her typical drunken slur. “Cut the goddamn light out, Tarzan.”

  “This is the big problem?” John questioned with edge. “A drunken Josephine? This isn’t a problem, Dan. It’s normal.”

  “No, it’s not her drunken state. It’s her mental state. Watch … Hey, Josephine!” Dan called out and shined the light on her.

  “Fuck off.” She shaded her eyes with her arms.

  “Tell John why you’re here.”

  “I already told you!”

  “This is absurd.” John took a step toward her.

  “Don’t!” Josephine called out. “Don’t come any closer! One more ste
p and I’ll toss myself on this fence. I swear I will. I don’t want to live.”

  “Tell John why.” Dan said.

  “Skippy!” she cried out.

  “Who?” John asked Dan.

  “Skippy is Dean,” Dan explained then aimed his voice to Josephine. “You don’t want to live because of Skippy?”

  “That’s what I said, moron. I could take him leaving me for the slut but I can’t take him leaving me for the bimbo.”

  John tossed his hands up. “I am so confused.”

  Dan lowered his voice. “It seems Josephine was walking through town and bumped into a very distraught Andrea who told Josephine that Margaret Hadley was in Dean’s bed. Andrea saw it for herself. She was naked as a jay bird and in some sort of kinky sexual position.”

  “Josephine told you his?”

  “No, Hector did. Richie told him.”

  “Wait. Richie?”

  “Yeah, he was outside of Containment, smoking a cigarette, and he heard Andrea tell Josephine the whole thing. Josephine went crazy. She hit the Hall, downed a half a bottle, and ran out. Hector called me because he was concerned and told me. Next thing I know, I get a call she’s here.”

  “Oh my God. Dean and Margaret Hadley?”

  “Can you believe that?”

  “Well, yeah,” John said. “Dean has this breach of ethics when it comes to females.”

  “Don’t he though,” Dan commented. “He doesn’t realize that there aren’t that many women and he can’t have everyone he wants. Some of the guys want to lynch him.”

  “I can’t say I blame them,” John said, “but we have this to deal with.”

  “Yeah, yeah we do.” Dan nodded.

  John whispered to Dan, “How long has she been here?”

  “Since right before I called you so about a half an hour.”

  John shook his head. “It’s a damn shame what Dean did to another female. Josephine is strong. It takes a lot to bring her to the point where she is trying to kill herself.”

  “Via electrocution.”

  John whistled. “Good thing she can’t.”

  “Sure she can,” Dan explained. “All she has to do is touch that fence.”

  “If it was on,” John stated. “I mean …” He paused when he saw the look on Dan’s face. “Wait. No. We have a woman up here threatening to take her life by throwing herself into the perimeter beam and you didn’t down the beam.”

  “Well, I uh, I …” Dan cleared his throat. “No.”

  “Shit.” John lifted his radio. “Down Perimeter Thirty two.” He lowered the radio. “As soon as the beam goes down, we’ll get her.” He hooked it on his belt and heard the humming of the fence. “Josephine, if you don’t get away for that fence right now, I am picking you up and carrying you away from that fence.”

  In an unexpected response, Josephine shrieked loudly and took off running. Rapidly, she sped by John and Dan and didn’t stop.

  Dan nodded impressed. “Wow. That was cool.”

  “Somehow I don’t think I have that effect on people.” Lifting his radio again, John reached for the flashlight. In the eerie night, a clinking of chains rang out.

  “What the hell is that?” Dan asked.

  John shook his head. “I’m afraid to look.” He spoke into the radio. “Perimeter up,” he ordered then flicked on his flashlight and aimed the beam. No sooner did the light catch the image on the other side of the fence, Dan shrieked and the perimeter went out with a spark and loud painful squeal.

  “Holy shit!” Dan called out.

  John rushed to the fence. He shined the light through it and watched the rustling of the grass wave fast as the creature made its escape. “Holy shit is right. We’re in more trouble now.”

  “Oh my God. Was that…?”

  “Yep.” John turned from the fence. “Killer toddler.” He breathed out, handed Dan the flashlight, and calmly walked back to his Jeep. “Good thing this is Frank’s division.”


  February 13th

  Three things tipped off John Matoose that it was more than a mishap or accident. One—no one spotted her returning to town and in her state, John issued a security ‘look out’ for her. Two, the note attached to her dress, and third, the last John knew, Josephine had eyebrows.

  Once again, Hector was the ‘spotter’ but Josephine wasn’t unconscious. Actually she was sneaking into the greenhouse for tomatoes when Hector noticed. Hector, being keen, alerted Security.

  John had no other option than to alert Danny Hoi.

  “No, no, no, no, no.” Danny whined and lowered his head.

  “Danny, I’m sorry.”

  “Two hours.” Danny lifted two fingers. “Joe comes back in two hours.”

  “I know.”

  “You said it was the pigs.”

  “I know what I said but that was a set up to throw us off.”

  Slowly Danny lifted his head. “Someone is calculating these.”

  “It appears so.”

  “Maybe we’re mistaken.”

  “That’s highly doubtful.” John pulled up a chair. “Last I saw Josephine, she took off. I was worried and had my men search for her. No one saw her all night. This morning, she appears at the green house with no eyebrows and a letter pinned to her dress.”

  “What does she recall?”

  “Nothing. She was drunk.”

  Danny’s hand covered his face. “Missing toenails, missing eyebrows, what’s next?”

  “According to the letter, there are lots,” John said. “This person took credit for the toenails and said this is only the Beginning, no pun intended.”

  “So the case is not closed.”

  “Unfortunately, Danny, it’s wide open.” John handed Danny the letter. “We have us a serial mutilator in Beginnings.”


  The note taped on Dean’s computer simply read, ‘Scum’. He took it down and shook his head as he crumbled it. “Unreal.”

  As it was, he had enough on his mind with Ellen coming home, facing the success or failure of his latest secret endeavor, and something else he hadn’t made a call on … Johnny.

  Putting it forefront that Johnny and the decision to operate or not was going to be handled first since Ellen was returning, Dean booted up.

  “Dean?” Andrea called into the clinic lab.

  There was something about her tone that Dean just wasn’t crazy about. Was it crass, mean, or perhaps just Dean’s imagination? He replied, “Yes” without turning around.

  “I demand respect.”

  “Excuse me?” He finally faced her.

  “Exactly, I am your elder. Face me when I am speaking to you.”

  “Andrea, look, I’m busy I …”

  “Don’t.” She lifted her hand. “Just answer me this. Why is Maggie off today?”

  “She called off.”

  “Who authorized it?”

  “Me,” Dean said.

  “You have no right …”

  “Bullshit. She works for me too so I authorized it. End of story.”

  “Oh really?” Andrea bobbed her head. “I cannot wait until Joe gets back. I’ll let him handle this.”

  “You know what? That’s fine with me.”

  “Where is this attitude coming from?’

  Dean sarcastically laughed. “You don’t think you’re giving me attitude? On my way here, three women called me a ‘dick’. I passed Trish, said good morning, and she flipped me off. I asked Melissa when I saw her why this happened and she said maybe I am a dick. Maybe … I think with my …”

  Andrea gasped.

  “Melissa’s words. Then I get in here and there’s a note on my computer calling me scum. Do you have any idea why the women in this community are all against me now?”

  “Perhaps if you didn’t try to make your way through every woman in this community …”

  “What?” Dean barked. “Where is that coming from?”

  “In a world where a man is lucky to have a woman
in his lifetime, even if only once, in the past year, you’ve had four.”

  “Distorted information or not,” Dean argued, “what I do with my life is my business.”

  “It won’t be long before the men of this community make it their business and when that happens, I hope one of them gives your butt a good kicking.” Andrea stormed out.

  Dean huffed out, turned, and spoke out loud. “All because she found Margaret in my bed last night.”

  Danny’s shocked and angered ‘what?” rang through the room.

  Dean turned around.

  “Margaret was in your bed last night?”

  Dean closed his eyes partially. “Is this any of your business?’

  “Excuse me? Are you being a dick? I just asked …”

  “It’s none of your business, Danny.”

  “You are.” Danny nodded.

  “Is there a reason for this visit or did you just come to join the ranks of the women in this community in calling me names?” Dean asked.

  “Yeah.” Danny tossed a folder on the table. “It’s the beginning of a new investigation. I need forensics on this before Joe comes back. Don’t dally.” Danny turned. “I hope it works.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Danny merely pointed to Jenny as he walked out.

  “Dean,” Jenny said his name.

  “Oh, no.” Dean drew up attitude. “You too? You wanna come in here call me a dick. Scum. Possibly add a new term to the list. Who knows? Go on. I’m sure you most definitely have your two cents to put in about Andrea finding Margaret in my bed.”

  Jenny’s mouth dropped open. “You asshole.”

  “See, I knew it.” Dean held out his hand. “You came in here to add a name.”

  “For your information, Dean,” Jenny snapped. “I called you an asshole because you jumped down my throat before you even knew what I wanted. What I wanted had nothing to do with Margaret being in your bed. Thank you for telling me. Now I’ve changed my mind. Oh Dean …” Jenny hesitated before leaving. “Don’t get any funny ideas about showing up at the party today. I will be giving instructions to my husband to kick your ass if you do.”

  On her words, Jenny, like Andrea and Danny, barged out with anger.

  Dean shook his head. “This is not turning into a good morning.” He looked at his computer. “What else could happen?” he mumbled.


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