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The Next Ten: Beginnings Series Books 11 - 20

Page 395

by Jacqueline Druga

  His phone rang.

  Thinking nothing of it, he lifted it. “Dr. Hayes.”

  “One question.” George’s voice came over the line. “What is Beginnings decision regarding Johnny’s tumor?”


  Sgt. Owens had a smirk on his face when he approached Elliott Ryder. “You shaved?”

  Elliott rubbed his cheek. “Today is the day. I’m very excited for the Slagel family.”

  “What time’s the shindig?”

  “Five. I’m meeting a bit earlier in Beginnings.” Elliott walked around Hal’s desk. “After I go, can you give this desk an inspection? You know how the Captain is.”

  “Absolutely,” Owens answered. “Are you giving him the ‘Captain List’ now or later?”

  Elliott snickered and lifted a sheet of paper. “This is the list.”

  “A list,” Owens shook his head. “He is so much like his father,” Owens took the paper. “Hey! This says ‘See Joe List’.”

  “Yes, I didn’t feel like being the one to deliver bad news.”

  “Neither do I.” Owens handed Elliott an envelope. “Mr. from Fabrics dropped this off for you. Danny called and said it was coming. It’s a copy of the ‘Joe List’ so you can have a preview.”

  “Swell” Elliott began to open the envelope.

  “So how come I’m not invited to the initial party?”

  Just before reading the list, Elliot only gazed at Owens. “Are you family?”

  “Are you?’

  Elliott was Mr. Vocal Noises. After giving a ‘hmm’ to Owens, he glanced down to the Joe list and released a fake cry. “No!”

  “That bad?” Owens asked.

  Elliott whispered out, “Serial mutilator?”

  Owens shrugged. “That’s suppose to be under wraps. We don’t want people panicking that they may be next to lose toenails or eyebrows.”


  “That’s what they call it.”

  “Unbelievable.” He folded the list. “I don’t want to be anywhere near Joe when he sees this.”

  “I can’t believe that much happened in three days.”

  “It’s Beginnings,” Elliott said and quickly looked right when the phone rang.

  Immediately, Owens lifted the receiver. “Sgt. Ryder’s office.” He closed one eye. “Yes.” He cringed more. “Yes.” With an extension of the phone to Elliott, Owens whispered, “Sorry.”

  “Who is it?” Elliott asked.

  “The Captain.”

  “Is this Sgt. Ryder?” Hal asked as he leaned against the truck outside of the cabin.

  “Captain, you know …”

  “Sergeant Ryder?” Hal asked again. “Not Captain Ryder. Your office? Since when did it become your office, Elliott?”

  “Captain, Sgt. Owens …”

  “I wouldn’t doubt too much if you sent the Society out here to get us and hopefully rid the UWA of me so you can take charge.” Hal waved his hand. “Is that so?”

  “How are you, Captain?”

  “I must have hit a nerve.” He waved his hand out again, Annoyed, he turned around. “I’m good. Elliott, how are you?”


  “You sound tired.”

  “That too.”

  “Please do not tell me the place fell apart.”



  “Not Bowman.”

  “Christ,” Hal waved out his hand again then lifted his eyes to his father whose attention seemed caught with Hal’s blasphemous comment. Hal merely shook his head.

  “You may want to be clear when you see his list,” Elliott said.

  “What about mine?”

  “It’s empty.”

  Hal smiled. “I knew I could count on you. Hold on, Elliott.” He covered the receiver with his hand. “Ellen.” He looked sternly at her. “You may speak to him when I am finished. Back off.” He lifted the phone again to his mouth. “So what’s going on?”


  “You know what I’m talking about. My brother.”

  “I’ve met him.”

  “Yes, Elliott I am aware!” Hal snapped. “I’m talking about the reaction we’ll face in Beginnings.”



  “No one knows.”

  Hal laughed. “It’s Beginnings. How can you say that?”

  “It’s true. It’s the best kept secret in Beginnings.”

  “Hmm, Somehow I don’t quite believe that, but … we’re leaving now. We should be there in a couple hours.”

  “I’ll take it the vacation went well.”

  “It was like old times, Elliott. Exactly like old time. Now, I’m hanging up but before I do, allow me to transfer you to a pest.” He handed the phone to Ellen.

  Smug, Ellen snatched it from his hand and spoke with an ‘up’ and cheery, “Elliott.”

  “Mocking her, ‘Elliott’, Hal walked to his father.

  “Well?” Joe asked as he secured the things in the truck.

  “Elliott says I have a clean list. You on the other hand, he’s not sure.”

  Joe nodded. “Good sign. If my list was all that bad, Elliott would know. What about the Jimmy situation?”

  “Are you ready for this?” Hal asked. “Elliott says they are calling it the best kept secret in Beginnings.”

  “The best kept secret in Beginnings?” Joe asked. “That’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one.” He slammed the gate of the truck. “We’ll just see.” Moving to the driver’s door, Joe released a short, loud whistle. “Ellen. Boys,” he summoned then smiled. “Let’s go home.” Feeling secure that the homecoming would be peaceful and uneventful, Joe got in the truck.


  Nothing unusual transpired through the procedure. It had become so routine to Elliott that he probably could have done the blood test and tissue sample himself. It was something else, Dean’s demeanor.

  Elliott watched him. Dean didn’t make eye contact at all. He wasn’t projecting anger toward Elliot. He projected nothing.

  “Dr. Hayes?” Elliot questioned. “About this point I am going to ask if I should worry.”

  “Excuse me?” Dean placed the last tube of blood in the rack.

  “Worry. You weighed me and said nothing …”

  “You lost three pounds.”

  Elliott swallowed. “Then I should worry.”

  “Why are you asking me this? Three pounds is not alarming considering all that you do.”

  “It’s just that your mood with me is …”

  “I’m sorry.” Dean ran his hand through his hair. “My mood toward you is a result of my being prepared just in case.”

  “In case?”

  “Yeah, everyone had something negative to say to me today.” Dean shrugged and walked over to the counter.

  “And you assumed I would?”

  “Well, everyone has something to say about me and my womanizing ways—as they put it.”

  “Ah.” Elliott upped his chin. “I see.”

  Dean turned to face him. “You see … what?”

  “Dr. Hayes, that ‘I see’ was not cynical. It was in reference to your comment. I am assuming others are finding it necessary to badger you regarding the recent rumor about Margaret Hadley and yourself.”

  “Man.” Dean shook his head. ‘Rumors fly.”

  “The can fly very fast, especially when they’re broadcast over the radio. However …” Elliott slid from the table. “You need not worry about me saying anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Absolutely. Where others feel it obligatory to have words for you in the name of Ellen, on the other hand, I feel your business is your business.”

  “In other words …”

  Elliott winked. “You’re moving on works best in my favor. Yes.”

  “Swell.” Dean returned to his paper work and rattled his words as he wrote. “Same time next month, Elliott. I’m not expecting anything abnormal to come up with these. You are
in good health and …”

  Elliott waited. “And?”

  “Tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day.” Dean looked up. “Did you know this?” He saw the smirk on Elliott’s face. “Of course you did.”

  “Of course. However, even if I didn’t, the big event at the Social Hall would be a reminder, not to mention what Danny has planned at DBS.”

  “What does he have planned?” Dean asked.

  Elliott shrugged. “I don’t know. He said he’ll reveal it tonight. He doesn’t want to get everyone too excited.”

  “Knowing Danny and knowing it has something to do with DBS, I’m willing to bet it’s some sort of Valentine’s Day love show.”

  “That would be nice.” Elliot looked at his watch. “Well, I must be off. I want to be at the front tunnel gate when the Captain and family return.”

  Dean checked out the time. “Shit, that’s pretty soon.”

  “Very soon.” Elliott walked to the door. “Thank you, Dr. Hayes.”

  “You’re welcome, Elliott.”

  Elliott gave a respectful nod and reached for the door.

  “Elliott, when you see Joe, will you remind him I need to speak to him? It’s urgent.”

  “Dr. Hayes, with all due respect, his son just came home. Do you think it may not be an appropriate time?”

  “The sooner I speak to him, the better,” Dean said matter of fact.

  “Is that how you want me to phrase it? Mr. Slagel, Dr. Hayes needs to see you immediately, the sooner the better.”

  “Yes, just like that.”

  “Then begging your pardon, sir, when Mr. Slagel comes to the clinic to see Dr. Slagel, you should inform him of that yourself. I, for one, will not be responsible for removing any smile upon his face.” Again, Elliott nodded. “Good day.”

  Before Dean could say anything further, the door closed. He raised his arm as if to say ‘wait’ then just let it drop. “Good day to you too, Sgt. Ryder.”


  Hal saw it. He leaned into Jimmy as he watched his brother lay his hand across his stomach while breathing out slowly. “You okay?” Hal asked.

  “Yeah.” Jimmy nodded. “I’m just getting flutters in my stomach.”

  “Dad’s driving,” Frank interjected. “It happens to El all the time. Usually she’ll puke.”

  “I think our brother is nervous about Beginnings,” Hal said.

  “Why?” Frank asked.

  Jimmy shrugged. “Meeting everyone. I’m afraid there might be expectations of me since I am a Slagel.”

  The rest of the Slagel clan all did the same thing. They tilted their heads with a ‘you may be right’ expression.

  “Great.” Jimmy sulked into his seat.

  Robbie reached over and patted Jimmy’s knee. “Don’t worry about Beginnings. I’d worry more about Andrea.”

  Suddenly Jimmy looked up. “Why? You guys said she was great.”

  “She is,” Robbie said. “She can just be overwhelming.”

  Frank agreed, “She’ll overwhelm you.”

  Joe peered through the rearview mirror. “She may be a bit much.”

  Hal added, “It’s like you walk in Robbie’s shadow.”

  “He’s the favorite,” Ellen said. “He set the standard.”

  “Would you guys believe me if I said Andrea was the least of my worries?” Jimmy asked.

  Everyone said, “No.”

  “Seriously,” Jimmy continued. “I know exactly how to handle her.”

  “Well, you better get ready,” Joe pointed. “We’re at the gate.”

  If assurance vibes were a physicality, then Jimmy was bear-hug embraced by the energy Robbie and Hal encompassed him.

  Joe slowed down the truck then brought it to a stop.

  Steve, the guard, looked into the window. “Hey, Mr. Slagel, welcome back.”

  “Thanks, Steve.”

  “See you brought a survivor with you? Is he a defector?” Steve asked.

  Joe paused before answering, “Something like that. Have a good one.” He began to drive.

  Hal leaned forward. “Did he not know or was that my imagination?”

  Before Joe could answer, Frank’s radio crackled and Steve’s voice spoke up, “They just drove through guys. Jimmy is with them. I repeat. Front end. Code Secret.”

  Joe just looked at Hal. “What do you think?”

  “I just checked in with Ryder,” Steve called over the radio. “Code Secret. Act surprised.”

  “Roger that,” Dan from Security came back. “I see them heading toward the garage. They’re gonna walk.”

  “You’ll be the first to greet them.”

  “Yep. I’m ready. I’ve got my surprised expression prepared.” Dan chuckled. “This is great.”

  Joe shook his head. “Idiots.”

  “Dad?” Jimmy leaned forward. “If your guys want you to think they don’t know about me and this is all a big secret, why are they saying it over the radio?”

  “Because they’re idiots,” Joe repeated.

  Ellen shrugged. “I think it’s sweet and we should really let them go and see how badly they act.”

  “Because it will be entertaining,” Joe said, “I’ll agree.” He pulled into the garage and parked the truck. “Here’s our first test subject now. Everyone ready?”

  Joe was the first to get out of the truck. He saw Dan quickly approaching. “Hey, Dan. We’ll be back later for this stuff.”

  “Oh, sure, Joe. Welcome back. How was the vacation?” Dan asked.

  “Good,” Joe answered.

  “It’s sure good to…” Dan stopped when Jimmy stepped from the truck. Less than believable, he pointed. “Hey, who is that guy? Is he a survivor?”

  Joe grumbled when Ellen snickered, “Actually Dan, this is my son … Jimmy.”

  “Jimmy, your son?” Dan asked.

  Joe nodded.

  “Holy cow!” Dan explained.

  Ellen and Robbie both fluttered their lips in laughter.

  “Robert. Ellen,” Joe warned.

  “Jeepers.” Dan smacked himself in the forehead. “Wow! What a shock. I bet you were shocked, Joe. It is nice to meet you.” He out held his hand to Jimmy. “I’m Dan, one of Frank’s men.”

  Frank nudged his way between them. “In a security way.”

  “Good Lord.” Hal rolled his eyes. “Dad, can we just head into town?”

  “Need a ride, Joe?” Dan asked.

  “Nope.” Joe shook his head. “I think we’re all gonna walk … as a family.”

  Dan gave a thumbs up.

  Joe and the crew moved on.

  “What a moment,” Dan spoke. “He didn’t even know I wasn’t shocked. They’re on their way into town.”

  “Got ‘em,” Leo responded. “Ellen veered off toward the school. The Slagel crew is en route to clinic. I repeat. All clinic employees, Code Secret.”

  Dean couldn’t believe it. After listening to the last transmission, he shut off the radio. He contemplated playing Code Secret and going about his business, but that was not an option. He had to see them, especially if they were all walking into the clinic together.

  Leaving his lab, Dean positioned himself in the doorway so he could look down the hall. His eyes were fixed on the double glass clinic doors and Dean swore his heart skipped a beat when he saw them approach from the street.

  The day was bright. They were in the shadows but authoritative none the less. The Slagel men portrayed exactly what the Slagels were, a wall of strength. Lined up five in a row, Joe in the center, they walked in a straight line. They all had the same walk as they went up the steps into the clinic and down the hall. Their steps were in synch, all of them, with their left arms swinging slightly as they moved like a tidal wave, strong, tall, and powerful.

  Dean leaned his head against the arch way, smiled, and clenched his fist tightly to his chest. It was a sight to behold. Folding his arms with a grateful smile, Dean wanted to greet them but he’d wait they were only a hall length away.

p; Frank gave an up motion of his head as he whispered, “Guess Dean’s not playing Code Secret.”

  Joe chuckled. “Guess not.” He slowed down and when he did, so did his sons. “Get ready, Jimmy. There she is.” Giving a twitch of his head he moved his sons again up the hall.

  Seemingly forgetting their earlier disagreement, Andrea brushed her hand on Dean’s arm as she passed him, whispering out, “Jimmy.” She clutched her chest, took a nostril breath, and approached the crew.

  The Slagel men stopped.

  Andrea slowly moved right before Jimmy and smiled.

  Before she could say anything, Jimmy did.

  Excited, arms extended, he shrieked out a powerful, ‘Mom!”

  Joe winced, “Christ.”

  Out went Andrea’s arms. As she pelted her body to Jimmy, she cried out a scream of joy. “My baby!”

  “Christ,” Joe whined.

  “Oh!” Andrea hugged him then began to plaster him with tiny kisses. “Let me look at you. Sweet Jesus.” She laid her hands on his cheeks. “You’re so tall. Oh, you poor boy.” She kissed him again. “You poor boy.”

  “Andrea,” Joe tried to pry them apart. “Give the man some air.”

  “Sorry,” she whimpered. “I just … let me take a look at all of you.” Her hand was proudly to her chest as Andrea stepped back and looked. With a loud gasp and hand flinging to her mouth, Andrea bolted forward with a burst of tears.

  In stock Joe mannerism, he grumbled.


  “What was his response?” Lars asked George.

  “He’d said he’d get back to me.”

  Lars shook his head. “It has been days since Ellen has left here. I thought for sure the data transferred would be enough.” Lars began to pace about his lab. “Plus, we sent back test results prior to her returning as well.”

  “He’s had time then?”

  “Oh, absolutely.”

  “In your opinion, Dr. Rayburn, is he wasting time?”

  Lars hesitated. “Yes. In my opinion, this is a waste of time. Taking Johnny to Beginnings is not an option, at least I don’t think. If we don’t take him there and Dean elects to do the surgery, then he’ll have to come here. We’ll have to make preparations. We don’t have the resources.”


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