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In Your Shadow

Page 12

by Middleton, J

  Every thought is going through him mind. He wanted to just open the door and bash his head in. He just sit there waiting and listening. He lays back on the bed staring into the ceiling. Her face is still all he can see. She is so beautiful, I almost had her. If that guy didn’t walk in the office she wouldn’t of been mine. He finally after a few minutes gets up and goes to the window and sits down in his chair. The sun was coming out of the clouds and the snow had stopped. A few people were out sweeping the snow of their steps.The loud sound of a blower was heard. He just stared at her house but nothing moving.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket making him jump.

  “I have you a apartment. It is in Ridgefield.

  “NO” he yells. “That’s too far, that’s on the other side of Manhatten! That’s over fifty miles away.”

  “Then live on the street that is the best I can do. I am not paying thousands of dollars a month anymore for somewhere for you to stay. The apartment will be ready tomorrow take it are leave it . I am done and you better find a way to pay next months rent. “

  “Mother I can’t live that far away from….” he cut himself off before he said anything else.

  “Far from what! She paused for a moment waiting for an answer but he was silent.

  “Tom you can live on the street if you prefer, it time for you to grow up.”

  “Whatever mother, I don’t have a choose do I.”

  “Know you don’t , take it are leave it. That is all I can do. I have to go everything will be cut on in the morning and so you can move in then.”

  Tom didn’t even say goodbye are thank you are anything. He just slams down the phone.

  “Now what am I going to do, I can’t watch her from that far away.” He was steady talking to himself as he pace the floor.

  Listening for any noise coming from his door he walks up to it and looks through the peephole. There was no one in the hallway that he could see. He eased the door open and hurries to the elevator. Making it out of the building without no one around. He runs to the corner and crosses. Pulling his hood over his head he puts his hands in his pocket. He goes in a small flower shop on the corner. The woman told him they were getting ready to close. He sees a white Lily in the glass cooler. He purchased the flower and walks out the door. He puts it between his jacket and his shirt and hurries down the sidewalk to her house. Looking around to see if anyone is watching and there was no one. He walks up the steps and places it in front of her door. Looking down he see’s his footprints in the snow. He turns and see’s the prints all the way down the sidewalk.

  “Surely they will be covered soon.” He thought.

  He steps in his old prints and walks fast down the street until he reached the corner. He then crossed back over, he see a small coffee shop and walks in.

  “Can I help you the woman behind the corner ask.”

  “Large coffee please.”

  She hands him the cup and he sits by the window watching her building. There was no movement in her window. The neighbor came out and started shoving the snow from his steps.

  “Good, my prints will be gone.” He thought.

  Still watching and no one came, he finished his coffee and hurried back to his apartment. He barely made it to the elevator before a neighbor went outside to walk their dog. He got to his door and hurried in. Closing the door behind him he stands there with his back to it taking a deep breath. Standing there for a minute maybe more trying to wrap his mind around what he was going next.

  Chapter 16

  She looked down her phone and it was Zoe.

  “Hello Zoe”

  “How are you today? Just touching base and letting you know that everything will be done in a few days. He put a crew on it and it is almost finished. It looks wonderful, whenever you can go look at it. They are hoping to close it next week if that isn’t too soon for you.”

  “That sounds great, let me look at my schedule and see when I can go look at it. I may try today.”

  “Sounds good let me know what you think”

  “I will Zoe I will call you soon.”

  Katie hung the phone up, and walked over to the window.

  John heard Katie’s conversation, he couldn’t wait for her to see the place. He got up from the desk and walked in her office. Her back was to him, there was no doubt about it she was just stunning. He just stared at her enjoying the view.

  Katie turns around and seen him staring at him.

  “Looks like you are working hard.”

  “Oh I was. I would have worked better next to you.”

  “Oh I’m sure” grinning.

  “I overheard you talking about your house.”

  “Being noisy, huh.”

  “No you shouldn’t leave your door open.”

  “Well if you want to know yes, the house is almost ready. I have to go look at it and see if it meets my approval.”

  “That sounds great, do you mind if I ride alone. You might need a bodyguard.”

  “Need a bodyguard” she giggled. “Sense you put it like that, how can I resist.”

  Katie was still a little spooked after that strange visit. Still couldn’t figure out who he was and how he knew her name.

  “Well let's go then bodyguard.” Smiling at him.


  “Yes it is the only time I am going to have, I have too much going on this week.”

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  She grabs her purse and laptop and head to the elevator. He is standing so close she could feel the heat coming from her body. The door opened quickly and they walk in, few seconds later it close’s.

  “ I have been wanting to do this all day.” He mumbles.

  He grabbed her and forces her against the wall and his lips devour hers. He jumped back as the elevator stopped. Katie blushed as she was lost for words caughting her off guard. He was good at doing that. The car was waiting outside as she climbed in. He sat right next to her not letting her have any room to move. He grabs her hand and holds it tightly, enjoying the touch of his hand in hers. It was 34 degrees outside and it felt like it was 90 in the car. Her palms were sweating and her heart pounding. She felt him brush her knuckles with his thumb it senting chills down her. She looks over at him as her breath catches and her eyes locked on his. It was at the point now she had no control over her body. He was all she craved day and night and she knew it.

  Her face was a solid color of red. She turned to look out the window and noticed they were there, she seen the trees hanging over the road. The scenery was beautiful like another place in another time. They came to the iron gate and pressed a number in and drove down a long driveway lined up with oak and pecan trees. She was getting excited. The house sit tall behind the trees almost hidden away. Colonial style with large columns and a wrap-around porch.They pull around the circle drive and park in front. John gets out and opens the and lets Katie out. The scent of fresh paint filled her senses. She seen a few man on ladder painting the outside of the house. They walk in the front door and the place was like new. Her mouth drops with total amazement at how different the place looked. The brick fireplace was refurbish with white stone. The furniture was removed with a more modern look. It was gorgeous it still had the antiquist look but yet elegant. John stood there and looked around he was very impressed with the work his crew done. Smiling to himself he looked over at Katie and he could tell she loved it.

  “Beautiful place.” He grinned knowing his company remodel it for her.

  “Yes it is, you should see the back lawn” she was so excited.

  “Show me!”

  She grabs his hand like a child and walks through the large living room up to some double glass french door, out to a large covered patio. The back yard was groomed to perfection. She led John down some concrete steps and down to a long pier. It was beautiful the water sparkled from the sun. The view was spectacular, so peaceful and romantic.

  “Katie you picked a beautiful home.”

  “I think s
o.”he put his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him.

  He couldn’t resist the moment. Looking into her big green eyes they were twinkling like stars on a dark summer night. He was then he was lost in her, there was no escaping he was hooked. A lock of hair broke free as the wind blow it in her face, he tucks it behind her ear. She leans her face into his hand and closes her eyes. Her response surprised him. He moved his thumb to her lips as she kisses it softly. His lips went down and covered hers. He could barely stop himself as he released her leaving her in a daze wanting more. They stood there staring at each other as they heard talking behind them. They both turned and looked and it was one of the workers coming down to the pier. She could barely take her eyes of John as she watched the man approach her.

  “We installed a new security fence around the property. The control center is in the large bedroom. Come let me show you.”he said leading the way back to the house.

  “I have to say I’m glad you have a security fence around this place.”

  “You sound like my father now, if there wasn’t one here he would put one up.” She giggled.

  “Well your safety is important to him, he worries about you.”

  “I know” she answered.

  They follow the man up to the master bedroom to a small office off the side. There was ten cameras that covered the grounds and around the house.

  “That’s covers the whole estate I like that.” “Yes mam, this place sits back away from everyone so you can never be too safe.”

  “ Thank you, it looks great .”

  Katie watched the man leave the bedroom and Johns eyes was own his every move.

  “Come let's see the rest of the house.”

  She lead him through every room, like a kid in a candy store. When they came to a bedroom with an old stone fireplace he closed the door behind her and pulled her into his arms. Holding her tightly against his body, his fingers tugging against her hair. He pulled her face up to his and gently kissed her. She moans softly as it was heavenly to his ears. He then teasing her lower lip with his tongue. Her breathing is rapid, her cheeks are rosy. Katie pulled away from his lips as her heart melted. She is lost under his spell, he is so intoxicating.

  “Does he know what he is doing to me?” she thought.

  “We better go” she said her voice soft and low.

  “Go! she wants to go,” he thought.

  He didn’t’ want to leave this room he wanted to kiss every inch of her here and now. She lead him out the door and back down stairs. John opens the front door for her as they walk to the car. He crawls in beside her holding her close to him.

  “When were you planning to move , maybe I can help you.” He ask.

  “Soon as possible, maybe a couple of weeks. The closing is next week so anytime after that.”

  “You could start your new year in you house.”

  “That is what I am hoping for.”

  Traffic was getting heavy as they got closer to Manhattan. Even though it had snowed and covered the roads, it didn’t seem to stop anyone from getting out.

  John could see her house ahead, and noticed there were a lot of people on the streets.

  “Hey isn’t that the man that was in your office today.” He pointed at a dark haired man walking a block from her apartment.

  “I’m not sure, his back to me.” Knowing someone might be watching her brought all her nerves to the surface. Trying to hide it from John was tearing her apart, no matter how professional she tried to be.

  “It sure does look like him.”

  “I don’t know I can’t really tell.”

  “Katie you have to be careful, I didn’t like the way he looked at you. There is something about him that is very disturbing.”

  John got out of the car and opened her door, still watching the gentleman from the corner of his eye. Until he disappeared in a apartment building a few blocks down.

  John stands there waiting for her to invite him in but she never said a word. He walks her up to the door and seen a white lily laying in front of her doorstep.

  Katie picked up the flower , the lily was in perfect bloom. She looked up at John thanking him with her eyes.

  “Another flower for me” she smiles at him.

  “Katie I didn’t put that there, if that is what you are thinking.”

  “What do you mean you didn’t do this?”

  “No, I brought you a dozen of roses to your office , why would I put one single lily by your door. They are not in season. That isn’t my style!”

  Katie was confused and her curiosity was burning a hole in her mind. Who would do this?

  John reached for the key and opened her door , they both walk in as he locks the door behind him. He could tell she was really bothered by the flower. He watched her drop it in the small trash can.

  “Do you know who left the flower?”

  “No I don’t have any male friends that would do that plus I don’t date remember.”

  “Well someone likes you enough to leave it.”

  “That is what it looks like , but who.”

  “That is a question I can’t answer.”

  “I just don’t know who it would be.”

  There was silence for a moment. A thought entered her mind, there was lilies at her husband's grave. Could it be the same person that sent them? Her mind going crazy now, but she had to hide it from John. She didn’t want him to see her panic over a flower.

  “Katie could it be that gentleman that came to your office today.”

  “I don’t know. How would he know where I live.”

  “That’s not hard to find out everyone know where you live, all they have to do is look you up on the internet.”

  “True,” She was getting really nervous talking about it now.

  Frustrated as she walks to the kitchen and pours her a small glass of wine.

  “Would you like something to drink” she offered.

  “I believe I will.”he walked over and poured a drink.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure what is it.”

  “Well your dad told me your husband died, how did he?”

  Katie froze, “Why would he bring that up?” That was in her past and she didn’t want to remember it now, not now.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you .”

  There was silence for a few minutes before she answered.

  “You are not upsetting me, I just don’t like talking about my past. That’s a subject for another day.”

  “ I’m sorry.” he could see that her mood changed.

  She was going into her shell again. He had to think of something to bring her back to reality, he had so much fun the last few days he didn’t want it to end, and he didn’t want her to be here by herself.

  “How would you like going to my place tonight and I will cook you supper.”

  “Your place, you cook!”

  “Why yes, it will do you good.”

  “I don’t know I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Take you laptop and you can work while I am cooking.” Smiling at her with his deep seductive eyes.

  “I have to work tomorrow.”

  “So do I, the car can pick you up there . It's not that far a few miles past you building. Come on, let me do that for you .”

  Katie stared at him not knowing what to say, this was her safe zone. She loved his company and couldn’t seem to get enough of him but was she ready to get out of here. Just the thought of someone leaving something at her door gave her a uneasy filling. She took a sip of her wine before she answered him.

  “Alright, let me get a few things together.”

  “Thank you.”

  He watches her go to her bedroom , he then walks over to the window overlooking the street. The crowd was thinning out some, he didn’t see the strange gentleman on the street. When he turned around Katie was standing there staring at him.

  “Well did you see anything interesting”

“Know just a few people walking.”

  Katie was ready with and overnight bag and her purse. She wasn’t too sure about this but she didn’t like the idea of someone knowing where she lived. So at least she would be away from her for a night . They headed out the door and locked it behind them. John opened the car door for her and she crawled in . He climbed in next to her. He instructed the driver where to go. This was all new to her but she was following her heart and not her mind. A few minutes later they pull up at a large building, his penthouse apartment was on the top floor. This building was huge, looked like an hotel but larger. John got out of the car and opened her door he helped her with her bags as they went through a large double door. He walked straight to an elevator and they got on, he push twenty-first floor, which was the penthouse.

  John resisted the urge to tip her chin up and run his tongue over her mouth. Letting her stand in front of him he studied every inch of her fantastic body. Her long, thick hair laid against her back. She really was the whole package, beautiful, smart, and very attractive. All of a sudden she is in his arms clutching to him. For the first time he seen a dark ring of deep blue almost green circling her irises, her eyes are so beautiful. She was stunning, taking his breath totally away. Her body is pressed against his, he could feel her heat through her shirt. He was getting aroused one again. Closing his eyes, he inhales the sweet smell of her hair. When he opened them she was staring at him, begging him, her eyes was on his mouth wanting his lips to touch hers. He covered her mouth with his lips and they were so hot. The elevator opened with their lips still pressed against each other. He reaches over and holds the button so the door won't close. He hears footsteps approach as he releases his lips.

  Breath, Katie breathe, she tries to catch her breath.

  John realized that this wasn’t his floor, as he watch a couple get on. He nods his head as the couple is standing in front of him. He could hear Katie’s small giggle.

  “Saved by the elevator ,” he whispers in her ear.

  “Who said I wanted to be saved.”

  John starts to laugh as the couple gets off on the next floor leaving them by their selfs again. He reaches over and pushes some codes in the elevator keyboard. Before anyone could say a word the door opens and they step out to this very large foyer. In the middle of the room there is a large table with a huge vase of white flowers. They walk through a set of double doors and the white theme continues across a wide corridor. It main living area, was larger than the first floor of her condo. The far wall was nothing but glass and lead to a balcony that overlooked Manhattan. When she looked to her right there was a L shaped sofa. It set right in front of an tall marble fireplace. On the other side of the room was the entrance to the kitchen . She was amazed at how he decorated this penthouse. There was art of all sizes on the wall. This place looked more like a gallery than anything.


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