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In Your Shadow

Page 13

by Middleton, J

  “Here let me take your jacket.” John took her jacket and her things.

  She hands him her jacket just standing in this gallery of an apartment feeling way out of place. She knew he had his own company but wow.

  “Come” he hands out his hand. He lead her to a room down a large hallway. He opens the door to a master bedroom. He sits her luggage down beside the dresser. Before she could even say a word he leads back to a large living area to a set of double glass doors. He opened the doors and they walk out on this large balcony. The cold wind blowing hard against her face. She looked out and she could see few of the city. It was spectacular, the sun was easing behind the tall building making a shadow on the ground. She had never seen it from such a high view. John looked over at her face and he noticed the bumps running down her arm.

  “ Beautiful view isn’t it” he said as lead her back in and closes the door as. Grabbing a wrap from back of a chair and puts it around her shoulder.

  “Thank you.”

  He walks to the kitchen, and she sits down on a bar stool.

  “Well I am going to cook. You can make yourself at home.” He smiled.

  It was so hard for him to resist her. He popped a bottle of white wine and poured her a drink.

  “Here this will warm you up.” He hands her a glass.

  He walks over to the corner and pick up a remote and pushes a few buttons. The fireplace came on the right side of the room, and she could hear music slowly in the background.

  With a slight grin on his face he started pulling out pans to cook with.

  Katie sipped on her wine as her phone started to ring. She looked down at it was Olivia.

  “Oh crap” she thought , she had forgotten to call he back.


  “Where have you been? I have been trying to get a hold of you for days.”

  Katie gets up from the barstool and walks away from the kitchen, she keeps John in view. As she watches him start to cook.

  “Nice to hear from you too.”

  “Katie I have been calling for days, you haven’t returned my calls. I came by you apartment but no one was home. You never leave your house, so what up.”

  “I have been busy.”

  “That is the story of your life. At least I know you are breathing.”

  “Yes Olivia I am fine.”

  “So you got your dress for your dad’s New Years Eve party.”

  “Oh crap, no not yet. I will pick one up tomorrow.”

  “Can I come.”

  “Sure Olivia , but I have to tell you we will stay the night.”

  “That sounds fun, I will be your date.” She laughed.

  “I have a date,” Katie answered before thinking.

  “Oh , what you do call the escort service again?”

  “Olivia I have to go,” she was getting agitated with her.

  “You don want to talk to me now, I was just kidding. Besides I have already called your dad looking for you and he told me you had a boyfriend. I hope I get to meet him.”

  “ Oh! What did my father tell you?”

  “Just that he was a nice man and he owned his own company. I am so happy for you. I have to met this guy.”

  “Olivia I have to go,we will talk soon.”

  “Are you with him now.”

  “Olivia I am busy, I will call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, go back to what you were doing . I will talk to you tomorrow.”

  Olivia listens until she hears her hang up. She was so furious at her, she was too noisy for her own good.

  Katie was so glad to get her off the phone, she noticed John had been watching her the entire time she was on the phone. She walks back to the kitchen and sits down on the bar stool. She was far enough away to watch him without giving him the impression that she was desperate for his touch. Her body craved him, she was hooked and she knew it.

  “You need some help.”

  “No I think I got it.” He paused for a minute. “Business call.”

  “No just a friend, she was mad because I she hasn’t heard from me in a few days so she panics.”

  “It is good to have a friend that cares.”

  “We have been friends for a long time, so she thinks I should check in every time I leave home. She will be at my father's New Years Eve party so I’m sure you will meet her. She is a bouncing blonde.”

  John laughs.

  “Bouncing blonde, I have never heard that before.”

  “Well she is very lively and very out spoken.”


  “She is the one that dragged me to the bar the night I seen you.”

  “Well I am going to have to thank her for that.”

  She blushes and turns up her glass and finished her glass. His voice was so sexy the sound of it made something deep pulsated within her core.Her gaze searching his, and for a moment she rendered speechless.

  John raises his eyebrows up noticing she was a little nervous. He pours her another glass this time only fills it halfway.

  “I hope you like lamb chops.”

  “You cooked lamb chops” surprised.

  “Yes I did, I told you I can cook.”

  “ I did really think you could cook I thought you just wanted me here.” Giving him a slight smile.

  “So that’s what you think, well I hate to disappoint you but I wanted to cook you dinner, but yes I did want you here too.” Gazing at her bedroom eyes that rip through your soul.

  She was stunning, her eyes so beautiful it had to be a sin to look at. If looks could undress she would be stripped bare, and wearing nothing but a smile on her lips. Trying to pry himself from them was hard, as if the hypnotic pull was too strong. Are maybe he didn’t want to. His whole body ached for the yearning for her to touch him. His eyes kept probing hers with an intensity that made him swallow hard. He walked to the cabinet and got to plate putting one down in front of her. She was still watching every move that he was making.

  Chapter 17

  Tom had his back against the wall he knew he had to leave this apartment today, but he wasn’t living fifty miles away. He glanced over and looked at one of the pictures on the floor. It was his parents and him standing at the cabin.

  “That’s it, I will have to go get the cabin ready for her. When it is all fixed up then I will come back for her. She will love it and we will be happy there. No one knows it there. The perfect place.”

  He smiles to his self as he hurries and starts picking up all his pictures that were thrown all over the floor. He walks quietly across the room not making and noise. Hours had passed when he walked to the window and watched for her to get off. Looking down at his watch is was only a few minutes before she arrived. The neighbor was sitting on their steps watching the traffic. Still no sight of her.

  He jumps as his heart skipped a beat and starting pounding rapidly.

  “I called the cops they are on their way, “his landlord yelling through the door.

  Harder and louder he beat against the door, then he hears the key go in the dead bolt. He tries to push the door open but the chains held it closed.

  “I will return with the cops. You better be out of here by the time I get back” he yells through the small opening of the door.

  Tom is trembling all over as he runs to the bedroom and gets his luggage. His heart beating so fast he could almost hear it. Standing behind the door looking out of the keyhole to see if he was still there, his hands shaking when he reached for the door knob. No one was in the hallway, he slowly opens the door and runs to the elevator. Before the door shut all the way he heard him coming down the hallway. It sounded like he had someone with him. He pushed the button again on the panel holding it down so no one could the elevator. It finally opened at the garage. He walks fast to his car and throws in his things. Getting in the driver's seat his hands are trembling so badly he can hardly turn the key to the ignition.

  “Calm down, stay with the plan” he said out loud.

  Pulling out of
the parking lot he sees her driver leaving her house. It looked like there were two people in the back. He tries to pull out behind him but traffic was lined up. When he finally got out on the street they were gone. He couldn’t see the car anywhere, he drove by her work and it wasn’t there.

  “Where did she go? Who was with her?” Questions filling up is head.

  “Don’t worry Katie I am going to save you from him just like I saved before. You are mine and real soon we are going to be together. I will stop him and fix this. Forgive me for not being brave, but I am coming for you. No one is going to take you from me.” He was trying to shelter his rage and not allow it to grow, he had a plan and had to focus.

  With that thought he hurried down the interstate until he reached an exit. His cabin wasn’t very far away from Manhattan. Maybe thirty miles. He cursed under his breath, knowing someone was in the car.

  “Soon “he keeps telling himself.

  He reached a gravel room as he drove a few miles as the wood cabin came in view. He stops in front of it and gets out. When he opens the door the stale air hit him in the face like a ton of bricks. He leaves the door open as he walks around looking at the mess he had left behind. He turns around and walks back to the car and gets his things out. Going back into the cabin he walks down a small dark hallway with two doors on his left and one on his right. He stands there for a moment holding his bags.

  “This room will be your” he said as he opens the door to a bedroom.

  The room was dusty and smell of mildew. He laid his luggage on the bed and turned around looking at a tall dresser with a small mirror on top of it. He imagined this room with a woman's accent and Katie standing at the doorway with a smile. She was the only one who kept him right, kept him happy. He come out of his trance as his eyes focused on the thin layer of dust that covered the room. Walking over to the dresser he slid open the first drawer and there was a set of soft sheets and pillow cases. He pulled them out as he made the bed perfectly with no wrinkles. Turning to the closet he walks in and pulls a quilt out and places it on top. He polished the room up with fresh flowers that he put in a bowl on the dressier. He placed a new gown across the bed, and sprayed it with a light mist body spray.

  “She will be so surprised when she sees all of this. There its perfect.” He places a white lily on the pillow as he smiles.

  “I going to fix this place up before you come here Katie.” Talking out loud as if someone was there with him.

  He walks to the kitchen and grabs a broom and starts sweeping the litter that covered the floor. He stayed busy for hours not realizing that it was getting darker outside. He lit a small fire as the light flickered in the room sending shadows bouncing on the walls. Turning around admiring how clean the room looked. The moon was caught coming through the uncontained window, it was just enough light coming in to make larger shadows.

  “I will have the electricity turned on tomorrow” as his voice echoed through the empty room.

  It was so quiet all he heard was the popping of the fire and the voice’s in his head. Happier now that he had made a decision on what to do. It would all come together.

  Staring into the fire his phone started to buzz. He pulls it out and looks and it was his mother. He answered it on the third ring.


  “Tom the landlord on your new apartment said you didn’t make it today to sign the lease. He can’t hold it open but for one more day.”

  “Mother I want be needing it, I have found a place.”

  “Tom I told you I am not paying any more for rent and this time it was on my terms.”

  “Mother that is fine, I am staying with a friend and all I need is a little money to hold me over.”

  “Really, I didn’t know you had friends.”

  “Why yes, everyone has friends.”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  “Well right now he is at work so I will tell him to call you when he gets off but it will be late.” Tom voice getting scratchy hoping she wouldn’t notice he was lying to her.

  “Very well I will put a little money in your account but this is it. You have to get a job.”

  “Alright I will.” He snapped back at her.

  “I will call you tomorrow. By Tom.”

  She hangs up the phone before he could say anything.

  “Well at least I will have a few dollars now to remodel this place,” he thought.

  He creeps down the dark hallway into the bedroom. The room was to dark and eerie so he lit a candle that was on the dresser. The wind was blowing through the barely opened window it was crisp and cold. A reminder that winter was still in the air. He pulled the small chair over to the window and sat down. The fresh air filled his lungs. It was a lot better than the old musty smell that lingered in the house. The wind whipped through the window stinging his face like little needles. He closed the window when chills ran down his body. A few minutes later he walked back to the fireplace and put another log on. The room was heating up nice and cosy, but the heat still didn’t reach the bedrooms. He sat down in front of the fire trying to warm his body as his thoughts took over.

  The end of this was near, his anticipation was mounting to an explosive level. Almost five years had passed since he touch her skin. And now it has come down to this. He was tired of stalking her, tried of being away from her.Tried of killing people for her. It has been a long journey and it was time for it to be over. He grabbed her shawl and sat down on his knees and wrapped it around his shoulders. He could barely smell her scent it had faded away. Holding it tight against him he stared into the fire. With his blood running cold he sat there and gathered his thoughts. Watching her face appear in the flames, smiling and laughting. Then all of sudden she stopped and stared at him with a sad look on her face and disappears.

  “Come back Katie, I am sorry for all I said about you. Its my fault not yours come back.”

  Staring into the flames but she never returned , he watched for hours until the flames went down to nothing. Putting a few more logs on, he sat back just staring into the red and yellow colors. Nothing at all appeared but his reflection, and the memory of his life.

  Chapter 18

  Sitting there beside him it was hard to finish her food. The lamb chops were delicious just another rosemary sauce to set it off. He was right he could cook, she took the last sip of her wine, when she glanced over and saw him staring at her with his deep powerful eyes. She could barely resist touching his face. He stood up beside her and reached out and drew her forward. Wrapping his arms around her she looked up into his face as his lips covered hers. He slowly released her as he licked the moisture from them. Grinning he walks away leaving her gasping for air.

  “Really he is going to leave me like this give me a taste and walk away, I don’t think so.”

  She gets up and takes her plate and puts it in the sink.

  “Let me help you with the dishes” she said grabbing the pan’s from the top stove and loading them in the dishwasher.

  Watching him with the corner of her eyes with a slight grin on her face. Heat rising in her body as she glanced over at him.

  “Do you mind if I use you shower?” she asks as she put a dish away.

  “Last room on you left, there is a large bathroom make yourself at home.” He grins.

  He didn’t know if that was an invite but he was going to take it as one.

  He watched her walk to the bedroom and close the door.

  Katie walked to the bathroom and opened the door it looked like it was made for a prince, marble everywhere. She turned on the water in this over large shower as she undressed feeling the steam rolling towards her. Stepping under the hot water letting it beat down on head and running down her back. She felt total relaxed. The tension of the day seems to wash away.

  John walks in the bathroom with his eyes glued to the steamy glass door with the form of her body. She was so inviting, he couldn’t resist. He undressed and slipped in behind her. In the corner there was a small b
ottle of body wash he reaches for it and tipped the fluid into his palm until it filled the center of his hand. Rubbing his hands together until it became foam, which then he rubbed it down across her shoulders and down over her breasts sliding down her curves of her waist. She turned as she felt his hand around her. Thrills of passion ran through her body taking the strength from her legs. She looked up in his eyes till he bent down to her and his lips brushed her neck. The force of the water hit the back of her head making her legs turn into jelly. He raised his head watching the water run down her face as he pulled her body next to his. Skin on skin as their body fused into one. As he pulled his body from hers he steps out of the shower. He hands her a white fluffy towel, she takes it and wraps it around her. Her body on fire, as the water drips off her. She stands in front of him with her long dark hair loose and the water dripping to the floor. With her beautiful face and sparkling eyes that zeroed in on him.

  He watched her take the towel and rub her hair trying to get the excess water out. Grabbing a brush, she starts to comb the knots out, never letting her eyes leave his. He takes the brush from her and leans forward and then bends downs and nibbles at the edge of her ear and kisses her wet neck. His lips move up to hers as she stands there in his embrace with her body weak and wobbly. He lifted her up and carries her to the bed, and lays her down. Kicking aside the thin duvet and throwing the pillows to the floor. He strokes her legs and then her stomach. Making her quiver with his touch. Kissing her shoulders, and back to her lips. Teasing her, touching every part of her body with his lips. He could hear her moan under her breath, he moved his lips back up her body and onto her lips again. He could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest. He moved his lips back down her neck and onto her stomach. He repeated this process over and over until she cried out for relief. He raises his body up looking into her deep blue eyes that were crying out of him. His lips returned to hers as his tongue devours hers. In that heated moment he took her and gave in to her needs.


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