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The McGilley Trilogy

Page 4

by B J Wane

  She was sure Brett was worried about breaking her heart, about her wanting more from a relationship than he was willing to give. She could have assured him that wasn’t what she was after, and even if she did end up getting her heart broken, she was a big girl and could handle it, but somehow she didn’t think her assurances alone would convince him to give in to her. Besides, it would be infinitely more fun to show him. But since he wasn’t here, she now had to come up with plan B.

  Since Kayla had come here with the sole intention of hopefully spending even more time with Brett, she had come to Casey’s without her friends, a first for her. She knew clubbing alone could be dangerous, knew there were men out there who would take advantage of a woman alone, which was why she had spent the past two hours refusing all overtures as she kept an eye out for the one man who could rock her world.

  A short, frustrating time later, she spied Brett’s brother, Colin, behind the bar and decided she had nothing to lose by trying to entice Brett’s whereabouts from him. Making her way to the bar, she leaned her arms on the polished surface, smiled and waited for him to come to her as she watched the easy, friendly way he blended his job as owner/bartender with socializing. As tall as Brett, an inch or two over six foot, the only other familial trait the brothers shared was their Irish green eyes. Colin’s hair was jet black instead of mahogany brown like Brett’s, and his lean, but muscular build was displayed for all to ogle by his leather vest and tight, leather pants, his attire a stark contrast to Brett’s dressier, more conservative slacks and shirt. Just because Brett’s body hadn’t been openly revealed the way Colin’s was, didn’t mean Kayla had any trouble feeling his strength and remembering how hard he felt both beneath her and around her with his arms holding her as she rode him, his hard thighs flexing every time he lifted to thrust up deeper, and harder into her.

  Colin grinned as he stepped over to Kayla, the young woman he suspected was responsible for his big brother’s pissy mood all week. “Hey, darlin’. What can I get you?”

  “Just tea, please, I’m driving.”

  “Pretty and sensible, an attractive combination. No wonder you’ve got Brett out of sorts.”

  “He’s your brother, right?” Kayla asked, confirming what she had heard when he set a tall glass of iced tea in front of her. She was both surprised and pleased to hear Brett had apparently been more affected by her than he had let on.

  “One of them, but let me give you a little advice, darlin’. You’ve set your sights on the wrong man if you want any more attention from big brother.”

  Kayla wasn’t about to let his negativity deter her. “How about if I just want a membership upstairs?”

  “You’ll need a referral from a member, and I’m pretty sure Brett will refuse,” he told her while softening that hard truth with a sympathetic smile.

  As attractive as Colin was, especially when he smiled and looked at her with that wicked gleam in his eyes, Kayla felt only a mild stirring of lust, the same she would feel for any hot guy who stood in front of her with a body that just screamed sexual pleasure. Leaning over more, she used her folded arms to push her breasts up and gave Colin an unobstructed view of their round softness while keeping the mystery of their enticing peaks hidden. Softly, she cajoled, “You could refer me, couldn’t you?”

  Brett was going to have his hands full with this one, Colin thought with sadistic pleasure. Planting his folded arms on the bar top in front of her, mimicking her pose and looking her in the eye, he answered just as softly, “No, and as nice as I find your rack, I’m an ass man, and you, darlin’, have one fine ass.” Her vivid blue eyes widened comically as she realized what his comment meant.

  “You were watching?” Knowing there was the potential of being seen and finding out that they had indeed had an audience last week, both surprised and shocked Kayla. But the clench of her pussy and the instant tightening of her nipples told her faster than her brain could admit that she was more than okay with it.

  “Well, duh.” Colin couldn’t help but notice her nipples poking against the thin, spaghetti strapped top she wore and knew by her reaction that this woman was primed to explore more of what Brett had showed her last week. Too bad he was too stubborn to see beyond the years and the experience separating them to simply enjoy her for a while.

  “And you still won’t let me in your private, little club. That’s just…mean,” she pouted. Kayla knew now she wasn’t going to get anywhere with Colin and was already trying to come up with another plan.

  Colin tapped her nose and with some regret, admonished lightly, “Go home, Kayla, and find someone else among your set to torment. I’m sure there are any number of young guys panting to be with you.”

  Brett took a sip of his drink as he tried to unwind from a God awful week. The time he had put in on Sheila Monroe’s case had put him behind on the bread and butter work he did for many of the breeders in the state, something Margaret, his secretary, had given him grief for. If the damn woman wasn’t so efficient and good at her work, he’d be tempted to replace her. She had come with the office eight years ago and, despite her brusque, no nonsense manner, he found her invaluable.

  It didn’t help matters any when he learned Sheila’s ex, Paul, had skipped bail while awaiting sentencing and was nowhere to be found. He was confident Paul wouldn’t be able to find his ex-wife or his son now that Brett had them settled in a small town in Texas, starting their lives over with new identities. Besides, if that son of a bitch was going to go after anyone, it would be him since that was what he swore he’d do. Paul blamed Brett for him losing his family and for his conviction, which was fine with Brett. Let the little weasel come after him. He’d show him what it felt like to have someone bigger than you pummeling on you.

  Brett could have handled his over loaded work schedule and the irritating added nuisance of Paul’s disappearance better if he hadn’t spent the better part of his time being plagued by the memory of laughing blue eyes set in a guileless, pretty face, of the feel of soft, white buttocks turning pink and warm under his hand and the hot clasp of a tight, soaking pussy gripping his dick. Of all the women he had fucked and walked away from without giving them another thought, why did this young girl who wasn’t anywhere close to his type, who was wrong for him in more ways than he could count, refuse to be shoved aside with as much ease as the others?

  And how irritating was it to be sitting in the same chair he had occupied a week ago, watching several couples enjoying themselves with open abandon, and all he could think about was how it felt to watch that expressive, pixie face when she came, the shock of her arousal, the surprise of her shattering climax before she threw her head back and let go? Maybe it was the call he had received from Colin thirty minutes ago and hearing that she was so close and looking for him that had him irritably on edge, again. He couldn’t help but grin when Colin revealed the antics she tried with him to get her way. He actually felt sorry for the poor schmuck that fell for her charm because he was going to have his hands full. When his mood turned sour again at just the thought of her fucking another man, Brett knew it was time to divert his attention in another direction.

  With perfect timing, Carly walked up to him and slid on his lap, looping her arms around his shoulders as she drew his head down to hers. Wiggling her ass against his hard cock, she whispered against his mouth, “Is that for me?” before running her tongue over his lips.

  Her forward manner lacked the spontaneity Kayla’s actions had, as well as the innocent flair of her flirtations, but since that unwelcome intruding comparison only heightened his irritation, he decided to play along with her.

  “If you’re up for a hard ride, it is,” Brett said as he slid his hand under her butt left bare by her thong. Barely breaching her anus, he let her know what he wanted tonight.

  Wriggling on his finger, she accepted him deeper as she moaned, “Yes, I’m good with that.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He was damn tired of trying to erase Kayla’s memory with
his fist. Maybe all he needed was to replace the memory of his last fucking with a new one. Rising, he took Carly’s hand and led her to the middle of the wide padded bench along the far wall. Bending her over, he wasted no time stripping her of her thong before he brought his palm down on one round cheek.


  Brett decided her cry was more out of surprise than pain since he knew she liked her ass reddened with much harder blows. Bending over her, he asked harshly, “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, no. It’s just you took me by surprise by how fast you’re moving.”

  Brett took a deep breath as he visibly tried to control his irritation and his lust. “Sorry, babe. I’m just really primed.” He didn’t tell her that his condition was due to the unwanted memory of the best sex he had had in a long, long time.

  Carly once again pushed her ass against his hard cock. “Works for me.”

  Brett chuckled darkly. “Thought it would.” Moving back, he raised his hand again and gave her another swat, followed quickly by another and another. It took him only moments to raise a tempting red hue on her buttocks and to see the damp proof of her arousal seeping from her pussy. Oblivious to the two couples fucking on either side of them, Brett slid his fingers between her cheeks, delved between the plump folds of her pussy and scooped up some of her moisture, confident she would produce more.

  Using one hand, he spread her buttocks, revealing her tight, puckered back hole, and liberally coated the rim before pulling a tube of lubricant from his pocket and squirting a generous portion into her rectum. Carly’s moans increased as did the needy swaying of her hips and when she reached down between her legs to finger herself just as he speared her ass with two fingers to make sure she was well lubed, Carly splintered apart in climax, screaming loud enough to draw the other couple’s attention and their smiles of approval.

  Brett wasted no more time in releasing his aching cock and slowly pushing his way past her tight ring. Having fucked Carly this way before, he knew she was up to the challenge of taking his larger size as long as he started out slow. But he soon found his eagerness to rid himself of taunting memories that refused to leave made him grab her hips and push into her with one deep stroke.

  When she moaned, he asked contritely, “Sorry, babe. You okay?”

  “Yes, fine, wonderful. Just, move, please.”

  Obviously her moan had been one of pleasure, maybe brought on and heightened by the discomfort. He didn’t know, and frankly, didn’t care, as long as she was good to go. The rapid movements of her fingers in her still spasming pussy was all the go ahead he needed and he proceeded to fuck her ass with deep, hard thrusts, setting a moderate pace that worked for both of them. By the time she was coming again, his balls were drawing up tautly and he was filling the condom with his seed.

  Brett called himself every kind of fool as he slowly withdrew from Carly’s ass. His mind betrayed him yet again as he had thought of nothing but how Kayla’s ass would feel gripping his cock, how she would sound as he brought her to orgasm anally, how her face would look as he gave her first taste of anal pleasure. His irritation accelerated when he helped Carly stand then turned and once again found a small, shocked face staring in the windows, large eyes glued on him and Carly.

  Once again leaving Carly standing alone, Brett cursed as he swore this time she wouldn’t sit down for a week when he got through with her. And there would be absolutely no sex. His anger was left simmering when he reached the deck to find her already gone. It was only Colin’s hard, restraining hand on his arm that kept him from trying to catch her before she got to her car.

  “What are you grinning about,” Brett snapped at his brother as he shook off his hand. “Do you want people to start sneaking up here and ogling us through the windows?”

  “Other than the few idiots who allowed alcohol to override their fear of being banned permanently from Casey’s, no one has dared except for her. Chill, Brett, she’s just curious.”

  “I satisfied her curiosity and sent her on her way last week, if you’ll recall,” he bit out.

  With a raised black brow, Colin drawled, “Obviously you didn’t satisfy her enough or she wouldn’t be so persistent about hooking up with you again.”

  “Not going to happen. She needs to find someone closer to her own age to torment.”

  “I wonder how strongly you’d react if she did just that,” Colin murmured as he watched Brett stomp downstairs instead of returning inside to Carly.

  Kayla was out of breath by the time she reached her lime green VW bug, slid into the driver’s seat and pulled out of the gravel parking lot before she could see any sign of pursuit. She didn’t know if the rapid beat of her heart and her sweaty palms was the result of the anger she saw on Brett’s face or the stunning erotic scene she had witnessed between him and the same woman he was with last week. She had left the club downstairs with every intention of going home, but when she noted that Colin hadn’t returned from slipping out the door marked ‘private’, the door she assumed led to an elevator or staircase and was the inside entrance to the second floor, she simply couldn’t resist sneaking up the outside stairs again and trying to get a glimpse of the man she was rapidly becoming obsessed with.

  When she was met with the sight of Brett sinking his cock into that woman’s ass, her ass looking as red as Kayla’s had felt last week, she found herself rooted in place. Shoving aside an inappropriate flare of jealousy, she watched avidly a scene she had only imagined took place in porn movies. Unlike in the movies, watching his partner’s reaction, she guessed that her response wasn’t feigned. Damn, Brett was right, she thought. She was woefully naïve and inexperienced. Of course, she wasn’t going to let that stop her from pursuing some kind of relationship with the only man who seemed to be able to rock her boat to the point of capsizing it.

  Kayla slipped into her small one bedroom apartment, locked the door behind her and stripped on her way to the shower. Even though she wore nothing under her skirt and thin top except a thong, it felt wonderful being completely naked. Even her loose clothing had felt constrictive while watching Brett, and others, and the lust her voyeurism caused hadn’t abated on the thirty minute drive home. Flipping on the shower, she stepped back to face the mirror and pin her hair up as she let the room fill with steam.

  Admitting her eyes were her best feature, their bright blue all the more startling against her dark hair and pale skin, she allowed them to follow the slow glide of her palms from her head, down her neck, over the turgid peaks of her breasts until she cupped them in her palms. While not overly large, her breasts were more than a handful, high and firm, her nipples their best feature because of how sensitive those pink buds were. If there was any way she could bend down enough to take them in her mouth, she would, because she absolutely loved having her nipples sucked, loved the way that pleasure sped straight to her pussy. Kneading the soft flesh, she tried to picture Brett’s hands in place of hers, the way his larger, darker, harder hands would look and feel on her sensitive flesh, how those calloused fingers would feel tugging on her nipples. Kayla moaned as she shifted to rasp her thumbs over her peaks then pulled tautly on both nipples with her fingers before licking her palms and putting them against her pulsing, erect buds, stimulating them further by moving her hands in a circular motion over and over until her nipples were sore and aching and her pussy was weeping for release.

  With a visible shudder, Kayla reluctantly turned away from the mirror and stepped into the warmth of the steam filled shower. Lathering her hands, she slowly ran the suds down her chest, once again lingering over her nipples before continuing south. She had showered with two of her previous lovers, but she had found the experiences awkward as they both fumbled with finding a position, the guys more intent on getting off than anything else. Somehow, she didn’t think that would be the case with Brett. Recalling the forceful way he had simply took over, she felt more moisture seep from her pussy and, spreading her legs, she cupped a soapy hand over her sh
eath in an effort to contain it.

  She had taken to shaving regularly between her legs, leaving only a small thatch of curly hair in front, just enough to shield her seam, leaving a little mystery as to the treasure hidden behind there. The first time she had touched her bare folds, she had been shocked at how much more she could feel, how soft and sensitive that flesh was and how caressing her outer, plump lips added to her arousal. She had spent more time enjoying her denuded labia than her lovers had, except for Brett who had taken his time to thoroughly explore every inch of her pussy, inside and out.

  Bracing her other hand on the tile wall, Kayla leaned over, sticking her ass back and widening her stance even further. Usually, she liked to take her time masturbating, draw out the pleasure for as long as possible, but her need was too great tonight, her arousal hovering at an all-time high since watching Brett butt fuck that woman, making her wonder at the pleasure to be gained from that taboo orifice. Unable to resist exploring, she added more soap to her hand and reached behind her, rasping one soapy finger over and over her anus, shocked at the pleasure she experienced from touching herself there with a different purpose in mind other than washing.

  The pleasure was instantaneous, so acute she had trouble holding her bent over position, but she did. Taking a deep breath, she slowly, carefully breached her back hole with just the one finger, experimentally stroking sensitive nerve endings she never knew about, embracing this new pleasure wholeheartedly. As she finger fucked her rectum, going deeper with each stroke, she imagined it was Brett behind her, Brett bringing her this new experience and suddenly she knew she wanted to feel the first full culmination of this pleasure at his hands. Reluctantly, but determined, she slowly left that newfound pleasure and quickly sought out the bundle of nerves she was familiar with. Her pussy clamped around her two fingers in a welcome grip and Kayla wasted no time seeking out her clit with her thumb. One stroke over that small, swollen knot had her gasping, two had her spasming and three had her crying out as she shook with her release.


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