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The McGilley Trilogy

Page 5

by B J Wane

  Chapter Four

  Brett entered the stables and took a deep, appreciative breath of horse, hay and manure, and welcomed the sound of soft neighing and the clip-clop of shod hooves. He had more fond memories of growing up with those odors stinging his nostrils and the sounds of a full stable echoing in his ears as he and his brothers ran wild than he did of times spent with the man who had fathered him. To give Casey McGilley credit, when he did manage to make the effort to spend quality time with them, he made sure they had his undivided attention. The three of them learned to ride from Jed, the McGilley Farm head trainer for as long as they could remember, but Casey made sure they showed him their progress. It was Jed and the other hired hands who were responsible for making sure the three boys had chores and were supervised and didn’t get into too much trouble and stayed safe during the long summer days, but they spent the nights with their father staying up late watching movies or playing cards. It never failed to be a battle of wills when they returned to their mother’s house in time for school, a battle she inevitably always won.

  Even though he, Colin and Donovan each owned a horse for pleasure, the three of them shared a fondness for all the livestock they bred and raised and relinquishing one to a new owner was never easy. Taking the time to run his hand down the sleek necks of a few of his favorite mares as he made his way down the row of stalls, their beautiful heads nudging him in affection, Brett followed the sounds of cursing and grumbling coming from the enclosed corral attached to the stables.

  “What the hell happened out here?” he demanded when he saw the padlock strewn with hay, expensive riding gear floating in the water troughs and the neat, white fence looking like someone had taken a hammer to it.

  “Fuck if I know,” Donovan snarled as he pulled a brand new saddle from the water trough and laid it over the damaged fence before turning back to his brother. “That wall can stand up without your help. Get your ass out here and get to work.”

  “Who’d you piss off this time, Don?” Brett had dressed in jeans and a short sleeved polo shirt with the intention of taking Diablo out for a ride, but given it was Sunday and Donovan and Keith, one of four college students he employed, were the only ones on hand today, he grabbed a large rake and started gathering up hay. “Well?” he asked when all he got was a grunt in reply. His youngest brother wasn’t much for idle chit chat on a good day, and this definitely wasn’t a good day.

  Donovan sent him an icy green eyed glare which only made Brett grin. “Why do you assume this mess is because I pissed someone off?”

  “Because you’re so good at it?”

  “Bite me.”

  “Nah, you’re not my type and definitely not my gender.”

  “He prefers pretty blue eyed imps,” Colin said as he stepped out of the stable. “Who’d you piss off this time, bro?” he inquired with a raised brow and low whistle as he made a slow perusal of the damage, his comment drawing a chuckle from Brett and a snicker from Keith.

  A rare smile split Donovan’s scarred, sun weathered face. Ignoring Colin’s taunt, he asked Brett, “You hook up with your stalker again last night?”

  Leave it to his idiot brothers to bring up the one topic sure to turn his mood sour on this rare, Indian summer day. “No,” he bit out. “I didn’t hook up with her. I was with Carly last night, if you must know.”

  “Only until he spotted Kayla spying on him again. This time she saw him coming and his thunderous expression must have scared her off.” Colin turned a knowing smirk towards Brett, ignoring his glare as he started pitching in. He simply couldn’t help but needle Brett further.“Carly was so disappointed when you didn’t return, I had to console her.”

  Donovan snorted rudely. “As if that would bother him. That girl does have a fine ass. I can see why you’d want her instead of Carly.” He and Colin had gotten a kick out of watching Kayla accept her punishment last week before turning the tables on Brett.

  “I don’t want her, she...” Brett stopped himself before he said anything that would put Kayla in a bad light. “Never mind. Let’s get this cleaned up.”

  Colin knew when to back off from ribbing either of his brothers and by the look of frustration on Brett’s face, it was time to move on to something else. “Did you check the security cameras?” he asked Donovan.

  Donavan rolled his eyes. “Of course I did. Whoever did this knew where they were and sprayed the lens with black paint.”

  “We’ll add the replacements to the list of costs they’re going to pay when we find them,” Brett said. “Even if it’s just kids playing a prank.”

  “It had to have been an inside job.” Colin glanced pointedly towards Keith who was hauling off an armful of damaged slats.

  Donovan let out a worried sigh. From all his applicants, he tried to pick those who needed the work most, young men who were struggling to stay in college due to expenses and who weren’t afraid of hard, back bending work to attain their goals. He didn’t want to think any of the young men he had hired at the beginning of summer would betray him this way, but nothing would surprise him.

  “Maybe,” he said and with a look, told them both to let that thought go for now.

  Kayla turned into the entrance to McGilley Farm, glad that the wide, rod iron gates were open to visitors today. After spending a restless night cursing herself for running from Brett instead of braving his wrath in the hopes of a repeat encounter, she woke this morning determined to see him again. After careful consideration, she decided it would be better to approach him away from the club in the hopes he’d be more willing to get to know her. The sex charged atmosphere of the second floor of Casey’s wasn’t conducive for idle talk, the kind of conversation that revealed aspects of a person’s personality that let you know if you had anything in common other than a mutual lust for each other.

  She wasn’t stupid and she wasn’t conceited, but Kayla knew Brett was attracted to her, knew he lusted after her just as much as she lusted after him. It bothered her the way he fought it, the way he put their age difference and her inexperience up between them, using them as a shield to protect him from getting involved with her. She needed to find out more about him, other than how big and hard his cock was, how he could drive her to orgasm from an erotic spanking, how it felt to be taken over with the sole intention of bringing her pleasure. Of course, if he agreed to accompany her on the picnic she had planned, and if their mutual attraction was as strong and potent as it was last week, then she was all for picking up where they’d left off.

  Set back in about two miles from the entrance, the stables were as attractive as the McGilley’s. Painted white with dark green trim, the McGilley name painted in large dark green letters above the open double wide doors with well-tended plants along both sides of the long building, the structure looked like it was ideal housing for at least thirty very lucky horses. Parking in a small gravel lot outside a small building attached to the stables that she assumed was their office, Kayla started towards the barn area where she heard voices. A tall man built like a brick house was entering from the open double doors at the other end of the neatly swept, concrete floor of the stables and as he approached her, she noted the signature moss green eyes that labeled him a McGilley.

  “Ouch, that must’ve hurt,” Kayla greeted him, her gaze caressing the scar that ran down the side of one sun weathered cheek. Sandy hair worn long and shaggy framed a tough as nails face, but those eyes were as warm as the sun today.

  Raising a brow, Donovan found her honest observation refreshing. “Most women take pains avoiding looking at it or mentioning it, especially when first meeting me.”

  Kayla shrugged, replying, “I’m not most women, I see no reason to dance around the obvious. It’s there, it’s obvious and it does absolutely nothing to distract from your looks. But, I’m sure you know that.”

  “You looking for Brett?” Donovan asked, liking this young woman dressed head to toe in hot pink.

  “As a matter of fact, I am. Let me guess, you’r
e brother number three, Donovan.” Holding out her hand, she added, “I’m Kayla Holden.”

  Even with her eyes shaded by the brim of her pink baseball cap, the vivid blue eyes were noticeable as was the mischievous sparkle in them. Shaking her hand, Donovan thought she was just what his stuffy big brother needed. “You just missed him. He took Diablo down to the lake. I’d be happy to give you directions.”

  Cocking her head, Kayla caught the smirk on his nice lips and realized she had an ally in her pursuit. “He’s not expecting me and probably doesn’t want me intruding on him,” she warned.

  “I know. If you promise to give me details, I’ll point out where he’s at.”

  The McGilley’s farm was one of the largest this side of the Appalachian Mountains, and as Kayla followed the directions Donovan gave her, driving through their acres and acres of manicured pastureland dotted with beautiful grazing American Saddlebred horses and surrounded by miles of white fences, she took the time to enjoy the stunning scenery that never got old. Ten minutes later, Kayla reached the peak of a grassy knoll and spotted the pristine blue lake nestled in the small valley, Brett riding his stunning, solid black stud at full speed along the embankment. Turning off the paved road, she bounced on the uneven terrain until she stopped several feet from what looked like an ideal spot for a picnic.

  Rubbing suddenly nervous hands down her capris, she took a deep breath and got out of the car as Brett walked his horse slowly over to greet her. Her mouth practically watered at the sight of him straddling that huge, magnificent horse, the black shiny coat rippling with strength in the afternoon sun, Brett’s strong thighs clamped tightly against his heaving sides as he slowed him to a canter upon spotting her.

  Brett damn near fell off Diablo when he spotted Kayla getting out of a bright neon green Volkswagen dressed head to toe in pink. He hadn’t been able to shove thoughts of her aside all night last night and his brother’s teasing this morning hadn’t helped. As he neared her, he mentally shook his head in bemusement, trying to figure out why on earth he was attracted to her.

  Her silky black hair was swinging in a ponytail behind her, looped through the hole in her pink baseball cap. Large, round pink earrings adorned her small ears, pale pink lipstick shone glossily on her lips. Even from a few feet away, he could see the glint from the rings she wore on every finger and the stiff protrusion of her nipples against the pink tee shirt. Didn’t she ever wear a bra, he moaned as his dick stiffened achingly in his suddenly too tight jeans. Pink pants, pink socks and pink tennis shoes somehow should look ridiculous, but on her, they looked…right. She reminded him of cotton candy, all melt in your mouth sugary sweetness that you knew was bad for you but you were going to indulge in anyway.

  Brett slowed Diablo to a walk as he approached her, reminding himself of all the ways she was wrong for him as he bolstered his determination to keep his cock in his pants. Leaning on the pommel of his saddle, he asked sternly, “What the hell are you doing here, Kayla?”

  He looked dark and dangerous as he glared down at her from the back of the horse, his eyes narrowed into slits as they bored into her, his mouth set sternly, his beard shadowed jaw rigid. His biceps knotted as he leaned on his arms and the sight of those strong arms reminded her of how it felt to be held by them. Her nipples had tightened at the first sight of him, and now with him so enticingly close, her pussy was clutching damply, pulsing with a need even stronger than before.

  Shoving aside the reasoning part of her brain that wanted to question why she wanted this man so badly, she smiled and answered with a wave of her arm, “It’s eighty degrees in October, too rare and nice a day to spend inside. I brought us a picnic lunch. Well, okay I’ll be honest, the little deli by my apartment gets credit for the food, but I did drive all the way out here just to share it with you.”

  From the impish smile splitting those pink lips, Brett was pretty sure she had ulterior motives other than bringing him lunch. He wondered how long she’d want to stay if he nipped those right now. “Lunch, huh? I am hungry.” Swinging down from Diablo, he dropped the reins to dangle to the ground, the only cue the horse needed to stay close. Pushing Kayla’s cap back, he tilted her face up with a finger under her chin, those blue eyes swimming with undisguised pleasure nearly weakening his resolve. “Lunch only, Kayla. No sex, not this time. There is not nor can there be, anything between us. Got it?”

  “Just lunch,” she readily agreed before he could change his mind. She was hoping they could find a few things in common, thus showing him a sexual relationship between them wasn’t so off putting. Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t try a little coercion. “Here, you spread this out while I grab the food.” Tossing him a large quilted blanket from her back seat, she then retrieved a large wicker basket and kicked off her shoes and socks before settling next to him cross legged.

  Brett hadn’t had a picnic since he was a kid and then it had been with his mother and brothers, not a vision in pink that he was finding difficult to resist. Her unbound breasts swayed enticingly with each item she withdrew from the basket. Her nails, all twenty of them were painted pink and there were two toe rings, one on each dainty foot, to match the ones on her fingers. Damned if he didn’t find that sexy.

  Grabbing a sandwich, he asked, “What do you do for a living, besides pester me?”

  Ignoring his ‘pestering’ comment, she replied, “I’m an actuary for the County Appraiser’s office. What about you? What do you do when you’re not spanking women and giving them awesome orgasms?”

  Brett practically choked on his roasted turkey and Swiss then wondered why he was surprised at her cheeky manner. She’d already proven she wasn’t shy. He was surprised at her career choice. He couldn’t fathom her as a statistician. “I spank them then send them home without an orgasm,” he retorted. “Other than that, I’m an attorney, practicing mostly corporate law.”

  Kayla rolled her eyes mockingly. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  He was tempted to boast about his pro bono work for abused women and kids then stifled that thought immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was try to impress her, which would just encourage her. He let his gaze wander slowly over her pink clad form and jeweled fingers before raising a dark brow. “You don’t exactly look like a numbers guru, sweetheart.”

  “My job is what I do, not who I am. You, on the other hand, fit the word ‘counselor’ to a tee. I bet you’re good at your job.”

  “Damn good,” he answered, speaking more of his success’s in getting restitution for his victims than he was of his daily corporate work.

  They spoke of their jobs as they finished their sandwiches and coleslaw, Brett studiously avoiding any talk of a personal nature even though she tried to steer the conversation in that direction. He could admit he wanted her, but he was honest enough to admit she was all wrong for him. Any type of relationship with someone of Kayla’s youth and inexperience was going to end with her getting her heart broke and he didn’t want that on his conscience.

  Kayla finished her sandwich then quickly pulled out double dark chocolate homemade brownies. “Dessert,” she said as she tossed one to him. Brett sat across from her with one knee bent and she had tried to ignore the bulge in his jeans while they ate, just as she tried to ignore his obvious reluctance to reveal anything of a personal nature to her. Since he refused to indulge in ‘getting to know you conversation’, she decided to go back to her original intent of getting him to give her some more of those amazing climaxes that she didn’t even come close to attaining by her own hand last night. Even though her self-induced orgasm had been sharper than any she had given herself before, it hadn’t come close to the body enveloping pleasure she had experienced with Brett.

  Biting into the decadent sweetness of the chocolate treat, she closed her eyes and deliberately moaned in pleasure. “Mmm, don’t you love chocolate?”

  Watching her savor the gooey brownie and listening to her soft moan was enough to have his cock hardening even m
ore, practically demanding action. “They’re good,” he admitted after taking a bite, but watching her slowly lick her lips after each bite then lean back on her hands as she tilted her face back to absorb the warmth from the afternoon sun, he thought she would taste better than any baked good. And that meant it was time to send her packing.

  “Kayla, I’ve enjoyed our lunch, but I think it’s time…”

  Kayla jumped up with a laugh and before he knew what she was about, had her top whipped over her head, baring her breasts for him to feast his eyes on. “I’m not ready to leave yet. You go ahead if you want,” she said as she shimmied out of her capris, taking her panties with her and tossing her clothes onto the blanket where Brett still sat staring at her with a thunderous, lustful expression.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded as he shot to his feet and tried to take her arm. He should have remembered how quick she could move, because she jumped back from him, tossed her cap off and turned to skip to the water’s edge, her buttocks bouncing above her long, slender legs.

  “I’m going for a dip. Want to join me?” she called over her shoulder.

  Brett’s eyes took in her bouncing, hard tipped breasts and that round, soft ass and all he could think about was bending her over and feeling those cheeks heat up under his hand again. “It’s freezing. Get back here!”

  With a laugh and a wave, she simply ignored him and dove head first into the lake. For five full minutes, Brett paced and fumed along the embankment as Kayla taunted him with flashes of her breasts, the pink nipples puckered into pointed nubs and her white buttocks decorated with goose bumps before she dunked back under the water that had to be ice cold. By the time she rose up out of the lake and waded slowly towards him, her dark hair slicked back, her eyes bright with pleasure, his cock was so potently erect, so achingly hard he was afraid he was going to have a permanent zipper impression along his shaft.


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