It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3
Page 4
Now I was sitting at the bar with two women, ready to do whatever I wanted them to do. The only problem with that was, I wanted them to be Nylah. I looked at the thick ass red bone to my left. She had piercings all over her face. One in her eyebrow, lip, tongue, nose, and all up her ear. She had dark brown eyes and a long blonde weave on top of her head. The one to my right was a dark skin chick with tattoos all over. She was smaller than the red bone, but she was prettier with braids. Her eyes was slanted and light brown. She had them titties that sat up without a bra.
They were already dancing to every bounce song that the DJ was playing. They were grinding on me and each other. I was trying to make this night, thee night. I had to stop thinking about Nylah. Her ass was probably somewhere doing her thing. I accidently growled and scared the women. They took a step back from me and stared at each other. “Hey, are you ok?” the red bone asked.
“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s get out of here.” I told them and took out a couple of bills. I placed them on the bar and headed to the door with the women. We were almost out the door, when a scent hit my nose. It smelled like roses and sweet cookies. I looked around and saw this bad ass chick walking my way. She was white with bright green eyes. She was thick in all the right places. She walked up to us and smiled.
“Hello, may I cut in.” She said in an alluring voice. The two women on the side of me were in a trance as well.
“Sure, we were on our way out. You are more than welcome to join us.” The chocolate chick replied.
“No, I don’t do crowds, boo. But I am pretty sure that those men over there have much more to offer the both of you.” She said, pointing in the corner of the club where four men stood. The women headed over there with them, leaving me with the woman. “What is your name, handsome?” She asked me.
“Maxwell, and yours.” I answered.
“Call me Victoria. How about I buy you a drink?” She asked. I looked into her green eyes and stepped forward.
“Like the young lady said, I was on my way home. You are more than welcome to take their place.” I told her. She smiled up at me and looped her arm into mine.
“Lead the way, Max,” she told me. We walked out of the club and down the street to the hotel that I was staying in. Once I got up to the room, Victoria was all over me. She ripped my shirt off and began to lick all over my body. I didn’t want all this four-play shit. I just wanted to bust one or two, and bounce. I tried to sit up but she pushed me down with strength I didn’t think she had.
“Let me, Max. I promise that I will leave you satisfied.” She said. Her eyes became darker and her skin was getting pale.
“I don’t think so, Vicky.” A voice from the corner of the room spoke. Victoria jumped up and stood at the foot of the bed. Nylah stepped into the light with her eyes blazing. “How many times that I told you not to feed off people that don’t consent?” She said coldly.
“Queen, I didn’t get to ask him, yet.” Victoria trembled. Nylah looked over at me with her red eyes.
“Do you consent, Max?” She mocked Victoria. I looked over at her and smiled.
“Shit, I might as well. I don’t know who else to give consent to.” I told her. Victoria’s face lit up and was about to crawl back in the bed.
“You can join us, Queen. I will be happy to share.” She told Nylah.
“Are you sure that this is the game that you want to play?” Nylah asked me.
I smirked at her and grabbed Victoria by her hair. I pushed her down to my throbbing dick. It haven’t been this hard since the last time we were alone. One look of her and now I was ready to unload. “Not a game, Nylah. I need a finisher. You showed me how selfish you were. I need someone that is going to take care of me. Will you do that Vicky?” I asked her.
“Oh, yes.” She purred out.
Nylah hissed at her and moved quickly to the bed. She grabbed Vicky by the throat and threw her to the wall. “If you don’t want to get punished for using Golit potion that masked your scent, I suggest you leave and forget about Max.” Nylah told her with venom in her voice. Victoria got up and ran out the room like her ass was on fire.
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Nylah.” I told her with my hands under my head. Her eyes had that fire in them.
“You were going to let her bite you.” Nylah spat out.
“No, I was going to fuck her. I didn’t know that she was planning on biting me ‘til you said something.” I told her.
“Then, why did you give her your consent.” She asked me.
“Why did you ask me to give it?” I replied. She stared down at me and turned towards the door. I jumped out of the bed and snatched her ass up. “Games! You all about these fucking games.” I told her and threw her ass against the wall. I pushed her head to the side and bit her neck.
“Mmm, shit,” Nylah moaned out. She grabbed my head and pushed me deeper into her neck. I lifted her up and Nylah wrapped her legs around my waist. I brought her to the bed and slammed her ass down on it. I crawled back in the bed and settled between her legs. “How many times I gotta tell yo ass not to play with my shit, huh?” I told her and bit down on her lip hard. “I’ma show you, though.” I told her. I got on my knees and undid her jeans. I pulled them off and saw that she had no panties on.
Nylah saw me staring down at a pretty pussy. It was already wet and waiting for me to enter. She spread her legs to give me a better view. I knew I said I didn’t want do all that four-play shit, but those lips were begging for me. I leaned forward and licked her pussy with my thick flat tongue. She gasped with a deep arch in her back. I wrapped my arms around her legs and placed my hands on her stomach to hold her down. I teased her sweet pearl with the tip of my tongue and then pulled it in my mouth and sucked.
“Tanpri pa sispann.” She said while tossing and turning. I knew she was speaking that Creole shit to me. I just didn’t understand it.
“What you saying, Ny? You want me to stop.” I asked her. She shook her head no. I nipped at her inner thigh. “Talk to me.” I growled out.
“It-it means- It means don’t stop.” She stuttered out.
“Good girl.” I told her and rewarded her with another swipe of my tongue. She gripped my dreads and started grinding on my face.
“Mwen prèske gen ti bebe,” she whimpered. I stopped again and looked up at her. “I am almost there baby,” she translated quickly. I let my teeth grow and pulled her pearl between them. I unwrapped my arm from around her legs and placed two fingers inside of her. That done it. Her ass was almost climbing the walls. I sucked all the juices out of her sweet pussy. I didn’t let up. I kept twirling my tongue and licking her pussy while undoing my pants. “Sispann! Mwen pa ka pran li.” She screamed out. I didn’t bother asking for a translation this time. By the way she was pushing me away, I knew that she couldn’t handle no more. That was fine because I was ready to slip inside her wet tunnel. I settled back in between her legs and pushed inside her before she could object to anything.
“Oh fuck,” I groaned out like a whole hoe. Nylah’s shit was more than tight. The shit felt like it had never been entered before. It was slick and warm. I pulled out and pushed back in slowly that time. Nylah began to match my slow thrust. We were doing this for almost an hour before I switched positions. I flipped her ass over and had her on all fours. I slapped her on both ass cheeks and slammed into her. She started yelling some more Creole shit and throwing her ass back on my dick. She grabbed the headboard and pushed herself back. I felt my release ready to unload inside her pussy.
“Make me cum, Maxwell.” Nylah moaned in English this time. I was more than ready for that.
We both came with me howling and her ripping the headboard apart. I fell to the side bringing her body with me. After we caught our breath, I kissed her on the back of the neck. “You know, we gotta talk about what we are going to do.” I told her.
“What are you talking about?” She whispered. I sighed because I knew what she was doing. She was trying t
o avoid the conversation. If it could have been about the physical, the shit would have been easier to deal with, but it is not. She was my mate and I was ready to do what I needed to do to get her to understand that.
“You are my mate, Nylah. The chemistry that we have goes beyond anything that we both could understand. I know that in the beginning, I didn’t want anything to do with you. But, after living this whole month without you, I know that, that is something I don’t want to do no more. Let’s figure this shit out.” I told her. The loneliness that I felt this month couldn’t be filled by anyone. It had to be her.
Lil Bit was right. I had to accept this and move forward. Nylah sat up and got out of the bed. “You can’t be my one, Maxwell. I am already promised to Hector of the Geneva Covenant. I am to meet him and his family on tomorrow. My brother and I have to be examples for our Covenant.” She told me.
“Look, kill all that, Nylah. You don’t want to be with Hector of Geneva because you brought your ass here to see me.” I got up and smirked at her. “You thought that I was going to turn you away, like I been doing. You wanted a reason to be with Hector. Cus clearly, your people isn’t enough of a reason for you.” I told her.
She pulled up her jeans and put back on her boots. “You don’t know shit.” She responded without looking at me. I got behind her and placed my hand on her shoulders. They didn’t tense like I thought they would. She relaxed and leaned back into my body.
“You not bonding with Hector, Nylah. You should know that if I see you with another guy, I will kill him. I am giving you a week to take care of your business, or I am coming after you and bringing you home. Kicking and screaming if need be.” I told her. I snatched her jeans back down and bent her over the table. “In the meantime,…” I said and slammed back into my pussy.
Chapter 4
I woke up the next day feeling sluggish. I opened my eyes and closed them back quickly. The light was too bright in the room. I tried to sit up and felt that it was difficult to move. I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed. “Hey, Princess. Are you good in there?”
“Yeah, Mommy. Just tired.” Xoey said.
“Are you hungry?” I asked her.
“No, Mommy. I just want to sleep.” She answered.
I was more than happy with that. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I woke up two hours later in a soaked shirt from sweating and having to use the bathroom. I rolled my big ass out the bed and went into the bathroom. I felt bigger than I was yesterday. I used the bathroom and then brushed my teeth. I pulled my shirt off and looked at my body in the mirror. I was developing stretch marks all over my body.
“Baby girl, you stretching Momma out.” I said out loud. She didn’t respond back. I pushed down on the side of my stomach, gently. She pushed back and went back to resting. Xoey knew what I was doing. I did that often.
I grabbed one of my strapless maxi dresses, threw it on and went to the kitchen. Maxi wasn’t here, which was surprising. He was always here early. Xavier had to run a couple of errands before my sisters came over with their equipment. I hoped that Xoey cooperated with her Aunts. She didn’t want to piss her Uncles off. I went to the microwave and pulled out the breakfast that I knew my Alpha made for me. He was always doing shit like that. Strawberry and banana waffles, with cheese eggs, bacon, and sausages. All of my favorite breakfast food on one plate. I grabbed a fork and was about to pig out, but my stomach couldn’t take the smell.
I gagged and ran to the kitchen sink. I dry-heaved for a minute. That shit hurt more than throwing up. I rinsed my mouth out from the bad taste that was there and grabbed a bottle of water. It calmed me down a little, but I felt tired all over again. I went into the family room and sat in my favorite chair. I propped my leg up and turned on some music. Twenty minutes later, Xavier walked in with some bags. “Hey, Queen. You finally up.” Xavier said.
“Yeah, I guess I was really tired.” I stretched. “What do you got in the bag?” I asked him.
“Chocolate and fruit. I used all your favorite fruit making your waffles.” He replied and kissed me on my lips.
“It’s ok. I didn’t finish the breakfast you cooked. Besides you didn’t need to go to the grocery store for fruit when there is a fruit tree out there.” I told him. He looked back at me, surprisingly.
“Yeah, I know but are you alright. Is Xoey, ok?” He asked. He dropped the bags on the floor and kneeled between my legs. He touched my stomach and started talking to Xoey.
“I don’t want to talk right now, Daddy. I’m sleepy.” She said.
“Ok, Princess.” He said and looked up at me.
“I don’t know, Alpha. I threw up looking at the breakfast you made.” I whispered. It felt like it would take up too much of my energy to talk louder.
“I am going to call Cam and Treasure, to see what time they are coming over.” He said and reached for his phone. Before he could dial the number, our door opened. Treasure and Cam came in, with Dom and Josh following behind them, with all types of equipment. Xavier ran over to help them and then greeted them all. Treasure came over to me and placed her hand on my stomach. “How are you, Mommy?” Treasure asked.
“I’m ok. Today, we both feel sluggish. I had to roll out of the bed.” I answered.
“Whoa, Patience. You got bigger from that last time we seen you.” Cam said, rubbing on my belly.
“I know guys. I am only nine weeks, but I feel like I am more than that.” I said.
“Are you sure that there is only one in there?” Treasure asked with her hands on her belly. Treasure was twelve weeks and barely showing.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Xoey would have said something to me if they were. She has been resting today too. Hopefully, we can find out what she looks like.” I told them.
“For real.” Dom came and kissed me on my forehead and then jumped back. “You feel like you got a fever, Lil Bit.” He said. Cam went into doctor mode and placed her hand on my forehead.
“Treasure pass me the health monitor.” She asked Treasure. Treasure reached into the bag and pulled out a small machine and passed it to her. She placed the blood pressure thing on my finger and placed the other piece under my tongue. The machine started beeping and Cam’s face frowned up. “Your pressure is low, Patience. And you are running a high fever. I think that it will be best for you two to rest for the remainder of the day.” She told me. I nodded my head.
“It would be best if she could go to the bed. Xavier can you carry Patience upstairs.” Treasure asked him.
“No problem,” he answered and came to scoop me up. He carried me upstairs to our bedroom where everything was set up. He laid me down gently on the bed and moved out the way to give Cam and Treasure some space. They began to hook me up to the machines and placed an IV in my arm. “You need some fluids, Patience.” Cam said. I didn’t argue. I just wanted to see my baby girl. Cam pulled out a chart to record my blood pressure and my temperature. She then began to turn on the machine and programmed it. She squirted some cool gel on my stomach and smeared it with the transducer.
“You ready to see your baby girl?” She asked us. Xavier and I nodded her head. She started moving the transducer around my stomach until she got a clearer picture. Once the picture was clear, she turned the volume up and turned the monitor over to us. We looked at it and tried to understand what we were seeing. “Ok, guys. This is her head, down below and this is her feet.” Cam described. We were all amazed at what we were seeing. We were actually seeing our baby girl. Her heartbeat was fast and strong, like her father’s. Xoey picked her hand up and waved at the monitor. Everyone laughed and spoke back to her. Xavier was stunned.
“This is really our baby. Seeing her is making this all real.”
“Where is Uncle Maxi?” Xoey asked.
“He is on his way, Princess.” I told her.
“This is crazy.” Treasure said.
“What is Treasure?” Josh asked before us all.
monitor shows that she is only nine weeks. At nine weeks, the baby should be developing her face and other body parts. She shouldn’t be this advanced.” Treasure answered.
“So, what does that mean?” I asked.
“This is why you are so tired, P. It is almost time for delivery. Xoey feels it too. That’s why she is resting a lot. She saving her energy for the birth.” Cam told me.
“How is this possible?” Josh asked.
“I don’t know, but we need to find out.” Cam said.
I laid back and relaxed. I was happy that I was in good hands. I knew that my family was going to make sure that Xoey and I were safe. Xavier moved closer to me and sat on the bed. “Rest up, baby. Ma is coming over to make you some soup.” He told me. He placed his hand on my stomach and spoke to Xoey. “Do you want some soup, Baby Girl?”
“Soup sounds good, Daddy.” Xoey said.
Two hours later, Maxi walked in, looking like a brand-new man. He walked to the bed and kissed me on the forehead. “What’s wrong?” He asked, sensing trouble in the air.
“Xoey is almost ready to come out.” I answered.
“At nine weeks, are you sure?” He asked.
“Yeah, we just saw her on the monitor. She waved at us and asked for you.” I told him. He reached down and started talking to her.
“Hey, Princess. Sorry I’m late.” He told her.
“It’s ok. You feel better?” She asked him.
“Much better. You sound tired, Baby Girl. Get some rest. I’m not going anywhere.” He told her. I could feel her moving inside of me, trying to get comfortable.
“I see that you took my advice.” I said. He smiled and shook his head.
“Yeah, I did, but it’s going to be harder than I thought it would be. She is supposed to be with some other dude from another Covenant. You know I ain’t gon’ let that fly.” He replied and kissed me again. “You need to get some rest. You got black rings and shit around your eyes.” He said.