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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

Page 5

by Neicy P.

Like Xoey, I moved around to get comfortable and got some rest.

  “Wake up, Beautiful.” Xavier said. I opened my eyes and looked into his grey ones. He was holding a tray with soup and crackers. Nanny was on his back with some juice.

  “How you feeling, baby.” She asked. Xavier sat the tray down and helped me sit up.

  “I’ll feel better once I get something in my stomach.” I told her. She placed the juice down and reached over Xavier to kiss me. Maxi’s snoring ass was on the other side of the bed. Nylah must have worn his ass out.

  “Do you want me to put a pillow over his head?” Dom asked walking into the room.

  “Nah, he good. He had a long night.” I told him. Xavier reached for the tray and started feeding me. I asked Dom where everyone else was. He told me that Josh was making some calls, so that he could stay home and work. Cam was feeding D-Max and Treasure was resting in the other room. I ate the soup and crackers with no problem. We all were now watching a movie. Dom was typing on his computer, while Nanny and Cam fixed dinner.

  D-Max was in the bed with me and Maxi. He was talking that baby gibberish that no one understood. This was more like it. Having my family around and not worrying about anything else. Xander and Xavion walked in with Jess and Loreen, carrying bags and boxes. I sat up slightly and watched as they made trips back and forth to their car. Tori came in with some other things and placed them on the bed.

  “What is all this, guys?” I finally asked.

  “Xoey is almost here. We wanted to throw you a shower, but we all voted that she was going to be here sooner. So we got her some stuff.” Jess said pulling out bags full of clothes. Xander kicked Maxi’s feet to wake him up. “Get up. I got the mattress. Go get the crib and the changing table you made for Xoey.” Maxi got up and stretched.

  “Damn. Did y’all go to every store in the city?” He asked them.

  “Pretty much. Xavion got other stuff special order.” Loreen answered. I looked up at Maxi and asked him about the stuff he made. “You made her a crib?”

  “Yes,” he said with a frown. “I made her a dresser, changing table, her own chair and play table. What? I wasn’t going to put my girl in other people shit, when her Uncle is a beast with it. I made the twins and D-Max crib as well.” He said. Xavier smiled and shook his head. “Let me help you, Bruh.” He told him and walked out of the room with Dom and Josh.

  Loreen had took all the stuff out of the bags. Clothes, shoes, socks, and pretty hair barrettes. My sisters went all out for their niece. They began to put the clothes up in her adjoining closet in our room. Xavier and my brothers carried the furniture to Xoey’s room. Once everything was set up, Nanny called us down to dinner.

  Xavier came and picked me up, to carry me downstairs. Dom brought down my chair and sat it at the dining room table. Cam and Nanny set us up with a good spread. Red beans and rice, with some cornbread, fried chicken and a baked ham. Chocolate and strawberry cake. Xavier blessed the food and everyone began to fix plates.

  “Any word from Tyree or Errol?” Xander asked.

  “No, nothing yet. I was going to call them after dinner.” Xavier answered.

  “What’s going on?” Dom asked him.

  “Onyx came to the station asking for help. A few of his men went missing a couple of weeks ago. He found his Beta buried with his life drained from his body. He said that the dirt was untouched.” Xavier said.

  “What kind of help was he looking for?” Josh asked. “All we can do is send some people out there to go and check things out.”

  “No. He wanted Queen to come out there. He thinks it is the work of Guardians.” Xavier said. Forks dropped on the plates that my brothers were eating from.

  “Did he seriously ask you that?” The sharpness in Dom’s voice could have cut the man if he was standing in front of us.

  “Yeah,” Xavier said with anger.

  “What did you tell him?” Maxi asked. Everybody was on the edge of their seats with anger.

  “I told him that I was going to send another Guardian and that Queen was not for their use.” He said.

  “Muthafucker,” Josh said. I hated to be the one to tell them that I was supposed to check things like that out. I was the Guardian of the Southern Territory, I think. And probably of the Western Territory as well. They had every right to ask for my help. I looked over at Xavier and his eyes were burning through mine. I knew that look. It was that “don’t say a muthafuckin thing” look. Everyone around the table was looking at me to say something. I didn’t want to fight or disagree with him in front of our family. I was in no condition to check anything out, anyways. So, I nodded to him and continued eating.

  “That fever must have affected your brain somehow.” Maxi said.

  “Yeah, in a good way.” Dom mumbled.

  “Shut up,” I told them.

  Xavier’s hand went on my leg and started stroking it. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “You don’t know how fucking turned on I am right now.” He growled and nipped my ear. I was already being deprived of having my daily dose of him. He made it worse by nipping at my ear. His hand was still on my leg. I opened my legs a little more, just so that he can rub, bump it or something. He smiled and moved his hand higher. My heart started beating with anticipation. When he got close, I felt Xoey kicking.

  “Mommy, are you ok?” She asked. I dropped my head back and let out a sigh.

  “I am fine, Xoey.” I said. Xavier and the rest of our family started laughing. They knew how frustrated I was. The shit was no secret. I thought me and Maxi was on the same page. But his stupid ass was sitting across from me smiling like a loose kid in the toy store.

  “Nah, sis. You are on yo own with that. Both of y’all gotta find a way to relieve that stress. I ain’t jumping in the ring with you no more either.” Maxi said.

  “You almost there, P. After your six weeks is up, we will watch Xoey for you guys.” Cam said.

  “Wait. What is the four weeks for?” Xavier asked.

  “Patience body needs time to heal after giving birth, Xavier.” Treasure said, trying to hide the smirk on her face.

  “Nah, we ain’t waiting that long.” He said flat. Nanny and Treasure told him how important it was for us to wait. Cam was stuffing her mouth to avoid the conversation.

  “Cam, did you and Josh wait,” I asked her. Cam looked at Josh. She was trying to warn him not to say anything.

  Josh’s face balled up and answered anyway. “Hell no,” he said.

  “And I don’t know why Treasure talking all that shit. We ain’t waiting that long either.” Dom said.

  Treasure looked at him and couldn’t say nothing after he speared he with a look. I couldn’t do nothing but shake my head at that. My brothers were so stupid. I already knew that Xavier wasn’t going to wait. Shit. I wasn’t playing on waiting that long.

  A knock was heard over the laughing and the conversations that were being had. “I’ll get it.” Xavier kissed me and went to answer the door. “You never knocked before.” Xavier said.

  “I know. But, my guest told me that it was appropriate to knock before entering someone’s home.” Papi said. I pushed the chair back to get out of my seat. When I stood, I turned towards the door. Xavier was walking in with Papi and a woman. “Hey, Baby Girl. You missed me.” Papi came and hugged me. “Whoa, you look like you are about to pop.” He stepped back and looked at me.

  “Hey Papi. I missed you so much. What took you so long?” I asked him.

  “Well, I had to make a few stops and pick up your surprise.” He said and stepped aside. The woman walked forward with a smile on her face. She looked and felt familiar. The energy that was coming from her was powerful. Xoey began to move again. She sensed the energy as well and craved it.

  “Hello, Beautiful Angel.” She spoke. Nanny stood up and stared at her.

  “Oh my God.” She said. “Is it really you?” Nanny said. The woman looked over at her and smiled.

Noelle. How have you been?” She asked.

  “I have been well.” Nanny said and bowed her head. The rest of us was still confused about who she was. She had to be someone important if Nanny was bowing and shit. The woman took a step closer to me, which made Xavier and my brothers move forward. She laughed at their movement.

  “It is good to see that you are well protected, Beautiful. But I am far from an enemy.” She said.

  “Look Matteo, you are barely right in the family. You can’t be bringing people here to see Lil Bit. She is already in a delicate position.” Dom said. Matteo frowned at him.

  “Boy please. I ain’t trying to hear that shit. Woman tell these people who you are so that they can sit they ass down, somewhere.” Papi said.

  “Don’t rush me, fool.” The woman said. The men laughed causing Papi to shoot them with a murderous glance. “My name is Ginell Hope Locquet. I am your Mimi.” She said.

  My jaw dropped. I didn’t believe what I was hearing. Fuck, seeing. My mother’s mother was standing in front of me, looking just like Aunt Lurita. My mom was a mixture of them. I felt dizzy and needed to have a seat. I was happy to see her, don’t get me wrong. But where was she when everything was going down. I hated that I was about to fuck up this reunion, but I needed answers. Xavier felt my mood shift and stood on the side of me for support. Our brothers must have felt it to, because they all came around the table. I didn’t know how powerful she was, but I didn’t want us to start a fight. Xoey and Chaos was on the edge ready for whatever. I looked up into her eyes and asked my question.

  “Where were you?”

  “I have been in Greenland. It was a peaceful place for me to be at the time.” She answered, not knowing how fucked up her answer was. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm.

  “No, I mean where you were when I needed you. When your daughters needed you. When I was out here losing my fucking mind with this magic I couldn’t control. Where the fuck were you?” My voice was getting deeper with every word. Chaos had her feet in the conversation with Xoey on her back. Xavier squeezed my hand to calm me down. Papi could see that I was losing that battle. Ginell stood there not fazed by my display at all.

  “I am sorry that I wasn’t there for you. There were other things that I had to take care of for your mother and Aunt. They both made me promise not to come and see you, until it was totally necessary,” She said and then pointed to my stomach. “I think that you need me now.”

  “What makes you think that we need you?” We asked. Papi stepped forward to talk, but Ginell put her hand up and stopped him. She moved closer to me, still unbothered.

  “Whether you want to believe me or not, you need me. I could answer all the questions that no one has the answers to. I did what my daughters asked me to do. They didn’t think that you were ready to hear the whole story, but they think that you are ready now. We,” she motioned to my Papi. “Think that you are ready now. Please don’t make this into a fight. I would hate for someone to get hurt.” She said in that proper voice that my Aunt always used.

  “Did you just threaten my family, Ginell?” I took a step forward.

  “No, I didn’t. But if you start this, your brothers and your mate will jump into this fight. I do not wish to hurt any of them. I am just here to help.” She rushed out not in fear. She was just trying to deescalate the situation. She didn’t look scared at all. It was like she was holding her magic back. She wanted to seem like the weaker one, but she was far from it. Xavier pulled me back and asked a question. “Can you tell us about Queen’s pregnancy?”

  “I can tell you a lot about her pregnancy.” She said moving forward to one of the chairs. “Can we have a seat first? Matteo, go and get that bread pudding out the car for my Grandbabies. Nesida told me how much you all love that. She said it didn’t last a day in the house. It was either Jackson or Maxi eating the last piece.” She said, while taking a seat and laughing. I knew she had my brothers when she said bread pudding.

  “Mom used to make the best bread pudding. She would always save me the last piece before Pops got home. She told him that she ate it. But he knew that she was lying because Mom didn’t eat raisins.” Maxi whispered. My mom was always a sore subject for us. Maxi was young when our parents mated. My mom was all he knew. She would argue with Poppa about my brothers being able to do something he told them not to do. He would always give in to her. She loved them and they loved her.

  “I know. I gave her the recipe.” Ginell said. She started talking about some of the stories that my mother shared with her. It was crazy how she changed the energy in the room. Chaos and Xoey settled down with everyone else. Papi came and brought the bread pudding in. Nanny went and got some vanilla ice cream and started serving everybody. I was moved but not that fucking moved. I still wanted the answer to the question my Alpha asked.

  “Oh, my. I am sorry, Angel. I can go on and on about my babies.” She sighed and turned towards me. “Now, to answer Xavier’s question.” She said.

  “Wait. How do you know my name?” Xavier asked.

  “I know a lot young man. I know that you are the reason my baby has reached her potential. Nesida and her Aunt told me that you were a good mate for her. I also know you two, Xander and Xavion. I know your friends Jess, Loreen, and Tori. I also know my grandsons’ mates, Treasure and Cam.” She said facing them. “Did you like the bracelets I sent to you both?” She asked them. Treasure and Cam touched the charm bracelets around their wrist. “You sent these to us.” Treasure asked.

  “Yes. The mother of the groom had to produce a gift, so Nesida told me to send those to you. She said that you would like them.” She answered. Dom and Josh were stunned. Dom reached for the bracelet. It was a gold charm bracelet with everything of the night on it. Stars, moon, and wolves. On one of the moons, there was a dove in the middle of it. Dom shook his head and wiped his eyes.

  “This whole time. We had a piece of her the whole time and didn’t notice it.” He mumbled. Josh’s ass started sniffing. Maxi looked sad for a minute. He wanted a piece of her too.

  “Later, Max, right now I want to discuss, Little Xoey.” She said.

  “Now, I know you all wondering why at only nine weeks, Xoey is fully developed. Well, as Guardians, we mature with our magic. Xoey has been using magic while she is in your belly. When she uses, she matures. Matteo told me the energy that she absorbed from that dark Guardian. She hasn’t released that energy yet, so it merged into her body. Because of that, she matures. The energy that she feeds off you and Chaos daily helped her to mature quicker as well. All of this positive energy and resources around her. It would be hard for any Guardian to not feed off it. This family has so much love for each other which Xoey feeds off that. I am surprised that she isn’t born yet.” Ginell explained.

  And now I was confused. I didn’t understand shit that came out of her mouth. She must have saw the confusion on my face. She smiled and held her hand up before I could ask a question.

  “If your Aunt didn’t block Chaos, you Angel, would have matured into a woman in weeks.” She said. I stared at her in disbelief.

  “So, you are saying that is how Xoey is going to be. She is going to mature into a woman in days.” I whispered.

  “Days, weeks, or months. It all depends on how she adapts to her magic. And the way that your pregnancy is going, it looks like she is going to be more than ready.” She told me. Xavier placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed.

  “So, Xoey won’t be a baby that long.” He asked.

  “No. Xoey will take after her mother.” Ginell said looking at me. I looked at my brothers and we all were frowning.

  “That’s not true. I remember when Lil Bit was a baby.” Dom said.

  “Yeah, but for how long.” Ginell questioned.

  “She wa,” Dom started but couldn’t finish. He thought with Josh and Maxi. They couldn’t come up with nothing either. Xavier and his brothers began to think on the several times we were together. We were surprise
d at that.

  “Your mother let your magic go, Angel. But when she died, your Aunt didn’t know how to handle it because she wasn’t around, so she blocked Chaos and raised you the best way she could. Of course she called me and asked for advice.” She said.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This was some crazy shit. “So, are we supposed to block Xoey’s other half.”

  “Did you like it when Chaos was blocked?” She asked me. “You can be here to help her. Guide her.” She spread her arms out. “We all could.”

  I looked at Xavier, knowing that this was going to be something that we would have to discuss, but I knew what his answer was going to be. We didn’t want our daughter going through the same shit that I went through. “Are you going to stay?” I asked her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She said and smiled. And with that, Mimi was welcomed into the family.

  Chapter 5


  We couldn’t catch a break. Every time it seemed like we were on the right track, something pulled us back. The shit that Queen’s grandmother just told us had me running hot. But I knew that there was nothing that we could do about it. We had to prepare to spend every minute with Xoey. Queen had been feeling weaker by the day. Ginell said it was because Xoey was about to make her grand entrance and that we had to get prepared. Dom and Maxi been helping me with the nursery. Xander and Xavion had been filling me in on the kidnapping situation. Tyree told us that it was the work of Guardians. He went to the Northern and Western Territory to get information from them. Matteo wanted to go but didn’t want to miss the birth of his first great grand.

  Nico and Ms. Robin wanted to put their ceremony on hold. Queen insisted that they carry on with it. Ms. Robin knew how much Queen meant to Nico, so she decided to wait. The women were making sure that everything was ready for Xoey. Xander and Xavion came the house to report the usual activities to me. “Something is really going on Xavier. We received two calls about missing wolves. They are going missing in groups, man. It’s not just one person. What the fuck is going on?” Xander asked.


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