It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3
Page 11
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’m alright. What are you assholes talking about?” I replied.
“Matteo sent us with Hector so that we can let the rogues kill him. We will give the ‘he fought hard’ hero speech and you won’t have to worry about him coming after Nylah.” Xander spoke, while taking his shirt off. “Damn, you really are getting slow.”
“Wow. How can I not think that?” I said sarcastically. “Why in the fuck would I think of something like that during this battle?”
Dom came to me and put his hand on my hand. “I think you need to sit this one out, Brother.” I slapped his hand from my head and walked back to Nylah. “They will be fine.” I told her and followed behind Tyree and the other vampires. We walked over the mountain and saw a big ass old castle. The shit looked ancient. The gate that was standing there was knocked down into a pile of bricks. There were three towers to it. Two parts were standing in the front, while the other one sat off the cliff. I walked around and tried to get a better look at it. The tower in the back looked like it was standing stronger than the others. That was going to be our way in. I tapped Tyree on his shoulder and pointed to it. Tyree nodded his head. “I’ll be back.”
He teleported to the third tower. He looked around and came back. “Yeah, that will be the way. But we will have to swim underneath the tower. It is closed up at the top and there are too many rogues in the front.” He told us.
“Alright, let’s go.” I said. It was ten of us total. We all touched Tyree and teleported to the tower. We stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. Waves were hitting the rocks hard. “You can’t teleport us there, Man.” I asked Tyree.
“I can’t teleport nowhere I can’t see.” He said. “Come on before the rogues catch our scent.” He said and stepped off the cliff like it wasn’t nothing. The vampires followed him and it left me with Nyles and Nylah.
“Aww, Sis. Your wolf can’t swim.” Nyles teased.
“Can you fly?” I asked and didn’t wait for him to answer. I pushed his dumb ass off the cliff. Nylah looked back at me with a frown.
“Was that really necessary.” She asked and shook her head.
“It really was,” I said. I motioned for her to jump before me. I didn’t want to jump and have one of the rogues attack her while I was in the water. Once she stepped off the cliff, I followed behind her taking a deep breath before hitting that cold ass water. The waves was pushing our bodies to the wall of the tower. When we got deep enough, we were able to see bars blocking the tunnel. I swam forward and yanked the gate off and let Tyree lead the way. Nylah followed behind him with me on her back. We got to the end of the tunnel, the water was no longer that dark blue. It was purple and hard to see in.
I looked up and saw bodies floating. We swam up and eased our heads out of the water. There were rogue wolves surrounding it. Tyree pulled out his lightning bolt and teleported behind the rogues. He stabbed one in the head and let out some energy balls. I jumped out of the water and landed on one of the rogues that launched at Tyree. I let my claws grow and yanked his throat out. I looked around and the vampires joined in the fight. Nylah pulled out some Sais and was opening stomachs with those things. Nyles has something similar to hers, but his were longer.
Once we were finished with them, we took the stairs going up.
“Aye, you mingy dogs. Here are some other bodies that you could chew on.” A man said throwing a headless body down. I caught his arm and pulled him out the door. I slammed him on the wall with my claws digging in his neck. He looked rotten. His skin looked like it was hanging off his bones. His teeth were rotten and he smelled worse than those dead bodies. I knew if I was to throw his ass down the stairs, every bone in his body was going to break.
“Where is Lord Odom?” I asked him.
“I ain’t telling you shit wolf.” He said.
“You don’t have to,” Tyree said and placed his hand on the man head. He went through the man’s mind and found out where Lord Odom was. “Got it. He is under the second tower.” Tyree said.
“Good,” I said and threw his boney ass down the stairs. We went through the door and came up to two sets of stairs on the right and left side of the room.
“This way,” Tyree said and went up the right side of the room. We climbed the stairs to another set of doors and went through them. Once we were all in, the door vanished. “What the fuck?” Tyree whispered. The room was big with little light. There were two windows and they also had bars on it. I walked further in the room and heard growls. Rogues started coming from each corner of the room. I began to shift and saw that these wolves were different. They were bigger and were standing on two feet.
“Little Tyree. Your father always said that you could have been a great Dark Guardian.” A voice spoke. We all looked around, but knew his ass wasn’t in this room. Tyree shook his head at the comment.
“And that is why he is dead. He always wanted power that he didn’t deserve. Like you, Odom.” Tyree said calmly.
“It’s Lord Odom and you don’t know shit, boy. I deserve this power and more. And once Ma’vere is resurrected, I’ll make sure that it is you that will die at his hands first.” Lord Odom said.
“You are no Lord to me. As long as my Queen breathes, you will never hear me call you that.” Tyree spat out.
“Your Queen. Huh, fuck your Queen. Better yet, I think that I will take her as my bitch, right after I kill that child. Or I can wait ‘til she gets older and take her as my wife.” Lord Odom said and started laughing.
“You won’t touch my niece, Bitch. I put that on everything I love!” I yelled out.
“Well, that is a promise you are about to break Unc. I will get my hands on her and there will be nothing that any of you will be able to do.” Lord Odom said.
“You are such a fucking coward. Why don’t you come in here and take care of us yourself.” I said.
“I don’t have time to fuck with the peasants, while the “Queen” is here. I felt you going through Ian’s mind and showed you exactly what I wanted you to see. I blessed this tower with a special spell that blocks magic out. You won’t be teleporting out of there. Good luck, Tyree. Oh, and Unc, I’ll make sure that your niece is well taken care of. Bisons, attack!” Lord Odom said right before the first beast charged at us.
Chapter 10
I followed Papi and Xavier to the side entrance of the dungeon. I hated that I had to be split up from my brothers. When they weren’t in my sight, I worried. Our link was open for communication at all times. We got to the gate and the smell from it almost pushed me back a few feet. “Shit. What the fuck is that smell?” I asked.
“Something that is not good.” Papi answered. He pulled the gate open and walked in. Xavier pushed me to follow him, so that they can sandwich me in. There were ten vampires with us, including the one that Papi almost took apart. We heard footsteps coming towards us. I prepared myself for the rogues, but Papi had another idea. “Everyone stand close to the wall.” He rushed out and pressed his body to the wall and started chanting. The four rogues came running through the rocky hall and went out the gate we walked through. The last rogue stopped and sniffed the air. It then turned and faced the wall that we were all standing on. The wolf stood in front of me and began to sniff. It started at my feet and worked its way up to my sweet spot. I knew that Xavier wouldn’t be able to hold in his growl or the mirage that Papi put up. Xavier jumped off the wall and grabbed the wolf by his snout and slammed him on the wall. He yanks the snout off the wolf’s face and then smashed his skull into the rocky wall.
He turned to me with his white eyes. “Don’t ever let a wolf that close to you again.” He snarled.
“Really, Xavier. I was trying to not cause a scene, like you.” I told him. He grabbed my neck so quick and growled. I grabbed his hand and stared into his eyes.
“What did you say?” He snarled. I knew that this wasn’t the time or the pl
ace to act out. I dropped my hand and lowered my eyes.
“Yes, Alpha. Never again.” I replied softly. He let my neck go and pushed me against the wall. Papi shook his head and dropped the spell.
“You two are something else.” Papi said and continued walking forward. I risked a chance and looked up into Xavier’s white eyes. He looked pissed. I took a chance and placed both hands on his face.
“It won’t happen again, Alpha. None of it.” I told him. He motioned for me to walk behind Papi. I kissed his lips and started walking. We reached a set of stairs going down and up.
“We can start from the bottom up.” I suggested. Papi agreed and took the stairs going down. There were growls and other sounds coming from down there. We got to the bottom of the stairs and saw cages with beasts locked in them. It was animals of different species but they all were standing on two feet instead of four. I walked closer to a cage and saw a nasty looking wolf with scars in its face. It was black and had one eye. This was nothing like the rogues. I felt the magic going through the beast’s body. It was full of dark energy.
“Those are Bisons.” Papi said behind me. “Those are rogues with magic. They can heal and have venom in their claws and teeth. Don’t get too close” He said and pulled me away from them. There was a tiger, lion, bear, and a panther. They were all staring at me. I was feeling like I did at the zoo. I wanted to free them but knew that they were going to attack us. The panther reached out its claw for me to grab. I ignored the call and remained close to Papi. We went through another door that led us to three doors. I walked over to one and saw bloody body parts. Xavier looked through another and shook his head. Papi looked into the last one and frowned.
“Lecma Nerdeus,” he whispered. The door popped opened and Papi ran into it. We all got to the door and saw what looked like a man, chained up to the wall. Across from him, was a body of a woman and a small child. They were tortured and killed. Papi was trying to get the man out of his chains. Xavier and Kovan went to help him.
“Hold on, Razor.” Papi said frantically. Half of his face was human and the other was black with spikes coming out of it. He was bleeding green shit out of five stab wounds in his chest. The shit didn’t look good.
“What happened my friend?” Papi told him, while cradling his head.
“I..I tried, Matteo. He found…them and he, he.” Razor started crying. Matteo looked over at me and bowed his head. Lord Odom has gotten everything he needed to revive Ma’vere. I leaned over to Papi and his friend and placed my hands over his wounds.
“I can heal you, so that you can get your revenge.” I told him. Razor shook his head and began to cough up more blood.
“Just kill me.” He whispered. “There is no life without them. He wanted me to suffer and grieve myself to death. Don’t make me live through this. Through the memories of their last breaths.” I looked at Papi. He grabbed Razor’s hand and squeezed it gently. “See you on the other side friend.” Papi mumbled and pulled the life out of Razor. He took his last breath in tears. I didn’t have the words to console my grandfather. I saw how much his friend meant to him. And to lose him over a war that he had nothing to do with, was even worse. Papi laid his friend down gently on the ground. His magic was building up fast.
“Papi,” I called out to him.
“Not right now, Patience.” He told me in the evilest voice I have ever heard. Xavier walked forward and grabbed my hand.
“We are going to walk ahead and give you a minute.” Xavier said and pulled me out of the room. Kovan looked at us and nodded. “I will stay with him.” He said and stood outside the door. We continued down the rocky hall. It was dark and cold. I didn’t want to alert our enemies by using a light spell. I tripped over a rock and caught myself, holding on to the wall. “Queen, are you alright.” Xavier turned and asked.
“Yeah. I’m fine. We should keep moving.” I told him. He turned and continued walking. I pushed off the wall and felt something moist. I looked down at my hand and it was purple shit all over it. I turned and looked at the wall. There were writings of all kind on there. It looked like that were all saying the same thing.
“What is wrong?” One of the vampires asked me.
“They are writings on the wall.” I told him. “You don’t see it?” I asked him.
“No. I don’t see anything. You?” He asked the vampire behind him.
“No,” the rest of them answered. Xavier stopped when he noticed that we were in the same spot. “What is going on?”
“There is writing on the wall.” I told him and looked at the other side. The writing was on both sides of the wall.
“What do it say, Queen?” Xavier asked.
“Don’t read it out loud, Patience. It is a trap.” I heard Chaos’ warning.
“It’s a trap,” I whispered.
“Why do you say that?” Xavier questioned.
“Chaos told me.” I said and looked up at him. He grabbed my hand and walked faster to the end of the hall. I was ready to get the fuck out of here. Something about this dungeon didn’t sit right with me. This whole plan felt like a trap.
We came to another set of stairs going up. I took my first step and stumbled back. My leg was aching and burning. “Fuck!” I yelled. Xavier picked me up and sat me on the floor.
“What’s wrong?”
“My leg. The shit hurt.” I told him and then felt the burn on my chest. “Ahhh,” I yelled out. Papi came running with Kovan.
“Angel, baby girl what is wrong?” He asked looking over my body with Xavier.
“I don’t know. I feel like someone is digging through my skin.” I replied. The pain was getting worse and unbearable. I felt it was hard to breathe. Shit. What the fuck is going on with me?
Or? My fucking brothers.
I closed my eyes and reached out to Dom and Josh. They were ok but was feeling what I was feeling. They were tearing their way into the dungeon to get to….Maxi. I searched for my favorite and felt the pain that he was in. “It’s Maxi.” I said and stood up.
“Where are you, Maxi?” I asked him.
“We are trapped in the last tower. We are fighting some weird ass animals. I could use your help in here Sis.” Maxi replied weakly. “He put some type of spell in here that is stopping Tyree from transporting us out of here. Once you get in, you can’t use your magic in here.”
“I am on my way.” I said out loud. I dropped my head back and let the magic flow out of me without control. The rocks started rearranging themselves and opened up for me. “Follow me,” I said through my gravel voice. I walked through the walls and that led me to Maxi. Once we were in the room with them, I saw the Bisons circling around Tyree, Nylah, Nyles, and Maxi. Maxi had claw marks on his leg and chest. He was sweating and looked weak. That was enough for me to lose it. I raised my left hand up in the air, which lifted the Bisons up. I looked up and removed the bars from the windows. I sent every bar, to each Bisons head, and nailed them to the wall. They were still snapping and tried to pull the bars out of their head.
“You have to remove their hearts, Angel. That is how you kill them.” Papi said.
“No problem,” I said and walked to the middle of the room with the others. I held my hand out to the side. I concentrated on feeling their hearts in my hand. As soon as I felt all of their heartbeats, I pulled my hands together, in a clapping motion. The Bisons’ hearts were yanked from their bodies and fell to the ground. Their movements stopped and they were hanging on the wall like paintings.
“Bad ass,” Maxi said and fell to his knees. I twisted my head and ran to him. Nylah and Xavier were by his side. Nyles looked down at Maxi with respect.
“You took that shot for me, Man. Thank you.” Nyles told him.
“I couldn’t let you die, Bruh. You still gotta attend our mating ceremony.” Maxi smiled and joked. I didn’t find nothing funny about that shit. He was struck by a poison claw trying to save Nylah’s brother. If Maxi didn’t make it through this, Nyles
won’t have to wonder about shit, because I was going to send him to his maker. I looked up at an out of breath Tyree.
“I need you to get Maxi home to my Mimi. She would know what to do for him ‘til I get back.” I said. Maxi tried to argue, but the growl I let out had him giving in.
“Only because you were my first favorite girl.” He said. I kissed him on the head and grabbed his hand.
“Try to stay awake for me, ok.” I asked him. Nylah stood at his side ready to be transported with him.
“I’ll try.” He said. Nyles dapped him off and stepped back. I knew that he was going to stay and fight. It wasn’t in him to watch while others did the hard work. Tyree placed his hand on Maxi’s shoulder and vanished. I was done playing these games with Lord Odom. He done fucked up for real. And I was more than ready to end this shit.
“Where could he be?” I asked out loud. Nyles told us how they ended up in the room that they were trapped in. He said that there were another set of stairs that they could have taken. We followed him out and got to the split that he was talking about. Once we got to the top of the stairs, there were three Dark Guardians guarding the door. Papi walked forward with so much rage. He chanted and lifted his hand up. The Dark Guardians bodies went up to the ceiling, cracking their neck. Their bodies dropped like a sack of potatoes. Xavier pulled the door off the hinges and tossed it down the stairs. I heard more footsteps coming. I knew it was our brothers looking for Maxi. I told them that he was ok and that we had Lord Odom in sight. I moved into the room loudly. I didn’t care if he heard me coming. The room was bright from the moon that shined on the open roof. The items were surrounding the urn that sat on a rock made table. Lord Odom was in the circle, chanting with other Dark Guardians and two other creatures. Their faces looked like the man that Papi tried to save. Their heads turned my way. They stepped from the circle and stared at me.
“The Queen has arrived.” Thing one hissed. His tongue slid through the big ass gap between his teeth.