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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

Page 13

by Neicy P.

  “What did you expect us to do, Angel?” She asked calmly. Too calm. She was acting like the decisions they made were all good. I felt my blood boiling and my eyes changing. My breathing picked up and my hair began to change black. I felt like…like..

  “AHHHH!” I yelled and turned around, in time, to release a fireball. Smoke was coming from my body. My clothes were torched. Xavier and Dom came outside to see what happened. Ma stood behind me, waiting for me to collect myself. I wrapped the remaining clothes around my exposed areas. “Why?” I asked her. “Why would you make life so hard for me and not leave a fucking instructional manual?”

  I heard her chuckle and almost lost it all over again. I didn’t find shit funny. Nothing. But she was over here laughing like we were watching a Kevin Hart stand-up. She finally stopped laughing and replied.

  “You are so selfish, Angel.”

  The woman done lost her fucking mind. I chuckled to myself to keep myself from wrapping my hands around her neck. I dropped on the ground and dropped my head in my hands. “How am I selfish?”

  “Do you know what your father and I went through to keep you? No, you don’t. Because as a child you are not meant to carry the baggage of your parents. We protect you from the things that could have destroyed you. You sitting there talking about life was so hard for you. Child please. We went through several options to keep you from falling over. I tried to train your good side first, that failed. Lurita, my sister, gave up her life to raise you the way that she thought would help you live as normal as possible. She gave up everything to make sure that you had whatever you needed. But, somehow you found your way home and reunited with your brothers and Xavier. Aunt Lurita told you that it wasn’t safe and what did you do? You attacked her. We exhausted all options. So again, I ask you Angel. What is it that you expected us to do?” She said.

  “So, telling the truth never crossed your mind.” I asked her.

  “We tried that and you freaked out.” She replied and sighed. “Angel. The decisions that were made, wasn’t meant to cause friction in your life, Baby. We didn’t know how things were going to turn out. Your Dad and I discussed many of times to send you away to live with my mother. But we knew how much you loved your family and didn’t want to be away from them.” She said to me while lifting my head up to look into her eyes. “You are not a baby any more. You are the Queen of all of the Guardians and an Alpha female to the Alpha of the Southern Territories. There are going to be some decisions that you make that you don’t like and can’t change. You have to live through them. Now that you know the truth, make decisions for Xoey and pray that she will be understanding.” Mom said and kissed me on the nose. She always did that when she was finished with the conversation. She stood up and looked down. “How is my baby? I heard he got hurt.”

  “Yeah he did. I am going to go up there and check on him.” I said.

  “No need. Nylah is taking good care of him.” She said with a smile.

  “Eww, Mom.” I said disgusted.

  “Not like that, Angel.” She said and waved me off. “Go spend more time with Xoey. She will be changing soon.” She said. I tried to get up but couldn’t. I was tired. Mentally and physically. I fell back and placed my arm over my eyes.

  “You know we got this,” I heard my Alpha say. I moved my hands from my eyes and looked up at him.

  “Yeah, I know.” I mumbled.

  “Good. Now get yo ass up and act like the Queen you are.” He said with authority. He reached his hand out. I took it and he lifted me off the ground. He took his shirt off and passed it to me. I put it on and followed him back into the house. Everyone tried not to make eye contact with me.

  “Lord. It was nice and hot out there. Wasn’t it?” Tori said. I shook my head and smirked at them all.

  “I didn’t know where that came from.” I said.

  “Bitch, it came from yo body.” Loreen said. Kovan was standing with his mouth open. I guess he realized that I was the Queen. I didn’t want to deal with everything at that moment. We were safe and out of harms way. I just wanted to spend the night enjoying my Xoey as a baby.

  Chapter 11


  We went to bed that night with a lot on our mind, but a lot solved. We knew how we had to go at it. The only thing that we had to figure out, was how we were going to get Matteo back. But at the moment, I just wanted to spend some quality time with my girls before all this shit went down. I rolled over to a beautiful set of grey eyes sitting up looking at me with a toothy smile.

  “Da-Da,” she said with a smile. Xoey crawled over a sleeping Queen to get to me. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. Her curly golden hair was all over her head. Xoey placed her hand on my face and pulled it to hers. “Hi Daddy.” She said.

  I was stunned. She looked like my Queen.

  “Hey Princess.” I mumbled. Queen stirred in her sleep and reached for Xoey. When she felt that Xoey wasn’t next to her, she turned around to face us. Queen gasped. She sat up with her mouth wide open. Baby girl reached out to her mother and began talking to her. Queen smiled but I saw that she was unhappy about the situation. We wanted to savor the moments with Xoey being a baby. Xoey shook her head and began to crawl out of the bed. Her clothes were tight and her pamper that she was wearing was off. Queen jumped out of the bed and went to the closet. She grabbed a pull-up and a pretty dress for her to wear.

  After she got her dressed, we all walked downstairs to meet the family. Ma and Ginell was in the kitchen cooking, while everyone else sat around and talked about some upcoming events. Xoey got fussy in Queen’s arm. She placed her on the floor and watched her walk into the room. Xander was the first to notice her.

  “Oh, shit.” He whispered. Jess dropped her glass and stared. Xoey looked around the room and turned back around. She tried to walk back up the stairs.

  “Where do you think you are going?” I picked her up and said.

  “Where is Uncle Maxi?” She asked.

  “He is resting right now, Sweetheart. We are going to eat breakfast and check on him later, ok.” I told her and walked towards the family.

  “Hey Princess,” Dominick said. Xoey waved and reached out for him. He grabbed her and threw her in the air. She began to laugh and asked him to do it again. I took my quiet Queen outside for the air I knew she needed. When we got out there, she inhaled and exhaled slowly.

  “Talk to me Queen.” I said. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “I don’t know what to say, Xavier. I thought that I was going to be ready for this, but clearly I am not.” She replied. I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “I know Queen. Let’s look on the bright side, though. No more changing pampers.” I told her and smiled. She opened her eyes and looked back at me with a smile.

  “We will get through this.” I told her and kissed her sweet lips. We heard banging on the patio door and turned around. Xoey was at the door, trying to get out. “We will cherish every moment with her.” I said and turned around. I opened the patio door and watched Princess go to her mother. Queen picked her up and kissed her on the nose. I walked back in and gave them two time to be alone.

  “Bruh, Princess look just like Lil Bit.” Nick said.

  “I know, Man. I said the exact same thing.” I let out a sigh.

  “How is she?” Josh asked.

  “She is good. It’s just another hurdle that we gotta get over.” I answered.

  “That’s a big ass hurdle.” Xander said with Xavion nodding his head in agreement. Queen’s sisters went outside to check on her. I motioned for the guys to go into the family room. Tyree and Kovan joined us.

  “What happened to the vampires that were with you, Nick?” I asked.

  “Them muthafuckers got captured. They weren’t trying to kill us. They took them down into the dungeon. That’s how we entered. We followed them down there.” Nick answered.

  “What is the plan, now?” Josh asked.

  “I d
on’t know. Lil Bit and Ginell will be able to take Lord Odom out, if we take out the two demons and Matteo. But I don’t see how that is going to be easy. That shit will kill Lil Bit.” Nick said.

  “Yeah it would, but what choices do we have. If he kills one of us, she will level the fucking world.” I told him.

  “But, what if Xoey come with us? She can help with the battle.” Kovan spoke. We looked over at him like he lost his mind. Of course the vampires didn’t understand shit. They throw their children in battles while they were young. We didn’t believe in that shit. I got in his face and grilled his dumb ass.

  “Don’t suggest shit else. Stay over here and be silent.” I growled out with my wolf showing. He mugged me back of course, but he didn’t say shit else.

  “Ma’vere would be harder to kill. We will have to get close to him to cut out his heart. It will have to be eaten by one of us. The only thing about that is we don’t know what would happen to us. Ma’vere has a black heart. None of us is strong enough to complete that task.” Nyles walked in and said.

  “Queen is not swallowing hearts and shit, nigga. She already got too much going on within her. Y’all better divide that shit up between the two of you.” I pointed to Nyles and Kovan. There was no way that I was letting Queen or my brother’s mate do that. That shit will drive Maxwell crazy.

  “Bone appetit.” Xavion teased.

  “Who else can we contact for help? It’s going to take more than us in this room to take Odom and Ma’vere down. And don’t forget his little demon sidekicks.” Tyree said.

  “We can’t reach out to anyone. Matteo knows about our contacts and everything else. We don’t need to put anyone in danger.” Xavion said.

  “Fuck,” I screamed out and ran out the room. “Call every one of our contacts. Tell them that they need to evacuate their homes and go to their safe place. Nico, call the Elders,” I grabbed my phone and called Alpha Onyx.

  “Alpha,” He answered on the third ring.

  “You need to get your pack out of there now. Ma’vere has risen.” I told him.

  “Shit. Where are we meeting?” Onyx answered.

  “I will let you know a time after we warn as many as possible.” I told him and hung up. This was going to be a long day.


  My whole body was aching. I knew that the herbs and potions were going to take some time to heal because of my body temperature. She had to keep giving me the medicine every four hours to ensure it stayed in my system. Nylah stayed with me the entire time. She looked weak and tired as well. She haven’t been feeding. “Go, Nylah.” I said, weakly. She leaned into me and placed her lips on mine.

  “No, Maxwell. I am not going anywhere.” She told me. I tried to sit up but my body wouldn’t move. Nylah reached over to the table that was by the bed for the medicine. Nyles walked in with a jug of something. The smell was strong as fuck.

  “Hey, did he wake up yet.” Nyles asked.

  “Nigga, are you blind.” I asked him. Nylah shook her head and sighed. “Babe, what are you talking about? I am right here.” I said and tried to lift my hand. It didn’t move. What the fuck is wrong with me. I was looking around the room. It was dark, but I saw my pretty lady in front of me.

  “We have been communicating by mind, only. You haven’t been up since we transported here.” She said to me, but this time her mouth didn’t move. The whole damn time that we been talking, it had been telepathically.

  “You need to feed, Nylah. I could sit with him while you get a shower and some rest.” Nyles said to her.

  “No. I am not going nowhere, until he wakes up. I want to be the first person he sees.” She said. Nyles passed her the jug and took the medicine out of her hand. “Is he really your one, Ny? Do you love him?” He asked her.

  “I don’t know if I love him or not, Nyles. But what I do know is when I am not around him, it hurts. My body, soul, and heart. It craves him. I can’t be without him, Nyles. I can’t.” She said with tears in her eyes. That was my first time hearing how she felt about me. I wanted to tell her that I felt the same way, but it was going to be when I woke up.

  “If he is your one Ny, do what you need to do to save him. But you won’t be able to if you don’t feed. Drink, then let him bite you. I will keep his family occupied.” He told her. Nyles got up and placed his hand on her back. “We don’t know what he will become. But he will be alive. They will deal with the circumstances later. His family won’t let him go through this alone.” Nyles told her and walked out of the door. Nylah let out a sigh. I didn’t understand why he was for us being together all of a sudden. He was still frowning when I told him that he was going to be at our mating ceremony. The shit was strange, but I wasn’t going to question that now. I needed to get back on my feet.

  “He is right Maxwell. We don’t know what will happen to you. I am willing to stick with you ‘til the end if you want.” She said to me. Fuck, I didn’t know either. I knew I was ready to get out of that fucking bed and get rid of the pain. My body started burning and I felt weaker.

  “I’m down, Nylah. You gotta do something quick. I feel myself slipping.” I told her. She pulled the jug from the table and started drinking the blood that was in it. After she finished, I saw how much her body has changed. Her skin looked more healthy and bright. She looked down at me with her red eyes. Nylah grabbed her blade and slit her wrist. “Ok, Maxwell. You will have to drink enough to flush out your system. Vampire blood is very addictive. Once you get a taste, it’s hard to stop. When I tell you to stop, you stop or you will drain me and I will die.” She told me, while putting her wrist to my lips.

  “You have to drink for this to work, Maxwell.” She pressed. I felt her blood going down my throat. It was sweet and had a bite to it. It tasted like the finest red wine. I was trying to pull harder and faster, but the slit in her wrist wasn’t big enough. Nylah pulled her wrist from me and jumped from the bed. I opened my eyes and stared at her. She was holding her wrist to her chest. That was fine. I wasn’t going to take from her wrist. I got up out of the bed, letting the covers drop from my naked body. I moved to her with lightning speed and grabbed her neck.

  “More,” I growled and pushed her head to the side. I sunk my teeth into her neck. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me deeper into her neck.

  “Mmm, Maxwell.” She moaned out my name.

  I picked her up and placed her on the bed with me between them. I grinded my piece against her precious spot. I felt her legs spreading more to accommodate me. I grabbed her legs and pushed those bitches to her head. I felt her pulling my dreads, but I ignored that shit. I needed to get inside of her, ASAP. Her body began to go limp, though. “Maxwell that is enough.” She mumbled weakly. I pulled back and licked her neck clean.

  “Pass me the jug, Maxwell.” She asked me. I frowned down at her and shook my head.

  “You not drinking from no jug, Nylah. Just bite me.” I told her.

  “Not yet, Maxwell. We should wait until we know for sure that you are ok first.” She told me.

  “I am fine, Nylah.” I said before licking her lips. “Bite me, Baby.” I sat up and pulled her with me. I wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled her body to me. She had on some thin ass shorts with a tank top and no bra. I tore off her clothes and threw them across the room. My shit was already leaking from all that grinding and shit. I took her hand and made her wrap it around my dick. She began to stroke it like I was gentle. I wrapped my hand around hers and made her squeeze my shit.

  “Are you going to bite me?” I teased her. She didn’t answer. I began to kiss her on her neck and nipped her shoulder. I smelled the blood running through her veins. It was calling out to me. I knew my baby was weak, though. I ignored it and pulled her hand from my dick. I lifted her up and placed her opening above my man. “You are going to learn to do what I tell you to do the first time.” I growled. I pulled her down and slid inside my home. The way her walls gripped my man had me throwing my head ba
ck. “Fuck, Nylah.” I hissed. She wrapped my dreads around her hand and pulled. Her hips began to move in the same motion as my own. I tugged her body closer and leaned my head to the side. Nylah shook her head and pulled back from me with her eyes closed. I grabbed her face and stopped all movement. “Look at me. And don’t make me tell you twice.” I told her.

  Nylah opened her red eyes and stared at me. “Stop this shit, Nylah. You will feed from me and me only. I don’t want to see you pulling from no one else.”

  “That was deer blood, Maxwell.” She said.

  “I don’t give a fuck if it was blood from a mosquito. You will not drink from anyone or anything else. Do I make myself clear?” I told her.

  “Perfectly.” She hissed through her fangs. I dropped my hand from her face and grabbed the back of her neck. I began to thrust in and out of her, while teasing her lips with my tongue. She snapped and caught my bottom lip in between her teeth. She bit it and began to suck the wound she made. I felt her getting stronger with each tug. That shit felt good as hell. Her tunnel became wetter and tighter. She let my lip go and moaned out that French shit again. “Don't stop, mon amour. Il se sent si bon.” I popped her ass and waited for the translation. I didn’t get one. She called out my name and a lot of other unrecognizable shit.

  I understood how she was feeling. Because words couldn’t describe how she was making me feel. It felt like it was getting better with every stroke. I licked my lips and almost cut myself. My teeth were sharper. Come to think of it, all of my senses were enhanced even more. What bothered me the most, was that my heart beat was beating too slowly. As a wolf, our heart rate was faster than any other species. My shit sounded like it was about to go out, but I didn’t feel that way. I felt stronger and faster. I felt like a new wolf. Or whatever the fuck I was.

  “Maxwell, I am right there.” Nylah sung to me. I tightened my grip on her neck and waist. I pushed her down, without losing the connection we had. I spread her legs opened and began to drill her ass in that bed. Her groans got louder with every sound the bed made. I sensed my release coming. I made eye contact with the throbbing vein in her neck. I needed to taste her again. I slid my tongue over the vein and then sucked it. She moaned and pulled her head up to do the same.


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