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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

Page 17

by Neicy P.

  Octavine was already putting his powers to use. He grabbed one of my pack members and put something in his ear. He began to shake his head from side to side but gave in. His eyes turned pale and he charged at us. I growled and ran towards him with Dom charging at Octavine. He swung at me. I ducked and punched him in chest. Jamore flew back and landed in the tree. Dom started battling the vampires and wolves that he possessed. We tried not to kill any of our own. But it was hard to keep them and us alive. A vampire jumped on my back and tried to bite my neck. I flipped her over and let the electric current go through my hands and around her neck. Her body started shaking and frying. I swung her by her neck into a crowd of vampires.

  “X,” yelled Nick. I looked over and he was pointing to Octavine. He was headed towards Xander. I closed my eyes and transported in front of him. His stupid, ugly ass looked surprised. I grabbed him and he batted my arm out of the way. He rocked my jaw. My head snapped to the left hard as fuck.

  “What’s the matter, Wolf? You need the Queen’s help already.” He taunted. I smiled and looked back at him with black eyes.

  “Nah, we good right here,” I replied and threw a punch to his face. He fell and slid across the ground. I ran through the crowd knocking heads off, trying to get to Octavine. He was still on the ground trying to recover from the last punch. Nick made it over to me in wolf form. “Let’s kill this muthafucker.” I growled and went at him. Out of nowhere, I was tackled from the side. Two of Nick’s pack members rolled over and began to snap at me. Nick came forward and began to growl at them.

  “Go and kill Octavine. I got this.” Nick told me.

  I looked around for Octavine but didn’t see him. Queen and Odom were throwing energy balls at each other on the ground, while Mimi and Matteo were fighting in the air.

  “No, Max. Don’t do it. We will find a way.” Nylah yelled at him. Ma’vere had her in his arms with his teeth at her throat. Nyles and the other vampires were surrounding them. Maxwell was standing there with a streak of his wolf fur going down his back. His face was still the same but his eyes were now red. His chest looked like it shifted to his wolf but stopped in mid change. He was standing there holding a black heart.

  “You can’t do it boy. It’s not in your bloodline. Your grandfather couldn’t do it either. He chose to take orders from vampires. Just like you are doing now.” Ma’vere taunted. “Give me my heart back, pup. You aren’t strong enough to handle that.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Max. We will figure this out. Please don’t do this.” Nylah begged. Ma’vere sunk his teeth in her throat. Without hesitating, Maxwell opened his mouth and bit into the heart of Ma’vere. Ma’vere’s head went back and he started screaming. He let Nylah go and started grabbing his chest. He opened his mouth and light was coming from it. The light began to shoot out of his body. His body dropped after Maxwell finished the last piece of his heart. Nylah ran to him as he dropped on the ground.

  “Nick,” I called out. Nick ran over to me after killing his two pack members. I pointed to Maxwell. Nick called Josh over and went to check on him. I turned and looked back. Xander was being surrounded by Dark Guardians and vampires. I teleported behind so that we can stand back to back. “You need help Lil Brother.” I asked him.

  Xander turned around and said to me in a deeper voice. “Nah, we good right here.” He said and grabbed my face. Octavine appeared out of nowhere and placed something into my ear. I pushed them away and let out multiple energy balls. One of them hit Nedja, the demon that pretended to be Xander, making him explode. I grabbed my head and tried to shake whatever he put in out of me. It got to my brain and I began to get dizzy. I felt myself falling and losing control.

  Kill them. Kill them all. Kill them. I heard the voices in my head. I shook my head again and sent another ball through the crowd. I dropped to my knees. I wanted to slam my head to the fucking ground. It felt as if termites were eating at my brain. I looked up and saw Octavian walking up to me with a smirk on his face.

  “Now, kill the Queen.” He asked me. My eyes got cloudy. I felt like I had no control over myself as I stood up and faced the Queen. She was not my Queen, but an enemy of my Lord Odom.

  Chapter 14


  I let out another energy ball and hit another Dark Guardian in the chest. Odom was now standing in the middle of the battle field with the Book of Dark Spells. I looked up to see that Mimi had Papi wrapped up in some vines. He was struggling to get out of them. He started chanting some shit that shot out of the ground and grabbed her ankles. It slammed her down to the ground. Papi broke through the vines and transported to her.

  “Don’t you dare come over here. I got this.” Mimi said to me. She jumped up with her black eyes. The black hands that were around her ankles began to smoke and turn into stone. Mimi kicked the stones from her ankles and blasted Papi with a gust of wind wrapped with electric. It hit Papi and had him flying through the crowd. I turned back towards Odom. The Dark Guardians put up a barrier around him. I closed my eyes and let all of my energy through.

  I felt my eyes go red and my claws grew. The Dark Guardians pulled out their weapons like they still had a chance. I ran towards them as they ran to me. The first Guardian swung his blade. I bent back, spun and swiped my claws at the next one behind him, slicing him open. I grabbed the next one and let my wolf bite into its neck and tossed him to the next one. I punched a hole in the last Guardian’s chest and flung his ass in the crowd. I threw my hands out and blew the barrier to pieces. Odom shot an energy ball my way, but I batted that bitch back to him. It hit him and he dropped the Book of Dark Spells. He turned around and faced me. The look on his face showed that he really didn’t know who he was fucking with.

  I smiled at him with my wolf teeth showing and red eyes glaring. “That is not fucking possible.” He yelled.

  “Oh, but it is.” I said moving forward. His smile widened. I didn’t know if he was giving into death, but I wasn’t going to make it sweet.

  “Oh, Queen. Even you have a soft spot. I never did. That was why it was so easy for me to rise the way I did. You, on the other hand, will never know what to do with all that power you possess. Especially if you are always trying to protect the ones you love.” He said and pointed behind me. I glanced back and saw my Alpha standing behind me. His eyes looked like they were of his wolf, but they weren’t. They looked like they were foggy.

  “Alpha,” I called. He gave me an evil smirk. I stepped forward and his wolf growled at me. “Alpha. Xavier. King. It’s me. Your Queen.” I tried talking to him. His eyes were on my every move. When I moved to the left, he snarled and threw an energy ball at me. I blocked it and dodged his fist that came right after. Shit he was fast. After we mated, Alpha told me that he felt different. Stronger and faster. I saw him throwing energy balls at our enemies like it was nothing. Now he was throwing them bitches at me.

  “Xavier, what the fuck man?” Xander yelled. He turned around and threw wind at him, pushing him back. Dom was over there with Josh and Maxi and I prayed that they would stay over there.

  “Xavier, please!” I yelled.

  He turned back at me and teleported behind me. I felt him there and pulled the vines from the ground to pull him down in it. “Xavier, look at me. You are stronger than this. Fight it baby. Please. We promised Xoey that we were going home. She needs us. Our family needs us. Break through, Baby. Come back to your Queen.” I begged him. It looked like he was fighting to get through. His eyes were flashing grey and back to the pale color. He stared up at me with tears in his eyes. Xavier shook his head and snapped at me.

  “You are not my Queen.” He growled and broke through the vines. He shot up out of the ground and landed on his feet. I tried to stand but the same vines that held him down had my feet. Xavier rushed over and kicked me in my chest. I flew back hitting several trees. I jumped back up and preparing myself for the next attack. He was in front of me swiping his claws, trying to open me up. I caught his hand, twisted an
d kneed him in the stomach. He bent down and I uppercut him. He went up but landed behind me with a punched to my back. I fell down with him kicking me while I was down. He turned me around and stood over me.

  “Kill her.” I heard someone say.

  Xavier looked down at me with hate in his eyes. “Alpha, I love you. Please don’t make me do this.” I tried again. I couldn’t let him lead Odom back to Xoey. His face began to shift into his wolf as my hands went out to blast his head off his body.

  “Stop it, Daddy.” Xoey said. I looked to the left and Princess was standing next to us. Xavier looked at her and growled. Xoey stepped forward. Xavier tried to attack her with his claws, but his hand stopped in midair. Xoey looked at his hand with disgust. She flashed her red and yellow eyes at him. “Out, now.” She said in a voice that spoke volumes. Xavier’s head began to twitch from side to side. His hands began to shift back to human along with his face. He leaned on the side of us and began to vomit. There were little black worms swimming in it. Xoey made eye contact with me. I nodded my head and pulled Xavier on the opposite side. Xoey waved her hand and set the black worms on fire.

  Xavier was coughing and dry heaving. I picked his head up to see if he was ok. “Alpha. Baby talk to me. Please.” I asked him. He grabbed my face and leaned his head to mine.

  “I am so sorry, Queen.” He finally said. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. I didn’t know what I would have became, if I would have let that blast loose. I was happy that our baby girl was there. I helped Xavier up and we stood next to Xoey. Odom was standing there with his back turned to us. Octavian stood next to him with his mouth opened.

  “You chose wrong, Octavian. You should have found out who Odom’s opponent was.” Xoey told him. Odom turned around to face us. He now saw why it was going to be impossible to get the Devil’s Magic. Jacu appeared next to me and slowed down the other things around us to make it easier for our team to make the kill.

  “He chanted another spell, already.” Jacu said, looking at Odom and Octavian.

  “Do you know which spell he chanted out of the book?” Xander asked.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Xoey said and stepped forward. “Everyone else stay back.”

  Octavian started backing up. Xoey looked at him and frowned. She closed her eyes and held her head down. The dirt began to move. The grass and leaves parted ways for all of the little black critters. I looked around and saw everyone that was infected was bending down holding their stomachs. Papi was kneeling on the ground, with Mimi rubbing his back. I was happy to see that she didn’t have to kill him. He had a few bumps and bruises but I guess that was better than being dead.

  The critters crawled up Octavian’s leg then into his nose and ears. Octavian didn’t react like the normal muthafucker would that had shit crawling inside him. “Those are my critters. You don’t think that they’ll turn on me because of who you are.” He hissed. Xoey smirked at him and shook her head.

  “Those weren’t your critters, Octavian.” She said while holding her hand out. There was some type of centipede looking thing in her hand. “They were mine. They are called thresses. They are flesh eaters that get bigger every second that they eat.” She said while dropping the thing on the ground. It slithered its way to Octavian and crawled up into his ear. “Now you will understand what it feels like to have things eating at your flesh and taking over your body.” She warned him.

  Octavian began to punch and tear open his own flesh to dig the thresses out. He cut open his stomach and a large worm fell out it. One of the worms went back into his mouth and began to feed on the rest of him. Once they were done, the thresses began to circle around Xoey. “Go play, children.” She told them. They went towards the dead bodies of the vampires and Dark Guardians.

  “Do you really think that you were able to handle this power, Odom?” Xoey asked him. He was standing there like he still had a chance. After that display, you would have thought that he would have ran. But he didn’t. He was ready to take his ass whooping like a man.

  “I would have done it justice. But it is ok, though.” He said and held up his hand with fire. “I’ll work with what I got.” He said and threw the ball of fire at Xoey. The fire surrounded Xoey, caging her in. I was about to step forward with Xavier, but Mimi stopped us.

  “Let her do this on her own.” She whispered. We watched as the fire went into Xoey’s body like that’s where it belong.

  “You are such an idiot, Odom. How are you going to attack me with something that I was born from? The fire from the underworld! If that is all that you got, well I am not so sorry to tell you that your services here on earth are no longer needed.” She told him and released the fire that she consumed at him. She waved her hand down to the earth. The ground began to melt underneath him and became hot lava. Odom screamed as his body sunk into lava. When he was under, Xoey turned her back and walked towards us. The ground came back up with steam rising from it. We all stood there with admiration. I couldn’t believe that I was the mother to an extraordinary child. She walked in my opened arms and held me tight. “I told you that everything was going to be ok, Mommy.” She said.

  “I don’t know about that.” Xavier said and turned around. Maxi was kneeling with a crowd around him. I teleported us over to my brothers. Dom and Josh were standing back and watching Maxi’s body change multiple times. He was a wolf, a vampire, and then other shit. He stood up with his dreads in his face. His body was covered with wrinkles and scars. His breathing was heavy with smoke coming out of it. Nylah yanked away from her brother and went to Maxi. A growl from his throat warned her to stay back. She ignored it and grabbed his face.

  “Let’s go home.” She told him.

  Maxi shook his head and grabbed her hands to pull them from his face. He stepped back and dropped his head to the now full moon. “I love you Nylah.” He whispered and looked over at Xoey and me. His eyes were the shape of another animal entirely.

  “Shit,” Dom said.

  “Goodbye,” Maxi said and then vanished.

  It had been two weeks since the battle and I haven’t been right since. Maxi hadn’t returned yet and he didn’t know if he was coming back. I talked to him every day and hoped that I could change his mind. But he was set on staying away until he found out what was going on with him. Nylah stayed around here and waited for him to call back. He didn’t talk to her since he left from the field. I told him many of times that he needed to call her. But he knew, if he did, he was going to rush back here to see her.

  We were back in Louisiana with our pack members. I was on my way to see Xavion and Loreen. He was feeling better, but the curse was still inside of him. The magic that Odom gave Eve wasn’t as strong enough to hold him the way it did. Xoey wanted to take care of that for her Uncle. After her performance on the field, Xavier and I was ok with her handling this on her own. I walked into the door and Xavion was sitting on the couch talking with his brothers.

  “Hey guys,” I spoke.

  “What’s up Queen? How you feeling today?” Xander asked while getting up to hug me. Xavier pushed him aside and pulled my body into his.

  “You know that you don’t touch my Queen before me.” Xavier answered.

  “Aye, don’t be pushing me like that.” Xander told him. “Queen, don’t let him handle me like that.” He said with a pout.

  “Stop yo bitching.” Xavion said and pushed him out the way to get to me. “Hey Queen.” He said and hugged me.

  “Y’all going stop play with Xander like that.” I said before hugging him back. I looked up at him and smiled. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel good. I will feel better when Loreen have this baby. Her ass is driving me crazy.” He said. I laughed and shoved his shoulders.

  “Don’t talk about my sister like that fool. You know that you wouldn’t have it any other way.” I told him.

  “You right about that.” He said. I looked at Xander and his ass was frowning. I looked around and notice
d that none of my sisters were here.

  “Ok, what happened?” I asked them. Xavier pulled me into his body and began to laugh.

  “The shit ain’t funny, Bruh.” Xander growled and fell back on the couch. Xavier and Xavion broke out laughing.

  I looked back at Xavier. “Can you please tell me what is going on?”

  “Well, Xander ate the last bit of ice cream and put the carton back in the refrigerator, empty.” Xavier explained. Now being pregnant myself, I knew how that shit felt. Especially if it was something I woke up craving.

  “Why would you put the empty carton back in the fridge?” I asked him.

  “It wasn’t completely empty. They had a corner left.” He said, like that shit was the right answer. Xavier was laughing with his head on my back. Xavion had his mouth covered trying to hide his smile. “But, check this out. I went to buy her two cartons and brought it home. She took the ice cream and told me to get out. She called Loreen’s ass and they are sitting over there with Tori eating the ice cream.” He finished.

  “That’s what your ass get.” I told him. He folded his arm and stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled and turned into Xavier’s arm. “I thought that you and Dom had a meeting.” I asked him. Xavier and our brothers decided to be on the board of Elders. Some of the Alphas around the territories didn’t want my brothers on the board. Xavier wasn’t going to take the position unless they offered a seat to them. Elder Locklear was open about it and brought them both on. To everyone’s surprise, Dom had a lot to bring to the table along with Josh. They already had plans to meet up with some of the Alphas to build more businesses around their areas.

  “We do. I am waiting on Errol to give him the keys to the station.” Xavier answered. He made Errol the Sheriff of the station. That way, he could take care of all the local issues when Xavier or the brothers weren’t around. I decided to be the Guardian of the South. Tyree was the Guardian of the East and Xoey was the Guardian of the North and West. We found out that the realms were partially opened in Xoey’s territories. She kept a close eye on it and made sure that the demons wouldn’t come through. Tyree and Xoey had been looking for more Guardians in their territories. They offered the ones they found aid and other assistance. They decided to build the facilities back up with Mimi and Papi as the Elders. They asked for me to be one but I was content with being here.


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