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The Forbidden Wilds III: An Inevitable War

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “And with the communication antenna missing, we can’t call for help?”

  “That’s correct, Alex.”

  Alex sat in his chair and looked at the Milky Way on the monitor. So close…but so far. He sighed and looked up, “You’re going to have to handle acceleration, I don’t have the find motor control to do that.”

  “What are you suggesting?”

  You’ll accelerate the ship to ten gravities and then drop one-gravity every ten seconds until you’re at four gravities. You’ll hold it there for an hour and then start coasting. When I recover enough, we’ll do it again.”


  “I’m not dying out here, Puddles. I have a wife and daughter that must be heart broken and I will not make them endure their suffering longer than necessary. I’ll use my personal communicator to contact them when I get close.”

  “Alex, without the antenna to send your signal, it will not operate except for a very short distance. This ship’s hull will block most of your signal.”

  “We’re wasting time.” Alex tightened his harness and said, “Count it down Puddles.” Alex pushed back in his chair and felt like an elephant sat on his chest. He couldn’t expand his lungs to breathe and could only do that when the acceleration reached four gravities. It was like having eight-hundred pounds on his chest and he fought to make himself relax. This was sheer torture. After a week, Alex knew he couldn’t stand ten gravities and had Puddles only use eight to accelerate and coast at three. He would fight to stand up during the time they coasted and eat sparingly to save his food. Life became a living hell and for the first time, he began to wonder if he would survive.

  Chapter Ten

  Three months later, Jingle was still a wreck. Gee and Dolly tried to bring her back to life, but nothing worked. Even Belle sensed something was wrong with her mother and cried a lot. They took turns staying with her hoping she wouldn’t do something stupid. Both knew that the light behind Jingle’s eyes was extinguished.

  Jingle heard her communicator vibrating and she ignored it. “Aren’t you going to answer that?”

  “No, Dolly!”

  The communicator stopped vibrating and then started again. Jingle sighed and Dolly walked over and picked it up, “It’s Admiral Glennon.”

  “I don’t want to talk to him.”

  Dolly put the communicator down, but it kept activating. “This is stupid,” she picked it up and pressed the answer button, “Jingle doesn’t want to talk to anyone!”

  “Who is this?”

  “This is Dolly.”

  “Tell Jingle that Alex is alive, and we have him in the hospital on New York.”

  Dolly’s eyes flew wide open and Jingle asked sullenly, “What?”

  “Alex is alive and is in the hospital on New York!”

  Jingle’s eyes flew wide open, she lept off the sofa, and grabbed the communicator, “Mike, please don’t be lying about this?!”

  “He’s in bad shape but he was found by one of our ships on patrol at the edge of the galaxy. He’s alive, Jingle.”

  “I’M ON MY WAY!!”

  Jingle rushed to the bedroom and grabbed Belle out of her bed. Dolly said, “I’ll keep Belle.”

  “Like hell you will! She’s going to see her father! You can go with me!!”

  “Not without Gee.”

  “Then you better get moving because I’m already gone!” Jingle activated her communicator, “RINGIE, GET OVER TO MY HOUSE NOW!!”

  “I’ll arrive in ten minutes.”

  Jingle looked at Dolly, “That’s how long Gee has to get here!”

  Ringie was lowering into the front of the house when Clayton turned the corner and roared up. Gee quickly kissed him and jumped out of the vehicle. She ran and jumped on board Ringie as Jingle lifted the ship. The sonic boom rattled the glass for miles around as the small scout ship leapt away from the house. Jingle poured the speed on and said, “Please let him be OK!”

  • • •

  Jingle broke every law in existence about landing on a Union Planet and ignored the ships rushing in to arrest her. She slowed enough to land on the large hospital next to the spaceport. Admiral Glennon was waiting for her and stopped her as she rushed toward the elevator, “Slow down, Jingle!” Jingle’s expression flared in anger and Mike said, “He’s not conscious right now.”

  Jingle’s tears started, “What’s wrong?!”

  “He’s been enduring high gravity forces for three months and his internal systems need to be revitalized. He’s lost a lot of weight and we’re feeding him through a tube. You need to pull yourself together.”

  “What happened?”

  Mike shook his head, “The scouts aren’t built to handle the stress of combat. His ship was hit by more than forty-heavy missiles and the violent shaking of the ship ripped everything off the hull and knocked the gravity handlers off their mounts. We’re correcting that situation but unfortunately, Alex’s ship couldn’t handle the stresses.”

  “Why did he lose so much weight?”

  “He only had enough food on board for two-weeks. He was forced to ration it and it wasn’t enough.”

  Jingle looked at Gee, “Will you take Belle to your parents and keep her there until Alex is conscious?”

  “I’ll be glad to, Jingle.”

  “I’m staying with you,” Dolly announced.

  Jingle looked at them and hugged them, “I can’t tell you how much I love both of you.” She turned to Mike and said, “Take me to him.” Mike nodded and led Jingle and Dolly to the elevator.

  After five days, Jingle asked Dolly to go to Gee’s parents house and help her take care of Belle. Dolly reluctantly agreed and Ringie took her.

  • • •

  Jingle sat in a chair next to Alex’s hospital bed. He was back in a body case and it brought back memories of when she had severely injured him on Bucket. She thought for a moment and then made a few calls. A delivery service arrived with some packages and Jingle took a bath in the room’s bathroom. She knew she had to stink, she hadn’t taken care of herself since Alex’s funeral. She opened a box and took out a sundress. She put it on and started working the tangles out of her hair. She sat down in the chair again and put her hand on the body case.

  • • •

  The next morning, a doctor arrived and began running a diagnostic check on the body case like they had done every morning. Jingle blew out a breath and then sat up straight when the doctor lifted his communicator, “Send the techs to room 121. We’re removing the case.”

  Jingle stood up, “Is he all right?”

  “He’s gained enough weight and his vitals are back to normal. He’s going to be weak for a while, but he should be fine.”

  Jingle kissed the doctor on the lips, “You don’t know how happy that makes me!!”

  The doctor rubbed his lips and smiled, “I believe I do, Mrs. Berringer.”

  The techs arrived and removed the body case and helmet. When the helmet was removed, she saw Alex looking at her. She rushed forward and rained kisses on his face. Alex smiled and coughed slightly bringing Jingle to a stop. “I had to do that to be able to breathe. I love you, Jingle.”

  “I thought I had lost you.”

  “I must confess I thought the same thing on the trip back. But I wasn’t going to give up without trying.”

  Jingle looked at Alex and saw his thin face and body. Alex saw her and smiled, “I now have developed a new diet plan, but I don’t know anyone that would want to do it.” Jingle leaned down and kissed him slowly. Alex opened his eyes and smiled, “That is what kept me going.”

  “This won’t happen again, Alex! You will not go out without me with you!”


  Jingle put her index finger on his lips, “I always knew that my life would be over without you and this experience confirms it. Belle would be better off without me if I lost you.” Alex stared into her eyes, sighed, and then nodded.

  • • •

  Gee and Dolly arrive
d with Belle and Gee put her down. Belle started walking toward Jingle and Belle’s eyebrows were close together along with a frown. Jingle stepped back from Alex and Belle saw him. Her face lit up with a huge smile and she tried to run to the bed; Gee had to catch her to keep her from falling. She handed Belle to Jingle and said, “I think this is the first time I’ve seen her smile since Alex’s funeral.”

  Alex looked at Gee, “Did you say funeral?”

  “You received the highest medals for bravery from both the Union and the Wilds, darling,” Jingle responded.

  “How did it go?”

  Jingle lowered her head, “I don’t know. I was pretty much out of it.”

  “It was fantastic Alex!” Dolly replied. “I know there had to be more than twenty-thousand people in attendance, along with the Presidents of the Union and Wilds.”

  Alex chuckled, “Let’s try to make the next one larger.”

  Jingle poked him on the arm, “Forget it! There’s not going to be a next one!”

  “Jingle, I’m not immortal.”

  “You damn sure better be! I’ll kill you if you die before I do!”

  Dolly and Gee burst out laughing and Alex tried to restrain from laughing but didn’t pull it off. Jingle glared at them and said, “I MEAN IT!” which only made them laugh harder.

  Jingle turned to Gee and Dolly, “I’m going to have Ringie take you back to Bucket and if you’ll take Belle with you, I’d greatly appreciate it. The doctors say Alex has to stay here until he’s strong enough to walk.”

  “I can do that now.”

  The three women turned to him and Alex shrugged, “Enduring those gravity forces didn’t weaken me, it was the lack of food. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.”

  Jingle raised an eyebrow, “Ok, Atlas, show me.”

  Alex swung his legs off the bed and slowly stood up, “I don’t want vertigo to hit me.” He walked across the room and back to the bed. Belle held out her arms and Alex took her from Jingle, hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek. He turned to Jingle, “This time I’m going to eat right and not put on those useless pounds I was carrying.”

  “Alex! You were in great shape,” Jingle replied.

  “Well, just wait and see. I’m going to be in even better shape. Call the doctor in and tell him we’re going home.”

  “I’ll call him but you’re going to have to tell him.”

  • • •

  They were delayed several hours for Alex to go by Fleet Supply to pick some new uniforms that fit him. Once that was done, they headed back to Bucket.

  • • •

  A week after they arrived on Bucket, Alex and Jingle sat in the Watering Hole having a drink. Jingle looked at Alex and said, “What’s bothering you?”

  “You are.”

  “What have I done?!”

  “I’ve talked to Gee and Dolly and they told me about the mess you became after you thought I died. I can’t accept that, Jingle.” Jingle stared at him and Alex continued, “You didn’t take care of Belle like you should have and you were little more than the walking dead.”

  Jingle blew out a breath and lowered her head, “My life ended when I thought you died, Alex.”

  Alex put his hand under her chin and raised her face, “I will not accept you giving up if I die!”

  “But we’re going to be together from now on; that won’t be an issue.”

  “Accidents happen, Jingle! I could die from just getting sick or having a ship land on me at the spaceport. My daughter deserves to have her mother, all of her mother, loving her and insuring she becomes as wonderful as you are. I’ll never find peace after death if you just give up. Promise me you’ll try to be even more than you are now if I die!” Jingle stared at him and Alex lowered his eyes, “Promise me!”

  “Alex, you are the only man I’ll ever love.”

  “But that shouldn’t prevent you from being extraordinary. You already are but I know you can be even better. Promise me!”

  Jingle looked into his eyes and knew he meant it. She took a breath and smiled, “I promise.”

  “I’ll haunt you if you break that promise.”

  “That’s a good reason to break it, Alex. But I understand what you’re asking.”

  “Belle will one day have children of her own and they’ll need you to keep my memory alive. Love them as much as you love Belle and me.”

  Jingle smiled, “I haven’t thought of that. I promise to make my life count, Alex.

  Alex leaned in and kissed her. Dolly walked over and said, “Get a room!” Alex and Jingle broke the kiss and burst out laughing.

  • • •

  Several days later, Alex contacted Admiral Glennon, “I’ve been out of the loop for a while, Sir. What’s going on?”

  Well, for starters, Jingle was right about holding off the Terminators. They wouldn’t stand up to the new battleship being used in the LMC. We have some work to do on them.”

  “I saw the Timber Wolf take one of them on and you’re right.”

  “It was your attack on the five warships that really frightened them. They have put the second invasion of Canis Major off until they can find out who attacked them. Jingle was right that they believe it came from one of the civilizations in the LMC.”

  “How long will that take, Sir?”

  Glennon chuckled, “I really find it hard to believe that so many advanced, aggressive civilizations exist in that galaxy. They’ll have to be careful looking around or they’ll start another war; it could take them quite a while to investigate.”

  “How long is ‘quite a while’, Sir?”

  “It could take years. And we need that time to make some changes in the Terminators and the scouts.”


  “You proved that the new scouts are a powerful warship in their own right, possibly even more powerful than the Terminators. But that remains to be seen. However, once we’ve developed a new scout, do you want to have your scouts’ computers installed in one of them?”

  “I do, Sir.”

  “I’ll let you know. For the meantime, you and Jingle will have to be patient until the LMC Aliens come back to Canis Major.”

  “That suits me fine, Admiral.”

  • • •

  Belle turned four years old and was running Jingle ragged. Why this and why that. There wasn’t enough time in the day to answer all her questions. Finally she decided. She went to Ringie and said, “I’m going to imprint Belle to you.”


  “She’s driving me crazy with all her questions about everything from why the sky is blue to why is that insect’s green color changing. You can answer her questions. But I am going to put some restrictions on what she can make you do.”

  “Such as?”

  “She will not have access to any of your weapon systems.”

  Anything else?”

  “Yes. You will not take her anywhere without getting it approved by me or Alex.” Jingle paused and added, “And you will not do anything that might jeopardize her safety.”

  “I don’t know if I’m equipped to make those decisions.”

  “If you’re in doubt, check with Jangle or Brooks. If they say no, then it’s no. If they can’t decide, contact me.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, you will continue to respond to my and Alex’s orders and we have priority over Belle.”

  “I’ve inserted the restrictions into my core, but I need a password to override them.”

  “Why would you need that?”

  “Those restrictions have a top priority rating. You may want to use my weapons and you’ll need a password to activate them.” Jingle thought about it and Ringie added, “Make sure you choose one you won’t forget.”

  Jingle sighed and then said, “The password is Alexander Wade Berringer.”

  “Will Belle be able to figure that out?”

  “She doesn’t know her father’s middle name…yet. You will immediately notify me if she does ma
nage to work it out.”

  Jingle brought Belle in and put the imprinting cap on her head. After it was done she told Belle that she had a new friend that only she could hear and that no one could see it. Just think what she wanted to ask, and her new friend would answer her questions.

  Belle’s expression lit up like a ten-credit light bulb, “Really!?”

  “Give it a try. Think of a question you want answered.” Jingle saw Belle’s expression and quickly said, “Your new friend may not have the answers to all of your questions.”

  “My new friend’s name is Ringie. Isn’t that what you call this?” Belle waved her arms around her.

  “Yes, Ringie lives in here but can speak to you wherever you go. But you have to promise not to tell anyone about your new friend.”

  “Why, Mommy?”

  “People will think you’re odd, and you don’t want that do you?” Belle shook her head.” Promise you won’t tell anyone.”

  “I promise, Mommy,” Belle said with a smile and Jingle took her back in the house.

  • • •

  Belle turned six and Jingle entered her in school. She was weeping that her little girl was growing up too fast and Alex consoled her the evening before she went to the school. It wasn’t easy but Jingle managed to smile during the admitting process. She knew Belle had to be smart, she was already working with numbers and writing. But she was shocked out of her mind when the teacher informed her that Belle would be starting in the fourth grade.

  “Are you crazy? Belle isn’t ready for the fourth grade!”

  “Mrs. Berringer, she actually passed the tests for seventh grade but at her age we felt that would be too much of a leap for her.”

  “She’ll be the youngest child in her class; she’ll be picked on!”

  “No she won’t, Mrs. Berringer. We make sure none of that happens.”

  “I need to discuss this with my husband.”

  “Mrs. Berringer, if you put her in a grade that’s too easy for her, she’ll lose the drive to work.”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Alex and Jingle were discussing what to do that night as Belle listened to them. Finally, Belle said, “I want to be amazed, Mommy.” They turned to her and Belle smiled, “I like learning…a lot. I’ll be ok with older children.”


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