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The Forbidden Wilds III: An Inevitable War

Page 11

by Saxon Andrew

  “How do you know that Belle?” Alex asked.

  “Most of my friends are older than me.”

  Alex looked at Jingle and she shrugged, “Well, the ones she plays with at the playground are older.”

  Alex looked at his black-haired daughter and swore he was looking at a smaller version of Jingle. If she was anything like her mother, she would be incredible. Alex turned to Jingle, “I just don’t understand how she’s so advanced.”

  Belle smiled, “Ringie helps me.” Belle immediately put her hands over her mouth. She looked at Jingle and said, “I’m sorry! It slipped out.”

  Alex looked at Jingle with a frown and Jingle lowered her head into her shoulders. “What have you done, Julia Katherine Jingle?!”


  “Spit it out!”

  “I sort of imprinted Belle on Ringie when she was four years old.”


  “Alex, she had so many questions that she was driving me crazy. I put restrictions on Ringie and it’s perfectly safe.”

  Belle looked at Alex, “You don’t like my friend?”

  Alex turned to her, “It’s not that, it’s…”

  “What?” Belle asked.

  Alex turned to Jingle, “You’ve managed to turn our six-year-old into a twelve-year-old. At this rate, she’ll be in college by the time she’s that age.”

  Belle giggled. They turned to her and she smiled at them. Alex sighed and Jingle asked, “What are you thinking?”

  Alex shook his head and sighed. “The worst class I ever attended was Union History.”

  “Why was it so bad? I’d think you’d find that interesting?”

  “My father taught me the history of the Union from the time I could talk; I knew all of it. The class was a required course and I was bored out of my mind.” Alex looked at Belle, “I don’t want my daughter to suffer like that.”

  “So, you’re not mad at me for imprinting her with Ringie?”

  “I’m furious but what’s done is done. You will not do anything in the future without asking me first, UNDERSTAND!!”

  “Yes, Alex.” Jingle said meekly. Alex sighed and shook his head, “Please tell me what you’re thinking, Alex; I’m not a mind reader.”

  “Enter her in the seventh grade.”


  “If that’s where she belongs, then that’s where she should be.” Belle clapped her hands and Alex turned to her, “I’d remove the imprinting, but I think that would cause more harm than good. Your mother is right, and you can’t tell anyone about Ringie.”

  “I miss her a lot when you take her on trips, Daddy.”

  Alex looked at Jingle and shook his head, “How do you feel when Jangle is being installed in another ship?”

  Jingle shook her head, “It’s like I’ve lost part of my brain.”

  Alex nodded toward Belle, “And she’ll feel the same way. This is your doing and Belle will be placed in the grade she belongs.” Jingle sighed and nodded.

  So, Belle entered the seventh grade. The teacher had a meeting with the class before Belle was brought in and told them that Belle suffered from a rare genetic disease that made her appear much younger than she actually was. She told them that anyone being cruel to her would be severely punished. Belle entered the class and the students were amazed at how small and young she looked. She had to sit in a desk at the front of the room to see the teacher. But her enthusiasm was infectious and soon the students accepted her as one of their own.

  Her name was also an issue; the Berringers were too well known to be used without Belle being treated differently, so the teachers agreed that Belle would use the name Katherine Connor. Belle thought it was silly but agreed to answer to it.

  Trouble didn’t raise its ugly head until Belle was moved to the tenth grade when she was ten years old. One of the students decided this kid needed to be put in her place. He walked up to Belle during recess and pushed her. He looked at her and Belle’s tears started. “What are you going to do? Go home and cry to your mommy?” The boy sneered at her. Belle’s friends moved in front of her and yelled at the older boy to leave her alone. The boy laughed and pushed two of them down. Belle jumped up, rushed forward, and delivered a kick to the boy’s chest. He flew backwards and landed like a bag of cement. Belle stood over him yelling, “YOU WILL LEAVE US ALONE!!”

  A teacher rushed up and separated them and called for an ambulance to take the boy to the hospital. Belle was never bothered again.

  • • •

  Jingle went to the door and saw Belle standing there with a teacher, “Mrs. Berringer, your daughter has been suspended for four days.”


  “She was involved in a fight and the boy was severely injured. The boy started it, but her response was too severe.”

  The teacher left and Belle told Jingle everything that happened. Jingle blew out a breath and looked up, “Ringie, did you include martial arts in the imprinting?”

  “I didn’t set the parameters of the imprinting, you did. You mentioned nothing about excluding anything.”

  Belle looked at Jingle, “I thought I was the only one that could hear her?”

  “Anyone can hear her over the speakers, Belle. Only you can hear Ringie in your mind.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt him that badly, Mom.”

  “You must learn to control your temper, Belle and only use your skills to defend yourself.”

  “That’s what I did!” Belle replied defensively.

  “Don’t stand there and tell me you couldn’t have used many other defenses to take him down without really hurting him.”

  Belle lowered her head, “He made me so angry.”

  “Don’t do it again, Belle! I expect you to defend yourself, but I expect you to act responsibly.”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  • • •

  The parents of the boy showed up at school and threatened legal action against the girl that injured their son…until Belle was brought into the office and the parents stared at her. The Headmaster said, “Your son has been bullying many of the younger students and we’ve notified you to do something about it. You’ve failed to act, and your son’s injuries are due to your inaction. I welcome any legal action you choose to take.” The Headmaster pointed at Belle, “I want you to imagine what a jury will think when they see your six-foot-tall son standing next to Katherine. I suspect you’ll be laughed out of court.”

  The mother looked at Belle and asked, “How were you able to hurt him?”

  Belle sighed and her tears started, “I’m very sorry for hurting him. I just tried to kick him to stop him from pushing my friends down. I’m so sorry.”

  They stared at Belle and then the father turned to the Headmaster, “Barry has denied being a bully and we believed him.” He turned to Belle and asked, “Is he a bully?” Belle kept her head down and nodded.

  The father sighed and said, “We’ll handle this.”

  Belle looked up, “Can I help him with his homework while he’s recovering?”

  The woman smiled and said softly, “I think we would greatly appreciate that.”

  • • •

  Alex was dead set against Belle helping the boy, but Jingle asked, “What is he going to do in a body cast?” Alex finally relented and Belle went to Barry’s house every evening. Barry tried to resist but was overwhelmed with Belle’s insistence that the only path to a successful life was a good education. He finally relented and when he returned to school he was a much-improved student making outstanding grades on the tests he missed. He was also a different person. And Belle had a new friend; Barry would never forget her.

  • • •

  Belle entered her senior year at twelve years old. She told her parents that she wanted to go to the Union’s Fleet Academy. She was met with extreme resistance but just like past arguments, Belle barraged them with arguments on why they should allow it. Jingle said over her link, “Jangle I can use a little h
elp here!”

  “Her arguments are flawless, and her logic is outstanding, I’ve got nothing.”

  Alex looked at Belle, “You’re only twelve years old, Belle!”

  Belle looked down at her body and said, “But I’m growing up fast. I’ll be thirteen a few weeks after I enter the Academy and I can look a lot older than I am if I use a little makeup, padding, and carry myself properly.”

  “How do you know that?!” Jingle interrupted.

  “Ringie showed me images of what I’ll look like with a few changes.”

  Jingle muttered, “I’m going to unplug that computer!”

  Belle shook her head and added, “Dad, you said when I entered school that I should be in the grade I belonged. Do you still believe that?”

  “Belle, older boys will be coming on to you and I cannot accept that!”

  “That won’t be an issue, Dad.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because there’s no room in my life for a relationship. I have a lot to learn and I will not be getting involved with anyone while that’s happening. Ringie has also told me the Union’s laws dealing with adults and relationships with minors. I won’t put anyone in a position to break the law.”

  “Belle, no one has that much control over their emotions!” Jingle blurted out.

  Alex looked at Jingle and saw her fear, but Belle ended the argument. “The real reason you’re both upset is that I’m leaving you, right?” Jingle hesitated and nodded. “You haven’t considered that a war is coming against the LMC and both of you will be leaving me to go out and meet our enemies. Mom, you know you will not stay on Bucket while Dad is out facing the enemy. What safer place is there for me than Fleet Academy when you’re gone? You know you’re going to be on New York many times during that war and you’ll see me more if you allow me to do this.”

  Jingle’s tears started and Alex turned to her, “Alex, I’m torn between going out with you or staying here with Belle.”

  Belle instantly interrupted them, “Mom, your place is with Dad. I know how much you love me, but you couldn’t be away from him for any length of time and keep your sanity, especially after what happened last time you weren’t there. He also depends on you to keep him safe.”

  Alex took Jingle in his arms and Jingle wept. Belle shook her head slightly, “Mom, I’m a product of both of you. I’m a warrior at heart and I pray that one day I will love someone as much as you love my father.”

  Belle sat down beside Jingle and put her arms around her. They didn’t have to say yes to Belle about going to the Academy; it was understood in their tears.

  • • •

  Convincing her parents was a cakewalk compared to convincing Admiral Glennon. His answer was a resounding no, and they were given a direct order not to mention it again. Several weeks later, He was sitting in his office and Rollie opened the door, “Sir, there’s someone here that wishes to speak with you.”

  Mike was busy so he said without thinking, “Send them in.” He looked up and saw a young woman standing in front of his desk. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Belle Berringer.” Mike looked up and rolled his eyes. This young woman was their twelve-year-old daughter? Belle saw him and said, “My parents have always told me that you are one of the wisest men they know. Give me fifteen minutes and if you want me to disappear, I will.” Mike sat back and stared at her.

  Two hours later, Mike sat in his chair in silence. Rollie had tried to interrupt him three times and on the third time Mike yelled, “YOU WILL NOT INTERRUPT ME AGAIN UNLESS IT’S THE PRESIDENT!” Rollie instantly closed the door and began rescheduling the Admiral’s appointments.

  Mike took a breath and said, “I understand you’re twelve years old.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “You don’t look it and you sound very much like your mother.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. I did dress up for this appointment.” Mike was shaking his head and Belle asked, “Admiral, if you knew nothing about me and we had our conversation, would you hesitate to allow me to enter the academy?”

  “It’s more complicated than that, Belle.”

  “Well, look at it this way. If I’m in the Academy, both of my parents will be able to take part in the coming war without one of them having to be with me on Bucket at regular intervals.” Mike’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Belle added, “I’m the valedictorian of my class and my school is ranked the best on Bucket. I made a perfect score on the Academy entrance exam and I’ve been around warships my entire life. No one needs to know my age at the Academy and I certainly won’t be telling anyone. You can enter me with the name I used in high school.”

  “What name is that?”

  “Katherine Connor.”

  “Where did you come up with that?”

  “It was my mother’s Grandmother’s maiden name.”

  Mike didn’t want to see it, but he saw a smaller version of Jingle standing in front of him. She had black hair instead of Jingle’s blonde hair, but she was just as devastating as her mother in an argument. Mike sighed, “If anyone learns your age, you’re out. I’m listing you as seventeen on your application.”

  Belle jumped for joy, ran around the desk, and hugged Mike, “I’ve always liked you!”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don’t make me regret this!”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Report to the Academy next Saturday for orientation.”

  “Yes Sir!” Belle turned and ran out of his office. At least she was tall for a twelve-year-old; she was only a few inches shorter than Jingle. Mike shook his head and wondered what would come from this. Mike thought about it and contacted Alex, “I’ve agreed to allow her to enter the Academy.”

  “Wore you down, didn’t she?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Trust me, I know!”

  Mike chuckled, “Yeah, I imagine you do. I thought there would never be another Jingle, but it appears I’m wrong.”

  “Mike, Jingle doesn’t stand a chance in an argument with Belle. The only difference is that Belle isn’t nearly as nasty as Jingle can get.”

  “That should be a refreshing change.” Alex laughed and Mike ended the call.

  • • •

  Jingle sat beside Alex on the specially constructed Warscout. Only Admirals and unit commanders flew a scout with two chairs, and it was only marginally larger than the single seat model. Brooks and Jangle were on board, but their duties had changed. Jangle was responsible for flying and navigating the small warship and Brooks had the responsibility of controlling and organizing the fleets under Alex’s command. The new software to do that was amazing and Brooks mastered it quickly. There were three additional wall monitors to keep track of the numerous fleets and their movements.

  They were holding position just outside the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy and Jingle had rolled the armor back from the viewport. The Large Magellanic Cloud could be seen in the distance and looked like a white tenuous cloud; it was easy to see how it got its name. The view behind the ship was incredible; the Milky Way shone brilliantly against the blackness of space; Canis Major was also a spectacle to behold.

  Jingle sighed, “I can’t help but wonder why it’s taken the LMC Aliens so long to turn their attention back to Canis?”

  Alex shrugged and was silent for a few moments. Then he turned to Jingle, “We’ve learned from our stealth probes that there is travel between the civilizations in the Cloud. But permission must be given before any ships can cross the borders of another civilization; warships are not allowed to cross borders. The LMC Aliens couldn’t just go out and start scanning to find the maker of the warship that attacked their ship. They used commercial ships to search for the civilization that constructed it and using an active scanner in another civilization required an extremely good reason. I’m surprised they’ve given up looking.”

  “I’m not,” Jingle replied.

  “Oh? Why not?”

  “After ten years searching
for the ship and coming up empty, they must have decided that if it was a civilization in the LMC, they would have attacked long before now.” Jingle paused and added, “They also know that the Canis Major Civilization used stealth technology and that would cause them to wonder about whether or not the warship came from there.”

  Alex nodded, “And couple that with the destruction of the fifty warships they sent to scout Canis Major…”

  “They decided to go out and look around,” Jingle finished his sentence. “We were lucky they waited this long to turn their attention this way.”

  “It did cause a massive reorganization of our Navy. The Union stopped building the Terminators and only focused on modifying those completed into a vessel that could take on their newest warship.”

  Jingle nodded, “And your destruction of five of those warships with your scout showed that building giant warships wasn’t the direction the Union needed to be moving.”

  Alex smiled, “It’s far easier to build a good defense missile to use against them than build a huge ship to carry them. The Warscouts can only carry thirty of the new missiles but each one of them is capable of taking out an LMC warship. The Warscouts are faster, more maneuverable, and its force field is much more powerful than the ones on the Terminators.”

  Jingle turned to Alex, “Admit it; you really liked having a giant warship.” Alex shrugged. “Come on, Alex; every little boy wants the biggest stick he can carry.”

  Alex smiled slightly, “There is some gratification commanding a huge warship; but it still only had a crew of two. I’d trade it with no problems to be flying a ship that’s faster and more powerful in an instant. Besides, I spent my early years in the Navy flying a warship nearly the same size; this ship feels like a familiar place to me. It shouldn’t be long before the LMC launches their next attack.” Jingle nodded and stared out at the unending night of open space.

  Chapter Twelve

  They sat silently until Jangle said over the speakers, “I mean no offence to anyone, but I really miss going out with Jingle during the time we were escaping the Union. It was the good ole days as far as I’m concerned.”


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