Book Read Free

From Mistress to Wife

Page 7

by Angie Hayes

  “Thanks Keisha, it feels good to finally be able to walk the stage.” She smiled.

  “I know it does, you deserve it. How is everything else?”

  “Pretty good, especially since I have the bullshit finally out of my life.”

  “Has he tried contacting you?” I asked as we walked into BeBe.

  “Not at first, but one day he decided to pop up to my place. He was pissed when he found out that his key didn’t work. Girl he went crazy! Nigga started banging on my door and shit.” Alicia said laughing.

  “When I didn’t answer the door he started blowing up my phone. I was cracking up watching his ass through the peep hole. He called so much I ended up getting my number changed.” She explained.

  “I wish I would’ve been there, I would have called the police on his stupid ass.”

  The thought of him believing that he’s entitled to popping up at her house, and then getting mad because she’s moved on made me mad. Troy had a lot of fucking nerves.

  “I know you would have. I didn’t though. I just don’t want to have anymore dealings with him what so ever. That includes going to court and any of that shit, so I decided to disappear on his ass all together.” Alicia explained.

  Both of us remained quiet as she browsed through the racks looking for her something to wear. After about a half an hour she found a cute dress, and we headed to the food court.

  “So how are things with you and Keith?” Alicia asked as she bit into her pizza.

  “It’s going great. He says he can’t wait for me and Jass to move out there, and to tell the truth I can’t either.” I responded.

  I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of finally being a real family with Keith.

  “Aww, I’m so happy for the two of you. Jass deserves a father figure, especially since David’s is never around.”

  “Speaking of his dumb ass, let me tell you what I found out.” I leaned in as if I was telling a secret.

  “Why when I pick Jass up from his momma’s house last weekend, she got in the car and told me that she had a new baby brother.” I said.

  “What the fuck!” Alicia asked almost choking on her drink.

  “Yes girl! That muthafucka now has six kids and six different baby mothers. From what I hear all those hoes be running down to the courthouse, fighting for child support. Not me though, I have always made sure that Jass had everything she needed without his help, so I definitely don’t want shit from his ass now.” I stated.

  Although it took me a while, I got on my feet and I’ve been taking care of my daughter by myself. I refused to let her suffer. It’s not her fault that her daddy is a selfish ass person. After I had Jass I focused on school, where I went to be pharmacy technician. While I did that I secured a job as a call center rep, and my mother kept my baby for me so I wouldn’t have to spend a bunch of money on daycare. She really helped me out a lot, and I always let her know just how grateful I am.

  “Well I admire you for being such a strong woman. I wish I would have had to will to be a mom when I was pregnant.” Alicia mumbled with hurt in her voice.

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it. You would have had three kids by a married man, who wouldn’t have helped you with shit. I only had one and it was hard, can you imagine just how tough raising three alone would have been? Besides, that’s the past. You’ve moved on and asked God for forgiveness.” I tried to assure Alicia. I knew her getting rid of those babies always weighed heavy on her heart.

  “I know.” Is all she said in return.

  “Speaking of moving on, how is Shawn?” I inquired.

  Even though I haven’t officially met him yet, I feel like he’s a good catch for her; especially since he isn’t married.

  “Oh my God Keisha, Shawn in amazing!” Her face instantly lit up.

  “Even with all the distance between us, that man still makes me feel complete. I can’t wait to see him next week, and for you guys to meet. He’s scheduled to be here for a few weeks, so he’ll make my graduation.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him either. Have you guys talked about what you’re going to do once he goes to Texas?”

  “Yeah, since I’ll have my nursing license, he suggested that I move out there with him. I’m sure I can easily get a job at a hospital or a doctor’s office.” She shrugged. “He even offered to help me find a place and pay all my living expenses until I can get on my feet.”

  “Well damn, that’s good! That’s what you call a good man honey. My question is what did you tell him?”

  “I told him that I’d let him know once graduation is over. Truthfully, I think I’m going to take him up on his offer. I need a change of scenery, and getting that far away from Troy would be a bonus.” Alicia replied.

  To hear her thinking about moving to Texas let me know that my cousin was seriously done with Troy’s ass. Good riddance for that!

  “Well I think that’s the best thing for you. Whatever you decide though, just know that I have your back.” I assured her.

  “Thanks!” Alicia yelled before getting up and bending to hug me.

  “Have you heard from Candy lately?” I asked once our embrace was over.

  “Yeah, she calls me from time to time, just to see how I’m doing. I haven’t hung out with her or anything like that.”

  “I know that’s your girl and all, but I think you need to watch her ass. I don’t trust that bitch.” I admitted to her. I never trusted Candy. I only dealt with her because she was Alicia’s friend.

  “Why? Is it because she’s a stripper?” Alicia asked me with a confused look as she took her seat.

  “No, it’s not because she strips. Anytime a female constantly tell you that she doesn’t give a fuck what a nigga has going on as long as his paper is long, she needs to be watched. Her ass would fuck yo’ daddy if he had the money.”

  “Oh, come on Keisha…she’s not that bad.” Alicia said chuckling.

  “Yes the hell she is. Have you ever known Candy to have a man of her own?” I paused for second, but didn’t give her a chance to answer, before I continued. “No, it’s because she’s always messing with another woman’s baby daddy, husband or boyfriend. I don’t trust her ass as far as I can throw her, and you know damn well that I can’t lift that big bitch!” I joked while taking another bite of my pizza.

  “You so damn silly.” Alicia said laughing. “I know Candy can be extra, but she ain’t as slimy as she seems.”

  “Bullshit! That day when were over your house she was distant as hell until you promised to be done with Troy. I took noticed on how her ass finally decided to not only act concerned, but to say something. She was hugging all on you and shit. I told you after dealing with David and all the hoes he had, I learned how to spot them from a mile away. Candy is a shady hoe, mark my words.”

  “Naw, I don’t believe that. Candy and Troy are barely around each other, so I don’t see how she would try some low down shit with him.”

  Lord knows I love my cousin, but I swear sometimes she can be so naïve.

  “Alicia, have you ever noticed that every time we are together and Troy comes around, she always makes up some excuse to leave? Or how she always tries to persuade you to leave him, even though she fucks with married men as well?” I said looking at her seriously. “Or how whenever she talks to you, the first thing she asks about is you and him?”

  Even though Alicia was done with Troy, I had to bring all the things I’ve noticed to her attention. Candy’s ass thinks she’s slick, and I’ll be damned if I let her pull one on my cousin. If she’d fuck with Troy, she’d try her hand with Shawn as well. Alicia sat quiet for a minute as if she was soaking it all in.

  “Now that you mentioned it, it does seem kind of fishy. I don’t put shit past Troy, and I know he would do some trifling shit if he could.”

  “I’m telling you girl, you can’t put shit past her ass either. I didn’t say anything to you at first because I wasn’t sure, but after thinking about it for a while, all those li
ttle things began to add up

  “Oh believe me, my eyes are open wide as hell now.” Alicia said with much attitude.

  After we finished eating, we left the mall and headed our separate ways. Alicia went home, and I headed to pick up Jass from David’s mother’s house.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I don’t know what the fuck has been up with Troy lately, but he’s been home and in a constant fucked up mood. The bastard has been snapping at every little thing the kids do, and being bitchy with me as well. I don’t know if it has something to do with work, or one of his jump-offs. Either way, I’m tired of it. Whatever it is, I’m trying my best to steer clear of his grumpy ass. Troy has a temper that I know all too well. In the beginning of our marriage, he used to fight me all the time. I’ve experienced black eyes, busted lips, and even broken ribs. No matter what though, I’ve always stayed. When I got pregnant with our daughter, the beatings stopped, but by the time she turned six months they started right back up.

  Things like questioning him about why he didn’t answer his phone, why was he coming home at all times of the morning, or crying about how he’d gotten another woman pregnant, would get my ass beat. When I got pregnant with our son, they stopped again. That’s when I learned that in order to keep the peace; I had to either keep getting pregnant, or let my husband do him. I wasn’t going to pop out any more kids, so I choose the latter. I noticed that if I kept quiet and acted like nothing was wrong, he wouldn’t have a reason to hit me. So far it’s working, but now it seems as if the monster that I thought was gone was starting to resurface. The problem is I have no clue as to why.

  “Troy do you think you could pick the kids up from my sister’s house this evening? I have to work a little later tonight.” I asked him as he sat in the living room watching TV, and sucking down those nasty ass Coronas.

  “Naw, I might not be able to do it, so you need to either tell them you can’t work late or let them stay at her house.” He replied never taking his eyes off the screen. Fucking bastard.

  “I can’t tell my job that I can’t stay, I have to close tonight.” I whined.

  “Well I suggest you go with option B, and let them stay with your sister.” He replied.

  I swear I wanted to go over there, snatch that damn beer out his hand and throw that shit in his face, but I knew better. It had been a full year since I had endured the last beating, and I’m not trying to get choked out on its anniversary.

  “Fine, I’ll see if she can watch them overnight.” I said.

  I hated constantly feeling defeated by him. The older I got the more I realized that love is not enough with him anymore. My sister is constantly telling me that I’m better off without him, but am I? I mean, I know I would be able to make it financially. It’s just that Troy told me a long time ago that if I ever tried to leave him he would body my ass right then and there. As a matter of fact, it was the first time he’d hit me that he told me that. I believed it then, just as much as I believe it now. He always told me that he didn’t get married to get divorced. I was the same way at first, but now things are different. I honestly don’t know what had gotten into his ass lately, but I know one thing; I don’t want to feel the wrath of whatever it is. My plan is to keep the peace and go along with the flow. I just don’t know how long this peace will last.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Alicia must really think that I’m letting things end on her terms. Changing the locks and getting her number changed, as if I’m just another nigga on the streets. That bitch must have lost her mind. I haven’t been able to catch up with her lately, and she’s lucky. I’ve been constantly asking Candy’s dumb ass what she’s been up to, but she claims she hasn’t talked to her in a while, but I know that’s bullshit. Candy’s ass just wanted me to herself, but that’s not going to happen. I picked up on that shit.

  She was always in my ear about coming over and how I needed to just be done with Alicia, as if it was her place to tell me about what the fuck I should do. I shut her down real quick and tell her to mind her fucking business, which gets her back in line immediately. I admit that Candy has some good ass pussy and she can swallow a dick whole, but what she doesn’t understand is that doesn’t make her wife material, let alone a boo. She’s a stripper hoe that’ll fuck her friend’s nigga in a heartbeat, and that’s a hoe that can’t be trusted.

  Truthfully, I only keep her around so I can keep tabs on Alicia, but lately that shit hasn’t been happening. I even tried to play if off by telling her that she needs to be a better friend to Alicia, but she saw right though that bullshit. She basically said fuck her because she believes that Alicia thinks she is better than her. Talking about how she keeps telling her to go to school and get a job. Honestly, what Candy’s dumb ass doesn’t understand is that Alicia is telling her the truth. That’s one of the things that I love about my baby, she’s got a good head on her shoulders and a good getter.

  I know Alicia was a god woman and I also know she’ll make an even better wife, but I refuse to let another nigga reap those benefits. I ain’t gone lie, a nigga miss her like crazy. I was shocked like a muthafucka when I went over and my key didn’t work. I mean I know I fucked up, but she is usually comes right back when things cool off. I’m starting to think that she’s fucking with someone else. Just the thought of that makes me sick, because I can’t picture another nigga between her thighs.

  I love Alicia and I don’t want to let her go. I know I’ve put her though a lot of bullshit and was even wrong for putting my hands on her, but that’s because I need to feel superior in any relationship I’m in. No woman has ever had control over me. I knew Alicia had my head gone when I realized I was sitting outside her job on some stalker shit. There was no doubt in my mind that I had to make things right, but that was hard when I don’t have access to her anymore. As soon as I spotted her coming out of the building I hopped out my truck.

  “Alicia, hold up.” I said while jogging over to her. She looked shocked to see me.

  “What is it Troy? What are you doing here?” Alicia asked as looked around. Her pace quickened as she walked faster to her car.

  “I came to talk to you baby, just hold up for a minute.” She stopped walking and turned around with a nasty glare.

  “What is that you have to say Troy? I believe you said enough the last time, when you used my face as a fucking punching bag.”

  I could tell that she was still hurt behind it, and knew that she wasn’t going to make it easy for me.

  “Look baby, I’m sorry about that. I tried to make things right, but you changed the locks and your number. It was wrong of me to hit you, and I fucked up that day when I took my anger out on you. I shouldn’t have done that, and I’m sorry.” I told her hoping that she would come to her senses and stop this nonsense. She just looked at me for a while before responding.

  “You know what Troy? I didn’t ask for this shit. I didn’t ask to be pulled into your web of lies, and I sure as hell didn’t ask to be your fucking punching bag! The heart can’t help who it loves, but it can definitely remind you when you deserve better, and I deserve better. I’m not beat for this shit!” Her eyes began to water. “You’re toxic for me. You have a wife, kids at home and an established life. I need to move on from you, and I have. I’ve found someone who’s not only made me his number one, but also makes me feel like his number one as well. It’s over.” Without even bothering to let me say a thing, Alicia walked off. I stopped her by reaching out and grabbing her arm.

  “What the fuck you mean you got someone else?” I asked her.

  Out of all the shit she said, all I heard was that she had someone else. My suspicions were right; she was fucking with another nigga. Sneaky ass bitch. She probably had another dude all this damn time. I know I was squeezing her arm hard, but I didn’t give a fuck. The thought of her ass with another nigga got me going.

  “Troy, you’re hurting me. Let me go!” She yelled out drawing atte
ntion to us.

  I let her go because I didn’t need anyone to call the police.

  “I asked you a question. What the fuck do you mean you’ve found someone Alicia?”

  “That’s all you heard huh? You’re piece of work.” She chuckled and looked at me with disgust. “I gotta go.”

  “So it’s like that? After everything we went through you’re just going to leave like that?” I could feel her slipping away, and I can’t have that.

  “Troy I can’t do this anymore! My heart can’t take it. I’m tired of all the bruises and the lies. I should have left when I found out you were married, but I didn’t. I own up to that, because that was my fault. This shit has got to stop; I can’t be with you anymore.” She started to cry and her body trembled. “I didn’t sign up to be anybody’s mistress.” With that she turned and started to walk away again.

  “Yeah well, I tell yo’ ass one thing. You can try to act like you don’t care now, but we both you’ll be back, you always do!” I yelled after her.

  I can’t believe this bitch had the nerve to tell me what the fuck she ain’t gone do no more. I swear if it wasn’t people around, I would have knocked her ass straight out. I’ve molded her into the woman that she is. When I met her all she knew was that cornball ass nigga she was fucking with from high school. I taught her ass how to fuck, suck and ride dick. I paid the rent at her apartment and made sure her tuition and books were paid for, and now that she thinks she is moving up in the world she thinks she can just drop a nigga? Fuck that! Alicia knows that I play for keeps. I never had a female say that they were done with me. I was always the one that decided if I was done with their asses or not and I’m not done with Alicia just yet.


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