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From Mistress to Wife

Page 8

by Angie Hayes

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Keisha finally decided that she and Jass were moving with me. I swear I love that girl and her daughter like crazy. After all the shit her baby daddy put her through, with him being a dead beat ass nigga and all you would have thought that Keisha would be one of these bitter ass women who let a good man pass them by. I admit that it took some convincing at first, but she eventually gave me a shot. It’s been good ever since, I’m even ready to pop the question. My plan is to adopt Jass and have her take my last name as well. Her dumb ass daddy doesn’t know what he’s missing out on with his daughter. This little girl is so such a joy to be around. I’ve fallen in love with her in just a short amount of time, so I can only imagine how I would feel if she were mine.

  “So you’re finally about to take the dive huh?” My friend Tony asked as we stood at the counter. We were at the jewelers as they were finishing putting the final touches on both Keisha and Jass’s rings.

  “Yeah, this is it for me. I got my career and stability, now all I need is Keisha and Jass to make me whole.” I smiled just thinking of how excited they are both going to be when I popped the question.

  I knew that Keisha was ready for the next step, because after she agreed to move in with me she let me know that she didn’t plan on shacking up for long. It was then that I knew she saw herself with me for the long haul. Her cousin Alicia is having a graduation party this Saturday, and the entire family will be there. I plan on asking her then, so everyone can share the moment with us.

  “Well I’m happy for you. Keisha is a good girl. She works, and takes care of her daughter, plus I see how much she loves your big head ass.” Tony laughed.

  “Aye, you heard from Troy lately?” I asked changing the subject before I forgot. Tony, Troy and I all grew up together. We were all thick as thieves back then. After graduation we all ended up going our separate ways. I went to the air force; Tony became a police officer and Troy a damn gigolo.

  “Yeah I talk to him like once a week, just to catch up and see how everything is going.”

  “Did you know he was married?” I ask wondering if I was the only one out of the loop.

  “Yep, I found out when I was on duty one night. It was about two years ago when I got a call over the radio about a domestic violence dispute. I get to the house and its Troy’s ass. Of course I asked him what the fuck was going on, and he told me then that he married ol’ girl and that they had a little spat because she caught him fucking around. I didn’t want to take my boy in, so I convinced her not to press charges.” He explained.. “I got them to calmly diffuse the situation before I left.”

  “So before hand he didn’t tell you either?” I asked.

  “Hell naw, if I hadn’t gone to the house that night, I never would have known. You know how Troy is; he’s always been the type to do some off the wall shit, especially when it comes to women. That shit doesn’t surprise me.” Tony said.

  “I know but damn, we’re boys. I would have at least thought that the nigga would have called and told us that he’d tied the knot. The only reason I found out was because Keisha called me one day to her cousin crib. When I get there her cousin was fucked up! Her eyes were black, and her lips were all bloody and shit. Come to find out Troy beat her ass. They had been fucking around for a minute. I guess ol’ girl said she ain’t’ want to be with no more, so he flipped out. You know Keisha was ready to call the police on his ass, but I promised to talk to him and see what the fuck he was thinking, because just like you I didn’t want my boy arrested.” I explained to Tony.

  “Hold up, so you mean to tell me that Troy beat his mistress ass, just because she didn’t want to be with him anymore?” Tony asked, and I could tell he was getting upset. Just like me, he never liked to see a man put his hands on a woman.

  “Hell yeah! When I met up with him, he even admitted to the shit like it was nothing. Talking about she was getting too slick at the mouth, so he had to pop her. Man, I wanted to knock his ass out for that creep shit he was talking. It’s like I don’t even know who he is anymore man.” I responded.

  “You know Troy always been the type to do some crazy shit. I figured he kept his marriage a secret because he was embarrassed that his wife is old as fuck, but beating on a woman is an all-time low. I’m going to talk to him though because the way he’s going, he’s either going to end up in jail or in the ground. I see the shit every day.” Tony expressed.

  “You do that. As for me, I’m not with that dumb shit. I’m trying to make moves and become a family man. I don’t have time for Troy and his non-sense. He’s still my boy; don’t get me wrong, it’s just from afar.” I said.

  As we were wrapping up our conversation, the jeweler came from the back and showed me the rings.

  They were beautiful. I guess it’s time to give my girls my last name.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Graduation was perfect. All my hard work finally paid off. It felt good to see my love ones in the crowd cheering me on; especially my mom and dad. They were so proud. The fact that Shawn was there made my day even more special. When my mom saw him she gave me the thumbs up. I could tell that she was glad to see that I was given him a chance.

  My party is off the hook! My momma cooked all kinds of food for the party. She had everything from ribs to conch fritters, to all sorts of sides and other meats you could think of! There’s a DJ there also and more than enough liquor to go around. My uncles and cousins even pulled out the tables and had card and dominoes games popping.

  The highlight of my night was when Keith asked Keisha to marry him. It was amazing! Keisha accepted and Jass jumped in Keith’s arms screaming that she finally has a real daddy. Seeing that brought tears for everyone’s eyes. I’m so happy for my cousin. While all that transpired, Shawn stood by my side telling me how proud he was of me and that he can’t wait until we are able to build a future together as well.

  “Baby I’m so proud of you and you look happy!.” My mother said to me as I walked into the kitchen.

  “Ma, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “How come you never chastised me or judged me when I was with Troy?” I asked her. That was something I’d wanted to know for a while from her.

  “Because I’ve been there that’s why. I was young and careless at one point in my life.” She admitted. “I dated a married man before and I could see the same things in you that I’d gone through. The lies you were being told and the hurt you were feeling. It took everything in me as a mother to sit back and watch you allow yourself to be used like that, but I knew that I had to allow you to endure that pain, so you could remember what it felt like and never wanted to experience it again. Baby you had to learn from your own mistakes, not mine. Seeing you out there with Shawn, let’s me know you have.” I was shocked by what my mom just told me. I could never picture her playing second fiddle to anyone.

  Her admitting that she was once a mistress took me for the loop, but everything she said was true. The only thing she didn’t bring up was the physical abuse that I endured at the hands of Troy and I had no plans on telling her either. That was something I would take to my grave. Between her, my daddy and my uncles, his ass would be floating in somebody’s river and I definitely didn’t want either of them to get into any trouble behind his punk ass. I handled it and moved on, so bringing up the past would be a waste of time.

  “Momma, Shawn asked me to move to Texas with him since I’ve graduated. He’s already found me a nice two bedroom condo to live in while he lives in the barracks on post. Once I get there I already have a job interview lined up at the base clinic.” I said to her.

  I didn’t know how she was going to take me deciding to uproot myself.

  “Honestly, I think the change would be good for you. You’re young, and should travel and make a life for yourself. Besides, I like Shawn and think he’s a good catch.” She told me smiling. “Now me and your daddy will mi
ss you, but we will also be happy to know that you’re happy.”

  “Thanks ma, I’m glad I have you and daddy’s support.” I said giving her a hug and kiss.

  We went back out to the party where everyone was still having a good time. Keisha was showing off her ring, and Shawn was talking to Keith in the corner. I was glad that they were hitting it off. Since they were both in the military, they had so much to talk about. A few hours later Candy showed up. I haven’t seen her in a while, and decided to invite her to the party. Keisha of course told to watch my back and even though I told her that I was straight, I still decided to keep my eyes on her.

  “Hey boo, congrats Ms. Nurse Lady.” Candy said as she hugged me, before handing me a card.

  “Aww, thanks girl, but you didn’t have to get me anything.” I said hugging her back.

  “Girl please, you know my boo.” She said as waived me off.

  “Damn, look at all this food. I knew Mrs. Joyce was going to show out in the kitchen.” Candy said.

  “Now you know my momma don’t play when it comes to cooking.” I reminded her.

  “So, I see you still looking good honey.” She said while looking me up and down like an examiner.

  “Well how am I supposed to look?” I asked her curious to know what she meant. It’s like she was saying I was supposed to look busted or some shit.

  “Oh no, I just expected you be looking all down since you and Troy ain’t together no more. I know how much you loved his ass. I just figured you’d be taking it hard.” She tried to explain.

  Now I haven’t really talked to this bitch since she came over to my place, so why was Troy and I on her mind. When she did call, all I talked about was work and school. Even though I said I was done with his ass that night, I never really said anything else about it, other than me changing the locks. Since then, nothing else was ever confirmed. Keisha’s logic was really beginning to make sense to me. This bitch Candy is up to something.

  “Girl please, I’m so over Troy’s ass. Besides, I have a new and improved man. I owe this glow to him.” I said and instantly noticed how her eyes lit up. I didn’t know if it was because she was truly happy for me or if it was because that left Troy available.

  “A new man huh? Since when?” She asked.

  “Since we made it official. He’s over there with Keith. Come on, let me introduce you.” I grabbed her hand and walked her over to where Shawn was.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I almost didn’t make to Alicia’s tired ass party. My body was still sore from Troy fucking the shit out of me earlier this afternoon. I swear that man was stroking like his life depended on it. After begging him to spend the night, as always he left right after he came claiming he had to take care of something. Lately he has been having a grouchy ass attitude that I don’t like. I assume it’s from dealing with work or his wife. Although every time I ask, he tells me it’s nothing.

  I hadn’t really been talking to Alicia so I didn’t know what was going on with them, but judging by him constantly coming to my crib straight from work, made me believe that they had really called shit off. When he was dealing with Alicia, I usually had to beg him for a little bit of his time. So, when he left this afternoon, I decided to just go to Alicia’s party and scoop out the scene. I didn’t tell his ass though, because I knew that as soon as I mentioned her name, he would ask me a thousand questions about her and I was tired of telling him that I’m not her fucking keeper.

  I’m glad I did show up though, because besides learning that Keisha’s stuck up ass is engaged, Alicia introduced me to her new man. Dude is fine as hell! Turns out that he’s in the military just like Keisha’s man, with no kids, no extra baggage, and by the looks of it he’s seriously feeling Alicia. He made sure that she didn’t want for anything the entire night, and never left her side. This bitch moved up. I asked him a few questions, just to act like I gave a fuck about how he was treating my friend, but my purpose was just to make sure that she had actually moved on. It was official; I don’t have to share Troy with Alicia’s boring ass any longer.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Ever since Alicia pulled that stunt in the parking lot of her job, my head has been all fucked up. Cass makes sure to stay out of my way, and when I really need to release some frustration, I tear Candy’s pussy out of the frame. That’s been happening a lot lately, because I’m missing the hell out of Alicia. When she told me that bullshit about her having another nigga, I was baffled. You know how us niggas can do all the dirt in the world. Fuck as many females as we want, but as soon as our girl does the same thing, that shit will eat our asses up. You’re probably thinking; why the fuck do I care that she’s moved on? I have a wife at home, right? Wrong, because Alicia is my wifey. After all I did for her ass, she can’t just up and leave me like that.

  Candy is still singing that tune how she barely speaks to Alicia. Acting like she got beef with her, when I know it’s because she knows that I’m asking because I want her back. Females always hate on one another over a nigga, instead of realizing that it’s enough dicks out here to go around; especially mines. I guess Alicia really was tired of my shit, because her actions were now showing it.

  Right now I’m frustrated, and it’s getting the best of me. Alicia had my head gone! I’m trying to use Candy in the meantime until I figure this shit out, but she really is starting working my fucking nerves! She starting to get too damn clingy as if she’s my number one. Asking me to spend the night, when she knows that it’s never going to happen. Cass has started tripping at home again, and Alicia is missing in action. I know I can get her back though; I just have to dig deeper in my bag of tricks. If she actually does have another nigga, he’s not going to be around for long.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  What a difference a few months makes. I just moved to Texas two weeks ago, and I already have a job. Shawn kept his promise and hooked me up with a nice condo and interview with the clinic on base. Since Shawn and I aren’t married, he has to live on base in the barracks with the rest of the single soldiers, but he’s always here. I only live ten minutes away, so it takes us no time to get together. I’m really enjoying this new change. I’m in a new state, with a great job, a new love of my life and most of all I’m away from Troy’s ass. I can’t lie and say that I don’t sometimes find myself thinking about him. A part of me will always love him, as crazy as that sounds. I just thank God that he delivered me from that horrible situation. I promised him that if he got me through it that I would never put myself in that situation every again, and I meant it. That’s why I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Shawn. This man is the shit! I never have to second guess anything with him, and he always keeps the promises that he makes.

  Some would say that I’m moving too fast, but Shawn and I beg to differ. Things between us just feel so right, and the fact that we’ve known each other practically our whole lives makes it easier. It feels so good to have someone to pick up the phone whenever you call, or return your messages right away. Going out as a couple is something that I’ve missed out on for so long with Troy. We have no limits, and I love that. Not to mention that my baby can put it down in the bedroom. Shawn’s skills put Troy’s to shame. We don’t fuck; we make love, and there’s plenty of it! Then after we’re done, we cuddle and go to sleep. Shawn doesn’t have to wash up and leave to go home to another woman, and that’s what I like most of all.

  “Hey baby.” I greeted Shawn as he walked through the door. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pulled me in for a passionate tongue kiss. He was in uniform looking extra sexy and Lord knows that turned me on even more!

  “Damn you taste good.” Shawn told me as he nibbled on my bottom lip.

  “So do you. How was your day?” I asked him as I pulled away and went into the kitchen and grabbed him a Heineken from the fridge.

  I guess some of the things Troy taught me stuck. At least now a real man can r
eap these benefits.

  “My day was the same. Got some new soldiers from the AIT, so I’m just making sure they are processed in correctly and settled. I can tell some of them are going to be handful though.” He replied as he took off his boots.

  “It’s okay; I know you can handle it.”

  “Thanks for the confidence baby. How was your day?” It felt so good to hear him ask about my day. Troy only cared about pussy, head and what I was cooking. I climbed on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes.

  “My day went great. The clinic was busy, which made it go by quick. So far I like my coworkers, and everyone is really helpful and friendly.”

  “I’m glad that everything is playing out just how you want it. I know this is off subject, but I swear I’ve never felt this way about any woman before. Who would have thought that you and I would end up together?” Shawn said laughing and smacking me on my ass.

  “Definitely not me!” I said laughing.

  Shawn leaned in for a kiss which led to us ripping off each other’s clothes. We made love right there on the couch and as always, it was amazing. By the time we made our way to the bedroom, we couldn’t do anything but fall asleep.

  Shawn’s alarm went off at five in the morning the next day. Since he was a Military Police, also known as a MP, he had to get up and get back to base to get ready for early morning physical training. Before he left, he gave me a kiss and let me know that he would talk to me later. I gave him a nod and rolled over and dozed back off since I didn’t have to be to work until eight. Two hours later, my alarm woke me up. Stepping into the bathroom, a feeling of nausea suddenly came over me and I rushed to the toilet. I made it just in time to throw up everything in my stomach.

  “Where the fuck did that come from?” I said out loud as I sat on the floor trying to catch my breath. Oh shit! The only time I throw up is when I’m pregnant and Shawn and I have been using condoms since we started sleeping together. This can’t be happening. I rushed and got dressed, and headed out the door rushing to work. Soon as I get there I needed to take a pregnancy test!


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