Book Read Free

Taking Chances

Page 8

by Flowers, Loni

  “Okay, hon., I already called Janis and told her you’d be filling in for Theresa today, and she is going to help you as much as she can. You have any problem, just call me.”

  “Yeah okay, sure. What’s your cell phone number just in case I get chased out with the mop?” Clair joked.

  “Oh, that reminds me. I completely forgot to give this to you last night.” Roz grinned, “Something else had my attention and I lost focus.”

  “Do I need to revoke my favor right now Roz? We had a deal.”

  “Just kidding, lighten up, will ya?”

  It was too early for jokes and Clair just wanted to be back in her bed. “What’s your number?”

  She stood up and walked to the bar in the kitchen, digging into her purse and pulling out a cell phone. “Okay, don’t freak out,” she said, turning around with it in her hand, “I got you this cell phone…”

  “Roz quit buying me stuff!” Clair huffed, crossing her arms. “I make my own money now.”

  “I know, I know, but I was paying my bill and the sales guy told me I could add another line for only twenty bucks more a month. So if it makes you feel better, just pay me every month. Okay? It’ll be cheaper that way anyway, and you should have a phone.”

  “Okay fine. But don’t buy me anything else.” Clair glared at her, “I mean it, Roz. Don’t. You’ve done enough for me.”

  “Fine. Chill out. I won’t.”

  “Now, can you program your number for me? I don’t have time to figure it out.”

  “I already did. I added my cell number and the diner’s. I also added Stu’s just in case you need me and can’t reach me. Oh! And I added Alex’s number too.” Roz beamed. “But he doesn’t know I got you a phone, so it will be up to you if you want to give him your number.”

  “Oh crap,” Clair slapped her forehead with her hand. “I completely forgot Alex was coming over later and I was supposed to make us lunch. It’s too early to call him now; can you let him know you asked me to come in?”

  “Sure, no problem. You’ll be off later this afternoon so maybe you two can still hang out. I’m sorry I ruined your plans, you should have told me.”

  “It’s okay, it wasn’t a big deal. Thanks for the phone and don’t forget to let me know when the bill comes.” She tucked the phone in her pocket. “Wish me luck!”

  Roz patted her on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, you’ll do great. I’ll come by when your shift is over and pick you up, okay? I should have my car back by then.”

  “Sounds great, I’ll see you later.”

  Clair successfully made it through the busy breakfast hour without spilling any food or drinks on anyone. But the mop received a good workout from what she managed to drop on the floor. As lunch picked up, Clair was starting to get tired, causing her to make more mistakes. She kept being pulled this way and that, and it was hard for her to differentiate the customers who had already ordered from the ones who hadn’t. As soon as she cleared one table of its dirty dishes, it was re-occupied. Clair was ready for her shift to be over. Her feet ached and she felt like she was running a marathon back and forth from the kitchen to the tables.

  After clearing away the mess from two empty tables, Clair carried a stack of plates in her arms, balancing two cups on top of the stack. She started walking back to the kitchen, but before she could react, a woman jumped out of her chair. Still talking to the other girls at her table, she didn’t see Clair behind her as she started walking backwards.

  “Excuse me, miss,” Clair said. Her voice startled the woman and she spun, flinging her arms around her and knocking the balanced cups from the top of the plates. They fell over, spilling their contents on Clair’s shirt before tumbling to the floor, ice cubes flying. Clair gasped at the coldness seeping through her shirt, but gripped the plates tighter.

  “Oh, you are so lucky that did not get on my new blouse.” the woman said sharply as she looked down at Clair in disgust.

  “Well, if you were watching where you were going, this never would have happened.”

  The woman rolled her eyes as she lifted up her pant legs like she was wading through a flooded street. Janis came from the back when she heard the racket and bent down to retrieve the cups from the floor, stacking them inside each other.

  “Look at you! Here, give me those plates. You know, you don’t have to try and carry everything at once. Even if you have to make several trips; just take it easy.” Janice laughed, “Now go get cleaned up. You’re a mess.”

  Clair nodded, “I know, I need to slow down. Thanks for picking up my slack today. If it weren’t for you, I’m sure a lot of customers would have walked out on me.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’ll get the hang of it.”

  Clair shrugged her shoulders, doubtful she would improve anytime soon. “All right, I’ll be back in a few.”

  Clair opted for the tiny bathroom in the back of the kitchen instead of the customer’s bathroom. She didn’t want to risk what she might say or do if she ran into that woman again. Perfect, she thought as she eyed the hand dryer hanging on the wall and knelt down under it. It took a few cycles before her shirt was finally dry. Checking herself in the mirror, her shirt had darkly stained watermarks where it had been wet. Looking at her watch, she was thankful she only had thirty minutes left on her shift before she could go home, take a shower, and put her feet up. Smoothing her hair back down, she wondered if Alex ever came over to her house or if Roz gave him the message, like she promised.

  Clair turned when she heard a knock at the door and saw Roz standing in the doorway. “Hey, you’re early. I’ve still got thirty minutes, unless you’re ready to let me leave now?”

  Roz approached her, pointing at her shirt. “Well look at you. I see you’ve been officially sworn into the waitressing club. Congratulations!”

  Clair laughed. Washing her hands in the sink, she looked at Roz in the mirror. “I don’t agree with the initiation process. I’ve spilled more drinks than I’ve actually served today. I’m not cut out for this kind of work.”

  “Nah, you’re doing fine. Everyone has a hard time to start with.” She hesitated. “I’ve got another favor to ask. That’s why I’m here early.”

  Clair rinsed the soap from her hands. “I’m scared to even ask what it is this time.”

  Roz grimaced, “I need you to stay and work another shift.”

  Clair didn’t say anything; she just looked at Roz in the mirror. She could have told her no. Or asked her why she didn’t work the shift herself; it was her diner after all. But that would be rude, and after everything Roz had done for her, she felt obligated. She would just have to suck it up and deal. It wasn’t like she couldn’t use the money anyway. She bent over and stuck her face in the sink, turning on the water to wet her face.

  “Is it that bad? That you’d drown yourself?”

  “Well I wasn’t thinking about it, but now that you mention it…” Clair laughed. She hoped the cold water would help revive her for the next round of rude customers and spills. “Are you sure I have to?” Clair whined.

  “Well, I can’t make you work, of course. But Janice came in at six o’clock last night and I can’t make her stay. She’s already worked a double shift and…”

  “What, are you serious? I had no idea; she never even mentioned it to me.”

  “Yeah, she’s awesome. I’d probably have to close if she quit on me. I was going to let you and Janice leave at two and handle the waitressing by myself but Janice told me how crazy it’s been today and I don’t think I can handle it on my own. So, if you can’t stay, I’ll just have to manage by myself.”

  Clair shook her head, “No, no, of course I’ll stay. After everything you’ve done for me, I’d be crazy to say no.”

  “You don’t owe me, Clair, but I appreciate your help. But look on the bright side; you get to work with me tonight.” Roz winked before walking out the door.

  “Hey Roz…”


  “Did you ever call A
lex for me? I just wanted to make sure he didn’t come over expecting me there.”

  Roz smiled, “Yep, I called him. I let him know what time you were getting off if he still wanted to come over.”

  “Oh, can you call him back? Tell him about me working a double shift?”

  “Nope, you have a phone now, use it.” With a smile she walked out the door, leaving Clair to call Alex on her own.



  After spending several minutes knocking at Clair’s door, Alex got back in his car, wondering where everyone was. Roz told him earlier that Clair got off at two so he waited a couple hours before coming over. It was a little after four and she wasn’t answering the door. Alex hoped she wasn’t mad at him for what happened last night. He could still imagine the feel of her soft skin prickled with goose bumps when he brushed his hands down her neck. It made it impossible for him to sleep last night. He kept replaying everything that happened over and over again in his mind. Alex wanted to talk to her. What if she wanted to forget it altogether? He had to know what she was feeling.

  After talking to Roz on her cell phone, he found out she’d needed Clair longer at the diner. Since he needed to eat dinner anyway, Alex decided to go over and see how Clair was doing. If nothing else, he could sit in the back and talk to her while she worked.

  Alex drove around the block three times before a parking space in front of the diner opened up. Looking through the diner’s window confirmed they were swamped. He didn’t want to add his order to the mix, so he planned to run in for a minute, say hi, and find out if Clair would be up for a visit later. As he walked down the sidewalk towards the door, Alex noticed Roz walking across the street to her car.

  “Hey. What are you up to?” Roz asked, giving him a hug.

  “Not much. I just wanted to speak to Clair for a minute, if she has time.” Alex looked through the window but couldn’t see her. “Is she still here?”

  Roz grinned, throwing her arm around his shoulders. “Come on in. We’ve been slammed today but I’ll make sure she gets a few minutes with you,” she winked.

  He scanned the diner for an empty seat. The bar and all of the window tables were fully occupied. He resorted to sitting at one of the few available tables in the back, next to the kitchen door. With his back to the wall, Alex had full view of the room and its customers. He was surprised to see her waiting tables, but guessed she had no other choice. She nodded and smiled brightly as she wrote down an order on a notepad. He smiled to himself to see how well she was interacting with the customers until he saw whom she was talking to. His hands immediately balled up into fists.

  Alex thought Gavin had some nerve to show his face around here. Especially since he knew Roz was his friend. Alex despised him and it turned his stomach when he heard Clair giggling at something he said. He knew exactly what Gavin was up to. He’d seen him flirt with tons of girls, when they used to hang out, back in the day. They were always putty in his hands. He would use them to his liking and throw them out when he was ready for the next girl. When Alex caught on to the game he was playing, he didn’t want any part of it and confronted him. They never saw eye to eye after that.

  Alex wanted to race over and pull Clair away from him. Instead, he forced himself to breathe slowly to regain his composure. The last thing he wanted was to start a fight, especially in front of Clair.

  “Mind if I sit?” Roz asked as she looked down at Alex.

  “Nope.” He continued to glare at Gavin without even looking at her.

  “What’s got your face all twisted up?” She turned in the direction he was looking.

  “You know, you’d think he’d stay away, especially after all this time. Why now? Does he think enough time has passed that we’d both just forget about him setting me up, having the police come and search me and my car, like I was some kind of criminal?” He looked at Roz as if she magically held the answers.

  Roz sighed, patting him on the arm. “I don’t know, hon. It was pretty rotten what he did. Stu and I both knew not to believe his accusations. And as much as I want to, as long as he’s not causing trouble, I can’t make him leave.”

  Alex watched Gavin’s eyes follow Clair as she walked away from his table. Alex glared, and as if on cue, Gavin met his eyes. Alex watched his flirtatious smile melt away into a smirk. They stared each other down, both daring the other to do something.

  Alex huffed, “If he doesn’t stop flirting and looking at Clair, you may have to kick us both out.”

  “Oh? Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?” Roz teased.

  “No.” He crossed his arms, pouting. “She doesn’t know him like I do, and I don’t want him taking advantage of her.”

  “Uh huh… sure.”

  Alex could hear the skepticism in her voice, but didn’t react to it. He saw Gavin’s face change when Clair walked through the kitchen door towards his table again. As she placed two cups down, they caught on the edge and spilled the length of it. Gavin, and the guy he was seated with leapt out of their chairs, trying to escape the liquid that trickled from the sides of the table.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry!” Clair shrieked.

  She scrambled across the table, trying to scoop the ice and water back into the cups. “Let me get something to wipe this up.”

  “Oh shit,” Roz mumbled. “Let me go help her. It was only a matter of time before this happened.”

  When Clair turned around, she was frowning as she headed toward the kitchen. Roz followed her, and Alex could see the frustration on Clair’s face. The double shift was starting to get to her. Alex looked back at Gavin and watched as he tried to soak up the water from his pants with a paper towel. Pushing his chair back up to the table, he looked over at Alex. Alex smiled, satisfied at Gavin’s new appearance, and gave him thumbs up just to piss him off. It worked; Alex saw Gavin’s jaw tense, as if he were restraining himself from saying anything.

  Roz came out from the kitchen, followed by Clair, who carried a mop and towels. Clair busied herself with cleaning up, while Roz addressed Gavin and his friend.

  “Boys! I’m so sorry about this. This has been quite a day for Clair. Not only is it her first time waitressing but I have also made her work a double shift and her night isn’t even over yet. I’m sure you can understand.” Roz patted Clair on the back.

  “Oh no biggie. It’s just water anyway. We’ll survive, won’t we, Steve?” Gavin said to the guy standing next to him.

  Steve nodded in agreement, but didn’t look as happy.

  “Well, I hope we haven’t ruined your dinner and if you still want to eat with us, it’s on the house. Order whatever you want.”

  Gavin smiled, “Oh you don’t have to do that, but thank you.” Then he looked at Clair and added, “We’re definitely staying.”

  Alex saw him wink at Clair and she gave a faint smile, seemingly embarrassed by the mess she made.

  Pointing to the mop and towels, Roz said, “Clair, go ahead and put that back and take a break. I’ll handle this order.”

  Clair looked relieved, “Thanks. I really am sorry. I hope you won’t hold it against me the next time you come in.”

  “Not a chance,” Gavin said.

  Alex rolled his eyes at Gavin’s comment. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Clair when she worked. There was no way he was going to let Gavin get his grubby paws on her.

  Clair turned and walked toward the kitchen when she looked in Alex’s direction and stopped. He smiled at her and watched as her hand went to her neck, fingering the charm that hung from its chain. She smiled back faintly and held her finger up, signaling she’d be back in a minute.

  When Clair reappeared from the kitchen, she approached Alex’s table. She looked exhausted and had food stains all over her shirt. “Hey, Clair, can you take a break and sit with me for a few minutes?”

  Clair nodded and sat down. Her back was towards the others in the diner; including Gavin, who had his eyes trained on them both.

p; “I can for a second,” she said, sounding defeated. “Roz offered to take their order, which is good because I’m embarrassed enough as it is.”

  He pointed at her shirt. “Having a rough day, huh?”

  Clair crossed her arms on the table and laid her head between them. In a muffled voice she said, “I suck at this. I’ll be lucky if Roz doesn’t fire me before the night is out. I can’t seem to serve a single item without spilling something on the floor, or on me.”

  “Hush your mouth,” Roz interjected, standing beside their table. “I’m not firing you. Now move over.”

  When Clair looked up at her, Alex could see her eyes were watery. She let out a heavy sigh. “Maybe you won’t today,” Clair added, her voice shaking, “but it’s coming.”

  Alex looked to see Gavin was still watching them. He smiled, shaking his head slightly at him. You already tried taking my job and getting me locked up; you’re not taking her too, he thought.

  Roz patted Clair on the arm. “Don’t beat yourself up about it. Anyone who’s ever waited tables has had the same problems as you. Everyone makes mistakes and you’ll get better the more you do it.”

  “Yeah, can you just imagine how bad Roz was when she started here, working for her dad?” Alex laughed as he tried his best to cheer Clair up.

  “Oh God, you don’t even want to know. I almost burned the place down trying to cook on that grill back there.”

  “Was that before or after you met me?” he asked with a smug grin.

  “Both actually, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.” she stood, her body shielding Gavin’s eyes from Alex’s line of sight.

  “Thanks, you two, for trying to cheer me up. For everyone’s sake, I hope you’re right.” Clair closed her eyes, “I’m just ready to go home. My feet are killing me.”

  “What time are you getting off?” Alex asked.

  Clair’s head snapped up as her hand went to her mouth. “Crap! I was supposed to call you after Roz asked me to work another shift. I completely forgot.”

  “It’s okay. Since you don’t have a phone, I thought I would just come down here and ask you myself.”


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