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Behind the Eight Ball

Page 11

by M. A. Church

  I sat back on the couch as I tried to calm my body and wiped my finger on my jeans. “Tell me about the process.”

  “Remember me telling you about that recessive gene?” Heller asked. “Well, you have to take some of my blood, and that activates that gene and starts the DNA mutation process. Then we have anal sex, and you have to come in me. It takes both things to finish the process and claim our mates. Then I do you. We have twenty-four hours to finish.”

  “Twenty-four hours, huh? What happens if we don’t finish it in the allotted time?”

  “Nothing good.” Heller pushed at his cock, trying to find a more comfortable position.

  “Need some help with that?” I asked as I ran the finger Heller had been sucking on down the bulge he was trying to reposition.

  “Gods,” Heller swore. “Yes. No! I mean, I really, really need to tell you about this first, but if you keep that up, then I’m…. No. I have to tell this first.”

  I patted Heller’s cock but sat back. “Then tell me.”

  Heller blew out a breath. “Not finishing the mating process, ah… it eventually leads to the death of the shifter. Horrible pain throughout the body is the first sign. Next the shifter stops sleeping and eating. After that come the hallucinations. Finally the shifter spirals into madness. He or she will shift and go feral. They’ll behave like a rabid animal—their humanity gone. It ends with the shifter being put to death.”

  I stared at Heller in shock. Jesus fuck. “So we better be damn sure. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Yes. That’s what happens to us. Humans suffer too. At first you feel as if you have a bad case of the flu or something. Then you have a low-grade body ache all the time. You’d still be able to function, but it sure as shit wouldn’t be fun. But you would survive.”

  “But you wouldn’t?”

  “Truthfully I’m not sure the shifter doesn’t get the better end of this. You’d live all right, but there’d always be this empty feeling in you… like this hole in your heart. Forget trying to have a relationship with anyone. It’d feel wrong. You wouldn’t even be able to get hard because you wouldn’t feel desire for anyone but me.”

  “What a way to ensure faithfulness.”

  “There’s more. Since it’s kind of rare to mate humans, I had to get permission from our Alpha first.” Heller shot a look at me. “Which, I… ah, already did.”

  I leaned over and tugged Heller’s hair. “That sounds to me like you’d made up your mind about us.”

  “I had. I just needed to show you I had and hope you’d be willing to ignore what an ass I was at first.”

  “No more of that, remember?” I grasped Heller’s chin. “I want you. Don’t think I don’t, so listen to what I’m going to say and don’t jump to conclusions.”

  Heller’s face closed off. “You don’t have to take that final step.”

  “I don’t want to take that final step right yet,” I corrected. “I’m not saying no. That isn’t what this is about. Just the opposite. I want to get to know you. We got off to a rocky start, and I’d like to spend time with you. Go on some dates. Talk. What’s your favorite movie? Color? Food? What side of the bed do you like? I don’t know anything about you outside of you being a shifter.”

  “This is important to you?”

  “Very. From what you said, there’s no undoing this later. No piece of paper that lets us go our separate ways, even if we wanted to. This may be awfully human of me, but I can’t jump in without knowing what I’m jumping into.”

  “If we do this, that means, ah, means no sex. I’m not sure I could keep from biting you. And I really, really want to bite you.”

  I swallowed my laugh. If he pouted any harder, his bottom lip was going to drag the ground. “I didn’t say we had to keep our hands off each other. There’s all kinds of sex. But no, anal is off the table right now.”

  Heller scrubbed his hands over his face. “Please tell me this isn’t going to last for months or I’ll lose my mind. Or end up with carpal tunnel syndrome.”

  “No, not months, I promise.”

  “Okay. I can do this.” Heller took a deep breath. “You’ll stay here? I can’t ignore the threat against you.”

  “I’ll stay here. I do think it would be better for me to sleep in the guest room, though.”

  Heller’s heartfelt groan echoed around the room. “Yup, carpal tunnel here I come.”

  Chapter Ten


  I FIXED us a quick snack while Lawson showered in the master bath. I left a pair of flannel night pants and a T-shirt at the end of my bed for him to change into. I was totally okay with him walking around naked, but he might not be. A shame that. I located sheets from the linen closet and made up the guest bed. I hated him sleeping in here, but I understood.

  My cat wanted to claim its mate, and I could see myself waking up with my fangs buried in Lawson’s shoulder. While the thought was tempting, I resisted. Lawson pissed wasn’t how I wanted to start our mated life. Glaring at the guest bed, I kicked it on my way out. So I was jealous of an inanimate object. I couldn’t help it.

  I heard the shower cut off so I hurried to the kitchen and threw together a couple of sandwiches. A moment later Lawson walked in toweling his hair dry. He wore the pants and T-shirt I left out for him and that pleased me. I wanted him to smell like me, and my cat settled somewhat at the thought.

  “Hey. Thanks for the clothes.”

  “No problem. I know you’re tired, but I fixed us a snack. I thought you might be hungry.”

  “I could eat.” Lawson sat at the bar.

  “Here, if you’re done with that towel I’ll take it.”

  Lawson tossed it to me, and I threw it on top of the kitchen table.

  “I could’ve done that.” Lawson chuckled. “So what kind of sandwiches?”

  “Just peanut butter and jelly. All I had was grape jelly, so I hope that’s okay.” Suddenly a thought hit me. “Damn, you’re not allergic are you? To peanuts?”

  “Naw. I like grape jelly.”

  “Oh good. That’s good.” Was that the best I could come up with? Good? And what was up with the attack of the nerves all the sudden? “What do you want to drink?”

  Mentally I ran through the list of what I had to drink here. Wow, I needed to go to the store.

  “Just water. This late, the last thing I need is caffeine.”

  “Water I can do.” I poured us both a glass and set his down in front of him. I stood on the other side of the bar while we ate. I hadn’t known if he was allergic to peanuts. As much as I hated it, he was right. We didn’t know anything about each other.

  Neither of us spoke as we devoured the food. I guess we were talked out, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. I watched him as he ate. He wasn’t trying to be sexy. I knew that. Still, I hardened just standing there watching him. The way those perfectly white teeth of his bit into the bread left me breathless.

  I wanted him to bite me, dammit. I shifted from foot to foot as I caught the scent of my desire. The way he licked his lips as he chased crumbs from the bread drove me nuts. I wanted to chase those crumbs and lick them off him. Fuck, I was achingly hard. A small growl worked its way out of me. Lawson looked at me, and I noticed how flushed he was. The scent of the ocean flooded the kitchen.

  “I can smell you,” he whispered.

  I gulped. “You too. I mean I can smell you too.”

  Lawson licked his fingers, and I whimpered. I grabbed his hand and pulled his arm across the bar to me. Holding his gaze, I curled my tongue around each digit slowly, never breaking eye contact as I licked the jelly off each and every finger.

  “Ho-ly shit.”

  I smirked as I eased his middle finger into my mouth and sucked. Sucked like there was no tomorrow. I was so hard I could pound nails, and Lawson’s gaze was hazy. I released his finger and reached out to him. Hooking my hand around his neck, I urged him to me. We met halfway and our lips tangled.

  Thrusting my tongue insi
de I tasted peanuts, grapes, and something that was uniquely Lawson. My tongue dueled with his, but he quickly took over the kiss. Mine retreated and his followed. The kiss grew hotter, more urgent. Demanding. Fuck, I wanted him.

  Groaning, he leaned back. “I better go to bed before I throw you across this bar…. And yeah, that’s not helping.” He stood up and adjusted his cock. “I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep tight.”

  It was all I could do not to come across the bar and grab him. “You too. Good night.”

  The first thing I was doing when I got to my room was jacking off.

  Since the next morning was Sunday, we slept in. I did get up before him, which didn’t surprise me after the stress he went through last night. I cooked us bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits and started the coffee. Seeing him stumbling into my kitchen desperate for the beverage of the gods gave me a warm glow. I wanted to see this every day.

  I checked online to see what was going on around town this week while waiting on breakfast. Lawson wanted us to spend time together? Then we would. There was a carnival at the Civic Center that looked interesting. I suggested we go to that this evening.

  “Sounds good,” Lawson said as he ate. “In the meantime I’m going to run home and do some laundry.”

  Well, I didn’t like that at all. “Is someone going to be there?”

  “I’m going to call and see.”

  “As long as you aren’t alone.” I nibbled at my biscuit. “I guess I could get some work here done while you’re gone. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather bring your laundry here?”

  “Don’t get mad, but I want to spend some time with Marshell and Janelle. We need to discuss what happened and the fact I’m going to be staying here while we figure things out.”

  I’ve already figured things out. “Okay.”

  “Not only are they my family, I pay rent there.”

  I put my hand over his. “It’s okay. I get it. Spend the day with them while I catch up on my work.”

  “Thank you.”

  “They’re family. Now how about I pick you up around six this afternoon?”

  “Sounds good. I can’t wait. It’s been years since I went to a carnival.”

  “Me too. Pack a bag for the next several days too.” To start with.

  We finished breakfast. Lawson helped me clean the kitchen, called home, and we left. When we arrived I walked him in, just to be safe. I really hated leaving him there, but I did understand. Didn’t mean I liked it. I drove home and got caught up on my stuff. Later I took a break and talked to my Alpha.

  I told him what happened with Lawson and the werewolf. After we hung up I set the alarm on my cell and got back to work. When it beeped hours later telling me it was time to quit I was more than ready. I showered and dressed. Grabbing my leather coat, I headed out to pick up Lawson.

  I made good time out to where he lived. I barely knocked on the door before it opened and there stood Lawson with a duffle, a garment bag, and a smile. “I, um, was watching for you.”

  I took the duffle, swung it over my shoulder, and leaned in for a kiss. “I missed you too. Did you and your Vetala get everything talked out?”

  “It’s all good.” Lawson stepped out and shut the door. “Let’s go. I can’t wait to get there. Hope you’re okay with rides.”

  I followed him to my truck. “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t get sick on the rides, do you?”

  I unlocked the truck and put the duffle in the backseat. Lawson hung the garment bag in the back too. I looked at him across the seat. “I’m a cat. Let’s just say I can handle whatever you can.”

  “Oh, a challenge. You’re on.” Lawson shut the door to the back, got in the cab, and buckled up.

  I got in, buckled up too, and started the truck. “What’s in the garment bag?”

  “My dress clothes for work. I don’t want to have to iron, and I would have to if I left them in the duffle.” Lawson rested his hand on the console.

  I took his hand, our fingers intertwining. “Thank the goddess I can wear jeans on my jobs.”

  “You look good in them too.”

  I squeezed his fingers. “Same goes.”

  Lawson turned on the radio and it played softly in the background as we talked. I found we liked the same music. We both liked the oldies like the Eagles and Ozzy Osbourne. He liked country. Some of it I could tolerate, but I wasn’t a fan like he was.

  We both liked the action-packed movies. He loved the Star Wars movies, but I was more of a Star Trek fan. Lawson mentioned something he’d seen on the news and off we went discussing that. It was obvious we had the same leanings regarding politics too.

  As we drove out to the carnival, the talk turned to sports and that’s where we parted company. We got to talking football, and I found out Lawson was a Cleveland Browns fan. Oh shit. I was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Not good.

  Lawson groaned theatrically. “Jesus. Steelers? Man, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Me?” I snorted. “I was thinking the same about you.”

  “Steelers suck. You know that, right? Hell, your players are all old. Speaking of old, just how old is Big Ben now? You’ve gone totally downhill since your last Super Bowl win.”

  “Oh yeah?” I growled at Lawson. “Well, let me ask you this: How many Cleveland Browns does it take to win a Super Bowl? Don’t know? Neither does anyone else. And we may never know.”

  “Un-huh. What’s the difference between the Pittsburgh Steelers and a dollar bill? You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.”

  “Oh, harsh, man. Very harsh.” I grinned at Lawson. I was about to pull the big guns out. “At least we’ve been to a Super Bowl and won. A couple of times too. How many championships have the Browns won? Oh, that’s right: None.”

  Lawson scowled at me. “Kitty has claws.”

  I let go of his hand, blew on my fingers, and brushed them against my shirt. Yeah, it was hard to argue against several Super Bowl wins. “Meow.”

  Lawson’s laughter bounced around the truck. Luckily he didn’t hold a grudge, even if I did win the battle of insults. It also proved we could joke and harass each other without getting mad. Steelers still ruled, though.

  I took the exit for the carnival. The traffic was backed up already, but cops were there directing traffic. We ended up parking quite a ways out, but I hadn’t really expected anything less. I was glad Lawson wore a heavy coat and brought gloves. Night had fallen and so had the temperature. The air was cool and crisp.

  The sights and smells of so many humans briefly threatened to overwhelm me. Lights flashed, bells rang, and people yelled or laughed. Lawson kept close, his shoulder brushing mine, even though we didn’t hold hands. You just never knew who was going to take offense and cause trouble. But he stuck near me and that was good enough.

  We stopped at a booth and bought tickets for the rides. We rode the Gravitron first. We stood against the wall as the “ship” started to rotate. Gods, I loved this ride. Rather quickly we were plastered to the wall and soon lifted off the ground. I liked the feeling of weightlessness, even if it did make my stomach feel like it was at my feet.

  Lawson spotted the Cliff Hanger so we rode that next. This ride lifted us thirty feet in the air. It was like flying through the wide-open sky. Good thing I’d tied my hair back. Lawson laughed hysterically as the wind ripped at us. I laughed with him, the joy in his face even choking me up a little. We rode several more rides before deciding to take a break.

  I walked next to Lawson as we wandered around. “Getting hungry?”

  “Oh man, yeah. I love food from places like this. It always seems to taste better. Hot dogs okay?”

  I spotted a stand not far from us with several picnic tables close by. “Sure. Tell you what. I’ll get the food if you’ll grab us a seat.”

  “Okay.” Lawson brushed his fingers across my hip. I felt the touch all the way to the bone. It was all I could do not to arch into it. “You sure? I can handle the line if you n
eed a break from… people.”

  Oddly enough, the humans surrounding us weren’t bothering me as much as usual. “I’m good, really. What do you do want on yours?”

  “Mustard only, plain potato chips, and a large Coke to drink. Get plenty of napkins too.” Lawson brushed his fingers across my ass. “Thanks.”

  Did he do that on purpose? The grin he flashed at me over his shoulder said he did. I stuck my hand in my pocket and rearranged my hard cock. One touch and I was aching. My cat meowed loudly in my head. He wanted more than just a touch.

  “You and me both, buddy.” Huffing out a breath, I stepped up to the stand and immediately the scent of shifter hit me. The guy in the booth did a double take, but that was the only response outside of a quick sniff of the air.

  I couldn’t put my finger on what kind of shifter he was, but he was definitely a predator shifter. That much I was sure of. I placed our orders and waited. There was only us now since I was last in line.

  He told the price and added the napkins I asked for. As he handed the food out, his voice dropped. “Feline?”

  “Yup.” I paid him and took the food. “You?”

  “Bear. There’s several other kinds here too, especially in the game areas. Just wanted to let you know in case you picked up their scent.”

  I bobbed my head. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Have a nice night, man.”

  “You and yours too.” So he had noticed Lawson.

  I brought the food over to the picnic table and we ate. I checked the area to see if anyone was close by or paying attention to us. No one bothered to look our way since the tables were set back from the main walkway. I lifted my hand and wiped off a smudge of mustard on Lawson’s bottom lip. His eyes darkened as I licked my finger.


  I wet my lips. “Like that?”

  Lawson’s breathing spiked. “Hell yeah.”

  “Wait until you see what else I can do with my tongue.” I leaned closer to him. “It’ll ah… blow your mind. Emphasis on the blow.”

  Lawson blinked. Gulped. Squirmed on the bench. “Fuck.”

  My voice dropped and turned gravelly. I tried to resist the purr, but it still made its way out. The scent of the ocean spread over the area. My sensitive hearing picked up Lawson’s heart pounding. “Just say the word, mate, and I’m there.”


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